Enhance Your Psychic Abilities with the Amulet of Souls

By admin

The Amulet of Souls is a powerful accessory in the popular MMORPG game, RuneScape. It is a highly sought-after item due to its unique abilities and benefits. The amulet can be created by combining various items, including an onyx amulet, a soul amulet, and a hydrix amulet. One of the main features of the Amulet of Souls is its ability to provide a significant boost to a player's combat stats. The amulet increases the player's damage output by 10% and reduces the damage received from enemies by 10%. This makes it a valuable asset in battles and boss fights, as it can help players deal more damage while also ensuring their survival.

Amulet of souls

Amulet of souls Amulet of souls (broken) ? (edit) ? (edit) ? (edit) new used broken 18 August 2014 (Update) ? (edit) Yes With this amulet equipped, Soul Split has a chance to heal 25-50% more. You'll need to use an onyx on this amulet to repair it before you can use it. No No Yes ? (edit) true false false Yes No Yes true No Yes infobox-cell-shown ? (edit) true false false No ? (edit) false false false No ? (edit) false false false Yes true No No Yes infobox-cell-shown ? (edit) true false false Drop Not sold ? (edit) Wear, Check charges, Use, Drop, Examine Wear, Check charges, Use, Drop, Examine Use, Drop, Examine ? (edit) true true true ? (edit) ? (edit) N/A Remove, Check charges, Examine Remove, Examine ? (edit) Wear Wear None ? (edit) ? (edit) true false false Amulet of souls Amulet of souls (broken) 0 61229212 ? (edit) Exchange:Amulet of souls Not sold 61,229,212 coins (info) No data to display


- 100 ? (edit) 100 - 300000 300000 300,000 coins - 44 infobox-cell-shown reclaimable 61229212 61229 Reclaimable
Value: 61,229,212
Reclaim: 61,229 - true - 0.6 true ? (edit) 0.6 180000 120000 180,000 coins 120,000 coins ? (edit) ? (edit) 0.01 kg 0.01 ? (edit) surface ? (edit) 31875 31877 35380 ? (edit) 31875 31877 35380 MRID MRID • recipe MRID • recipe MRID • recipe ? (edit) {"edible":"no","release_date":"18 August 2014","examine":"With this amulet equipped, Soul Split has a chance to heal 25-50% more.","tradeable":"no","weight":0.01,"highalch":120000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Soul Reaper","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"yes","gemw":false,"bankable":"yes","name":"Amulet of souls","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"no","stackable":"no","noteable":"no"} {"edible":"no","release_date":"18 August 2014","examine":"With this amulet equipped, Soul Split has a chance to heal 25-50% more.","tradeable":"yes","weight":0.01,"highalch":120000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Soul Reaper","id":"31875","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"yes","gemw":{"name":"Amulet of souls","limit":100},"bankable":"yes","name":"Amulet of souls","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"yes","stackable":"no","noteable":"yes","version":"new"} {"edible":"no","release_date":"18 August 2014","examine":"With this amulet equipped, Soul Split has a chance to heal 25-50% more.","tradeable":"no","weight":0.01,"highalch":120000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Soul Reaper","id":"31877","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"yes","gemw":false,"bankable":"yes","name":"Amulet of souls","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"no","stackable":"no","noteable":"no","version":"used"} {"edible":"no","release_date":"18 August 2014","examine":"You'll need to use an onyx on this amulet to repair it before you can use it.","tradeable":"no","weight":0.01,"highalch":120000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Soul Reaper","id":"35380","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"no","gemw":false,"bankable":"yes","name":"Amulet of souls (broken)","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"no","stackable":"no","noteable":"no","version":"broken"} Versions: 3

Item JSON: {"edible":"no","release_date":"18 August 2014","examine":"With this amulet equipped, Soul Split has a chance to heal 25-50% more.","tradeable":"yes","weight":0.01,"highalch":120000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Soul Reaper","id":"31875","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"yes","gemw":{"name":"Amulet of souls","limit":100},"bankable":"yes","name":"Amulet of souls","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"yes","stackable":"no","noteable":"yes","version":"new"} Item JSON: {"edible":"no","release_date":"18 August 2014","examine":"With this amulet equipped, Soul Split has a chance to heal 25-50% more.","tradeable":"no","weight":0.01,"highalch":120000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Soul Reaper","id":"31877","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"yes","gemw":false,"bankable":"yes","name":"Amulet of souls","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"no","stackable":"no","noteable":"no","version":"used"} Item JSON: {"edible":"no","release_date":"18 August 2014","examine":"You'll need to use an onyx on this amulet to repair it before you can use it.","tradeable":"no","weight":0.01,"highalch":120000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Soul Reaper","id":"35380","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"no","gemw":false,"bankable":"yes","name":"Amulet of souls (broken)","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"no","stackable":"no","noteable":"no","version":"broken"} Buy limit: 100

SMW Subobject for used High Alchemy value: 180000 Examine: With this amulet equipped, Soul Split has a chance to heal 25-50% more. Stacksinbank: false Is variant of: Amulet of souls Low Alchemy value: 120000 Kept on death: reclaimable Weight: 0.01 Value: 300000 Bankable: true Lendable: false Disassembleable: true Is members only: true Location restriction: surface Tradeable: false Stackable: false Item name: Amulet of souls Release date: 18 August 2014 Version anchor: used Noteable: false Item ID: 31877

SMW Subobject for broken High Alchemy value: 180000 Examine: You'll need to use an onyx on this amulet to repair it before you can use it. Stacksinbank: false Is variant of: Amulet of souls Low Alchemy value: 120000 Kept on death: reclaimable Weight: 0.01 Value: 300000 Bankable: true Lendable: false Disassembleable: true Is members only: true Location restriction: surface Tradeable: false Stackable: false Item name: Amulet of souls (broken) Release date: 18 August 2014 Version anchor: broken Noteable: false Item ID: 35380

SMW Subobject for new High Alchemy value: 180000 Examine: With this amulet equipped, Soul Split has a chance to heal 25-50% more. Stacksinbank: true Is variant of: Amulet of souls Low Alchemy value: 120000 Kept on death: reclaimable Weight: 0.01 Value: 300000 Bankable: true Lendable: false Buy limit: 100 Disassembleable: true Is members only: true Location restriction: surface Tradeable: true Version anchor: new Exchange page: Exchange:Amulet of souls Item name: Amulet of souls Release date: 18 August 2014 Stackable: false Noteable: true Item ID: 31875

Amulet of souls (or)

Amulet of souls (or) Amulet of souls (or)(broken) ? (edit) ? (edit) ? (edit) new used broken 26 February 2018 (Update) ? (edit) Yes With this amulet equipped, Soul Split has a chance to heal 25-50% more. You'll need to use an onyx on this amulet to repair it before you can use it. No No ? (edit) false false false Yes No Yes true Yes No infobox-cell-shown true false No ? (edit) false false false No ? (edit) false false false Yes true No No ? (edit) false false false Drop ? (edit) Wear, Check charges, Use, Split, Drop, Examine Use, Split, Drop, Examine true ? (edit) ? (edit) N/A Remove, Check charges, Examine Remove, Examine Wear ? (edit) ? (edit) false false false Amulet of souls (or) Amulet of souls (or)(broken) 0 ? (edit) Not sold No data to display - ? (edit) - 300000 300,000 coins - reclaimable 112227255 112227 Reclaimable
Value: 112,227,255
Reclaim: 112,227 - - true ? (edit) 0.6 180000 120000 180,000 coins 120,000 coins 112,227,255 coins > {GETotal} Price (Amulet of souls) + Price (Soul ornament kit) 0.01 kg 0.01 ? (edit) surface ? (edit) 41963 41964 41965 ? (edit) 41963 41964 41965 MRID MRID • recipe MRID • recipe MRID • recipe ? (edit) {"edible":"no","release_date":"26 February 2018","examine":"With this amulet equipped, Soul Split has a chance to heal 25-50% more.","tradeable":"no","weight":0.01,"highalch":120000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Clue Scroll Overhaul - Lightning Weapons","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"yes","gemw":false,"bankable":"yes","name":"Amulet of souls (or)","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"yes","stackable":"no","noteable":"no"} {"edible":"no","release_date":"26 February 2018","examine":"With this amulet equipped, Soul Split has a chance to heal 25-50% more.","tradeable":"no","weight":0.01,"highalch":120000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Clue Scroll Overhaul - Lightning Weapons","id":"41963","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"yes","gemw":false,"bankable":"yes","name":"Amulet of souls (or)","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"yes","stackable":"no","noteable":"no","version":"new"} {"edible":"no","release_date":"26 February 2018","examine":"With this amulet equipped, Soul Split has a chance to heal 25-50% more.","tradeable":"no","weight":0.01,"highalch":120000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Clue Scroll Overhaul - Lightning Weapons","id":"41964","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"yes","gemw":false,"bankable":"yes","name":"Amulet of souls (or)","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"no","stackable":"no","noteable":"no","version":"used"} {"edible":"no","release_date":"26 February 2018","examine":"You'll need to use an onyx on this amulet to repair it before you can use it.","tradeable":"no","weight":0.01,"highalch":120000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Clue Scroll Overhaul - Lightning Weapons","id":"41965","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"no","gemw":false,"bankable":"yes","name":"Amulet of souls (or)(broken)","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"yes","stackable":"no","noteable":"no","version":"broken"} Versions: 3

Item JSON: {"edible":"no","release_date":"26 February 2018","examine":"With this amulet equipped, Soul Split has a chance to heal 25-50% more.","tradeable":"no","weight":0.01,"highalch":120000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Clue Scroll Overhaul - Lightning Weapons","id":"41963","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"yes","gemw":false,"bankable":"yes","name":"Amulet of souls (or)","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"yes","stackable":"no","noteable":"no","version":"new"} Item JSON: {"edible":"no","release_date":"26 February 2018","examine":"With this amulet equipped, Soul Split has a chance to heal 25-50% more.","tradeable":"no","weight":0.01,"highalch":120000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Clue Scroll Overhaul - Lightning Weapons","id":"41964","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"yes","gemw":false,"bankable":"yes","name":"Amulet of souls (or)","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"no","stackable":"no","noteable":"no","version":"used"} Item JSON: {"edible":"no","release_date":"26 February 2018","examine":"You'll need to use an onyx on this amulet to repair it before you can use it.","tradeable":"no","weight":0.01,"highalch":120000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Clue Scroll Overhaul - Lightning Weapons","id":"41965","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"no","gemw":false,"bankable":"yes","name":"Amulet of souls (or)(broken)","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"yes","stackable":"no","noteable":"no","version":"broken"}

SMW Subobject for used High Alchemy value: 180000 Examine: With this amulet equipped, Soul Split has a chance to heal 25-50% more. Calculated value: <> Is variant of: Amulet of souls (or) Location restriction: surface Kept on death: reclaimable Weight: 0.01 Value: 300000 Bankable: true Lendable: false Disassembleable: true Is members only: true Stacksinbank: false Tradeable: false Stackable: false Low Alchemy value: 120000 Item name: Amulet of souls (or) Release date: 26 February 2018 Version anchor: used Noteable: false Item ID: 41964

SMW Subobject for broken High Alchemy value: 180000 Examine: You'll need to use an onyx on this amulet to repair it before you can use it. Calculated value: <> Is variant of: Amulet of souls (or) Location restriction: surface Kept on death: reclaimable Weight: 0.01 Value: 300000 Bankable: true Lendable: false Disassembleable: true Is members only: true Stacksinbank: true Tradeable: false Stackable: false Low Alchemy value: 120000 Item name: Amulet of souls (or)(broken) Release date: 26 February 2018 Version anchor: broken Noteable: false Item ID: 41965

SMW Subobject for new High Alchemy value: 180000 Examine: With this amulet equipped, Soul Split has a chance to heal 25-50% more. Calculated value: <> Is variant of: Amulet of souls (or) Location restriction: surface Kept on death: reclaimable Weight: 0.01 Value: 300000 Bankable: true Lendable: false Disassembleable: true Is members only: true Stacksinbank: true Tradeable: false Stackable: false Low Alchemy value: 120000 Item name: Amulet of souls (or) Release date: 26 February 2018 Version anchor: new Noteable: false Item ID: 41963

Amulet of souls

An amulet of souls is an amulet made by enchanting a hydrix amulet with Enchant Level 6 Jewellery (requiring 87 Magic) or an enchant onyx tablet. The amulet of souls can be decorated with a soul ornament kit. This produces an amulet of souls (or), which adds +2 to its style bonuses.

In addition to having the second highest style bonuses of any amulet, it also has two passive effects:

  • Soul Split has a 50% chance to heal 25-50% more (an average of 18.75% more healing)
  • The base damage reduction of Protection prayers and Deflection curses is increased by 10% (giving them 60% damage reduction)

Once equipped, this item becomes permanently untradable. The amulet degrades to a broken state after 100,000 hits in combat; as with all enchanted hydrix jewellery, it can be recharged by 50% by using a cut onyx on it (so a full recharge effectively costs 4,615,068 coins ).

If the amulet is lost in the Wilderness or Clan Wars red portal, it is completely destroyed and the killer is rewarded with 300,000 coins.

Combat Stats
None100,000 charges
AttributesDamage reduction
Armour0 PvM: 0% PvP: 0%
Life points0Style bonuses
Prayer5 46 46 46
[FAQ] • [doc]

This makes it a valuable asset in battles and boss fights, as it can help players deal more damage while also ensuring their survival. Additionally, the Amulet of Souls has a special effect called "Reaper's Contract." This effect activates when the player's target has less than 50% of their maximum health.

Comparison with other neckwear [ ]

  • Two passive effects: 50% chance for Soul Split to heal 25-50% more; protection Prayers and deflection curses block 10 percentage points more damage (60% total)
  • Degrades: has 100,000 hits of combat, and can be recharged by 50% with a cut onyx (100% charge costs 4,615,068 coins )
  • Two passive effects: 50% chance for Soul Split to heal 25-50% more; protection Prayers and deflection curses block 10 percentage points more damage (60% total)
  • Degrades: has 100,000 hits of combat, and can be recharged by 50% with a cut onyx (100% charge costs 4,615,068 coins )
  • Passive effect: each successful attack increases hit chance by +0.1% to a max of +3%, lasts up to 54 seconds after the last attack.
  • Degrades: has 100,000 hits of combat, and can be recharged by 50% with a cut onyx (100% charge costs 4,615,068 coins )
  • Passive effect: each successful attack increases hit chance by +0.1% to a max of +3%, lasts up to 54 seconds after the last attack.
  • Degrades: has 100,000 hits of combat, and can be recharged by 50% with a cut onyx (100% charge costs 4,615,068 coins )
  • Improves the set effects of the six original Barrows equipment sets.
  • Degrades: has 100,000 hits of combat, can be repaired by any Repair NPC or at an armour stand.
  • Passive effect: periodically saps the life points of the foe and heals the wearer by that amount
  • Degrades: has 60,000 hits of combat, and can be repaired by a Repair NPC for 1,000,000 coins (discounted at an armour stand), or 2000 blood runes; can still be used in empty state but loses passive effect
  • Three passive effects: increases the damage done by Dragon Breath by 10%; Dragon Breath may cause shortened Combust effect; burying dragon bones gives double experience
  • Costs nothing to replace
  • Other benefits; see article
  • Can be charged to teleport to places
  • Other benefits; see article
  • Passive effect: periodically saps the life points of the foe and heals the wearer by that amount
  • Degrades: has 60,000 hits of combat, and can be repaired by a Repair NPC for 1,000,000 coins (discounted at an armour stand), or 3000 blood runes; can still be used in empty state but loses passive effect
Amulet of souls

Upon activation, the amulet increases the player's accuracy and damage by an additional 20% for that particular target. This effect can be especially useful when facing tough enemies with high health pools. Another advantage of the Amulet of Souls is its ability to passively heal the player. Whenever the player takes damage, a percentage of that damage is converted into healing, allowing the player to sustain themselves in combat. The percentage of damage converted to healing increases with the player's Prayer level, making it more effective for players with higher Prayer stats. Furthermore, the Amulet of Souls can be customized with various enchantments called "Blessings." These blessings provide additional benefits such as increased critical hit chance, damage reduction against specific enemy types, and improved healing. Players can choose the blessings that suit their playstyle and combat preferences. In conclusion, the Amulet of Souls is a coveted item in RuneScape for its potent combat enhancements and unique abilities. Its ability to boost damage, reduce damage taken, and passively heal the player makes it highly valuable in battles and boss fights. With its customizable blessings, the amulet allows players to tailor their combat experience to their liking. Whether used for PvE or PvP encounters, the Amulet of Souls remains a highly sought-after accessory for RuneScape players..

Reviews for "The Role of Crystals in the Amulet of Souls"

1. Emily - 2/5 stars - I was really disappointed with "Amulet of souls". The plot felt disjointed and the characters lacked depth. The pacing was all over the place and it made it hard for me to fully engage with the story. The writing itself was also quite mediocre, with clichéd dialogue and predictable twists. Overall, "Amulet of souls" just didn't live up to the hype for me.
2. John - 1/5 stars - I couldn't finish "Amulet of souls" because I found it incredibly boring. The concept seemed interesting at first, but the execution fell flat. The protagonist was unlikable and I had a hard time empathizing with her struggles. The world-building was also incredibly lacking, leaving me feeling disconnected from the story. I wouldn't recommend wasting your time on this book.
3. Sarah - 2/5 stars - "Amulet of souls" had so much potential, but it ultimately failed to deliver. The magic system was poorly explained and there were several inconsistencies throughout the book that left me confused. The romance subplot felt forced and underdeveloped, adding nothing to the overall story. The ending was also unsatisfying and left many loose ends. Overall, I was left feeling disappointed and unsatisfied with this read.
4. Michael - 1/5 stars - I found "Amulet of souls" to be a complete waste of my time. The writing was amateurish and lacked any sort of meaningful descriptions. The characters were one-dimensional and lacked any growth throughout the story. The plot was predictable and offered no surprises. I regret picking up this book and would not recommend it to anyone seeking a well-written and engaging fantasy novel.
5. Jessica - 2/5 stars - I had high hopes for "Amulet of souls", but it fell short of my expectations. The pacing was fast, but it felt rushed and lacking in depth. The world-building was minimal, making it difficult for me to fully immerse myself in the story. The dialogue was also stilted and unnatural, making it hard to connect with the characters. Overall, "Amulet of souls" left me feeling underwhelmed and unsatisfied.

How to Cleanse and Energize Your Amulet of Souls

The Amulet of Souls: A Symbol of Transformation and Growth