From Ordinary to Extraordinary: Enhancing Dishes with 17th Street Magic Dust

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17th Street Magic Dust is a popular seasoning blend used in cooking. It is known for its unique flavor profile and ability to enhance the taste of various dishes. The origin of this magic dust can be traced back to the 17th Street Barbecue restaurant in Murphysboro, Illinois. The restaurant's pitmaster, Mike Mills, developed this special blend of spices and seasonings to use in his award-winning barbecue recipes. The 17th Street Magic Dust is made from a combination of ingredients that create a delicious and savory flavor. The key components of this seasoning blend include salt, sugar, paprika, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and other secret spices.

The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling The Free Press

The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling is an audio documentary that examines some of the most contentious conflicts of our time through the life and career of the world’s most successful author. In conversation with host Megan Phelps-Roper, J.K. Rowling speaks with unprecedented candor and depth about the controversies surrounding her—from book bans to debates on gender and sex. The series also examines the forces propelling this moment in history, through interviews with Rowling’s supporters and critics, journalists, historians, clinicians, and more.

  • 20 FEB 2023

Chapter 1: Plotted In Darkness

Host Megan Phelps-Roper writes a letter to J.K. Rowling—and receives a surprising invitation in reply: the opportunity for an intimate conversation in Rowling’s Scottish home.
Produced by Andy Mills, Matthew Boll, and Megan Phelps-Roper, with special thanks to Candace Mittel Kahn and Emily Yoffe.
This show is proudly sponsored by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression. FIRE believes free speech makes free people. Learn more at

  • 20 FEB 2023

Chapter 2: Burn The Witch

As "Harry Potter" becomes an international phenomenon, it coincides with the culture wars of the 1990s. In the backlash from Christians across America, author J.K. Rowling is accused of mainstreaming witchcraft and poisoning children’s minds.
Produced by Andy Mills, Matthew Boll, and Megan Phelps-Roper, with special thanks to Candace Mittel Kahn and Emily Yoffe.
This show is proudly sponsored by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression. FIRE believes free speech makes free people. Learn more at

  • 28 FEB 2023

Chapter 3: A New Pyre

The early days of the internet collide with the feverish fandom of “Harry Potter,” and a sprawling, global community emerges. But the hopefulness of this new technology brings with it the darker impulses of human nature.
Produced by Andy Mills, Matthew Boll, and Megan Phelps-Roper, with special thanks to Candace Mittel Kahn and Emily Yoffe.
This show is proudly sponsored by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression. FIRE believes free speech makes free people. Learn more at

  • 1 hr 2 min
  • 7 MAR 2023

Chapter 4: TERF Wars

The movement for trans rights hits its stride in the early 2010s, but encounters fierce resistance from an unexpected source. J.K. Rowling watches the battle unfold with mounting unease.
Produced by Andy Mills, Matthew Boll, and Megan Phelps-Roper, with special thanks to Candace Mittel Kahn and Emily Yoffe.
This show is proudly sponsored by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression. FIRE believes free speech makes free people. Learn more at

  • 1 hr 1 min
  • 14 MAR 2023

Chapter 5: The Tweets

After years of observing the conflict between advocates for trans rights and women’s rights, J.K. Rowling weighs in.
Produced by Andy Mills, Matthew Boll, and Megan Phelps-Roper, with special thanks to Candace Mittel Kahn and Emily Yoffe.
This show is proudly sponsored by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression. FIRE believes free speech makes free people. Learn more at

  • 21 MAR 2023

Chapter 6: Natalie and Noah

Transgender fans of Harry Potter share their criticism of J.K. Rowling—and the experiences that inform their views.
Produced by Andy Mills, Matthew Boll, Megan Phelps-Roper, and Candace Mittel Kahn, with special thanks to Emily Yoffe.
This show is proudly sponsored by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression. FIRE believes free speech makes free people. Learn more at

  • 1 hr 12 min

Публикация участника Dané Johnson

I recently listened to the podcast series "The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling." I've never been into Harry Potter and know very little about the author, but I found the series to be incredibly thoughtful and thought-provoking. I most loved this sentiment from Rowling: “We should mistrust ourselves most when we are certain. And we should question ourselves most when we receive a rush of adrenaline by doing or saying something. Many people mistake that rush of adrenaline for the voice of conscience. ‘I got a rush from saying that. I’m right.’ In my worldview conscience speaks in a very small and inconvenient voice, and it’s normally saying to you, ‘think again, look more deeply, consider this.’” — JK Rowling I'm left asking myself. What is it that I need to think again about, look more deeply at, and reconsider?

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Credit Specialist at Interstate Batteries

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I'll watch Harry Potter with you anyday.

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The key components of this seasoning blend include salt, sugar, paprika, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and other secret spices. These ingredients are carefully measured and mixed together to create a well-balanced blend that can be used on a variety of meats, including pork, chicken, and beef. What makes 17th Street Magic Dust unique is not only its flavor but also its versatility.

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Coach, Consultant, Facilitator; Relentlessly Curious People Lover & Growth Seeker 10 ч
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I'm in awe at how the universe sends us the exact message we need to receive in the moment we most need to receive it. #openness #possibility #appreciation

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Coach, Consultant, Facilitator; Relentlessly Curious People Lover & Growth Seeker 2 нед. Отредактировано

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I missed this article at the beginning of 2023 but am grateful I came upon it as the year drew to and end. My guiding question for making choices in 2024 will be, "Will this action bring me closer to or take me further away from WHOLENESS?" Happy New Year, friends! And thank you @eliseloehnen for the work you put into the world!

The Journey from Wellness to Wholeness

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Coach, Consultant, Facilitator; Relentlessly Curious People Lover & Growth Seeker 4 нед.
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“It is true, we don’t know what is happening in the deepest sense. And if we can stay with that not knowing, and trust it, and enjoy it, we will be able to experience our life in some fundamentally different way. That’s our miraculous power." — Katherine Thanas The universe has a beauty-full way of delivering the messages we need to hear in the exact moment we need to hear them. It's our job to take notice and listen. Be well, my friends!

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Coach, Consultant, Facilitator; Relentlessly Curious People Lover & Growth Seeker 1 мес.
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Hello coaching colleagues and friends! I’m in the process of determining my next endeavor to advance my coaching skills and expand my mind and would love input from you all on organizations and/or specific programs to check out. Ideally I’ll be able to earn ICF continuing education credits in what I choose to do, but it’s not a deal-breaker if a program really calls to me. I’ve been exploring various approaches and want to engage in something that will advance my own consciousness and equip me to help my clients do the same — topics like trauma-informed, brain-based/neuroscience, self-actualization, ontological, somatic/embodiment, etc. Everything is so damn interesting it’s hard to decide which direction to go! Appreciate any thoughts you have either in the comments or DM’s/emails. Cheers! #coaching #coachtraining #coachdevelopment

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Coach, Consultant, Facilitator; Relentlessly Curious People Lover & Growth Seeker 1 мес.
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I was honored to be the recipient of Robert’s wisdom via his book and a master coach program he ran in August. I highly recommend checking out his work - whether you’re a coach or simply someone who has wants to live and lead more intentionally and impactfully. #coachingfromessence #essence

Cancer is my teacher. Love is the lesson. Coaches coach. Retired.

This picture was taken on October 30, shortly after my first infusion of Pluvicto, a new cancer treatment that delivers targeted radiation to certain cancer cells. A couple of months ago, I wrote a post about my 6-year journey with Stage IV metastatic prostate cancer ( That journey has become increasingly challenging, and the cancer has spread aggressively throughout my body. Pluvicto is my last, best chance for a little more quality time with my friends and beloved Michele Taipale. I wanted to give away as much of my life’s work as possible, to leave something behind, so I offered the electronic version of my book for free for a week. The response to that post was overwhelming. I received so much love and goodwill. I was deeply touched and inspired by the hundreds of comments and messages I received. I was so moved that I’m giving the book away again. I want you to have a copy. My book, Coaching From Essence: Create a Thriving Practice Doing Powerful Work With Clients You Love, is not just for coaches. Entrepreneurs and leaders give it high marks, too: “I am an entrepreneur and found it to be one of the best entrepreneurial self-help books I have ever read!” It’s really about how to create a life you love: “If you have ever felt like something was missing or wondered how to live a life that is more full of joy, of love, of meaning, that’s the book for you.” For one week, starting today, anyone can download the ebook for free. (Amazon charges authors a fee for every copy downloaded; it’s “free” for you, not for me, that’s why I can’t do it more than a week!) Here's the link: If you enjoy the book, I would be grateful if you wrote a review on Amazon. Coaching From Essence is also a global community of over a thousand coaches. Three versions of the complete training program are free on our community forum (, along with over a hundred hours of free videos. More videos are available on YouTube ( It would mean a lot to me if you would share this post. If you haven’t read my book, grab your free copy. Invite your friends to read it, too. There’s something inside that will speak to everyone. I am full of gratitude for all this life has taught me. Everything I’ve learned about creating a life you love is in those pages. My legacy is in those pages. And it’s all completely free, my gift to you. Whatever you’re longing for is possible for you. The world is waiting for you to create a life that’s an expression of your essence, your best self. You don’t know when your time is up; make the most of all you are given. Thank you for your support. Love, Robert #coaching #executivecoaching #leadership #entrepreneurship #cancer #freebook

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I Listened to “The Witch Trials of J. K. Rowling” So You Don’t Have To

The first two episodes of Megan Phelps-Roper’s podcast series on Rowling covered Rowling’s experience with domestic violence and the conservative Christian backlash to the Harry Potter books.

by Evan Urquhart

The first two episodes of “The Witch Trials of J. K. Rowling,” a podcast hosted by Megan Phelps-Roper, saw their release today. The first focused on Rowling’s life leading up to the release of the first Harry Potter novel, particularly her experience with domestic violence at the hands of her first husband. The second episode focused on the original backlash to the Potter series, before the current controversy, which was by evangelical Christians who believed the books were demonic, and promoted witchcraft.

Phelps-Roper starts the interview by asking Rowling why people, especially children, are drawn to stories about magic and witches. Rowling says she believes it comes from human nature. “Magic gives a person agency they might not otherwise have. And I think that’s particularly appealing to a child, because children, inevitably, are quite powerless,” she says.

This insight feels true, and perhaps even more true for the series’ young transgender fans than any one else. While there’s a bit more awareness of transness now, meaning some young trans people can openly confide in their parents and be supported at a young age, many trans youth grow up wishing for magic that could change their sex. Parental rejection of trans identities, a common and devastating result these youth, sometimes even leads to abuse. Trans children therefore grow up frightened, unable to share their true selves, longing for magic and escape. Harry Potter speaks to this on such a profound level it feels inevitable that the series would have a great many young trans fans. And so it did.

Rowling goes on to speak about the death of her mother, after a long illness, when her mom was just 45. She talks about fleeing to Portugal in her grief, and about her first marriage, to a man who was physically violent, and also emotionally abusive and controlling, going through her handbag every evening and not allowing her to keep a key to her own house.

Domestic violence is awful, and trans people know that more than most. A meta-analysis found that trans people were significantly more likely to experience domestic violence than cis women were, and that this was true regardless of the trans person’s assigned sex at birth. Rowling has admirably remained invested in the issue, and has said she will fund a domestic violence shelter. Less admirably, she’s said the shelter will turn trans women victims away .

Rowling’s harrowing first marriage ended in a beating after she told her then-husband that she intended to leave. Badly bruised and having been thrown out on the street, she went to the police, who helped her extract her young daughter from her then-husband’s house. Help in a time of need is wonderful, and something I would not begrudge anyone. But I’d like to gently mention that trans people often feel they have to avoid official systems of help, including domestic violence shelters and police, because we know from long experience that there will be no help for us there.

The first episode of the series ends with a teaser for the next, using audio from evangelical Christian leaders condemning the Harry Potter books for promoting witchcraft. At least one of the quotes features a pastor condemning the acceptance of gay relationships as well.

Episode 2 focuses on the backlash to Rowling among conservative Christians. It features an interview with David Hogue, a Christian lawyer who fought on behalf of a school board that sought to restrict access to Harry Potter novels by placing the books in their school library behind a counter. Parental permission was required before children could check them out, and the school was subject to a lawsuit to put the books back in circulation for children to read. Although Hogue once believed in the case, his views have mellowed. He no longer believes the series promotes witchcraft, and he now thinks it’s a good thing his side of the case didn’t win.

There are also excerpts from a phone call between Phelps-Roper and the other lawyer in the case, Brian Medders. He explains that children have a right to read age-appropriate material in their school libraries, regardless of what their parents think. At one point, Phelps-Roper asks if his success in protecting access to Harry Potter will help protect access to books with LGBTQ+ themes today. Medders agrees, saying, "Part of the legacy of Harry Potter is that it's going to protect a lot of the LGBTQ books, that's right.”

Episode 2 ends with angry quotes from trans rights supporters, discussing the harm they believe Rowling has done. One in particular seems to be from someone who burned one of Rowling’s books, perhaps as a participant in a 2020 TikTok trend . As an ending, it runs parallel to the ending of episode one, which as you’ll remember featured angry quotes from conservative Christians. While we’ll have to wait for the episode to be sure, it’s hard to avoid the implication that the supporters of trans rights and the evangelical Christians are the same.

A few brief quotes from Rowling, near the end of episode 2, lend weight to this interpretation. She says, “You know, most of the people in movements that we consider hugely abhorrent, many, many of the people involved in those movements, understood themselves to be on the side of righteousness. I suppose for me, book burners, by definition, have placed themselves across a line. Across a line of rational debate.”

There’s a story, perhaps apocryphal, that has circulated in the trans community. It’s said that, before all the drama, before any “ middle-aged moments ” where Rowling liked a transphobic tweet, a trans fan (perhaps more than one) tweeted at Rowling to say how grateful they were for her work. They said they’d seen themselves, their trans experience, in the books, and wanted to tell Rowling how important her stories had been, as young trans people. The story goes that Rowling got very cold, and rebuffed them, saying, or perhaps just implying through her lack of warmth, that her stories should not be read that way.

I looked around, but I wasn’t able to nail down a source for that story. In truth, it may never have happened that neatly. But the tragedy of Rowling’s transphobia is that she attracted a young fandom who were particularly likely to be queer and trans, and they grew up absolutely idolizing a author who didn’t, perhaps couldn’t, ever love them back.

17th sreet magic dust

It can be used as a dry rub to marinate meats before grilling or smoking, or it can be sprinkled over cooked dishes as a finishing touch. The seasoning blend adds a depth of flavor and a touch of heat, without overpowering the natural taste of the meat. Home cooks and professional chefs alike have embraced the 17th Street Magic Dust for its ability to elevate the taste of their dishes. It has become a staple in many kitchens, especially those that specialize in barbecue and grilling. The magic dust is not limited to meat dishes only; it can also be used to season vegetables, popcorn, and even roasted nuts. In addition to its delicious flavor, another reason for the popularity of 17th Street Magic Dust is its availability. It can be purchased online or in specialty stores, making it accessible to anyone who wants to add a little magic to their cooking. Alternatively, some adventurous cooks may choose to recreate the magic dust at home by following various recipes available online. Overall, the 17th Street Magic Dust is a beloved seasoning blend that has captured the hearts and taste buds of food enthusiasts everywhere. Its unique blend of spices and seasonings brings depth of flavor to dishes and adds a touch of magic to any meal. Whether grilling, smoking, or cooking indoors, this seasoning blend is sure to enhance the taste of any dish..

Reviews for "Spice Up Your Life with 17th Street Magic Dust"

1. Jane - 2 stars - I was really disappointed with the 17th Street Magic Dust. I had heard so many great things about it, but it just didn't live up to the hype. The flavor was very bland and underwhelming. I didn't taste any of the promised magic in this seasoning at all. I wouldn't recommend it.
2. Mark - 1 star - I tried the 17th Street Magic Dust and was extremely unimpressed. It lacked any distinct flavor and didn't bring anything special to the dishes I used it on. I don't understand the hype around this seasoning. Save your money and try something else.
3. Sarah - 2 stars - I was really excited to try the 17th Street Magic Dust, but unfortunately, it fell flat for me. The flavor was average at best, and I didn't find it to be anything special or unique. It didn't add anything significant to my dishes, and I wouldn't purchase it again.
4. Mike - 1 star - I was really let down by the 17th Street Magic Dust. The flavor was completely unremarkable and lacked any depth or complexity. I was expecting something magical, but instead, I got something very mediocre. I wouldn't waste my money on this seasoning again.

Elevate Your Cooking with 17th Street Magic Dust

From the Streets to Your Plate: Understanding the Origins of 17th Street Magic Dust