The Importance of Imagery in Witch of the West and the Moving Castle

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The "Witch of the West" and "Howl's Moving Castle" are two iconic characters from popular works of fantasy literature and film. The Witch of the West is a character from L. Frank Baum's classic novel "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz." She is the main antagonist in the story, seeking revenge on Dorothy and her companions for accidentally killing her sister, the Wicked Witch of the East. The Witch of the West is known for her green skin, long black hat, and broomstick. **Her main goal is to reclaim her sister's silver slippers, which Dorothy unknowingly inherited, and to gain control of the magical land of Oz.

Scorchmarks from the witch's spell.

She is a talented witch who was so beautiful that Howl pursued her, but after finding out that she used magic to keep herself looking young and beautiful, he left her. Her anger was quite prominent when she was unable to tell the truth about her spell and thumped her hands on the dining table and exclaimed, If I ever get my hands on that Witch, I m gonna wring her fat neck.

Witch of the west and the moving castle

**Her main goal is to reclaim her sister's silver slippers, which Dorothy unknowingly inherited, and to gain control of the magical land of Oz.** She is portrayed as a powerful and malevolent figure, using her magical abilities and army of flying monkeys to try to stop Dorothy's quest to see the Wizard. In contrast, Howl's Moving Castle is a novel written by British author Diana Wynne Jones and later adapted into an animated film by renowned Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki.

Why did Sophie and Howl spare the Witch of the Waste?

I just finished watching "Howl's Moving Castle" and I'm wondering why Sophie and Howl basically became best friends with the Witch of the Waste. She cursed Sophie and couldn't remove the curse, so she was useless to them, and in the beginning of the movie Sophie seemed to hate her. While escaping from the king's castle Sophie and Howl could just throw the witch out of the plane, or at least just leave her somewhere. Why did they let her live and even stay in the moving castle with them?

  • howls-moving-castle
Follow asked Oct 17, 2020 at 19:12 lawful_neutral lawful_neutral 123 4 4 bronze badges

That must be a change they made in the movie; in the original book, Howl kills her with a word of power as she's fighting the scarecrow, after she threatened his family and Sophie.

Nov 24, 2020 at 14:56
Witch of the west and the moving castle

The story follows a young woman named Sophie who is transformed into an old woman by a witch's curse. **The main focus of the story is on Howl, a mysterious wizard who lives in a castle that can walk and teleport.** Sophie seeks out Howl's castle in hopes of finding a solution to her curse. Howl, however, is known for his ever-changing appearance and reputation as a vain and somewhat selfish character. Both the Witch of the West and Howl are compelling characters in their respective stories, exemplifying the complexity and depth often found in fantasy literature. **They both serve as the driving forces behind the main conflicts within their narratives** - the Witch of the West as the primary villain in Dorothy's journey through Oz, and Howl as the enigmatic figure who holds the key to Sophie's transformation. Their stories explore themes of power, identity, and the ambiguity of good versus evil in a fantastical setting. From their iconic appearances to their memorable personalities, the Witch of the West and Howl have left a lasting impact on the realms of fantasy literature and film..

Reviews for "Comparing Witch of the West and the Moving Castle to Other Hayao Miyazaki Films"

1. Sarah - 2 stars:
I was really disappointed with "Witch of the west and the moving castle". The plot was confusing and lacked direction. It seemed like nothing was resolved by the end of the book and I was left feeling unsatisfied. The characters were also quite underdeveloped and I couldn't connect with any of them. Overall, I found the book to be a confusing and disappointing read.
2. Mark - 2 stars:
I had high hopes for "Witch of the west and the moving castle" based on the rave reviews I had seen, but it just didn't live up to the hype for me. The writing style felt disjointed and the pacing was off, with long stretches of slow, uneventful moments. Additionally, the world-building was confusing and lacked detail, making it hard to fully understand the setting. Overall, I found the book to be a bit of a slog and not worth the praise it has received.
3. Emily - 1 star:
I absolutely disliked "Witch of the west and the moving castle". The plot was convoluted and hard to follow, with multiple storylines that never seemed to connect. The characters were flat and lacked depth, making it hard for me to care about their fates. The writing was also subpar, with clunky dialogue and excessive descriptions that added nothing to the story. I struggled to finish this book and would not recommend it to others.

The Evolution of the Witch of the West Character

The Enduring Appeal of Witch of the West and the Moving Castle