The Secrets Behind a Witch's Mysterious Journey Under the Moon

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Witch riding a broomstick is a classic image associated with Halloween and witchcraft. This popular folklore idea depicts witches flying in the night sky on their broomsticks, casting spells and causing chaos. The concept of witches riding broomsticks dates back to the Middle Ages, where it was believed that witches made a pact with the devil and used their brooms to travel to their midnight gatherings known as Sabbath. One theory behind the association of witches and broomsticks is the use of hallucinogenic plants in ancient rituals. It is said that witches would create ointments from herbs such as mandrake, belladonna, and henbane, which they would then apply to their broomsticks and use to ride. These plants contain alkaloids that can induce hallucinations and altered states of consciousness, leading to the belief that witches were able to fly on their broomsticks.

"Being ridden by the witch" is the southern Americana folklore term for sleep paralysis. There are many more folk legends worldwide. In Fiji, it's kana tevoro, or being eaten by a demon. It's sometimes cultivated there with shouts of kania! kania! ("eat! eat!") from persons watching the victim in an effort to prolong the experience and enable communication with the dead. In Turkey, it's the djinn (another demon) strangling you in your sleep and is only remedied by reading passages from the Qur'an. In parts of China, it's a mouse stealing your breath. In Catalan folklore—of pooping Christmas log fame—it's a giant dog or cat that enters your room and sits on your chest while you sleep. (Catalan folklore is the best.) But, usually, it's some variation of witch or demon suffocating and otherwise torturing the victim.

Sleep paralysis itself feels like just-death or the crux of the dying process, or what you might imagine it to feel like when you re being afraid of dying. Between 2000 and 2003, they were after me every night, sometimes several times before morning, and I thought for sure that eventually I d wake up once just in time to die for real.

Witch riding motn

These plants contain alkaloids that can induce hallucinations and altered states of consciousness, leading to the belief that witches were able to fly on their broomsticks. The reality behind the depiction of witches riding broomsticks is, of course, far from the fantastical image that has been popularized in media and folklore. Nonetheless, the concept has endured as a symbol of Halloween and witchcraft.

“Witches riding your back”

Living out your dreams isn’t so pleasant when there’s a witch riding your back.

Imagine being trapped in a bizarre state of semi-consciousness by a frightening omnipresence. Or being chased and/or pinned by a faceless shadowy figure, unable to move or make a sound, unsure if you’re awake or dreaming.

This is a typical witch ride and for me it usually ends with me waking up terrified. My heart is racing and I’m either gasping for breath or coughing.

For those unfamiliar, witches riding your back is a Southern phrase used to describe sleep paralysis. This is a type of sleep disorder that tends to run in families. (I come from a family of vivid dreamers, both figuratively and literally).

I was 10 or 11 when I was introduced to the concept of the witches riding your back. After a particularly rough sleep, I ambled into my grandmother’s kitchen one morning. She took one look at me with my disheveled hair and dazed look and asked if the witches had been riding my back.

Anyone else know what I’m talking about? When’s the last time a witch rode your back?

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2 thoughts on ““Witches riding your back””

bresha said: June 14, 2013 at 9:15 am

the other day i had one nd was scared fa ma life i didn knw wha to do i was talkin but no one heard me jus havin the feeling of tryin to get up but its lik ur trapped yur eyes wont open tryin yur best to fight wha yu cant see den all of a sudden it stops but as soon as i fall bak ta sleep it happens again i have dreams of the people around me dyin like i dream their deaths i wake up out of ma sleep cryin…I don knw whats going on i jus don lik the feeling i feel watched trapped nd scared. Reply

Vonvon said: February 9, 2017 at 10:08 pm

Omg I experienced this last night didn’t sleep well. My grandmother has been sent to heaven and I am all alone she was my protector my angel sent from God,, the whole day I been off a bit trying to remember, so I prayed and it just dawned on me that she was the strongest woman I’ve ever known ,meaning Reply

To prevent sleep paralysis and associated hallucinations, consider ways to address any underlying triggers for episodes.
Witch riding motn

Today, witches flying on broomsticks are often depicted in popular culture, including movies, books, and Halloween decorations. In modern times, the witch riding a broomstick has become an iconic representation of Halloween and a popular costume choice. Whether it's a trick-or-treater dressed as a witch with a broomstick or a witch decoration perched on a front porch, the image of a witch riding her broomstick has become deeply ingrained in Halloween traditions. Overall, the idea of a witch riding a broomstick is a fascinating and enduring concept. It brings to mind supernatural powers, enchantment, and the mystique of witches. While it may be rooted in mythology and folklore, it continues to captivate our imagination and add a touch of magic to the Halloween season..

Reviews for "The Mythical Journey of a Witch Riding by Moonlight"

1. Jennifer - 2/5 stars - I was really excited to read "Witch Riding Moon" based on the reviews, but I was disappointed. The plot felt disjointed and confusing, and I had a hard time keeping track of the characters. Additionally, the writing style was flat and lacked depth, which made it difficult for me to connect with any of the characters or become invested in the story. Overall, it was a letdown for me.
2. Michael - 1/5 stars - I couldn't even finish "Witch Riding Moon" as it just didn't capture my interest at all. The concept seemed intriguing, but the execution fell flat. The pacing was incredibly slow, and I found myself bored and uninterested in the story. The characters felt one-dimensional, and the dialogue was stilted and unnatural. I was expecting a gripping and atmospheric read, but unfortunately, it failed to deliver.
3. Sarah - 2/5 stars - "Witch Riding Moon" had so much potential, but it didn't live up to it. The storyline had promise, but it was poorly executed. The writing was overly descriptive, slowing down the pace even further. The main character lacked depth and development, making it hard for me to empathize with her. Additionally, the romance subplot felt forced and unnecessary. Overall, I was left feeling underwhelmed and unsatisfied with this book.
4. John - 2/5 stars - Unfortunately, "Witch Riding Moon" didn't meet my expectations. The world-building was weak, and I found it hard to visualize the magical elements of the story. The plot was predictable, and the twists lacked impact. The writing style was overly simplistic, and I had trouble connecting with the narrative. While the concept had potential, the execution fell short for me. I wouldn't recommend this book to others.
5. Emily - 3/5 stars - I had mixed feelings about "Witch Riding Moon". On one hand, the author's creativity in crafting a magical world was remarkable. However, the pacing was uneven, with certain parts feeling drawn out while others were rushed. The character development was also lacking, making it hard for me to really care about what happened to them. Overall, it was an average read that fell short of my expectations.

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