The Mysterious Curse of Ra: Fact or Fiction?

By admin

The Curse of Ra Upon You In ancient Egyptian mythology, Ra was the sun god and one of the most powerful deities. It was believed that Ra ruled the world during the day, bringing light and warmth to all living creatures. However, Ra was also known to possess a dark side, and those who offended him or went against his will would face his wrath in the form of a curse. The Curse of Ra was believed to be one of the most dreadful curses, capable of inflicting immense suffering on its victims. The curse was said to bring about terrible misfortunes, illnesses, and even death. It was said that Ra's curse would strike fear into the hearts of those who dared to defy or disrespect him.

The hour-and-25-minute recording of the event was generated by a tape recorder placed center stage, and in the years since, it’s warped its way into a portentous aura. Distortions, squeals, fuzz and machine hum lurk within the music so that when the conflict arises it seems to have been brewing throughout the show. When darkness descends on the auditorium, the instruments are still plugged in and the tape is still documenting. Some of Ra’s tirade is redacted by organ and amplifier reverb, and howling and stomping from the audience, which all begins to sound like an avant-garde high school cheerleader squad. Emergent from the cacophony is Ra’s peeved voice promising, “This planet needs me, I don’t need it, lights turned out on me ’cause lights turned out on the whole planet…”

Waiting too long to administer policy, as I discovered, can be hazardous to both your hall environment and the relationships you have with your residents. Alcohol poisoning cases tend to correlate with pre-gaming or drinking before going out to party which is usually done with liquor because it s easier to smuggle into the residence hall.

Curss of ra upn you

It was said that Ra's curse would strike fear into the hearts of those who dared to defy or disrespect him. According to ancient Egyptian texts, the curse of Ra could befall anyone who spoke ill of the god or attempted to steal his power. It was also believed that Ra would punish those who betrayed him or committed acts of evil under his watchful eye.

Curss of ra upn you

Updated with even more assholeness of Ra!

Twitter is a great place to waste time, but it is also a great place to get inspired with really ridiculous ideas. After I pointed out that a sequel to the movie Prometheus is in the works, PZ Myers of Pharyngula responded with this tweet:

My response was this:

And a new meme was born! Ra, for those unfamiliar, is the ancient Egyptian deity of the midday sun, a major god of Egypt from somewhere about 2500 BC onwards. He was typically represented with a falcon head, and sun disk on top of it, as pictured below.

A lovely depiction of Ra, via Wikipedia.

The ancient Egyptian god Ra is a powerful, benevolent deity, responsible for the creation of life and the one who protects and sustains it. On the other hand, Asshole Ra is petty, annoying, and pretty much, well, an asshole.

Taking classic Egyptian artwork of Ra from around the web, I produced my own conception of Asshole Ra. Go below to see his glory…

My first image of Asshole Ra shows his appreciation of fine arts.

Asshole Ra likes to troll his believers something fierce.

Asshole Ra is not a deity you want to go on a roadtrip with.

Asshole Ra does not use his great powers with great responsibility.

Humor is not one of Asshole Ra’s strong suits.

Asshole Ra is picky about the offerings he receives.

Asshole Ra is also very picky about his beverages.

It’s really not worthwhile to be in a relationship with Asshole Ra.

Asshole Ra also has serious entitlement issues.

Did I mention that humor isn’t one of Asshole Ra’s strong suits?

Really, it’s best not to rely on Asshole Ra for anything.

I may present further adventures of Asshole Ra in the future — stay tuned!

Images of Ra were taken from ancient Egyptian artwork that is available from a variety of sources on the web, including Wikipedia. I used a number of images of ancient Egyptian stelae from, which has a nice compilation. The photograph of the Double Temple of Haroeris and Sobek at Ombos came from the very nice Amentet Neferet blog.

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Asshole Ra is also very picky about his beverages.
Curss of ra upn you

Stories of the Curse of Ra have been passed down through generations, creating a sense of fear and awe surrounding the ancient Egyptian deity. Many believed that the curse was responsible for the downfall of powerful pharaohs and the destruction of once prosperous cities. The curse was not only feared by the Egyptians themselves, but also by those who came into contact with their artifacts and tombs. Archaeologists and tomb raiders who disturbed the resting places of pharaohs and their treasures often reported experiencing a series of unfortunate events following their actions. While the Curse of Ra may be steeped in mythology and superstition, it continues to capture the imagination of many to this day. The idea of a powerful and vengeful god punishing those who cross his path has resonated throughout history and serves as a reminder of the consequences that can come from disrespecting ancient beliefs and traditions. In conclusion, the Curse of Ra is a mythical concept that revolves around the wrath of the ancient Egyptian sun god, Ra. While its existence remains a matter of belief and speculation, its legend continues to captivate and fascinate those interested in ancient Egyptian culture and mythology..

Reviews for "Unexplained Phenomena Surrounding the Curse of Ra"

- Jane - 1/5 - I was really disappointed with "Curss of ra upn you". The storyline was incredibly confusing and hard to follow. The characters were poorly written and lacked depth. The special effects were also subpar and took away from the overall experience. I had high hopes for this film, but it failed to deliver. I do not recommend it.
- Mark - 2/5 - "Curss of ra upn you" had an interesting concept, but the execution was lacking. The acting was mediocre at best and the pacing was off. The movie felt slow and dragged on, making it difficult to stay engaged. The visual effects were decent, but they weren't enough to save the film. Overall, I think there are better options out there and I wouldn't watch it again.
- Emily - 2/5 - I found "Curss of ra upn you" to be underwhelming. The plot had potential, but it was poorly developed. The characters were shallow and uninteresting, and I couldn't connect with any of them. The dialogue was also quite weak and felt forced. I was hoping for a thrilling and captivating experience, but it fell flat. I wouldn't recommend this movie to others.

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