The World of Rainbow Magic Pet Fairies: A Magical Adventure Awaits!

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Rainbow Magic Pet Fairies is a popular children's book series written by Daisy Meadows. The series revolves around the adventures of seven fairies, each with their own magical powers, who are responsible for taking care of different types of animals in Fairyland. The fairies, named by their respective animal groups, are Katie the Kitten Fairy, Bella the Bunny Fairy, Georgia the Guinea Pig Fairy, Lauren the Puppy Fairy, Harriet the Hamster Fairy, Molly the Goldfish Fairy, and Penny the Pony Fairy. The Rainbow Magic Pet Fairies' main objective is to protect and care for their animals and ensure that they are happy and healthy. Each fairy is linked to a special magical object, which grants them the ability to communicate with and understand their animals. This helps them to rescue lost or mischievous pets and return them to their owners.

■I am Verdant (30:グリーン)

香り Magnetic 70 22 ブラウン エネルギーの癒しと優れた調香技術を融合させた香りの波動で健康 金銭 恋愛 名声などあなたが望むものをマグネットのように引き寄せて保護します 樹木の肌触りを感じさせる乾いたベチバーとシダーウッドのボディにアンジェリカシードと爽やかなエレミがフランキンセンスを引き立てながら香調の柔らかさを露わにします スピリチュアルなエーテルは肌を癒すようにともに広がり忘れがたい余韻で包みます. email protected Instagram Facebook Pinterest WHAT S NEW SKINCARE MAKEUP BODY BRANDS HAIR PERFUME LIVING ETC Find more information about shipping costs on our website under Shipping costs.

Vrao witchy woo

This helps them to rescue lost or mischievous pets and return them to their owners. Throughout the series, the fairies encounter various challenges and obstacles as they strive to fulfill their duties. They often face the mischievous goblins who seek to create chaos in Fairyland.

【Vyrao / バイラオ】Fragrance(香水)

■Magnetic 70 (22:ブラウン)

■I am Verdant (30:グリーン)

■Witchy Woo (44:ブルー)
奥ゆかしく希少なモロッコ産のオリスルートが主原料。ローズソーンとスパイスの陰影が肌に残るパチュリオイルと親密に溶け合います。ドライな甘さのホワイトムスクはフレンキンセンスとオポポ ナックスを基調にアーシーなムードを漂わせます。

■Georgette (60:レッド)

■Free00 (70:オレンジ)

Magnetic 70(22):変性アルコール、香料、水、リモネン、リナロール、イソオイゲノール、オイゲノール、ファルネソール、安息香酸ベンジル、シトラール、サリチル酸ベンジル、ケイヒアルデヒド、ベンジルアルコール
I am Verdant(30):変性アルコール、香料、水、リモネン、リナロール、シトラール、サリチル酸ベンジル、安息香酸ベンジル、ファルネソール、ゲラニオール、オイゲノール、イソオイゲノール、シトロネロール、ベンジルアルコール、ケイヒアルコール
Witchy Woo(44):変性アルコール、香料、水、リモネン、リナロール、オイゲノール、ゲラニオール、ツノマタゴケエキス、シトロネロール、シトラール、ファルネソール、安息香酸ベンジル、イヒアルデヒド、イソオイゲノール、ベンジルアルコール、ケイヒ酸ベンジル、サリチル酸ベンジル

【Vyrao / バイラオ】
ファッションコンサルタントから転じてヒーラーとなったヤスミン・スウェルが2021年にロンドンで創業したバイラオは、ネガティブなエネルギーを浄化するニューエイジ・ヒーリングと代替療法をルーツにしたマスターパフューマリーを融合させた世界で初めてのウェルビーイングブランド。イギリスでPerfumer Hを主宰する調香師のリン・ハリス、そしてハワイ在住の著名なエナジストのルイーズ・ミタを迎えて誕生したコレクションにはさまざまな効能を持つ伝統的な薬草が使われています。


品番 EFQ22340
素材 その他 100%
サイズ F
原産国 フランス

【Vyrao / バイラオ】
ファッションコンサルタントから転じてヒーラーとなったヤスミン・スウェルが2021年にロンドンで創業したバイラオは、ネガティブなエネルギーを浄化するニューエイジ・ヒーリングと代替療法をルーツにしたマスターパフューマリーを融合させた世界で初めてのウェルビーイングブランド。イギリスでPerfumer Hを主宰する調香師のリン・ハリス、そしてハワイ在住の著名なエナジストのルイーズ・ミタを迎えて誕生したコレクションにはさまざまな効能を持つ伝統的な薬草が使われています。
Rainow magic pet fairiews

The fairies must protect their animals from the goblins' wrongdoing and prevent them from using their magic for evil purposes. Friendship, teamwork, and determination are important themes in the Rainbow Magic Pet Fairies series. The fairies work together, using their unique powers to overcome obstacles and help each other whenever necessary. Through their adventures, they also learn valuable lessons about responsibility, perseverance, and the importance of caring for animals. The Rainbow Magic Pet Fairies series has become a beloved choice among young readers. Its vibrant and engaging storytelling encourages children to use their imagination and develop a love for reading. The books are filled with colorful illustrations and are written in a simple and accessible language, making them suitable for early readers. Overall, Rainbow Magic Pet Fairies is an enchanting series that combines magic, friendship, and animals. It has captured the hearts of many young readers, inspiring them to explore the wonders of Fairyland and the importance of taking care of animals..

Reviews for "The Enigmatic Rainbow Magic Pet Fairies: Legends and Lore"

1. Emily - 1 star - I found Rainbow Magic Pet Fairies to be extremely boring and predictable. The storyline felt repetitive and lacked any real depth. The characters were one-dimensional and the writing style was too simplistic for my taste. Overall, I was disappointed and would not recommend this book to others.
2. John - 2 stars - Rainbow Magic Pet Fairies didn't capture my interest at all. The plot was uninspiring and the dialogue felt forced. The fairy characters lacked charm and their interactions were dull. I was hoping for a more engaging and imaginative story, but sadly, this book fell short of my expectations.
3. Sarah - 1 star - I couldn't stand the writing style in Rainbow Magic Pet Fairies. It felt like it was aimed at a much younger audience, and the constant repetition of phrases and descriptions became annoying after a while. The lack of character development and shallow plot made it difficult for me to connect with the story. I would not recommend this book to anyone looking for a captivating read.
4. David - 2 stars - Rainbow Magic Pet Fairies was a disappointment for me. The story seemed rushed and poorly thought out. The dialogue felt unrealistic and the characters lacked depth. I was hoping for a more engaging tale, but unfortunately, this book fell flat. I don't think I'll be continuing with this series.
5. Jessica - 1 star - Rainbow Magic Pet Fairies was a tedious read. The plot was predictable and lacked any real surprises. The writing style was overly simplistic and didn't hold my attention. The fairy characters were forgettable and lacked any distinct personalities. I would not recommend this book to anyone looking for an exciting and captivating fantasy read.

The Rainbow Magic Pet Fairies: Guardians of Nature and Beauty

Fairy Tales Come to Life: Exploring the Realm of Rainbow Magic Pet Fairies