Carnival Magix and the arts: exploring its influence on literature, music, and film

By admin

Carnival Magix, once a thriving and vibrant amusement park, now stands in ruins. The park, once filled with laughter and joy, now sits abandoned and forgotten. A place that was once the center of attraction and excitement has become a ghost town. The decline of Carnival Magix started several years ago when a new and larger amusement park opened in the nearby town. This new park offered more rides, better attractions, and a more modern experience. In comparison, Carnival Magix seemed outdated and lackluster.

The magic is you blanke

In comparison, Carnival Magix seemed outdated and lackluster. Visitors flocked to the new park, leaving Carnival Magix empty and ignored. Unable to compete with the newer and trendier park, Carnival Magix slowly fell into disrepair.

The magic is you blanke

What the ad says

A freely chosen card vanishes from the deck.

The deck then turns completely blank while their chosen card appears wherever you want.

This sounds crazy, but watch the trailer. There is no switch happening. This is like our Award Winning effect Get Sharky, but with this extra twist where the deck turns completely blank.

The magician riffles through the deck until the spectator tells him to stop. At this random position the spectator remembers the card.

Without any suspicious moves the magician turns the deck completely blank. (The deck can even be dealt onto the table, one card at a time, as there is no rough and smooth principle involved!)

The magician slowly puts his empty hand into his pocket (or any other location he likes) and shows the selected card! A miracle. The effect resets in seconds and could be immediately repeated with a different outcome!

Has anyone seen this to be able to comment on the quality of the deck

cheers in advance

Posted: Nov 16, 2022 07:08 am

Would be useful to see a full actual performance. It's great that they say "without any suspicious moves" but the video moves the hands out of view, so that's. not very helpful. For that price, sure seems like a full performance video would be useful.

Posted: Nov 16, 2022 07:47 am

It’s a get sharkey blank DD deck. I like this version as the spec has no need to handle the deck. Ordered.
It’s expensive yes but this will blow minds believe me.

Posted: Nov 16, 2022 10:40 am

Yeah that does look very cool. And specs will be baffled for sure. For me though the problem is that they subsequently would want to look at the cards and touch 'em. And of course you can't let them. At paid gigs you can get away with moving on quite easily, but it still takes away considerably from the magic, as you basically admit that what you showed them was a magic prop. But in social settings it's a no-no for me. The question in their mind becomes: "How on earth does that trick deck work?" instead of "How on earth did that happen?". Nothing against the former, but I prefer the latter.

(BTW can we stop calling letting them not touch your stuff “spectator management”? That term has by now been abused to death by creators and performers. Spectator management is when you manage spectators in a way that is NOT obvious, like telling people to “come stand here where you can see it better” while really you don’t want anyone behind you. “No I won”t let you touch this” really means you're telling them: "you're right, it's a magic prop". It's not spectator management. It's admitting they're on to something.)

Please check regularly if you are becoming the type of magician Jerry Seinfeld jokes about. (This applies to mentalists as well.)

Posted: Nov 16, 2022 11:30 am Prefer Get Sharky tbh.
Kind of done with blank deck tricks recently. Posted: Nov 16, 2022 01:16 pm

Actually they can be freely handled just like GS deck. I just choose not to let them. These gimmick cards are actually designed to be handled by the spec.

Posted: Nov 16, 2022 01:24 pm

Really? Oh I completely missed that. Never seen a GS. But you wouldn’t want their fingers all over your €80,- deck, right? Then the same problem would still be there for me.

Please check regularly if you are becoming the type of magician Jerry Seinfeld jokes about. (This applies to mentalists as well.)

Posted: Nov 16, 2022 01:34 pm This has my attention! Sounds fantastic! Posted: Nov 16, 2022 03:00 pm

Does anyone know how many outcomes? And a live performance would definitely help me decide if I should buy it.

Posted: Nov 16, 2022 03:32 pm Quote:

On Nov 16, 2022, Kenco wrote:
Does anyone know how many outcomes? And a live performance would definitely help me decide if I should buy it.

Posted: Nov 16, 2022 07:43 pm Quote:

On Nov 16, 2022, The Unmasked Magician wrote:
Really? Oh I completely missed that. Never seen a GS. But you wouldn’t want their fingers all over your €80,- deck, right? Then the same problem would still be there for me.

Exactly. Also of note these cards do not use RnS and do not wear out over time.

Posted: Nov 16, 2022 08:11 pm Quote:

On Nov 16, 2022, pegasus wrote:
It’s a get sharkey blank DD deck. I like this version as the spec has no need to handle the deck. Ordered.
It’s expensive yes but this will blow minds believe me.

I’m actually not familiar with the GS deck due to the effect not interesting me enough to pay that price. However this version has definitely caught my interest. So I just have one question about the riffle selection. I understand there are set outcomes but can they say stop anywhere and that is where you stop, no force?

Posted: Nov 16, 2022 08:19 pm

Get Sharkey is great, I have also made a one card version as Ryan Tricks does it on YouTube.
I let the spectators handle the cards as the orientation they get them in from me nothing will be found.
I corner short my home made DD version and it’s a killer.
I have always loved my Get Sharkey and they will feel 52 full thickness different cards.
So this will be very good too I’m certain Gaz

Posted: Nov 16, 2022 08:19 pm Quote: On Nov 16, 2022, eddie1 wrote:

On Nov 16, 2022, pegasus wrote:
It’s a get sharkey blank DD deck. I like this version as the spec has no need to handle the deck. Ordered.
It’s expensive yes but this will blow minds believe me.

I’m actually not familiar with the GS deck due to the effect not interesting me enough to pay that price. However this version has definitely caught my interest. So I just have one question about the riffle selection. I understand there are set outcomes but can they say stop anywhere and that is where you stop, no force?

Pretty much and not familiar with GS (one of the best card tricks ever) believe me it's worth every penny.

Posted: Nov 16, 2022 11:16 pm Quote: On Nov 16, 2022, Kenco wrote:
Quote: On Nov 16, 2022, eddie1 wrote:

On Nov 16, 2022, pegasus wrote:
It’s a get sharkey blank DD deck. I like this version as the spec has no need to handle the deck. Ordered.
It’s expensive yes but this will blow minds believe me.

I’m actually not familiar with the GS deck due to the effect not interesting me enough to pay that price. However this version has definitely caught my interest. So I just have one question about the riffle selection. I understand there are set outcomes but can they say stop anywhere and that is where you stop, no force?

Pretty much and not familiar with GS (one of the best card tricks ever) believe me it's worth every penny.

I understand that it’s worth every penny but that doesn’t mean I can justify spending £70 on it when it is a single deck of cards and Pocket Nightmare achieves the same effect and is much cheaper. This effect however I’ll probably get because I like blank deck kickers and as Pegasus said no need for specs to handle deck.

Posted: Nov 16, 2022 11:26 pm It’s 10x better than pocket nightmare imo Gaz Posted: Nov 17, 2022 02:33 pm

I received mine yesterday and have nothing but praise for this incredible deck. My only quip is the manner in which Phoenix manages their downloads especially with a product like this where obviously it would be very difficult to construct on your own. I added a double back blank card from a Bicycle deck and shortened it. Then, when I am strolling, I won't have to occupy two (working) pockets. Three cards are enough when strolling. I wish that they thought of because it would have been nice to receive a double blank Phoenix card with my purchase.

Posted: Nov 17, 2022 04:54 pm Quote:

On Nov 17, 2022, Jared wrote:
I received mine yesterday and have nothing but praise for this incredible deck. My only quip is the manner in which Phoenix manages their downloads especially with a product like this where obviously it would be very difficult to construct on your own. I added a double back blank card from a Bicycle deck and shortened it. Then, when I am strolling, I won't have to occupy two (working) pockets. Three cards are enough when strolling. I wish that they thought of because it would have been nice to receive a double blank Phoenix card with my purchase.

Is there 4 or 5 outcomes with the deck as is?

Posted: Nov 17, 2022 05:02 pm Quote:

On Nov 17, 2022, Jared wrote:
I received mine yesterday and have nothing but praise for this incredible deck. My only quip is the manner in which Phoenix manages their downloads especially with a product like this where obviously it would be very difficult to construct on your own. I added a double back blank card from a Bicycle deck and shortened it. Then, when I am strolling, I won't have to occupy two (working) pockets. Three cards are enough when strolling. I wish that they thought of because it would have been nice to receive a double blank Phoenix card with my purchase.

Not quite sure what you’ve done here.

Posted: Nov 17, 2022 05:44 pm

There are six possible outs for the reveal. You could have two cards in three pockets or alternatively three in two pockets. You also don't need to memorize the identity of the cards (it's very clever how they handle this). But in my handling, I shortened a double blank card by 1-2 mm and placed it in the center of the deck. This way, it will FORCE only one of the outs. Then, to avoid having the same outcome with another group MOVE the double blank card so that you will have a different card reveal. My feeling is that I could handle an entire strolling gig with just three outs all inside the same pocket. This deck is a Bonafide WORKER!

I received mine yesterday and have nothing but praise for this incredible deck. My only quip is the manner in which Phoenix manages their downloads especially with a product like this where obviously it would be very difficult to construct on your own. I added a double back blank card from a Bicycle deck and shortened it. Then, when I am strolling, I won't have to occupy two (working) pockets. Three cards are enough when strolling. I wish that they thought of because it would have been nice to receive a double blank Phoenix card with my purchase.
Where is carnival magix now

The once colorful and inviting rides now sit rusted and deteriorating. The buildings that once housed shops and restaurants are now boarded up and crumbling. Nature has started to reclaim the land, with weeds and overgrown grass covering the pathways. The few remaining structures at Carnival Magix serve as a reminder of what once was. For those who remember the park's glory days, it is a bittersweet sight. The memories of joy and laughter that were once associated with this place now seem distant and nostalgic. Some locals have tried to salvage what they can of Carnival Magix, holding small events and fundraisers to support the park's restoration. However, the efforts have been in vain, as the new amusement park continues to draw the crowds. Carnival Magix now stands as a symbol of the changing times and the relentless march of progress. It serves as a reminder that even the most beloved and cherished places can be left behind and forgotten. As the years go by, Carnival Magix continues to fade from memory. It now sits as a silent testament to a bygone era, a relic of a simpler time. The once vibrant park is now lost, waiting for someone to come and breathe life back into its forgotten corners. But for now, Carnival Magix remains just a memory, a distant echo of laughter and excitement that once filled the air. The park's fate is uncertain, and only time will tell if it can rise from the ashes and reclaim its former glory..

Reviews for "Carnival Magix and the culinary world: exploring traditional dishes and flavors"

1. Samantha - ★★☆☆☆
I was really disappointed with "Where is carnival magix now". I found the plot to be confusing and hard to follow. The characters lacked depth and I couldn't connect with any of them. The pacing was off, with slow moments that dragged on and rushed action scenes that left me feeling unsatisfied. Overall, I felt like the story lacked direction and purpose. Unfortunately, this book just wasn't for me.
2. Mike - ★☆☆☆☆
I have to say, "Where is carnival magix now" is one of the worst books I've read in a long time. The writing was clunky and full of clichés. The dialogue felt forced and unrealistic, making it hard to believe in the characters' motivations. The story itself was boring and predictable, with no surprises or twists to keep me engaged. I found myself skimming through pages, waiting for something interesting to happen, but it never did. I regret wasting my time and money on this book.
3. Emily - ★★☆☆☆
I had high hopes for "Where is carnival magix now" but was ultimately let down. The concept had potential, but the execution fell flat for me. The writing was mediocre at best, lacking descriptive language and emotional depth. The characters felt one-dimensional and lacked development. I had a hard time connecting with any of them, which made it difficult to care about their journey. Overall, I found this book to be forgettable and unimpressive.
4. Jason - ★☆☆☆☆
I struggled to finish "Where is carnival magix now". The story was riddled with plot holes and inconsistencies that made it hard to suspend disbelief. The pacing was all over the place, with moments of intense action followed by long, dull stretches of nothing happening. The dialogue was stilted and unnatural, making it difficult to get invested in the characters' conversations. I found myself rolling my eyes and groaning multiple times throughout the book. I can't recommend this to anyone looking for a well-written and engaging read.

Carnival Magix and sustainability: finding a balance between tradition and environmental responsibility

The influence of Carnival Magix on fashion and costume design