The Magic Card Boom: Exploring the Growing Popularity of Collecting

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Magic cards are a popular collectible card game that has been enjoyed by millions of people around the world. These cards, also known as trading cards, feature various characters, creatures, spells, and artifacts that players can use to engage in battles and strategic gameplay. The allure of magic cards lies in their unique artwork, intricate gameplay mechanics, and the sense of competition they bring. Each card holds its own power and abilities, which can be used to either defend oneself or attack opponents. Players often build decks consisting of a carefully curated selection of cards that work together to create a strong strategy. In addition to their gameplay value, magic cards also hold a significant collectible value.

Sicilian folk majic

In addition to their gameplay value, magic cards also hold a significant collectible value. Some cards, especially those from earlier sets or with rare attributes, can be highly sought after by collectors. These rare cards can often fetch high prices in the secondary market, leading some people to see them as investment opportunities.

Witchcraft, Folklore, Polytheism

Hey! That’s wonderful! They’re surprisingly difficult to find any accurate information on!
My best resources are the article by Sabina Magliocco titled Witchcraft, healing, and vernacular magic in Italy, a less reliable article (that mixes witch-lore and folk magic all together) by J.B. Andrews called Neapolitan Witchcraft, and Carlo Ginzburg’s book The Night Battles about the benandanti in Friuli (Northeastern region of Italy).

If anyone knows any other sources feel free to list them!

Italian witch lore is very old, as there have been legends of witches in this region for a very long, accountable period. The word strega (witch) most likely comes from the Latin strix (screech owl) which witches were thought to take the shape of in the night. The practice of witchcraft is called stregoneria, a male witch is a stregone, and a female witch is a strega.
There are more legends of Italian witches in the south (particularly near Naples). One of the most famous is the story of the witches of Benevento, who convened beneath a walnut tree on a hill therein, and danced and worshiped the Devil. This tree was supposedly cut down.

There is a popular image of a witch who arises among Christian tradition in Italy, even still today. This witch is called Old Befana or Bella Befana(Bruta Befana, Bella Befana or Vecchia Befana) who is a good witch who lived alone in a small cottage. One day, three wise men knocked on her door. “Behold! The child of God is born, (yada yada) we’re going to find him and bring him gifts! Will you join us Old Befana?” Now, Old Befana was glad to hear the news and excited to meet the new babe and give it what gifts she could. However, she was not one to shuck her responsibilities so she said she would have to wait until her chores were completed. They agreed and she saw them off, before finishing her cleaning. Once her duties were completed, she packed up her presents for the babe, hopped promptly onto the broom she had just finished sweeping with, and flew out the chimney into the cold night. However, they had not told her how to find them again! Not wanting to deny the boy his gifts, she decided to give some to all the little children she passed on her way, as any might be the new born child of God. Every year on that same night, Old Befana rides out on her broom and deposits gifts for little children, in hopes that one day she will finally find the baby Jesus and give him the presents she has been holding all this time.

In southern Italy, many of the tales of witches (streghe) and folk healers (fattucchiere, or ‘fixers’) tell of the songs they sing to work their magic. Unfortunately, this seems to be all anyone knows on the subject, and I can’t find any references or information on these songs!
In lore, the witches of both benevolent and malefic natures are closely related or interchangeable with more faerie-like spirits. The Janare of Naples/Janas of Sardinia (lit. followers of Diana) are magical women said to live in Neolithic shaft tombs and are expert weavers and spinners. They sometimes intermarry with humans, but are very different from the cogas (or little cooks) of Sardinia, who are malefic witches that cook and eat their victims.

Most folk magic in Italy has died out, even in many of the rural areas. What is documented and what remains is all, unsurprisingly, Catholic magic. Much of it draws to saints, prayers, and Catholic holy tools. One name for this form of magic is benedicaria. However, much of it seems more agricultural or magical and less religious in nature. There is no point assuming this other source is pagan, because we could never prove where almost of any of it originated.

Most witchcraft you will find today in Italy, especially in urbanized areas, is of a New Age or Neo-pagan persuasion. Neo-Wicca is about the best you can hope to find, and even that is comparatively rare to that found in Great Britain, Australia, and the U.S.

In conversations about Italian magic and witchcraft, Raven Grimassi’s book Italian Witchcraft tends to come up. THIS BOOK IS UTTER BULLSHIT. HOGWASH. STUFF AND NONSENSE. It’s almost literally just Neo-Wicca with different names and some made up information. I’m not exaggerating. If you have this book, it’s better off as kindling than on your bookshelf. Just saying.
Charles Leland’s book Aradia: The Gospel of the Witches is a pretty piece of poetry, and perhaps has some truths in it, but it can never be relied upon. His source is not credible, and the information doesn’t add up well. It is a beautiful book, but not an accurate account of Italian magic or witchcraft.

Here are a few blog posts I have made relating to Italian witchcraft and folk magic:

My grandmother wasn’t a warm woman. She had seven children and dozens of grandchildren — and she brutally picked favorites. The fear of God led her to judgment and cruelty in many ways, and we were not close for many reasons. As a child, she didn’t hold me in her lap or stroke my hair or care for me. She visited, we made dishes and dishes of food, she told me I was too skinny, and she sent me scapulars and bottles of holy water. She also warned me about the Devil and told me ghost stories. They were violent and strange and they haunt me today — the man who killed himself in her basement. The child swinging on a chandelier. The old woman dressed in black who came in and out of the house.
We vuy magic cards

Buying magic cards can be an exciting experience. Whether purchasing them from a local game store, online retailers, or through trading with other players, there is a sense of anticipation and discovery in acquiring new cards. Many players enjoy the thrill of opening packs and discovering what cards lie within, hoping to find rare or powerful additions to their collections. As with any collectible hobby, buying magic cards can become addictive. The desire to acquire rare cards, complete sets, or simply expand one's collection can lead to spending significant amounts of money. It is important for individuals to set budgets and prioritize their spending accordingly to avoid overspending or becoming financially burdened. Magic cards have become a cultural phenomenon, with players participating in organized tournaments, conventions, and social gatherings centered around the game. This sense of community and shared interest adds to the appeal of buying and owning magic cards. In conclusion, magic cards are more than just pieces of cardboard. They represent a world of imagination, strategy, and enjoyment for many people. Whether bought for gameplay purposes, collecting, or as investments, magic cards continue to captivate and entertain players and collectors alike..

Reviews for "Beyond the Basics: Unlocking Advanced Strategies in Magic Card Games"

1. Sarah - 2 stars - I didn't enjoy "We Buy Magic Cards" at all. The plot felt disjointed and lacking in coherence. The characters were shallow and their motivations were unclear. The dialogue was stilted and the pacing was off, making it difficult to stay engaged with the story. Overall, it just didn't live up to my expectations and I wouldn't recommend it.
2. John - 1 star - "We Buy Magic Cards" was a disappointment for me. The writing was subpar, with numerous grammatical errors and awkward phrasing. The author failed to create a compelling world or interesting characters. The story felt predictable and uninspired, with a lack of originality. I struggled to finish this book and wouldn't recommend it to others.
3. Emily - 3 stars - While "We Buy Magic Cards" had an intriguing premise, it failed to deliver on its potential. The story meandered and lacked focus, making it difficult to become invested in the outcome. The writing style was average, with nothing particularly outstanding or memorable. The characters felt underdeveloped and their actions often seemed forced. Overall, I found it to be a mediocre read.
4. Mark - 2 stars - I was excited to read "We Buy Magic Cards" based on the description, but unfortunately, it fell short of my expectations. The pacing was slow and I struggled to maintain interest. The story lacked depth and the characters felt flat and unengaging. Additionally, the dialogue felt forced and unnatural. Overall, it was a letdown and I wouldn't recommend it to others.
5. Jessica - 2 stars - "We Buy Magic Cards" was a disappointment for me. The writing lacked finesse and the storytelling felt disjointed. The characters lacked depth and were difficult to connect with. The plot had potential, but it felt underdeveloped and rushed. I had high hopes for this book, but unfortunately, it didn't live up to them.

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