The Sinful Origins Behind Popular Pagan Holidays

By admin

Pagan holidays, often characterized by their wicked customs, have a long and fascinating history. These holidays, which predate the rise of Christianity, were celebrated by various ancient civilizations and tribes, including the Celts, Romans, and Norse. Despite their perceived wickedness, these holidays played a significant role in shaping the cultural and religious practices of these ancient civilizations. One of the most well-known pagan holidays is Samhain, which is typically celebrated on October 31st. This holiday has its roots in ancient Celtic traditions and marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It was believed that on this night, the boundary between the living and the dead was blurred, allowing spirits to roam the earth.


Allhallow-even "Eve of All Saints, last night of October" (1550s), the last night of the year in the old Celtic calendar, where it was Old Year's Night, a night for witches. A pagan holiday given a cursory baptism.

If you’re being silent about all the blatant hypocrisy in Christianity you are part of the problem, silence is compliance.

The Creator said NO images or idols yet Christians love Jesus and the pagan customs more than the Creator (ShaMuWTh 20:4 “Exodus”, LuWiYM 26:1 “Leviticus”, DaBaRiYM 4:16,23, 27:15 “Deuteronomy”, YaShAYaHuW 42:8 “Isaiah“).

Did you know that every English bible is a heavily, translated and extremely watered down westernized version of the melanated Middle Eastern Hebrew people's history and culture? If we aren’t willing to have an open mind, take an emotional step back, and look at the scriptures from the perspective of the Hebrew people, because of the conditioned western mindset the Hebrew script is vastly misinterpreted. This simple oversight has caused the masses to believe in false ideologies, false names, false images, false prophets, false symbols / customs, and unapproved ways of worshipping the Creator ( traditions of men ) that was NEVER commanded by the Heavenly Father and NEVER originated with His people (the Hebrews) of the bible. With this said, it’s NO secret that the New Testament has several profound contradictions to the Old Testament (roughly 400,000 scribal errors), and the religion of Christianity depends solely on the Old Testament.

Since we know the Ancient Hebrews in the Old Testament were NEVER commanded by YaHuWaH to have a religion or to worship the Creator by way of pagan customs / holidays, images of men, statues, symbols or idols in the likeness of anyone or anything. Deep unbiased research educates us with various overwhelming facts revealing that Christianity NEVER had a leg to stand on. Historical research uncovers that the pagan Roman Catholic Church birthed (at the Council of Nicaea ) many various flavors of their solar / sun worshiping religion ( Astrolatry , based on the movement of the sun and stars). With 200 Christian variants / denominations in the U.S. alone and a staggering 45,000 world wide, its no wonder why this very popular, enabling, emotion driven and truth compromising facet of their pagan religion still dominates today. This is why history records many other cultures having various God and or saviors / Christs that were also demigods (humans born from the conception of a God and a mortal), sound familiar (European Jesus). Talk is cheap and many Christians say they love and serve the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but when put to the test they proudly reject YaHuWaH who is in FACT the ALuWaH of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (the Hebrews) of the bible.

For those who are NOT trying to live a QaDaSh (set apart) life according to the Hebraic script and unto the Creator this is NOT for you, but for those who are willing to give it ALL up for the Heavenly Father YaHuWaH (the true name of the Creator), this WILL hit home! People worship what they know not and end up worshiping the creation (traditions of men) over the Creator. So many people eagerly compromise what is right in the Creator’s eyes for temporal selfish gain or to please others on this earth.

It was believed that on this night, the boundary between the living and the dead was blurred, allowing spirits to roam the earth. To ward off these spirits, people would dress in costumes and light bonfires. This custom eventually evolved into the modern celebration of Halloween.

YaHuWShuWA 24:14 “Joshua” Hebrew Bible

Here in the Hebrew Bible, we are instructed to serve YaHuWaH with undivided loyalty. However Christian theology (John 3:16) forces you to divide your loyalty and give the esteem/worship and loyalty to a salvific demigod FIRST before you get to the Heavenly Father. The Hebrew Bible instructs us to put away the gods that our forefathers served. In ancient times they were many false deities that were served as gods, and the Creator instructed against this practice. As we fast-forward to modern times, for us (WOTR) most of our forefathers were Christians and served the LORD (BaAL the SUN diety), god (GaD the Canaanite and Babylonian deity of fortune and good luck ) and called on Jesus for salvation, however, the Hebrew Bible adamantly opposes this lifestyle (DaBaRiYM 17:3 “Deuteronomy”).

Honestly, the subject or debate over who should take part in Halloween (or any pagan holiday) can really be determined in 5 minutes. It all depends if an individual is trying to live a lifestyle that’s pleasing unto YaHuWaH and in accordance with the Hebraic origins of the scriptures or to please themselves or others OVER the Creator’s desires (idol worship Romans 1:25). NOWHERE in the original Hebrew script is it recorded that Hebrew prophets of old (or even European Jesus of the New Testament) ever took part in Halloween. NOWHERE in the Hebrew Old Testament does YaHuWaH command His Hebrew people to take part in this wicked custom. After many years of dedicated unbiased research, the purpose of this information is to be a starting point or stepping stone for everyone beginning their journey down the path of truth. We DON’T claim to know everything but as we make time for YaHuWaH, we grow and will be guided by the Creator. Always do your OWN unbiased research and validate everything EVERYONE says. Deny the urge to react in emotion, but instead, challenge the truth by doing your OWN unbiased research and find out the FACTS for yourself. It’s ok to disagree with something, but using one’s opinion or emotion to dispute FACT is futile .

The same premises pertains to the ABaRiY (aka Hebrew) origins of the scriptures, and if you attempt to overstand Eastern Hebraic culture using our conditioned, Christian westernized mindset, most will lean toward their OWN understanding (or what we have been taught but by pastors who are unknowingly taught to withhold the pure truth) because it FEELS right to THEM (MaShaL 3:5-6 “Proverbs”)! When we fail to make time to learn the mind of ABa YaHuWaH (by way of humility, prayer, studying the pure Hebraic scriptural truth, and being willing to unlearn passed down lies) we can unknowingly blaspheme the truth and claim ALuWaH (the “Mighty one” but in English translated to the generic title “God”) is co-signing on OUR opinions and emotions. In regards to the Hebrew script, when someone’s opinion is backed by the word, it’s NO LONGER opinion but FACT! If YaHuWaH said it or did it, who are we to dispute it (YaShAYaHuW 55:8-13 “Isaiah”)? You have to use and explain scripture if you are disagreeing with YaHuWaH’s word and not opinion or emotion.

The scriptures are a Middle Eastern Hebraic book about THEIR culture (NOT European or Latin). Their story was then heavily translated by the pagan Roman Catholic Empire into what the world now knows as the bible. These disoriented alterations were done to fit THEIR pagan narrative and THEIR newly created organized religion called Christianity. These decreed pagan ideologies and traditions were then forced on various Roman conquered races establishing THEIR religion as a worldwide superpower. This perpetuated illusory truth effect subliminal brainwashing has ultimately deceived the whole world into falling in love with a lie (ChaZaN 12:9 “Revelation”). Just because people live in America and speak English (or live in any other part of the world and speak different languages) DOES NOT give people a right to discard, alter or disrespect a Hebraic nation’s original cultural history (or any cultural history at that).

This is why when you make time to do unbiased study and research on the bible, the FACTS reveal that several English words used throughout the bible have pagan connotations to various gods (the LORD , God , Christ , Jesus , glory just to name a few). This makes perfect sense since we know the Roman Catholic Empire was a polycystic nation. It DOESN’T take a quantum physicist to understand that when words (or names) are translated from one language to another, things get lost and things are added. The Scriptures have been translated (not transliterated which is the casing of sound) from the ABaRiY (aka Hebrew) language into English, thus the pure meaning behind the Hebrew words and names has been erased. This is a violation the scripture clearly warns against and rightfully so. Altering the history of a race of people now removes the truth and adds in lies (DaBaRiYM 4:2 and 12:32 "Deuteronomy", and ChaZaN 22:18-19 "Revelation").

The Hebrew script reminds us in MaShaL 4:7 (Proverbs) that we must FIRST get an understanding (make time to research both sides of any story) and that a fool has no interest in understanding; they only want to hear their own opinions come out of other peoples mouth (MaShaL 18:2-3 “Proverb”). The highest form of ignorance is rejecting or responding to information you have absolutely NO knowledge about while in emotion. We should always use wisdom on making quick emotional responses or decisions, and this also pertains to information that may seem unpopular to the masses or that you DON’T personally agree with (because a person hasten made time unbiasedly research).

Scriptures remind us that is it foolish to respond to a matter without FULLY hearing (MaShaL 18:12-15 “Proverbs”). Choosing to put a puzzle together without having all pieces would be unwise, why? Because it yields incorrect perceptions of what that puzzle is REALLY supposed to look like. DON’T let ignorance, jealousy, or pride be the death of your RuWaCh (spirit) because you chose to reject truth due to emotion or passed down traditions of men (the pagan Roman Catholic / Christian church system) by way of your fathers, fathers (who were also mislead). Our duty as the elect of YaHuWaH is to boldly share the truth, NOT make people believe it. We DON’T want you to think like us, we just want you to think!

Once we are given the truth do we then choose to validate the info and make the necessary changes, or continue having pleasure in OUR unrighteousness? Since we know the scriptures are a book about the Hebrew people, their culture, and their relationship with their god YaHuWaH, the FACTS prove that Halloween NEVER originated from the Hebrews. NOWHERE in the scriptures is the spirit of Halloween, and NEVER do we read where the Hebrews are instructed by YaHuWaH to take part in this pagan event.

Is New Year's Eve a Pagan Holiday?

We know we are in the Christmas season—that time of year true Christians dread—when we find ourselves humming along with the piped-in music at the store and suddenly realize it is a Christmas tune. The church has published many messages over the years about the pagan origins of Christmas, but it is rare to hear or read about the New Year’s Eve celebrations that occur just a week later. This article is intended to fill that gap.

The Internet is also shockingly devoid of useful articles on this subject—most of the more popular ones are from church of God groups. One of these, “The Truth About New Year’s!” is a well-written article by William H. Ellis, appearing in the December 1964 Plain Truth magazine. Though it is more than a half-century old, it holds up well, so we will draw a few quotations from it below.

On an online forum, an anonymous user titled his entries, “True Christians should not celebrate New Year’s because it is pagan to the core.” Some commenters agreed, but others did not. One very indignant person wrote:

There is nothing wrong with going to church for a watch night service to bring in the New Year in the House of God. In our current calendar, the New Year is January 1st. While it makes no sense for a New Year to start in the middle of winter, it is what it is, and we can’t change the calendar now. This is [sic] not the biblical days, when the New Year started in March. We live in the USA and the New Year begins January 1st here. As long as your [sic] are not involved in drunkenness, lewd behavior, your [sic] doing nothing wrong.

So, where does the celebration of New Year’s Eve come from? Is it wrong to participate, as long as we are not involved—as the commenter said—in drunkenness and lewd behavior?

God’s New Year

Let us first establish when the New Year begins according to God.

Now the L ORD spoke to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, “This month [speaking of Abib or Nisan] shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you.” (Exodus 12:1-2)

So, the New Year begins in early spring (abib means “spring” in Hebrew), generally falling in mid-to-late March or early April. God notes this but says nothing more about it; it functions only as a time marker. Two weeks after the year begins, Passover on the fourteenth day and the Feast of Unleavened Bread on the fifteenth through twenty-first days, both festival times, occur.

It seems as if God mentions the New Year in passing—that it is only essential for calendar matters. Nowhere does He tell us to throw a party, count down the last few seconds of the old year, drink champagne, kiss our partner, or worse. How did all that come about?

In his Plain Truth article, Mr. Ellis quotes from a book, 4000 Years of Christmas: A Gift from the Ages by Earl W. Count. Let me quote a little passage here:

Mesopotamia is the very ancient Mother of Civilization. Christmas began there, over 4,000 years ago, as the festival which renews the world for another year. The “twelve days” of Christmas; the bright fires and probably the yule log; the giving of presents; the carnivals with their floats; their merrymakings and clownings; the mummers who sing and play from house to house; the feasting; the church processions with their lights and song—all these and more began there centuries before Christ was born. And they celebrated the arrival of a new year! (pp. 20-21)

4000 Years of Christmas, first published in 1948, is still around. Earl W. Count was an Episcopalian priest who died at 97 in 1996. His widow, Alice, updated the book, reissuing it in hardcover in 1997, and it is still readily available on Amazon. Some of its reviews on the Amazon website make for interesting reading.

His book provides the history of the paganism involved in Christmas. Mr. Count did not intend it is an exposé of its pagan aspects, as he acknowledges them right up front. Instead, he endeavors to show that the “Christian” side of Christmas won the war, one might say, over the pagan side. Here is Amazon’s sales blurb describing the book (since removed):

What if our entire civilization could write its own memoirs and tell the complete story of Christmas past? Surprisingly, the tale would not begin in Bethlehem but 2,000 years earlier, in the cradle of civilization. It would be a nostalgic story involving Christians and non-Christians alike. Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans, whose ancient customs became part of the Christmas celebration, would people its pages. We would see early Europeans hanging fir sprigs and winter greenery to renew life and protect against the cold blasts of Arctic wind. People who had not yet learned of the Christ-Child would be burning Yule logs. Of course, the most important chapter in these memoirs would take place in a manger surrounded by wise men and marked by a brilliant star.

This ancient history of Christmas might seem like a tangent, but Christmas and New Year’s are connected. The ancient Romans celebrated Saturnalia, which lasted a week, in which they practiced drunken revelry, role reversal, gift-giving, and even human sacrifice in honor of the deity Saturn. Keep in mind that the publisher described this book as “a charming story of our Christmas traditions.”

The Incredible Morphing Holidays

On page 28 of 4000 Years of Christmas, Mr. Count writes:

The first day of the Saturnalia shifted during the lifetime of Rome . . . it began around the middle of December . . . and continued until January first. In its midst was December twenty-fifth, the day (as the Romans calculated), [sic] when the sun was at its lowest ebb.

So how did this pagan celebration containing precursors of both Christmas and New Year’s morph into a “Christian” one? Around AD 375, the Roman emperor Constantine imposed what he called “Christianity” on his empire. Earl Count’s book explains:

There were many immigrants into the ranks of the Christians by this time [of Constantine]. The Church Fathers discovered to their alarm that they were also facing an invasion of pagan customs. The habit of Saturnalia was too strong to be left behind. At first the church forbade it, but in vain. The Church finally succeeded in taking the merriment, the greenery, the lights, and the gifts from Saturn and giving them to the Babe of Bethlehem. . . . The pagan Romans became Christians—but the Saturnalia remained! (p. 31)

In his Plain Truth article, William Ellis buttresses what Mr. Count wrote:

During the Middle Ages many of the ancient Roman customs were maintained and augmented by the incoming heathen rites of the Teutonic peoples. It was during this period that the customary Yule log and mistletoe were added to the popular New Year’s festivities. The Yule log is a carry-over from the bonfires of sun-worship, and mistletoe is a parasite used in Druid rites as a symbol of sex-worship!

As Teutonic customs were added, the date of New Year’s celebrations was temporarily changed to March 25, to coincide with the Germanic spring rites of fertility.

Finally Pope Gregory reinstituted the ancient pagan Roman date of January first. He imposed it on the whole Western world in 1582 when his Gregorian calendar “reforms” were accepted. All Roman Catholic countries accepted this change at once! Sweden, Germany, Denmark and England, the strongholds of Druid customs, finally acquiesced to Rome in the 1700’s [sic]!

A History of Anti-Semitism

Aside from his other faults, Pope Gregory XIII was an anti-Semite of the first order. U.S. News and World Report ran an article in December 1996 that explains some things about Pope Gregory:

  • On New Year’s Day, 1577, this Pope decreed that all Roman Jews, under pain of death, must listen attentively to the compulsory Catholic conversion sermon given in Roman synagogues after Friday night services.
  • On New Year’s Day, 1578, Gregory signed a tax into law, forcing Jews to pay to support a house of conversion to convert Jews to Catholicism.
  • On New Year’s, 1581, Gregory ordered his troops to confiscate all sacred literature from the Roman Jewish community. Thousands of Jews were murdered in the campaign.

So, throughout the Medieval and post-Medieval periods, January 1—supposedly the day on which Jesus was circumcised (that math is a little shaky)—was recognized as the day Judaism died, and “Christianity” took over. It was a day reserved for anti-Jewish activities: synagogue- and book-burning, public torture, and simple murder.

Pope Gregory XIII was not the first pope to use New Year’s as a time of Jewish persecution. More than twelve hundred years earlier, in AD 324, Pope Sylvester convinced Emperor Constantine to prohibit Jews from living in Jerusalem. The following year, at the council of Nicaea, Sylvester arranged to pass a host of vicious, anti-Semitic laws. All Catholic saints receive a day on which Catholics celebrate a tribute to their memory. Guess which day is “Saint Sylvester Day”? December 31. Throughout Europe and in the State of Israel, Jewish people call New Year’s Eve “Sylvester,” showing something of the dark humor of which the Jews are capable.

It is hard to grasp the depths of perversion that linger in the historical background of this pagan celebration.

A Pitiful Excuse for a Holiday

What about some of the other New Year’s traditions? What about kissing on New Year’s Eve? At midnight on New Year’s Eve, a person can kiss another person, be they someone he knows or a stranger. It is another holdover from the Roman Saturnalia, an element of the sexuality that frequently appears in pagan celebrations. People cannot resist bringing sex into everything they do.

Traditionally, the old year is pictured as an old man, who is departing, and the new year, depicted as a baby in a diaper, takes over. These images are a reference to reincarnation and a never-ending cycle of life. The modern spin is that one gets a chance to make a new start in the new year, but it is also a tip of the hat to the Roman god, Janus, who has two faces, one that looks to the past and the other to the future.

Various cultures have some strange traditions. When nursing a hangover on New Year’s Day, a person should eat some lucky food: greens, beans, noodles, and grain. Slurping the noodles somehow brings more luck. Fruit and cake are also lucky, as are fish and pork. Pigs are a symbol of luck because they “root forward.” Where do people come up with such looney ideas?

In the American South—and having lived there all my life, I have never run into this—there is supposedly a traditional dish eaten on New Year’s Eve called Hoppin’ John. It combines greens, beans, and pork, several of those lucky foods. And we are the crazy ones for keeping God’s holy days.

New Year’s Eve is a pitiful excuse for a holiday. I attended exactly one New Year’s Eve party in my life in the bad old days of the early 1970s. Believe it or not, a church deacon (who later became an elder!) threw it. A streak of liberality was running through the church at the time, and most of the Who’s Who of the Nashville congregation were present. I was home from college on winter break, and in those days, I was not in the least interested in doctrine.

While the event is fuzzy at this remove, I do remember that it was a horrible night. There was excessive drinking by just about everyone. The attendees tried to force a good time on everyone, and a houseful of supposedly Christian people attempted to out-pagan the pagans. The aftermath was bad—it produced terrible, unmentionable fruit.

Even if God did not warn us against this kind of celebration, the byproducts of New Year’s Eve celebrations should keep us away. The horrible fruit, at minimum, is a hangover. But in many cases, it is much worse: adultery, sexual disease, drunk driving, accidents, prison, and broken relationships. Common sense alone should tell us to stay far away from these pagan holidays.

Come Out From Her”

God also makes it plain how He feels. He says in Jeremiah 10:2, “Do not learn the way of the Gentiles [heathen, KJV].” The Gentiles were heathens because they did not practice the true religion God revealed to the Israelites, and He did not want His special people to add pagan rites and festivals to His way. We can see very clearly from the Episcopal priest who wrote 4000 Years of Christmas that New Year’s is pagan to its core. It is one of the ways of the heathen.

In Leviticus 18:3, God commands the children of Israel, “According to the doings of the land of Egypt, where you dwelt, you shall not do; and according to the doings of the land Canaan, where I am bringing you, you shall not do; nor shall you walk in their ordinances.” That is plain.

Of course, this verse appears in the Old Testament, and many nominal Christians say, “That’s all fine and good. It is interesting stuff, but it doesn’t apply to us.” Is that true? No, the New Testament confirms this principle from the Old in Mark 7:7, where our Savior quotes from Isaiah 29:13: “And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” God did not command us to keep New Year’s Eve; it has its source in pagans and syncretizing churchmen.

The forum commenter quoted earlier said nothing was wrong with going to a “Watch Night” service on New Year’s Eve because “[t]his is not the biblical days . . .. We live in the USA.” His or her thinking sees no problem with Christians changing with the times or covering paganism with a thin sheen of “Christianity.” Yet, that thinking is contrary to God’s thinking. He says in Malachi 3:6, “For I am the L ORD , I do not change.” He repeats this in the New Testament, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). Even though we are thousands of years removed from the children of Israel in the wilderness, God still wants us to keep His instructions as He gave them. If He wants us to do something different, He lets us know in His Word—and there is no word in Scripture about observing any New Year’s holiday.

New Year’s Eve contains nothing redeemable. It is pagan to the core. In the Northern Hemisphere, it falls in the dead of winter. It began as an adjunct to Saturnalia, celebrating the sun’s rebirth. We can also add pagan fertility rites, human sacrifices, and later, an excuse to kill Jews and burn their homes and synagogues. And what is it today? An excuse to get drunk and act the fool.

The apostle Paul admonishes Christians in Romans 12:2, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” The apostle John warns, “Do not love the world or anything that belongs to the world. If you love the world, you do not love the Father” (I John 2:15, Good News Translation [GNT]).

Revelation 18:1-5 (GNT) seems to sum the matter up very well for us:

After this, I saw another angel coming down out of heaven. He had great authority and his splendor brightened the whole world. He cried out with a loud voice, “She has fallen! Great Babylon has fallen! She is haunted by demons and unclean spirits; all kinds of filthy and hateful birds live in her. For all the nations have drunk her wine—the strong wine of her immoral lust [elements of a New Year’s Eve party]. The kings of the earth practiced sexual immorality with her, and the merchants of the world grew rich from her unrestrained lust.” Then I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out, [M]y people, come out from her!” You must not take part in her sins; you must not share in her punishment.

Twice the voice from heaven says, “Come out from her,” because He does not want His people to practice Babylon’s wicked ways and go through the punishments for them. Is that not enough of a warning from God that we should not participate in these Christianized pagan holidays?

Glory Knowledge Foundation

Christian Holidays are ancient pagan feasts that were ushered in by the Roman Catholic Church during the rule of emperor Constantine. Constantine was a pagan sun-worshipper who had a "Christian experience" that wanted to unite his empire, both Christian and pagan together. He achieved this by re-writing history and re-naming pagan feasts with Christian names.


Pagans in Rome celebrated the evening of February 14th and February 15th and as an idolatrous festival in honor of Lupercus "the hunter of wolves". It was not until the reign of Pope Gelasius that the holiday became a "Christian" custom. "As far back as 496, Pope Gelasius changed Lupercalia on February 15th to St. Valentine's Day on February 14th." The original Saint Valentine was Nimrod, on this day in February, Semiramis, the mother of Tammuz, was said to have been purified and to have appeared for the first time in public with her son as the original "mother and child."


Mother's Day dates back to ancient cultures in Greece and Rome. In both cultures, mother goddesses (Queen of Heaven). were worshipped during the springtime with religious festivals. The ancient Greeks paid tribute to the powerful goddess Rhea, the wife of Cronus, known as the Mother of the Gods (Queen of Heaven). Similarly, evidence of a three-day Roman festival in Mid-March called Hilaria, to honor the Roman goddess Magna Mater, or Great Mother, dates back to 250 BCE.

As Christianity spread throughout Europe, the celebration of the "Mother Church" replaced the pagan tradition of honoring mythological goddesses. The fourth Sunday in Lent (Weeping for Tammuz), a 40-day fasting period before Easter, became known as Mothering Sunday. To show appreciation for their mothers, they often brought gifts or a "mothering cake" (Jeremiah 7:18) and over time, it began to coincide with the celebration of the Mother Church. Mother's Day always falls on the second Sun-day of May, and like so many other holidays rooted in pagan sun-worship including Father's Day which always falls on the third Sun-day of June, usually fall on the day named in honor of their most powerful god -- The Sun!


Easter or Ishtar, also known by her biblical name Semiramis and later called the "Queen of heaven" was the widow of Nimrod and mother of Tammuz. Easter is the bare breasted pagan fertility goddess of the east. Legend has it that she came out of heaven in a giant egg, landing in the Euphrates river at sunrise on the first Sunday after the vernal equinox, busted out, and turned a bird into an egg laying rabbit.

To honor this event, pagan sun-worshippers would go out early in the morning and face to the east to watch their sun-god arise over the horizon before having a mass (sacrifice) in which the priest of Easter would sacrifice three month old human infants and take the eggs of Easter and die them in the blood of the sacrificed infants. The blood-red colored Easter eggs would later hatch on December 25th, the same day her son Tammuz the reincarnate sun-god would be born. how convenient!

Easter married her son Tammuz who was by legend the reincarnate sun-god. Tammuz went pig hunting and was gored to death by a wild boar and that is why pagans eat ham on Easter. Because Tammuz was killed when he was forty years old, pagans fast one day for each of the years that he lived leading into Easter. This practice is known as Weeping for Tammuz by pagans but called Lent by Catholics.


All Saints' Day was followed by All-Souls' Day, November 2, unless that was a Sunday then it was November 3, this was another Catholic adaptation of pagan festivals for the dead. Prayers for the dead are an integral part of the traditional All Saint's Day services, which are scheduled in Catholic churches on November 1, and on the next Sunday. Halloween gets its name from the Catholic holiday, it is a Hallowed evening, because it precedes All Hallows' Day, thus: Hallow'en. Halloween is a pagan holiday to honor the dead and evil spirits. We are warned not to take part in customs and traditions like this in the Scripture.

take heed to yourself that you not be ensnared to follow them, after that they are destroyed from before you; and that you not inquire after their deities, saying, "How do these nations serve their dieties? I will do likewise." You shall not do so to YaHuWaH your Elohim: for every abomination to the YaHuWaH, which he hates, have they done to their deities; for even their sons and their daughters do they burn in the fire to their deities. (HIM Deuteronomy 12:30-31)

Halloween is a perfect example of what this passage is referring about. Pagans served their gods by honoring the evil spirits on Halloween. They did this by dressing up like the evil spirits and giving offerings to the evil spirits. This is why candy is given out on Halloween, as offerings for the evil spirits. The phrase trick or treat was attributed to this practice because pagans believed the evil spirits would do something bad (trick) to them if they did not leave an offering (treat) for them. I would rather honor the Most High.


The pagans in Rome celebrated their thanksgiving in early October. The holiday was dedicated to the goddess of the harvest, Ceres, and the holiday was called Cerelia. The Catholic church took over the pagan holiday and it became well established in England, where some of the pagan customs and rituals for this day were observed long after the Roman Empire had disappeared. In England the "Harvest Home" has been observed continuously for centuries.

In our own hemisphere, among the Aztecs of Mexico, the harvest took on a grimmer aspect. Each year a young girl, a representation of Xilonen, The goddess of the new corn, was beheaded. The Pawnees also sacrificed a girl. In a more temperate mood, the Cherokees of the American Southeast danced the Green Corn Dance and began the new year at harvest's end.

No wonder Chief Massasoit and his ninety braves felt right at home with the Pilgrim Fathers on that day in 1621!! Obviously, the idea for this "first Thanksgiving" did not just "pop" into the mind of Governor Bradford as most people believe! On the contrary Thanksgiving, in the guise of the pagan harvest festivals, can be traced right back to ancient Babylon and the worship of Semiramis!


Christmas was celebrated by pagan sun-worshippers for thousands of years before the Messiah was even born. It all started during the building of the tower of Babel. Nimrod supervised the operation and was called the sun-god and worshipped as such. To end this worship, Nimrod's uncle Shem, Noah's eldest son, killed Nimrod and cut his body into small pieces then scattered his body parts across the land.

Ishtar or Easter, also known by her biblical name Semiramis was the widow of Nimrod. She was called the "Queen of heaven" and claimed to have been impregnated by Nimrod through the rays of the sun and later had a son by the name of Tammuz who had a miraculous birth on December 25th. Pagans believed that Nimrod was reincarnated as Tammuz and so Easter married her son Tammuz. Pagan sun-worshippers celebrated the birthday of the reincarnate sun-god on December 25th. Scripture is very clear that we are not to celebrate this particular holiday.

The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead the dough, to make cakes to the Queen of Heaven, and to pour out drink offerings to other deities, that they may provoke Me to anger. (HIM Jeremiah 7:18)

The passage above is obviously referring to making Christmas cookies and leaving those cookies and a glass of milk for Nimrod's widow Easter who was called the queen of heaven. The only difference is now those offerings are left for Santa (Satan) himself. Let's move on and read another passage from Scripture.

Thus says YaHuWaH, "Do not learn the way of the gentiles, and do not be dismayed at the signs of the heaven; for the gentiles are dismayed at them. For the customs of the peoples are vanity; for one cuts a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it not move. (HIM Jeremiah 10:2-4)

This passage is obviously referring to cutting down the Christmas tree, putting it on some sort of tree stand, and decorating it. Once you learn why it had become customary to use an erect evergreen tree that has a pointed end decorate it with big red balls you will realize the extent of the perversion in this holiday. The erect tree symbolizes Nimrod's erect masculinity. The tree was evergreen because evergreen trees are full of life year round, like Nimrod's penis. The tree was pointed at the end just like Nimrod's pecker. The big red balls that dangle off the tree, well you get the picture. This holiday is perversion at its best.

Every sun-god was born on December 25th. Amun-Ra, Horus, Mithra, Tammuz, and Zeus were born on December 25th. If there was one day that the Messiah was not born, it was December 25th. In fact the Scripture is quite clear that Messiah was born late September or early October on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles.


Early believers kept Saturday as the Sabbath until March 7, 321 CE when Pope Constantine passed a law requiring believers to worship on Sunday, the day the pagans worshipped the sun-god. Believers still kept Saturday as the Sabbath until another law was passed eleven years later. This law signed into decree by Pope Constantine forbid believers to worship on the Sabbath (Saturday) and it was punishable by death by the Catholic Church. Many believers were burned to death by the Catholic Church for keeping the Sabbath.


Pagan holidays wicked customs

Another notable pagan holiday is the Roman festival of Saturnalia, which was celebrated in honor of the god Saturn. This festival, held in December, was characterized by excessive feasting, gift-giving, and merrymaking. During Saturnalia, social norms were temporarily overturned, and masters would serve their slaves, and gambling and other indulgent activities were encouraged. The festival was seen as a way to bring joy and good fortune during the darkest time of the year. Similarly, the Norse celebration of Yule, held around the winter solstice, was a time of feasting and merriment. It marked the return of the sun and the lengthening of days. Yule was a time when families came together to celebrate and exchange gifts. Like Saturnalia, it was a time when social hierarchies were temporarily set aside, and people indulged in food, drink, and games. Although these pagan holidays may seem wicked by modern standards, they served important social, cultural, and religious functions in their respective societies. They provided an opportunity for people to come together, reaffirm social bonds, and connect with the cycles of nature. Additionally, these holidays allowed for the temporary suspension of social norms and the release of pent-up energy and emotions. It is important to note that many of the customs and traditions associated with these ancient pagan holidays were later absorbed and reinterpreted by Christianity. For example, the celebration of Christmas, which falls around the same time as Yule and Saturnalia, incorporates elements of both holidays, such as the exchange of gifts and the lighting of candles or bonfires. This blending of pagan and Christian customs helped Christianity gain acceptance among pagan populations and facilitated the spread of the new religion. In conclusion, pagan holidays with their wicked customs have left a lasting impact on our modern celebrations. These holidays, despite their perceived wickedness, played an important role in the cultural and religious practices of ancient civilizations. While we may no longer practice these customs exactly as they were originally intended, their influence can still be felt in our contemporary holiday celebrations..

Reviews for "The Sinister Truth about Pagan Holiday Rituals"

1. John - 1/5 stars - I found "Pagan holidays wicked customs" to be an incredibly biased and judgmental read. The author presents their own beliefs as the only valid perspective and dismisses other religious and cultural practices as "wicked." There is no attempt to understand or respect different traditions, which is disappointing. Additionally, the book lacks proper research and references to support its claims, making it feel like an opinionated rant rather than an informed analysis.
2. Sarah - 2/5 stars - Although "Pagan holidays wicked customs" attempts to shed light on the origins and practices of pagan holidays, I found it to be lacking in depth and nuance. The author glosses over the rich history and significance of these celebrations, reducing them to mere "wicked customs" without attempting to understand their cultural and symbolic importance. The writing style is also quite dry and academic, making it a chore to read through. Overall, I was disappointed with the narrow-minded approach of this book.
3. Emily - 1/5 stars - I purchased "Pagan holidays wicked customs" expecting a balanced exploration of pagan traditions, but I was sorely disappointed. The book is clearly written from a biased and judgmental perspective, dismissing pagan practices as wicked and morally wrong. There was no attempt at understanding or appreciating the cultural significance behind these traditions. I do not recommend this book to anyone seeking a fair and unbiased exploration of pagan holidays.

The Hidden Meanings Behind Pagan Holiday Customs

Pagan Holidays: Unmasking the Occult Practices