Boost Your Rowing Endurance with the Carlisle Magic Plus Oar

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Carlisle Magic Plus rowing oars are highly regarded in the world of rowing for their exceptional quality and performance. These oars are meticulously designed and crafted to provide optimal balance, power, and efficiency for rowers of all levels. The main idea behind the Magic Plus oars is to enhance the rowing experience and help rowers achieve their full potential on the water. The Carlisle Magic Plus oars are constructed using a combination of lightweight and durable materials, such as fiberglass and carbon fiber. This allows for a strong yet flexible oar that can withstand the rigors of rowing while also providing a smooth and controlled stroke. The oars are available in different lengths and have adjustable features, allowing rowers to customize the oar to their specific preferences and needs.

Now is the time to tap into those witchy vibes

If there is any time to be witchy, then it’s now. I mean, there are just under two weeks until Halloween/Samhain. Eeeeek! I’m so excited! So, it’s high time we tap into those moody, magical vibes and let our inner witch loose! Of course, I don’t mean that we have to become full on witches – though, you absolutely can, if you feel called to that. I personally find more + more meaning in witchy, earthy ways as the years pass. But, practicing witch or not, there is so much that we can learn from our spiritual, nature-loving sisters + brothers. And so much magic that we can find in our own lives if we simply open ourselves up to it.

When I speak of witches, of course I speak of magic. But, I mean magic in the sense of sacred, spiritual, serendipitous moments found in everyday life. I am not so focused on spells, but more on the energy that is infused in all that is around + within us.

The witchy ways of this time of year are not meant to be scary. It is a time that is meant to draw us deeper into ourselves + connect us more with the spirituality that is found in the most ordinary moments of life.

This is also the season of entering the dark. It is the season of the magic of the spiritual realm. A time where we just might be more open to feeling, sensing, and intuiting wisdom. But, again, I mean no dark magic here. I simply mean a sense of the mystery of the spiritual world. There is so much that we do not know, but there is so much to be learned by simply listening to the messages all around us.

Messages that come from Mother Earth. Trees show us that it is natural for us to let go + surrender to the dark season of the year. Birds show us that the seasons are changing + the year is moving onward. Colored leaves remind us that there is beauty in every stage of life. Dark nights become longer with each passing day, bidding us to also begin to slow down our own pace as we come home + turn inward. The night teaches us to trust the mysteries + things we cannot see. The slow dying of all of nature, shows us that endings are also beginnings. Now, is the time to harvest what has grown this year + plant a few seeds for the coming year.

But, let’s not forget the messages of our own souls. The season of the witch allows us to create the space that we need in order to listen to our souls.In the dark, as we slow down + listen in the silence, we begin to feel + hear. And, in listening, we may find deep truths that inspire us, comfort us, challenge us, and call us forward. By simply lighting a candle or taking a few breaths, we tap into the magic of our own voice + may even hear/feel the voices of the past.

And by honoring + remembering the lives of our ancestors + loved ones during these next few weeks, we also tap into a line of ancient ways. We remember who we are + from where we have come… so that we can create our own way forward, inspired by those who have gone before.

During this time of year, I like to believe in magic a little bit more. And I find it easier to tap into the witchy practice of creating simple rituals to bring that magic into my everyday life.

Rituals, such as, lighting candles. As the darkness creeps in, I crave the warmth + light of candles. So, instead of electrical lights, I focus on using more candlelight than usual. Early in the mornings I choose only candlelight as I move throughout my morning (except for when I am getting ready in the bathroom). I do all of this simply because it creates a mood. And in a candlelit atmosphere everything feels more magical, possible, warm, and cozy. I am more open to receiving whatever inspiration comes my way + I literally create a space of calm groundedness.

I also continue to wander in my yard + around my neighborhood during October. Simple, short walks or moments to breath fresh air, look at the sky, feel the ground, observe the changing seasons or phases of the moon, and soak up the peace that the earth gives. I do not cast circles, but I do remove my shoes at times to connect with the earth’s energy or lay dried flowers on the ground as a ceremonial way to honor energy, people, or moments.

And, back inside, I admit that I am no kitchen witch or cook, but on the weekends + on the occasional weeknight I find inspiration in creating an autumn-inspired meal. I call in those witchy vibes as I mindfully prepare warm, comfort food to nourish our bodies. Casting no spells, nor creating potions, but mindfully creating something as a way to honor the energy of the season. I don’t have a cauldron, but I do sometimes concoct warm drinks by simmering autumnal ingredients in a pot, as elixirs to bring calm + warmth to our mornings or evenings. Saying a prayer of gratitude as I prepare food + drink.

The thing about the witchy vibes of this time of year is that it is up to each of us to discover just what brings magic to our own lives. None of my rituals are complicated or special. But, they are magical + meaningful to me. The thing is, tapping into these witchy vibes is simply a way for me to align myself with this season of coming home, turning inward, and settling into the darkness. More than anything, it is an opportunity to become even more spiritually connected to all that is happening around + within me. From nature to my home to my own soul.

This is a season + a time to believe in magic. To trust a little bit more in all that is unseen. To embrace the mysteries of life + death + nature. To recognize the sacredness that is already infused in everyday life. At home, at work, in nature, in our souls.

How To Tell If You, Or Someone You Know, Has Big Witch Energy

Have you ever felt like someone is just off or if they are not good for you? That's some witchy intuition.

Jul 30, 2018 1654

My mom has been claiming that she has witch energy for pretty much my whole life. Evidently, parts of my family were involved in witchy/ voodoo type things sooo there's a good chance I could be a witch (lol). But to be honest tarot cards, oils, yoga, and crystals are really cool. I actually just got back from a restorative yoga practice in a salt cave with my mom, of course, which was very relaxing. If you have never been to yoga you should really go because not only is it calming, but it is a good workout for your core and back especially.

Anyways, here are some fun things that for sure mean you have some witch energy in you.

You know what's going to happen before it happens: Do you have a good gut instinct about things? Can you predict answers or future events? If so, you may have some strong psychic energy.

You really like cats: Honestly, cats are the best and because of their dark magic past, you know don't cross a black cats path or whatever.

Fleetwood Mac is your jam and Stevie Nicks is your idol.

You like black: Black is the color of night aka witchy vibes, so if you feel yourself being drawn to all black, maybe you are a witch. Also dark purple, dark blue, any dark colors really.

The moon fascinates you: Tonight, the night I am writing this (July 27), is a blood moon, which the yoga lady told me means something about inner turmoil. Who knows, it's really pretty though.

You aren't scared of spiders or snakes: I actually really want a baby black snake that has those scales that are iridescent and shift to dark green, but I don't really like spiders. Either way, if you aren't a scaredy cat when it comes to creepy-ish animals you are probs a witch.

You get sorted into Slytherin when you take the Harry Potter quizzes. OK, this is kind of stupid, I usually get sorted into Gryffindor, but just a general fascination with magic works too.

You believe in crystals, salts, tarot cards, etc. Duh.

Your wardrobe includes a lot of bell sleeves, black, platforms, flowy dresses, etc.

You can tell if someone is going to be annoying, rude, just overall bad for your life: Have you ever felt like someone is just off or if they are not good for you? That's some witchy intuition.

You feel connected to nature. Sun goddess. Moon goddess. Earth goddess. We are all connected.

Honestly, everyone has a little witch in them, whether you want to embrace it or not is your call. Some people find it interesting and some people don't, but you have to admit the goddess stuff really offers a connection with yourself, nature, animals, and the life beyond.

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.

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The oars are available in different lengths and have adjustable features, allowing rowers to customize the oar to their specific preferences and needs. One of the standout features of the Carlisle Magic Plus oars is their advanced blade design. The oars feature a high-angle blade shape, which is known to provide a more powerful and efficient stroke.

100 Reasons to Choose Happiness

Happy Moments to Brighten Your Day!

31100 Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

As any other person on this planet, it sometimes can be hard to find the good in things. However, as I have always tried my hardest to find happiness in any and every moment and just generally always try to find the best in every situation, I have realized that your own happiness is much more important than people often think. Finding the good in any situation can help you to find happiness in some of the simplest and unexpected places.

Many people often think that happiness can be found by creating the largest social media pool, trying to be someone that they are not in order to be accepted or even having the nicest car or the biggest house. But happiness does not come from these material or “fake” things. It comes from strong connections with people you love, having gratitude and consideration for the people around you and finding happiness in the most unexpected and often overlooked places.

Constantly reminding yourself that your happiness is one of the most important things and sometimes having to put your happiness first is something that should be happening every day. Personally, my happiness comes from thousands of things ranging from reading a book all the way to vacationing to the ocean and everything in between. Also, I find happiness in the happiness of others and seeing others in content, but this also sometimes means that I do not put my happiness first.

Everyone has their flaws and many people are like me—forgetting to put their happiness before others. Therefore, in order to give you just a simple idea of how easy it is to find happiness in the smallest of places, here are 100 reminders of happiness that surround you each and every day. This list also purposes for each of you to think of your own reminders that make you happy and to tell yourself that your happiness is important and that you should always find happiness in every situation in the most unexpected places.

  • You are loved by more than you could ever imagine.
  • You have a home.
  • Flowers are blooming around you.
  • Summer is closer than it has been all year.
  • You talked to someone you love today.
  • You are beautiful.
  • Listening to the rain hit the roof when you fall asleep.
  • Freshly mowed grass.
  • Watching the stars at night.
  • Someone in your life wants you to be happy.
  • You have food to eat and water to drink.
  • Chocolate is still existing.
  • There are dogs to pet and to cuddle with.
  • Cuddling.
  • You are talented and have a special talent that no one else knows about.
  • Listening to music.
  • One Direction.
  • You are able to help someone.
  • Volunteering for a charity.
  • Sitting on a dock.
  • Taking pictures with your best friends.
  • Going to a cabin.
  • You have cute clothes to wear every day.
  • Someone said, “Hi” to you today.
  • Someone thinks you are the most important person in their life.
  • Someone looks up to you.
  • You have a job or some other commitment.
  • You believe in something.
  • Someone believes in you.
  • Listening to the birds chirping outside.
  • Finding a dandelion in the middle of a grassy lawn.
  • Lilacs.
  • Starbucks is a thing.
  • You have or will see the Northern Lights.
  • Vacations or camping or nights out.
  • Spontaneous road trips.
  • You can do anything that you set your mind to.
  • You believe in someone else.
  • Warm, melty chocolate chip cookies.
  • You matter.
  • Chicken noodle soup when you are sick.
  • Grey’s Anatomy/One Tree Hill/Gossip Girl.
  • Freshly cleaned sheets.
  • You have dreams and goals.
  • You are inspiring.
  • You are inspired by something or someone else.
  • Bright colored daisies.

pink and white flowers with green leaves Photo by W.S. Coda on Unsplash

  • Reading your favorite book over and over again.
  • Coming home and changing into an over-sized sweatshirt and leggings.
  • Going out and dressing up.
  • But feeling confident in both.
  • Sleeping in on Sunday mornings.
  • Getting up to watch the sunrise.
  • Sunsets.
  • Surprising someone or being surprised.
  • Art museums.
  • Pugs.
  • Good nights and good morning’s.
  • Laughing, laughing, laughing.
  • Making someone else laugh.
  • Board games.
  • Rainy days.
  • Sunny days.
  • You are vibrant and radiant.
  • Bare feet in the sand.
  • Dimples.
  • Highlighting quotes in your favorite books.
  • Seeing others happy.
  • Seeing couples holding hands.
  • Sailing.
  • Your mother, father, sister, brother, grandpa, grandma, aunt, uncle, cousins, etc.
  • Putting your music on shuffle and having your favorite song come on first.
  • Did I mention One Direction?
  • Oh, and Beyoncé.
  • Saltwater and sea shells.
  • Loving something or someone with the strongest passion.
  • Glitter.
  • Being the only one on the court/field/track/ice.
  • Feeling invincible.
  • Adrenaline.
  • Conquering one of your fears.
  • Listening to someone’s heartbeat.
  • Talking to someone about their favorite things or memories.
  • Disney movies.
  • God, Jesus and your faith.
  • Candles.
  • Girls’/Guys’ night.
  • Butterflies.
  • Airports and airplanes.
  • Acing a hard test or failing and learning from it.
  • Kids.
  • Sleeping with the window open.
  • Hugs.
  • Being there for someone no matter what.
  • Trusting someone.
  • You are the best at something.
  • You are someone’s best friend.
  • Chocolate still exists.
  • You can move mountains.
  • Your happiness is the most important.

Here's What It Means to Be a Real-Life Witch In 2021

Contrary to popular belief, we aren't menacing broomstick-flying old hags who cast hexes all day long.

Lisa Stardust is a New York City-based astrologer who is known for her pop culture horoscopes. Stardust acts as a guide for clients to help navigate them through finances, relationships, and other important facets of life. She is the author of Saturn Return Survival Guide and The Astrology Deck.

Updated on October 29, 2021 @ 02:28PM Photo: Shutterstock

The season of the witch is upon us. That means it's time for us all to take out our broomsticks to start some trouble, right? Just kidding.

As a witch, it's time to set a few things straight: Contrary to what you may have learned from The Wizard of Oz, we aren't menacing broomstick-flying old hags who cast hexes all day long. And, no we can't zap magic through our fingers like Sabrina the Teenage Witch. (But, we do unite within covens and dive into the metaphysical forces of the universe like in the modern remix of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.)

So what is a witch? Well, we are actually pretty much the same as everyone — except we see situations with a dimensional lens that helps us to understand the world on a deeper level. First thing's first: Anyone can be a witch. Some people are born into mystical families while others have natural abilities. Some join covens and houses to be intimated into a certain branch of Magic. But, we are all magical at heart.

Being a witch also requires a few things: being one with nature, seeing matters with an open mind, and healing others. We are seers of truths and givers of wisdom, and nurturers of Earth and those who inhabit it. We are high-vibe peeps who want to make the world a better place — not cauldron-stirring trouble makers like the infamous Sanderson sisters.

Read on to find out what it means to be 100% that witch.

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Connecting With Nature

As a magic practitioner, I find it important to align and harmonize with nature. Using the elements (fire, earth, air, and water) that make up the Earth can help us to create and elevate our own innate power. Understanding that the world isn't as it seems and is composed of many dimensions is important, as is being able to let your mind and body feel their way through different realms and synergize with those frequencies. This allows us witches to be open to receiving downloads and information from domains that remain hidden to the common eye.

The person we glorify the most is Mother Earth and we never take her for granted. That means showing love for all living things — flowers, plants, animals, and other humans. The Sun and the Moon give us our power to lean into our cast spells and alchemy to see through the darkness with the intention of illuminating truths that have been kept secret.

Connecting With Ancestors And Spirits

As a witch, it's important to connect with one's personal ancestors. These are blood relatives who have passed away and whose DNA runs through our bodies. Honoring them by celebrating their birthdays and commemorating the anniversary of their passing helps our post-mortem energy flow through us and around us. Not only that, but they can protect us, guide us, and bring things to our awareness which we hadn't seen before. They are entities that are similar to guardian angels. Often, they serve as spirit guides who ensure that we walk the right path and that no one messes with us. Spirit guides and ancestors give us the truth and the real tea, while making sure we walk the right path.

Cleansing Our Bodies, Minds, And Hearts

Witches are sensitive to the vibrations of others and the rhythms of the world. Therefore, it's easy for us to pick up on situations and matters that others don't notice, due to our ability to connect with the more sublime and subtler energies which are constantly at play. We are able to tap into our intuition, our magic, and tools for divination, which includes astrology, herbalism, tarot, scrying, and psychic abilities. Witches use astrology to know when to cast spells because we use the lunar cycle as our timeline for when magic is the most potent and we use planets to know what days of the week to cast them, too. Crystals and stones (such as amethyst, obsidian, and pyrite), healing baths (with Epsom or Himalayan salt, herbs, and flowers), foods and spices, dreams, and meditations can help ground us. This helps us connect to our intentions (our objectives) and manifestations (what we want to bring to fruition).

Are You a Good Witch Or a Bad Witch?

To be real, we don't throw out hexes on unsuspecting people. That's not how we roll. We're not going to waste our magic and power on those who haven't done any wrongdoing to us. The reason we choose to take the high road is because we use our power for good — to elevate ourselves and others. We don't use our gifts to cause destruction. In fact, our magical powers are used for greater causes such as civil rights, religious rights, and fighting the patriarchy. There's a long history that associates witches with advocacy for others and defending the disenfranchised. In fact, witches started wearing pointed hats to stand in allegiance with Jews and Quakers who were persecuted for their religious beliefs. There's even a band of mystics called W.I.T.C.H. (Women's International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell) who stand together for the rights of others. The organization was started in the 1960s as a feminist group but later took the streets to protest the patriarchy, stand up for feminism and LGBTQ rights, and defunding the police in allegiance with the Black Lives Matter Movement.

There’s a Little Witch In All Of Us

Little known fact: There's no wrong or right way to be a witch or to craft spells. The power to see is in us all. We just have to be more aware of our psychic abilities and intuition, and as well as the natural energies of the world. Embracing the majestic and enchanting flow of the Earth is essential. Magic is in us all. We just have to believe in the metaphysical, not the material world — as well as ourselves. True power comes from within.

And. How Will I Be Celebrating Halloween?

Witches celebrate the Celtic festival Samhain from October 31st to November 1st (which marks the beginning of the "darker half of the year). TBH, Samhain was the witch's holiday way before Halloween was ever a thing. The two differ because on Halloween we dress up in costumes to scare ghosts away and on Samhain, we light bonfires or candles to keep the ghouls at bay while holding a communion to talk to the dead. Being that it's the mid mark between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice, the veil between the material plane and metaphysical world is thinned. This means that we can connect with ghosts and ancestors on a clearer vibration than usual.

As for how I'll be celebrating, I will be lighting a candle on my altar for my ancestors who have passed and whose guidance I listen to every night. They show me the way to understanding my present and future life. My fellow witches will be celebrating Samhain and/or Halloween — they'll be anointing their flying oil (a mystical brew of herbs) and meeting me on the astral plane (a realm that we can go to through medication, trances, and sleep) to celebrate.

Carlisle magic plus rowing oar

The blade also incorporates a dihedral shape, creating a stable and consistent feel in the water, while reducing the risk of blade flutter. This enables rowers to maintain a steady rhythm and maximize their propulsion with each stroke. In addition to their exceptional performance, the Carlisle Magic Plus oars are also designed with comfort in mind. The oars feature a comfortable and ergonomic grip handle, allowing rowers to maintain a firm hold and minimize hand fatigue during long rowing sessions. The lightweight design of the oars also helps reduce overall muscle strain, enabling rowers to row for extended periods without sacrificing technique or power. Overall, the Carlisle Magic Plus rowing oars are a top choice for rowers looking to optimize their performance on the water. With their exceptional quality, advanced blade design, and comfortable features, these oars provide the ideal combination of power, efficiency, and comfort. Whether you are a professional rower or a casual enthusiast, investing in the Carlisle Magic Plus oars can truly enhance your rowing experience and help you reach new levels of success..

Reviews for "Innovations in Rowing: The Carlisle Magic Plus Oar"

1. John - 2 stars - I purchased the Carlisle magic plus rowing oar hoping that it would enhance my kayaking experience. However, I was severely disappointed with its performance. The oar seemed to be poorly constructed and lacked durability. Within a few uses, I noticed signs of wear and tear, with the paddle becoming loose and the handle showing signs of cracking. It also didn't provide the level of control and stability that I expected. Overall, I would not recommend the Carlisle magic plus rowing oar to fellow kayakers.
2. Sarah - 1 star - I was excited to try out the Carlisle magic plus rowing oar based on the positive reviews, but it turned out to be a complete letdown. The oar felt flimsy and cheaply made, giving me doubts about its durability and reliability. It also didn't perform well in the water, with the paddle not providing enough power and control. Additionally, the handle was uncomfortable to grip, causing discomfort during longer rowing sessions. I ended up returning the oar and investing in a better quality one. Don't waste your money on the Carlisle magic plus rowing oar.
3. Mike - 2 stars - My experience with the Carlisle magic plus rowing oar was disappointing. I found it to be quite heavy and cumbersome, making it difficult to maneuver and row efficiently. The paddle's design didn't offer the level of power and control that I was expecting. Moreover, I noticed that the oar didn't hold up well against rougher waters, with the shaft showing signs of flexing and bending. In my opinion, there are better options available on the market, and I would not recommend the Carlisle magic plus rowing oar.

The Carlisle Magic Plus Oar: An Essential Tool for Competitive Rowers

The Evolution of Rowing Oars: The Carlisle Magic Plus Revolution