The Power of Utilitarian Divination: Exploring Oracle Decks

By admin

The Utilitarian Divination Oracle Deck is a unique tool designed to aid in decision-making and provide guidance in various aspects of life. Unlike traditional divination decks that focus on mystical and spiritual symbolism, this deck follows a utilitarian approach, drawing inspiration from everyday objects, situations, and concepts. The main idea behind the Utilitarian Divination Oracle Deck is to focus on practicality and usefulness. It aims to provide pragmatic advice and insights that can be easily applied to everyday situations. Each card in the deck represents a specific concept or scenario, offering a range of possibilities and suggestions for action. The deck features a wide array of cards, each with its own distinct meaning and interpretation.

Like most things, multiple options exist for how to proceed for designing your own oracle. One is the intuitive or inductive approach, where you simply work with one card or object at a time and use intuition/spirit to get you where you are going (my example of the Plant Spirit Oracle). The other approach is and one is the plan-ahead or deductive approach (which is what I did with the Ancestor Oracle). Both approaches have their benefits and drawbacks, and they really will depend on who you are, the vision you have, and how you are most comfortable proceeding. You might also find that a bit of both is the best approach–planning what you know you want to include, and leaving the rest up to divine inspiration as you create.

In this case, I wanted to create an oracle deck that evolved as my own life did I wanted to create an ancestor deck that I could connect with and use at Samhain, and I wanted to be able to add ancestors to my deck as loved ones passed on as part of my own mourning process. My East Coast Ogham project, for example, is mostly a research-heavy project where I explore the different history, folklore, herbalism, physical uses, and mythology surrounding trees here in the eastern part of the USA and then derive my own meanings for it.

Utilitarian divination oracle deck

The deck features a wide array of cards, each with its own distinct meaning and interpretation. The cards are divided into different categories, such as relationships, career, personal growth, health, and more. This allows users to select cards that pertain to their specific area of focus or concern.

How to Create Your Own Tarot or Oracle Deck for Personal Use

Ever since I self-published the Tarot of Trees, I get a fairly regular stream of people who are interested in creating their own oracle decks and want to know how to do it. So in today’s post, I’ll share the process of developing a variety of different oracles. Some were published oracles, like The Tarot of Trees and my forthcoming Plant Spirit Oracle, while others were private oracles just for me, such as the Ancestor Oracle and my ongoing East Coast Ogham project and tree spirit project. Through these projects, I detail the process for how you might create your own. We’ll talk about the act of creation itself, as well as options for if you want to get it out into the world (self publish, print on demand, etc).

In today’s post, I’m going to focus on oracle decks that you make just for you–without the intention of mass-producing them. I’ll share various options for your deck and my own experiences in making many such decks. In next week’s post, I’ll share details about how to make an oracle with the intention of getting it published or self-publishing). I’m splitting up these posts for a very good reason. If you are making your own deck that is only for you, you don’t have to worry about a lot of considerations that go into printing and mass production (funding a print run, marketing, standard printer die-cut sizes for cards, etc). If you are making one just for you, you can do whatever you want, however, you want it. If, however, you want to publish your work (either through a publisher or through self-publishing means) then you have to pay attention to certain considerations–which I’ll cover at some point in the next month or two!

Utilitarian divination oracle deck

The deck is designed to be accessible and user-friendly, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced divination practitioners. The cards are illustrated with simple yet appealing images, making it easy to connect with the meanings and messages they convey. When using the Utilitarian Divination Oracle Deck, the user is encouraged to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to explore new perspectives. The deck serves as a tool for self-reflection and introspection, helping individuals gain insight into their own thoughts, feelings, and desires. It can assist in clarifying complex situations, improving decision-making, and providing guidance on the best course of action. The Utilitarian Divination Oracle Deck is not intended as a replacement for professional advice or therapy. Instead, it is meant to complement existing practices and assist in personal growth and development. Its utilitarian approach focuses on practicality, effectiveness, and usefulness, providing a valuable resource for those seeking guidance and support in their daily lives..

Reviews for "Reimagining Divination: The Power of the Utilitarian Oracle Deck"

1. Jane - 2 stars - I was really excited to try out the Utilitarian divination oracle deck because I've been interested in divination for a while. However, I was quite disappointed with the deck. The cards felt flimsy and not very well-made. The artwork didn't resonate with me either. I found it to be quite dull and uninspiring. The guidebook that came with the deck was also lacking. It provided very short and vague interpretations for each card, which left me feeling confused and frustrated. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this deck to anyone looking for a reliable and visually appealing divination tool.
2. Mark - 1 star - This Utilitarian divination oracle deck was a waste of money. The cardstock used for the cards felt cheap and easily bent. The artwork on the cards was also lackluster and unappealing. I found the interpretations provided in the guidebook to be very generic and not helpful at all. The deck lacked depth and meaningful symbolism. I regret purchasing this deck and would advise others to avoid it if they're looking for a more substantial divination tool.
3. Sarah - 2 stars - I had high hopes for the Utilitarian divination oracle deck, but it fell short of my expectations. The cards were quite small and difficult to shuffle, which made using them a bit frustrating. The artwork on the cards was simplistic and didn't capture my attention. The guidebook didn't offer much insight either, as the interpretations felt shallow and repetitive. Overall, I didn't find this deck to be very useful or enjoyable to work with. I would suggest exploring other oracle decks before settling for this one.

Exploring the Practical Side of Divination: The Utilitarian Oracle Deck

The Art of Finding Answers: Utilitarian Divination Oracle Deck Explained