The Witch's Redemption: The Wanderer's Journey

By admin

In a remote village at the edge of a dense forest, there lived a wanderer. This wanderer was a mysterious figure, unknown to the villagers. His clothes were tattered, and his face was weathered from years spent traveling through different lands. The villagers often spoke of him in whispers, wondering where he came from and what brought him to their humble village. One day, as the wanderer was walking through the village, he spotted a small, run-down hut nestled between the trees. Smoke was rising from its chimney, indicating signs of life within.

We’ll now have the Astirum, and our objectives will update. At this point we need to return to the Mantis.

If you can deflect all of the attacks in one of the boss s three-hit melee combos, you will put a serious dent in Taron Malicos s stamina bar, possibly emptying it entirely and opening him up to some serious damage. Backtrack across the bridge to the Save Point Tomb of Kujet and you ll see that a pair of Lesser Nydaks has appeared on the area leading to the exit.

The wanderer and the witch

Smoke was rising from its chimney, indicating signs of life within. Curiosity got the better of him, and he approached the hut cautiously. As he entered the hut, he was greeted by a peculiar sight.

Dathomir - Explore the Tomb of Kujet

Upon landing on Dathomir, we’ll want to make our way back to the Nightmare Ruins where we visited and then fled from earlier. The path leading to the area is exactly the same as it was, but there will be larger concentrations of both Undead Nightsisters and Bane Black Spiders along the way.

Nightmare Ruins

Once you have arrived back at the Nightmare Ruins, proceed into the main structure and rest at the Save Point – Nightmare Ruins (if required). To continue, walk up and interact with the door.

Again, we'll be put into a short Lightsaber duel with our old master. He'll block all of your attacks, but you'll eventually get the better of him using a Split-Saber attack. Doing so will trigger a scene.

Following the scene, the door will open, allowing us to proceed.

Tomb of Kujet

Continue into the next room and you will see a pair of Nightbrother Warriors waiting for us. If you approach their location, a Nightbrother Archer on a ledge above will attack you as well, so draw the two melee enemies back to near the entry point to fight them. Afterwards continue into the room and deflect projectiles back at the Archer to defeat him.

At the back of this area, you can see a small gap we can squeeze through to continue. Before doing so, climb the vine-covered wall on the right to the top. In the side-room it leads to you;ll find a Force Echo with Databank entry [Dathomir: The Wanderer and the Witch #2]. Follow the path across the elevated thorny branch to reach a similar area on the far side of the room. In this area you’ll find a Force Echo with Databank entry [Dathomir: The Wanderer and the Witch #3].

Drop down and continue through the gap in the wall opposite the entry point to continue.

As you reach the far side, a scene will play.

Note: Following this scene, you’ll unlock a Databank entry [Quest: Chapter 5 #5].

Following the scene you should be able to make out Malicos, who is doing his best to look menacing with all his looming in the distance.

Begin towards his location and as you do, walk close to the right-hand wall. As you go, BD-1 will find an object to scan. Let him do so for a Databank entry [Cordova’s Journey: Archive Three – Dathomir #3]. Look to the wall opposite this to spot a section covered in vines we ca climb. In the room at the top is a Force Echo with Databank entry [Dathomir: Sage Kujet #1].

As you approach Malicos, a bridge will appear allowing you to cross to his location. Following a short scene you’ll have to fight him in combat.

Boss: Taron Malicos

Taron Malicos is by far the hardest boss encounter in the game to this point (and may very well be the hardest in the game all together depending on your play style). He is a rogue Jedi with Force abilities that dual-welds Lightsabers and can string together a quick series of melee attacks, will use Lightsaber throw and will use both unblockable jumping attacks and hurl rocks from around the arena to attack from range.

Early on in the battle (and for a good portion of it afterwards) the boss will primarily lean on his three-attack melee combo but will also throw his Lightsaber off to the side and attack you before using the Force to have the floating Lightsaber come in for an attack from a (usually) unexpected location. He’ll also throw in an unblockable leaping slam attack for good measure.

These attacks will be used throughout the fight and although the boss will throw in some more attacks into his repertoire (including additional projectiles and unblockable attacks) these are also your best chance to deal damage to the boss. If you can deflect all of the attacks in one of the boss’s three-hit melee combos, you will put a serious dent in Taron Malicos’s stamina bar, possibly emptying it entirely and opening him up to some serious damage. Dodging away from the slam attack and immediately attacking Malicos also provides an opening to inflict 2-3 Lightsaber swings before he recovers.

Unfortunately, as the fight continues the boss throws in additional attack patterns to make things trickier. After taking enough damage he’ll start Force Throwing large rocks at you from across the arena. Initially he’ll toss a single rock (multiple times) but eventually will throw up to three at once. Dodging sideways at the last second is your best bet to avoid taking a hit to your health bar.

As the fight progresses, he’ll also pick up three new remixes to his unblockable attack. His single leaping attack will transition to two unblockable leaping attacks in a row. He’ll also perform a short combo (reminiscent of the three-hit combo he uses regularly) before launching into a final unblockable attack. Finally, he’ll throw both Lightsabers at you before launching an unblockable leaping slam attack. Avoid all of these and exploit the small opening after he executes them to dish out your damage.

Continue to deflect his standard attacks and dodge/jump away form his unblockable ones before attacking him during his recovery period. Eventually he’ll run out of health and the fight will draw to a close.

Note: Defeating Taron Malicos will give you a new entry for your Tactical Guide! Note: Following the fight, you’ll earn a Databank entry [Characters: The Wanderer #3]. Note: For defeating Taron Malicos, you’ll earn the Achievement/Trophy ‘I Knew he was No Good’.

Once the fight has concluded, a new Save Point – Tomb of Kujet will appear. Nightsister Merrin will also hang out nearby. Speak with her a couple of times and she’ll create a bridge for you leading to the next platform in the distance.

After passing through the bright orange doorway you’ll reach a sarcophagus room. Run near the left hand side of this room and BD-1 will spot a carving to scan. Have him do so for Databank entry [Dathomir: Sage Kujet #2].

Step on the pressure plate at the end of this platform to spot a blue object emerge from the statue ahead and move down to a socket below. This will create a bridge. Cross the bridge and interact with the blue object here. This will trigger a scene.

Note: Following the scene you’ll receive a new Databank entry [Characters: Nightsister Merrin #3].

We’ll now have the Astirum, and our objectives will update. At this point we need to return to the Mantis.

Backtrack across the bridge to the Save Point – Tomb of Kujet and you’ll see that a pair of Lesser Nydaks has appeared on the area leading to the exit. Jump across and deal with them before continuing.

Exit the tomb and make your way back to the Mantis.

The Mantis

Upon arriving back at the ship, a scene will play.

Note: At this point, you’ll receive a new Databank entry [Quest: Chapter 5 # 6].

Now that we are back on the ship, plant the Terrarium Seeds that you picked up that you may have forgotten to plant and speak with your allies if you wish to do so.

When you are ready to continue, approach the Galaxy map and fly to Bogano. A scene will play.

Note: During the scene, you’ll receive a new Databank entry [Characters: Greez Dritus #3].

To continue, we'll need to revisit Bogano to Open the Vault.

Backtrack across the bridge to the Save Point – Tomb of Kujet and you’ll see that a pair of Lesser Nydaks has appeared on the area leading to the exit. Jump across and deal with them before continuing.
The wanderer and the witch

A woman, dressed in dark flowing robes, was hunched over a cauldron, stirring its contents with her long, bony fingers. The room was filled with an eerie silence, broken only by the crackling of the fire and the bubbling of the cauldron. The wanderer cleared his throat and spoke, asking the witch for some shelter for the night. The witch turned towards him with piercing eyes that seemed to look deep into his soul. After a moment of silence, she nodded and gestured for him to sit by the fire. As the night progressed, the wanderer and the witch engaged in conversation. She spoke of the ancient arts of healing and magic that she had spent years mastering, while he recounted tales of his adventures and encounters with people from far-off lands. As they shared their stories, a connection formed between them – a bond of understanding and a mutual appreciation for the mysteries of life. Days turned into nights, and the wanderer found himself drawn to the hut, always seeking solace in the witch's company. She taught him the intricacies of her craft and showed him the secrets of the forest. In return, he shared his tales and the wisdom he had gained from his travels. Together, they were a formidable pair, harnessing the power of magic and knowledge. Over time, the villagers began to shed their fear of the wanderer and accepted him as part of their community. They saw the positive influence he had brought to the village and the healing powers the witch possessed. The wanderer and the witch became guardians of the village, using their combined knowledge and skills to protect it from danger. The bond between the wanderer and the witch grew stronger with each passing day. They supported and relied on each other, finding comfort in a world that had often been unkind to them. Together, they embraced the wanderer's nomadic lifestyle, traveling to distant lands and unraveling the mysteries that lay hidden within. The tale of the wanderer and the witch became a legend passed down from generation to generation. It spoke of the transformative power of connection and the beauty of finding one's place in the world. The wanderer and the witch had found solace in each other's company, forever bound by the magic they shared..

Reviews for "A Journey of Discovery: The Wanderer and the Witch's Odyssey"

1. Sarah - 2 stars
I was really disappointed with "The wanderer and the witch". The plot was slow and predictable, with no real surprises or twists. The characters felt one-dimensional and lacked depth, making it hard for me to connect with them or care about their journey. The writing style was also a bit lackluster, with simple and repetitive descriptions that didn't engage me. Overall, I found the book to be quite underwhelming and wouldn't recommend it to others.
2. John - 1 star
"The wanderer and the witch" was a complete waste of time in my opinion. The story lacked coherence, and I struggled to understand the purpose of certain scenes or characters. The dialogue was forced and unnatural, making it difficult to believe in the interactions between the characters. Additionally, the world-building was poorly executed, with vague and inconsistent descriptions that left me confused. I was hoping for a captivating fantasy tale, but unfortunately, this book fell short of my expectations.
3. Emily - 2 stars
I found "The wanderer and the witch" to be a dull and uninspiring read. The pacing was incredibly slow, and it felt like nothing of consequence was happening for the majority of the book. The main characters lacked chemistry, and their relationship felt forced and unrealistic. The writing style was also quite dry and uninteresting, failing to evoke any emotions or excitement in me as a reader. I was left disappointed and unsatisfied with this book and wouldn't recommend it to those looking for an engaging fantasy story.

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