What's with the Epaulets? The Rise of Military-Inspired Advertising Mascots

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In the world of advertising, mascots play a significant role in creating brand presence and recognition. These characters are carefully crafted to embody the values and personality of a brand, making them relatable and memorable to consumers. They often undergo makeovers or variations over time to stay relevant and catch the attention of new audiences. One such transformation that can have a powerful impact is when an advertising mascot dons epaulets. Epaulets are ornamental shoulder decorations commonly associated with military and naval uniforms. They signify rank, authority, and prestige.

Acorn 42 , Aloe vera 49 , Asteroid 51 , Autumn leaves 42 , Bamboo 84 , Basil 30 , Beach 98 , Bonfire 44 , Bushes 31 , Cactus 43 , Cannabis 75 , Clouds 33 , Comet 38 , Conch 31 , Cotton 25 , Drops 43 , Earth 41 , Edelweiss 36 , Fir-tree 43 , Fire 54 , Flame 46 , Forest 55 , Grass 81 , Green leaves 66 , Hurricane, tornado 57 , Ice 49 , Icicles 49 , Jungle 39 , Light 49 , Lightning 52 , Mars 40 , Meteor 41 , Moon 52 , Mountain 30 , Mud 30 , Mushroom 44 , Nest 67 , Nettle 28 , Palm tree 131 , Peppermint 39 , Pine cone 28 , Rain 21 , Rainbow 27 , Sakura 58 , Sand 55 , Sea 35 , Sea buckthorn 40 , Smoke 139 , Snow 28 , Snowball 28 , Snowflakes 70 , Soil 84 , Stones and rocks 83 , Sun 43 , Thunder 69 , Tobacco 42 , Tree 132 , Volcano 49 , Water 165 , Wheat 108 , Winter 74

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They signify rank, authority, and prestige. When an advertising mascot adds epaulets to their attire, it conveys a sense of importance and credibility. By portraying the mascot as a figure of authority, the brand aims to establish trust and reliability in the minds of consumers.

Clătite pufoase și fragede – cea mai simplă rețetă care nu dă greș

Clătite pufoase și fragede – cea mai simplă rețetă care nu dă greș. Secretele clătitelor perfecte care se întorc ușor în tigaie și nu se rup. Rețeta simplă de clătite franțuzești sau crêpes. Cum se face aluatul de clătite cu lapte, ouă și făină? Rețeta de clătite a lui Chef Paul Bocuse.

Toată lumea ne întreabă cum se fac clătitele pufoase și fragede dar care să fie și gustoase! Spun aceasta deoarece mulți le prăjesc insuficient în tigaie iar clătitele, deși rămân moi, sunt evident necoapte… ceea ce nu dorim! Secretul clătitelor gustoase stă tocmai în petele maronii de pe ele.

Sunt multe rețete de clătite, fiecare gospodărie având câte una moștenită din familie de la mama sau bunica sau, de ce nu, dobândită recent de pe internet sau de la amici. Am publicat acum câțiva ani rețeta de familie: clătite moi și fragede care au în compoziție atât lapte cât și apă minerală. Rețeta ei a fost testată de zeci de mii de cititori și poate fi citită aici.

Francezii nu folosesc apă minerală sau sifon la clătite, aluatul acestora preparându-se doar cu lapte. Uneori folosesc bere sau cidru iar făina nu este mereu cea albă ci poate fi combinată cu făină integrală sau cu făină de hrișcă (farine de ble noir – la galettes). Da, clătitele (crêpes) sunt un desert cu origini franțuzești exact ca eclerele, choux a la creme sau aluatul foietaj. Numele lor vine din franceza veche ele numindu-se cresp adică ceva « frisé, ondulé » (zburlit, creț, ondulat) – de la crispus (din lb. latină). Cele mai celebre sunt clătitele din Bretagne care se servesc atât dulci cât și sărate (galettes).

În multele mele vizite în Franța am avut șansa de a-mi petrece o vacanță pe Île d’Oléron, la Oceanul Atlantic. Gazda vilei de vacanță era o doamnă respectabilă de vreo 70 de ani (Huguette) care tot la 2 zile ne făcea clătite. Normal că am întrebat-o despre rețetă iar ea mi-a oferit-o imediat. A zis că este cea a regretatului Chef Paul Bocuse (cel care a militat pentru La Nouvelle Cuisine Française), chestie pe care mi-a demonstrat-o imediat scoțând cartea lui de bucate din bibliotecă. Mi-a mai spus că singura diferență e că ea nu mai pune zahăr în aluat (era prevăzută o cantitate infimă) deoarece îi plac și umpluturile sărate. În rest sunt fix aceleași cantități, inclusiv bucățica mică de unt topit care transformă aceste clătite în ceva grozav de bun. De atunci fac clătite numai după această rețetă și m-am gândit să v-o împărtășesc în cele ce urmează.

Advertising mascot dons epaulets

The addition of epaulets to an advertising mascot also serves to elevate their image and make them more visually appealing. These shoulder decorations draw attention to the mascot's appearance and create a sense of uniqueness. They give the mascot a distinctive and professional look, which can help them stand out in a sea of competitors. Furthermore, the presence of epaulets on an advertising mascot can help to reinforce a brand's message or values. For instance, if the mascot represents a security company, the addition of epaulets can reinforce the notion of safety and protection. If the mascot represents a luxury brand, epaulets can convey a sense of elegance and high-class status. However, it is important for brands to carefully consider the context in which they incorporate epaulets into their advertising mascots. The use of military or authority symbols can be perceived differently across cultures and may have unintended consequences. Brands should ensure that the addition of epaulets aligns with their overall marketing strategy and does not alienate or offend their target audience. In conclusion, the decision to have an advertising mascot don epaulets is a strategic one. It can help to establish authority, enhance visual appeal, and reinforce brand values. However, brands must take care to consider the cultural implications and ensure that the addition of epaulets aligns with their overall brand messaging. When executed thoughtfully, this transformation can make a lasting impact on consumers and contribute to the success of a brand's advertising campaign..

Reviews for "Behind the Epaulets: The Strategic Use of Military Symbols in Advertising"

1. Sarah - 2/5 - I found "Advertising mascot dons epaulets" to be quite underwhelming and unoriginal. The concept of an advertising mascot dressing up in military attire seemed forced and did not make much sense to me. Additionally, the artwork and design of the mascot did not impress me either. Overall, I felt like the idea behind the ad was not executed well, and it left me feeling disappointed and uninterested.
2. John - 1/5 - "Advertising mascot dons epaulets" was a complete waste of my time. The ad lacked any creativity or substance, and I couldn't understand the purpose behind the mascot wearing epaulets. The whole concept seemed utterly bizarre and failed to capture my attention. The visuals were dull, and I felt like I was watching a poorly made amateur project. I would not recommend wasting your time on this ad.
3. Emma - 2/5 - I was left confused and unimpressed by "Advertising mascot dons epaulets." The ad didn't clearly convey any message or promote any product. The mascot wearing epaulets felt out of place and didn't add any value to the overall ad. The animation and visuals were mediocre at best, and I believe there are far better advertising campaigns out there that are more deserving of attention. Overall, it was a forgettable experience for me.

Epaulets as Advertising Accessories: Why Brands are Dressing Up their Mascots in Military-Inspired Fashion

From Clown to Commander: How Epaulets are Transforming Advertising Mascots