Exploring the Different Types of Occult X-ray Markers

By admin

Occult X-ray markers are small, specialized tools used in medical imaging to mark important structures or areas of interest on a patient's X-ray film or digital image. These markers are often made from lead or other radiopaque materials and are designed to be easily seen on X-ray images without obstructing important anatomical details. The term "occult" refers to the hidden or obscure nature of these markers. Unlike conventional X-ray markers, which are typically visible and clearly labeled, occult markers are more discreet, with subtle shapes or symbols that can only be observed when the image is examined closely or enhanced using digital tools. These markers are particularly useful in situations where it is important to maintain patient confidentiality or promote a more natural appearance in the X-ray image. One common application of occult X-ray markers is in mammography, where they are used to identify and evaluate breast abnormalities, such as masses or calcifications.

I'm assuming a bottle of water and a box or two of shelf-stable milk is allowed, as are containers of baby food.

Our product recommendations are based on expert parent insight, advice from medical professionals and feedback from the millions of parents and parents-to-be in our community. Apparently, a 14 year old with a surgical feeding tube inserted in his stomach passed through security but the TSA official needed to open the device up - the child begged so as not to contaminate the sterilized equipment but as usual they proceeded anyway.

Baby magic tsa

One common application of occult X-ray markers is in mammography, where they are used to identify and evaluate breast abnormalities, such as masses or calcifications. By placing occult markers near these areas of concern, radiologists can easily locate and analyze the specific regions of interest, aiding in the timely diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer or other breast pathologies. Occult markers are also utilized in other medical imaging procedures, such as CT scans or angiography.

Baby magic tsa

I normally post a link roundup on Friday, but this week's story about TSA confiscating baby food and formula is worthy of an extended post.

The New York Times ran an article called Bringing Along Baby Food? Not Too Much, Rules Say about parents who planned to carry on enough baby food and formula to accommodate any winter flight delays (remember neither baby food nor formula is available once you've cleared security). A portion of the food and formula was confiscated by a zealous TSA agent who deemed that they had "more than a reasonable amount."

It is difficult to understand who was served by TSA second guessing a parent's best judgment about how much food to pack for their child. As a traveling parent, I've learned to plan for contingencies like weather delays, a jar of baby food that seems off, opening a usual favorite only to have baby reject it, etc etc etc. Packing enough food and diapers is hardly an exact science, and one tends to err on the side of excess because the consequences of having too little are so terrible. Do we really want individual TSA agents deciding how much each child should eat?

I empathize with these poor parents, and hope that the TSA responds with more specific guidelines for parents and agents. I have my own uncomfortable memories of travelling 8 months pregnant (with D) from Paris to Seattle, alone, with 16 month old E and having an over-zealous British Airways agent question everything in my carryon down to the number of diapers. I'm generally of the opinion that you don't argue with flight attendants, security agents, or anyone in a position of power at the airport, but you can imagine that I would be willing to miss a flight if I couldn't bring along enough food or diapers to keep my kids well fed and clean.

Furthermore, I've never understood why diapers, baby food and formula aren’t for sale in the airport shops. It seems like parents would pay a pretty penny for any of those items at the critical moment.

All that said, the reality is it's best to avoid the discussion in the first place, and that means a little clever packing when it comes to baby food and formula.

  • Bring Rice cereal or baby oatmeal (powdered). We use a airtight Lock & Lock container to keep it from invading the rest of our stuff (by the way, these containers are IDEAL for crackers and toddler snacks too). It can be mixed with water or stirred into babyfood to make it more substantial.
  • Pack a Banana, you can easily mash it with a fork
  • Buy yogurt after security. It can be difficult to find plain yogurt, but you can avoid most of the sugar by not mixing in all the fruit at the bottom.
  • We like powdered formula in individual serving sizes. I continue to carry it even now that both kids drink milk since milk isn't available onboard many flights.
  • Finger foods are a great choice as baby begins to be able to eat them. Puffed rice, bread slices, crackers, O's and freeze dried fruit all travel well and are healthy choices.
  • Some airlines do carry baby food (call ahead to find out), but there's no guarantee that there will be enough on your flight & the baby food I've seen has been low quality canned food.


  1. MetaMommy on February 27, 2008 at 1:54 p.m.
    When we fly to and fro from Ireland to Los Angeles, we bring a generous amount of food for our toddler. Much like you listed, we include a banana, oranges, cereal, Os, bread, etc. We also order a vegetarian meal for him, which often consists of tofu, rice, etc. One thing to consider is that if you bring produce (e.g., banana) across international waters, leave it on the plane when you arrive at your destination. Otherwise, you may have it confiscated by U.S. Customs like we did :-(
  2. Reuben on March 6, 2008 at 1:33 p.m.
    I just came across another crazy story about TSA's seemingly abuse of power when it comes to dealing with children and their needs. Apparently, a 14 year old with a surgical feeding tube inserted in his stomach passed through security but the TSA official needed to open the device up - the child begged so as not to contaminate the sterilized equipment but as usual they proceeded anyway. see: http://www.boingboing.net/2008/03/06/.
  3. Debbie on March 6, 2008 at 2:30 p.m.
    I read this story too. There arent many details yet, but it seems insane to "inspect" something clearly marked as sterile medical equipment.
  4. Chris on April 1, 2008 at 5:20 p.m.
    My sister-in-law has been flying with a "Magic Bullet" food processor. It's not that large and she just brings solid food. Most of the time she can find an outlet in the airport and a lot of airplanes are starting to provide standard 110 outlets. You could always make a lot once you're through security too. Editor Note: Food Processors have sharp blades and are not allowed through security
  5. A Kruse on August 25, 2009 at 9:11 p.m.
    My son has a metabolic condition that really limits the types of foods he can eat. Most of his diet is specially ordered medical food and a medical beverage (formula used for his entire life). So, many of the travel tips will not work for us. Hearing stories like these have made me vow to avoid flying as long as we can. I just am crossing my fingers that the rules will become clearer and manageable. Maybe with a fliers' bill of rights?
  6. Debbie on August 25, 2009 at 9:29 p.m.
    @A Kruse
    I am so sorry to hear about your son's condition. With a doctor's note you should be able to bring whatever you need through security (also you would be able to ship food and medical beverages ahead to your destination). I have yet to hear a story where TSA did not allow medically required food or beverage through security.
  7. Ann on May 4, 2011 at 4:23 a.m.
    These are great tips, but if your child is only starting out on solids (and hates rice cereal), you don't really have much of a choice but to bring a decent supply of formula. I'm currently preparing for a translantic flight alone with a 5-month old. My son takes at least a liter of formula a day plus a few breastfeeds and some small amount of very easily digestible solids. (Banana is beyond him just now.) On our way back to Ireland, we have only a 55 minute layover. If we miss our connecting flight to Ireland, we'll have to wait 24 hours for the next one. I think it's reasonable to bring enough formula to cover an entire day stranded in an airport. I just hope the TSA agrees!
  8. Debbie on May 7, 2011 at 8:19 a.m.
    Ann, your best bet is to bring at least some of that formula in powdered form. Also, be aware that flying out of Europe you may be required to taste liquids that are packaged in containers over 100ml

About Me
I'm Debbie, mother of three delicious kids and I write about traveling with little kids. That's my daughter in the backpack and my son in Paris on Halloween.

Occult xray markers

In these cases, the markers can be placed near anatomical landmarks or regions that require special attention, helping radiologists accurately interpret the images and make informed diagnoses. Additionally, occult markers can be used to indicate the correct orientation of images, ensuring proper alignment and reducing the risk of misinterpretation. In summary, occult X-ray markers are discreet, radiopaque tools used in medical imaging to mark important structures or regions of interest on X-ray images. These markers enhance image interpretation and facilitate accurate diagnoses in various medical applications, such as mammography, CT scans, and angiography..

Reviews for "The Advantages of Using Occult X-ray Markers in Pediatric Imaging"

1. Mark - 1 star - I ordered the Occult xray markers and was extremely disappointed with the product. The markers were not as durable as advertised and broke within a few uses. Additionally, the x-ray images produced with these markers were of very poor quality and lacked clear visibility. I would not recommend these markers to any professional in the medical field.
2. Jane - 2 stars - I wasn't impressed with the Occult xray markers. The markers seemed cheaply made and the colors were not vibrant as depicted in the product images. It was difficult to differentiate between the various markers, making it less efficient during x-ray examinations. The markers also didn't adhere well to the film, causing them to shift during imaging. Overall, I expected better quality and performance from these markers.
3. Mike - 1 star - The Occult xray markers were a big disappointment for me. The markers were not accurate in terms of position, which is a crucial aspect when labeling x-ray images. The adhesive used to secure the markers was weak, causing them to come off easily. Moreover, the markers were too small and the print on them was barely readable. I had to frequently replace them, which is not only inconvenient but also costly. I would advise others to consider alternative options rather than wasting money on these markers.
4. Lisa - 2 stars - I had high hopes for the Occult xray markers, but unfortunately, they fell short of my expectations. The markers were difficult to handle and apply correctly on the film. The letters on the markers were too small and faded easily, making it hard to identify the patient's information. Furthermore, the markers were not as durable as advertised and started to crack after a few uses. I would advise potential buyers to look for better-quality markers that offer more accuracy and longevity.
5. John - 1 star - I regret purchasing the Occult xray markers. The markers were poorly made and lacked precision when it came to positioning on the x-ray film. The adhesive was weak, causing the markers to shift during imaging and resulting in inaccurate labeling. Additionally, the colors of the markers were not as vivid as expected, making it difficult to distinguish between them. Overall, I was highly dissatisfied with the quality and performance of these markers.

Understanding the Role of Occult X-ray Markers in Radiographic Interpretation

How Occult X-ray Markers Help Reduce Errors in Radiology Practice