The Virgin Witch: A Refreshing Take on the Magical Girl Genre

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"The Virgin Witch" is a popular manga series that can be found on the online manga reading platform, Mangadex. The manga explores the story of a virgin witch named Elena. As the title suggests, Elena is a young witch who has yet to experience any form of romantic or sexual relationships. The storyline follows Elena's journey as she navigates the world of magic and love. The manga depicts the challenges she faces as a virgin witch, and how she discovers and explores her own desires. Throughout the series, Elena encounters various characters and situations that put her in unexpected and often comedic situations.

Dong Giovanni

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roundup of all the manhwa i've read since february

so if you're not aware i used to consider myself a connoisseur of isekai romance manhwa back when it was starting to take off in the english speaking sphere, around 2018-2019. there was something of a perfect storm of environmental factors leading to this interest but mostly i was taking a gap year between transferring colleges and i was really depressed and had nothing to do. i unfortunately consider it extremely formative to my adult psyche. i haven't had much time to read anything since i started going to school again, but "i'm graduating this year and i still haven't figured my life out" started hitting really hard earlier this year so i decided to do what i do every time i feel mentally unwell which is manifest a new hobby. so i've been diving back into the manhwa mines with the difference that now there is now so much translated romance isekai/reincarnation that they bleed together into an impenetrable mass that i've been burnt out on since before it was cool so i just got a lezhin membership and started checking out what the porn scene is like. 🤷

some notes on what i've been reading: i used to mostly discover stuff on mangadex and tappytoon, but i've been looking through what's on lezhin as of late. the vast majority of what i've read is het, but i like and have been trying to read more gl (which compared to het or bl there's so little of?). i don't really care about bl, i've only ever read maybe one or two bl manhwa in total, and none in this round. i'll try to list what i read in the order i read them, but i'm going off memory, and i'm going to list stuff where i only read the preview chapters. i read a whole lot of shit so i will point out the titles i really liked or thought were particularly interesting with a sparkle emoji. ✨

the list and my short thoughts:

Author/Artist: Siya, GLEE (글리)
Genre: Romance (het), Reincarnation, Fantasy
Read or Drop?: Drop
Is it good?: Boring
Did I like it?: Bored.
Thoughts: i picked this up because the main character basically just sounded like and looked like saber and i ummm fucking love saber. i was disappointed by the writing style because so much happened yet so little and the emotional beats were so nothing and felt vindicated when i found out the author had written a previous manhwa i had disliked for having an especially nothing story (I Belong to House Castiello) in a genre where having a nothing story is pretty commonplace. the final straw was finding out the male lead was the character i thought was boring compared to the one i really liked. i read what was translated on mangadex at the time and didn't look back

The Knight and Her Emperor
Author/Artist: Glasses Monkey (안경원숭이), Team-Iyak (Winter - Heyum)
Genre: Fantasy, Action, Drama, Comedy, Romance (het)
Read or Drop?: Read
Is it good?: I certainly have caveats and critiques but it's pretty good!
Did I like it?: I liked it a lot. It's got The Sauce.
Thoughts: i actually have a lot of thoughts on this one that would require their own separate lengthy post, but what i will say is even though i think it's far from perfect i felt sooo refreshed reading this one for so many reasons. i think the main artist is a master of romantic comedy and i especially appreciate that the story doesn't sacrifice the characters' emotional or psychological cores for the sake of it. i enjoyed that it engages with feminist topics on a fairly holistic scale past surface level girlbossery. also the male lead is a cunning pretty boy dramatic peacock of a man which rare to see (but becoming more common?) but is more importantly also: exactly my type. i think the story suffers from mood whiplash due in part because it's an adaption of a light novel that's reportedly quite darker in tone but this is interesting enough to warrant being in the hypothetical separate post.

Love and Leashes (aka Moral Sense)
Author/Artist: Winter
Genre: Romance (het), Comedy, Office, Femdom
Read or Drop?: Read
Is it good?: Yes
Did I like it?: Yes
Thoughts: so part of the reason i have so many thoughts on the previous title is that a bit into reading this one i realized it was written and drawn by the main artist of the last one! i accidentally fucking read two comics by the same person back to back! (i think this is because both me and this artist kind of have a type of [pathetic] man) part of the reason i have so much to say about the Knight and Her Emperor is that i thought the experience of reading these two vastly different stories by the same person was really interesting, and i'd like to write a post about those thoughts if i get some time. in any case i think this comic is a real showcase of the author's strengths: this is just a really, really good romantic comedy that is also pretty educational about BDSM without feeling toothless in the way a lot of stories with a didactic bent are. (you may actually have heard about this comic from Kat Blaque's review of the movie based on it) it is not in fact explicit erotica, but i think the scenes we get out of that are fun and i think this is a comic that is great at being what it sets out to be.

Love is an Illusion: The Queen
Author/Artist: Fargo
Genre: Romance, Erotic, Drama, Office, ABO, Femdom
Read or Drop?: Read
Is it good?: It was stock but inoffensive so I read the whole thing (20 chapters)
Did I like it?: Not particularly but I liked that there was a woman who was huge in it
Thoughts: so this was actually the first omegaverse story of any kind that i had ever read; i was familiar with like, what it was and stuff but it never piqued my interest. i was interested because i saw that this was one of only two non-bl abo comics on lezhin and it was also the first abo story i'd seen with a female alpha. i tend to like boss/secretary dynamics and i did enjoy this one. the plot is about what you would expect from a romantic drama. i was underwhelmed by the porn; it's not offensive or bad but i didn't get anything out of it. i was sort of disappointed that giving cocks to cis female alphas seems to be the norm if only because i think it displays a lack of creativity over the ways you could impregnate somebody, but i didn't mind. also, and this is not a point for or against it: i kept looking at the male lead and going "you can't fool me. that's a lesbian." on the female lead, who i liked very much and kind of set the stage for what kind of female characters i started looking for: "i was admittedly charmed by her dykish toxically masculine ways her friendly aura big tits large stature and her stupidity" anyway to conclude it was a decent enough introduction to abo. i wouldn't say it's my thing but i could be convinced to read another omegaverse story (and i did)

Let's Hide My Little Brother
Author/Artist: CHAEJIHOO, Chen Li
Genre: Romance (het), Isekai, Fantasy, Action
Read or Drop?: Drop
Is it good?: What I read was actually quite good
Did I like it?: I wasn't that interested in where it was going
Thoughts: i think the characterization and storytelling is actually quite good in this one, but i dropped it when it became clear there was gonna be a lot of school hierarchy intrigue because i definitely need to be in a really specific mood for that. i think the premise of "girl protecting her bl protagonist brother from his violent love interests and becoming his dangerous love interest's love interest in turn" is fun but since i dropped pretty early i'm not sure how much tact this is handled with, especially because this dangerous love interest was apparently raised as a girl to hide his identity - could be either really fun or really bad

Secret Seductress
Author/Artist: MAKE
Genre: Erotic, Femdom, (Reverse?) Isekai, College
Read or Drop?: Drop
Is it good?: No
Did I like it?: I deeply wish it was better
Thoughts: i thought the premise of "woman isekai'd from being a duchess to the modern world and goes bisexual sicko mode" had a lot of potential and i was excited to read this but i was let down by the writing being pretty awful in the preview so i didn't bother to read more

My Sister's Happy Ending
Author/Artist: mongchere, Seolmui
Genre: Isekai, Romance (het)
Read or Drop?: Drop
Is it good?: I felt like it was dull
Did I like it?: No, but maybe if I just wanted to read something feelgood I'd read more
Thoughts: this is another one that i started reading because the main character looked and acted like saber. i know this is supposed to be wholesome but i was disappointed that the main emotional conflict between the sisters was resolved so quickly, presumably so they could go face the world together immediately, but i still think it would've been more satisfying if they had at least had an Arc before all that. the rest of the writing is also like that and it's not particularly funny or beautiful and heartwarming doesn't do a lot for me without setup so i didn't find a lot to be interested in.

The Missing O
Author/Artist: Face Park
Genre: Erotic (het), Femdom
Read or Drop?: Drop
Is it good?: Idk
Did I like it?: I hated it
Thoughts: ok so maybe the main character is supposed to be a total dick and perhaps this is addressed later but she was unbearable in the preview and it seemed like she was framed as correct, so. the premise is that she hasn't had an orgasm since having a one night stand with a big dicked stranger who saved her from somebody who drugged her at a concert and she hasn't settled for less since. i think it like is super important for women to get the message that they can and should advocate for their own pleasure during sex and for men to like, actually be mindful of their partners' pleasure, but i could not stand how the main character would just berate seemingly ignorant if otherwise normal and well adjusted guys for not making her cum or having an average sized dick(. ) because it's, such a juvenile way of viewing sex or behaving that feels like it's being framed as transgressive feminism and #girlboss. i assume this is as much of a topic in korea as it is in the US and i'll give the comic some grace because i feel like i can see what it's going for (don't tolerate men who don't give a shit about your pleasure), i just don't see it reflected what we're actually being shown. also if she had been drugged before having sex with the stranger who saved her i imagine her ability to consent to him would have been pretty shaky at best; i'm also not sure if this is addressed or purposeful but i'm not willing to tolerate this level of ambiguity at this point when the framing of the comic seems so preachy. also like girl are you sure you didn't have the most mindblowing sex of your life because you were drugged out of your mind. i'm sorry is that on purpose i'll give the author credit if that's what actually happened but i'm not interested in reading more to find out

Pandora's Choice
Author/Artist: Yudori
Genre: Drama, Historical
Read or Drop?: Read
Is it good?: Yes
Did I like it?: I'm planning on reading the rest
Thoughts: this is very different from most of the manhwa i've read; what's immediately apparent is that it covers topics of race that i've rarely if ever seen touched in other manhwa and never from the perspective of an asian character outside of asia, which is a perspective that's, well, personal to me. the author is i think korean-french? from the chapters i read i enjoyed the realism of the complexity of the relationship between the main character and her father, and i'm excited to see how that develops as she grows older, alongside her relationship with her surroundings itself. i noted that she acted older for her age, but to me this makes sense for the way she grew up. i intend to read the rest of this, probably soon.

Goodnight Cinderella
Author/Artist: Pot
Genre: Romance (GL), Erotic, College
Read or Drop?: Drop
Is it good?: It didn't impress me
Did I like it?: It wasn't for me
Thoughts: i thought the premise sounded interesting but the main characters weren't really my type.

His Majesty is Mine
Author/Artist: Doyeon
Genre: Romance (het), Isekai, Fantasy, Erotic
Read or Drop?: Drop
Is it good?: No
Did I like it?: No
Thoughts: i felt horrified by the male lead's tits

The Dragon's Proposal
Author/Artist: JAJU, SANMAT
Genre: Reincarnation, Action, Fantasy, Romance (het)
Read or Drop?: Drop
Is it good?: Mixed feelings
Did I like it?: I liked the first few chapters but it became clear the story was not going in a direction I was interested in
Thoughts: i thought the first few chapters were interesting: i liked the dynamic set up between the dragon and the warrior, and i had some issues with the writing but it wasn't a dealbreaker. by the end of the preview it felt like it was ditching the things i liked about the beginning for the stuff i disliked so i did not read more.

Anna's Tale
Author/Artist: Ji Hyo Kim
Genre: Romance (het), Adventure, Fantasy
Read or Drop?: Drop
Is it good?: No
Did I like it?: I wanted to like it!!
Thoughts: the art style is unique for a manhwa, very storybook. i wanted to like it but the visual storytelling wasn't able to carry the story so i dropped it.

Author/Artist: Pizzahooman
Genre: Romance (GL), Erotic, College
Read or Drop?: Drop
Is it good?: It was ok
Did I like it?: I didn't find it super interesting
Thoughts: i read a handful of chapters in because i liked the dynamic set up between the leads, but the writing wasn't really anything so i didn't read more.

The Emperor's Partner
Author/Artist: Lee Su Lim, Assam, Marron Pie
Genre: Romance (het), Isekai, Fantasy
Read or Drop?: Drop
Is it good?: Awful
Did I like it?: No
Thoughts: this is probably the comic on this list i disliked the most. i thought there were some really baffling writing choices wrt the way information was presented in the preview chapters, and i didn't like either the main character or the male lead. to be honest i can hardly remember what even happened or what was said; i just remember coming out of the preview with the distinct feeling that i'd been ripped off for something that i'd read for free.

Peach Sorbet
Author/Artist: Zang-gu
Genre: Romance (het), Erotic, Drama, College
Read or Drop?: Read
Is it good?: It's engaging
Did I like it?: I like it enough
Thoughts: i spent my free coins on this one for a little while, it gets to the point (the porn) pretty quickly and it's not anything new but the scenes are fun and the art style is pleasant. the female lead is drawn pretty cute in my opinion and you do get plenty of nice panels of her; i'm not into super muscular guys with no body fat or monster cocks so the first male lead ordinarily wouldn't be for me, but i like his personality, so that redeems him. i haven't gotten to see much of the second love interest yet, but he seems like i'll have a similar opinion of him. i'll probably end up spending some more coins i have laying around on this.

One Night Only
Author/Artist: seowoo
Genre: Romance (het), Erotic, Celebrity, ABO, Drama
Read or Drop?: Read
Is it good?: It's ok
Did I like it?: I'm pretty engaged by it
Thoughts: this is the other non-bl ABO on lezhin - another female alpha comic. i think i'm liking this one better than Love Is an Illusion: The Queen just because i think the dynamic between the main couple is more complex; it's definitely a longer story. i also generally like marriage of convenience and celebrity couples as romance tropes, so it's delivering on that end. imo the female lead doesn't really have much character and it's definitely a kdrama plot (with its ABO flavored absurdities), but the romance and sex scenes are doing enough to keep me engaged. i want to mention that i have lovingly dubbed this the "sex oatly comic" because there is a scene where the female lead pulls out a carton of what is clearly oatly in the middle of a sex scene and starts drinking it. iconic.

Exit's That Way (aka Get Out of My House)
Author/Artist: Team AEMAE
Genre: Romance (GL), Erotic, Celebrity, Drama
Read or Drop?: Read
Is it good?: It's good
Did I like it?: My favorite of everything on this list
Thoughts: i actually read the preview for this and didn't think much of it, but i came back around and decided to read more and got hooked! this checks all the boxes for the kind of GL i'm into, although i'm not even sure what those boxes are exactly. i like that one of the leads is older than usual (38 vs 20s or maybe early 30s) and that there are several other characters in her age range. the other lead is a famous actress who is uptight about public image but has a messy private life, which is catnip to me. i suppose the characters are just strong - both the leads stand very well on their own, but they're also perfectly calibrated to bounce off each other in different ways. the way romantic/sexual tension builds up is excellent and it makes the payoff all the better; the sex scenes are good but like, i have an ace friend who just read this entire manhwa for the plot! i will say i've only read what's on lezhin so far which is only a fraction of the whole thing, but this has just been a solid read so far and i trust that it'll continue to be interesting.

Prince Cinderella
Author/Artist: 77A0r
Genre: Romance, High School, Comedy
Read or Drop?: Drop
Is it good?: It is what it is
Did I like it?: It's funny, not sure I'm interested in reading more
Thoughts: it's a fun premise (main girl turns into a boy for half the day, is having trouble making moves on her crush as a girl so she tries as a boy) but the main character's personality was a bit Much for me i think.

The Virgin Witch
Author/Artist: Face Park
Genre: Reverse Harem, Erotic, Fantasy
Read or Drop?: Still deciding
Is it good?: Eeeehhhhh
Did I like it?: I think the one guy so far is pretty I guess
Thoughts: i just realized while i was writing this that this is by the same person as The Missing O which i think explains some things. but i have enjoyed the couple chapters of this that i've read more than The Missing O. i'll probably read a few more chapters to gauge whether or not i want to read more; who knows if it's good i could even be convinced to reevaluate my opinion on The Missing O (i doubt it but i have hope).

ending this behemoth by saying: if you have any GL reccomendations i'd love to hear them! apparently i don't care for stuff about high schoolers and i love female characters with a sort of fuckboy energy. maybe watch out for a post about my thoughts on Winter's work in the future.

Throughout the series, Elena encounters various characters and situations that put her in unexpected and often comedic situations. One of the main themes of "The Virgin Witch" is the exploration of sexuality and the societal perception of virginity. The manga tackles these themes in a light-hearted and humorous manner, often using situational comedy to drive the plot forward.

The virgin witch mangadex

It delves into the complexities of relationships and personal growth, as Elena learns more about herself and her desires. Mangadex, the online manga reading platform, provides a convenient platform for fans of "The Virgin Witch" to enjoy the series. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive manga library, Mangadex allows readers to easily access and read the manga. It also provides a space for readers to interact and discuss the series with fellow fans through comments and forums. Overall, "The Virgin Witch" is a compelling manga series that explores themes of sexuality, love, and self-discovery. With its engaging storyline and relatable characters, it has gained a dedicated fanbase on platforms like Mangadex. The series offers an enjoyable reading experience for those interested in romance and comedy genres and provides a unique perspective on the subject of virginity in modern society..

Reviews for "Unveiling the Hidden Messages in 'The Virgin Witch' Manga on Mangadex"

1. John - 2/5 stars - I was really disappointed with "The Virgin Witch" on Mangadex. The story felt rushed and the characters were one-dimensional. The plot twists were predictable and it lacked any depth or originality. The artwork was okay, but it wasn't enough to redeem the lackluster writing. Overall, I wouldn't recommend wasting your time on this manga.
2. Sarah - 1/5 stars - "The Virgin Witch" on Mangadex was a total letdown. The storytelling was disjointed and confusing, making it hard to follow the plot. The characters were poorly developed and lacked any real personalities. The artwork was average at best, with nothing that stood out. I found it to be a waste of time and regretted even starting to read it.
3. Alex - 2/5 stars - I was initially excited to read "The Virgin Witch" on Mangadex, but it quickly fell flat for me. The story was uninteresting and didn't capture my attention. The artwork was decent, but it wasn't enough to make up for the lackluster plot. The characters were forgettable and didn't have any depth. Overall, I was disappointed and wouldn't recommend it to others.
4. Jennifer - 1/5 stars - "The Virgin Witch" on Mangadex was a complete waste of my time. The story was predictable and lacked any originality. The characters were flat and lacked any development. The artwork was mediocre and didn't stand out. I was hoping for something exciting and unique, but this manga failed to deliver. I would suggest skipping this one.

Discover the Secrets Behind 'The Virgin Witch' Universe on Mangadex

The Virgin Witch: Exploring Themes of Feminism and Empowerment in the Manga