Beyond the Field: How Valparaiso College Mascots Support Community Outreach

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Valparaiso College Mascot The Valparaiso College mascot is the Crusader. The Crusader is a symbol of strength, courage, and determination. It represents the spirit and determination of the college community. The Crusader is a knight dressed in armor, carrying a sword and shield. It is a symbol of the college's commitment to excellence, both in academics and athletics. The mascot is seen at all college sporting events, cheering on the teams and rallying the crowd.

"Medica Visits the Witch Doctor" is based on a found Chinese acupuncture diagram and some Filipino witchcraft folklore. Growing up, family elders spoke of the body in magical ways. I was often haunted by superstitions like not washing my hair at night because it would cause me to go blind. At the same time, expressions about personal thoughts and feelings were indirect at best, and more likely to be expressed as a toothache or foot pain. Thus, I had many touch points to write from when imagining the stories of pain hidden in our bodies that are seeking release. Thus, my last constraint was to include the word “press” in some form within each verse in order to have a unifying gesture.

My work investigates cultural silences that shape the med-ical-emotional landscape of family diaspora, extending from China to the Philippines to North America. My work investigates cultural silences that shape the med-ical-emotional landscape of family diaspora, extending from China to the Philippines to North America.

Witch doctor rugtars

The mascot is seen at all college sporting events, cheering on the teams and rallying the crowd. It is a source of pride and unity for the college community. The Crusader represents the college's values of integrity, resilience, and perseverance.

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

My work investigates cultural silences that shape the med-ical-emotional landscape of family diaspora, extending from China to the Philippines to North America. These experimental image-poems juxtapose diagram and diary, bearing witness to underrepresented histories of the body.

"Medica Visits the Witch Doctor" is based on a found Chinese acupuncture diagram and some Filipino witchcraft folklore. Growing up, family elders spoke of the body in magical ways. I was often haunted by superstitions like not washing my hair at night because it would cause me to go blind. At the same time, expressions about personal thoughts and feelings were indirect at best, and more likely to be expressed as a toothache or foot pain. Thus, I had many touch points to write from when imagining the stories of pain hidden in our bodies that are seeking release. Thus, my last constraint was to include the word “press” in some form within each verse in order to have a unifying gesture.

This work was created during my time at the inaugural Literary Hybrid/Book Arts Workshop at the 2013 Kenyon Review Writers Workshop.

Monica Ong is a visual artist and writer dwelling in experimental spaces. She completed her MFA in Digital Media at the Rhode Island School of Design, and is also a Kundiman poetry fellow. Her work can be found in Tidal Basin Review, Lantern Review, Drunken Boat, and Glassworks Magazine, to name a few. She has been exhibiting work for over a decade, with a forthcoming show at the Institute of Women and Art at Rutgers University. She designs to support these habits while happily fumbling around in motherhood.

This work was created during my time at the inaugural Literary Hybrid/Book Arts Workshop at the 2013 Kenyon Review Writers Workshop.
Valparaiso college mascot

It inspires students to strive for their goals and overcome challenges. The mascot is an important part of college traditions and has become a beloved symbol of the college's spirit and identity. Overall, the Valparaiso College mascot, the Crusader, embodies the college's commitment to excellence, values, and unity. It serves as a source of inspiration and pride for the college community..

Reviews for "The Business of Valparaiso College Mascots: Merchandise, Sponsorships, and Revenue"

1. Lisa - 2/5
I was really disappointed with the Valparaiso college mascot. Firstly, it was not at all clear what the mascot was supposed to represent. It was some sort of strange, hybrid creature that looked like a mishmash of different animals. Secondly, the costume itself looked cheap and poorly made. The colors were dull, and the fabric was flimsy. Overall, the mascot did not bring any excitement or cheer to the college, and I believe they could have done a much better job in designing and implementing a mascot that truly represents the spirit and values of the college.
2. Mark - 1/5
The Valparaiso college mascot was a complete disaster in my opinion. It was not engaging, and the students were not able to connect with it. It looked awkward and out of place during college events, and there was no enthusiasm or energy coming from the mascot. It seemed more like a person dressed up in a weird costume rather than an actual mascot. It was a huge letdown, and I believe Valparaiso college should reconsider their mascot design and bring in something that will bring joy and excitement to their community.
3. Sarah - 2/5
I was not impressed with the Valparaiso college mascot at all. It lacked creativity and originality. The design was generic, and it didn't stand out in any way. It felt like a copy of mascots from other colleges, with nothing unique to offer. Additionally, the mascot's movements were stiff and unnatural, making it even more unappealing. Overall, I found the Valparaiso college mascot to be unimpressive and forgettable, and I believe they should invest in a new design that showcases their individuality and school spirit.

The Evolution of Valparaiso College Mascots: From Simple to Iconic

The Role of Valparaiso College Mascots in Recruitment and Retention

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