The History and Powers of Supernatural Pagan Gods

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Supernatural pagan gods have been a part of various ancient religions and belief systems throughout history. These gods are depicted as powerful entities that often have control over natural elements and forces of the universe. They are worshiped and respected by their followers, who believe in their ability to influence and shape various aspects of life. One well-known example of a supernatural pagan god is Thor, the Norse god of thunder. Thor is depicted as a strong, hammer-wielding deity who can command lightning and storms. He is considered a protector of mankind and is often invoked for protection and courage.

Suoernatiral pagan gods

He is considered a protector of mankind and is often invoked for protection and courage. In Celtic mythology, there are various supernatural pagan gods, such as Danu, the mother goddess. Danu is associated with fertility, abundance, and the nurturing aspects of nature.


Deities or gods are powerful supernatural beings representing the dominant authority of a religion. The major deity featured in Supernatural is referred to as God, who merely hides behind whatever religion is most popular at the time, that of the Abrahamic Religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam).

Fortuna eventually reveals to Sam and Dean that when God first created humanity, they worshiped things like nature instead. Initially enraged, God chose to create the pagan deities as scapegoats to take the blame for things going wrong and because they made an epic story. However, God's ego only allowed this for so long and he abandoned his creations and chose to hide behind whatever religion is the most popular. Over time, most of these gods have forgotten their true origins and took to hunting humans for scraps and competing against each other to display their dominance over opposing religions. [1]

Kali shows disgust for Westerners and their belief that they have the right to leadership in their own God's name, accusing them of butchery. She also states that she and the other gods' religions were practiced before his. [2] Michael later confirmed Kali's statement as he was directly responsible for the creation of the Abrahamic Religions by having all the angels and every former prophet throughout the past few millennia brand God's visage all over the world. [3] Amara also explained God encouraged these religions as monuments to his ego and promised everyone safety if they adored him. [4]

List of Deities

Throughout the Supernatural series, there have been many deities encountered including:

  • Chuck Shurley / God (formerly)
  • Amara / The Darkness (existing in harmony with Jack Kline)
  • Castiel (aka Godstiel)
  • Jack Kline
  • Artemis
  • Atropos
  • Calliope
  • Chronos
  • Dionysius [5]
  • Harmonia [6]
  • Oliver (Demigod)
  • Plutus
  • Prometheus (Titan)
  • Zeus
  • Anansi (West African)
  • Baron Samedi (Haitian Voodoo)
  • Cacao (Mayan)
  • Eve (the Mother of All Monsters)
  • Leshii (Slavic)
  • Madge and Edward Carrigan (Teutonic)
  • Moloch (Canaanite)
  • Tiamat (Babylonian)
  • Trickster (also known as "Loki", from many cultures)
  • Zao Shen (Chinese)
  • One unnamed god from 5.19 Hammer of the Gods.
  • Yokoth (Alternate Universe)
  • Glythur (Alternate Universe)
  • Mars Neto (Celtiberian)
  • Ursitoare (Romanian)

Deity Death List

In some traditions, particularly monotheistic religions, deities and gods are thought of as being immortal and all powerful. However, in Supernatural the deities can be killed by humans, other deities, and angels. Death claims that God will one day die. [8]

  • With the help of Sam and Dean, Emily burns the first tree which disenfranchises the Vanir. [9]
  • Dean and Sam kill two Pagan gods disguised as Madge and Edward Carrigan, using wooden stakes made from Evergreen trees. [10]
  • Sam kills Leshii, by decapitating it using an iron axe. [11]
  • Dean kills Zao Shen, using a wooden stake. [2]
  • The archangelLucifer kills Mercury, Baldur, Ganesh, Odin and two unnamed gods. [2]
  • Sam kills Veritas, using a knife dipped in dog's blood. [12]
  • Dean kills Eve, using phoenix ash. [13]
  • Sam stabs Osiris with a ram's horn, which will lead to him being inactive for a couple of centuries. [14]
  • Sam kills Chronos with an stake made of olive wood dipped in an unknown blood. [15]
  • Beau kills Plutus with a wooden stake. [16]
  • Sam kills Mr. Vili with a blow from Mjölnir. [16]
  • Zeus kills Prometheus by pulling him in front of one of Artemis' arrows. [7]
  • Prometheus kills Zeus by shoving one of Artemis' arrows through himself into Zeus. [7]
  • Sheriff Jody Mills kills Vesta with an oak stake stained by the blood of a virgin. [17]
  • Sam kills Calliope with a blessed wooden stake. [18]
  • Sam kills Moloch with the Colt. [19]
  • Gabriel kills Fenrir Odensbane, Narfi, Sleipnir and Loki with specially-crafted wooden swords. Sleipnir's sword appeared to be stained with an unknown blood. [20]
  • Jack Kline kills Noah Ophis via decapitation with a silver blade. As a gorgon, Noah reveals that he is a demigod. [21]
  • After Millie Winchester smashes Mars Neto's amphora, John Winchester is able to kill him by impaling Mars Neto on the broken end of his own spear and bashing him in the head several times. [22]
Suoernatiral pagan gods

She is often depicted as a wise and nurturing figure, bestowing her blessings upon her devotees. Another notable supernatural pagan god is Pan, from Greek mythology. Pan is the god of the wild, shepherds, and flocks. He is often depicted as a half-man, half-goat creature with horns and is known for his mischievous and playful nature. Pan is associated with nature, music, and sexuality. These supernatural pagan gods often have different domains and areas of influence, but they all share a common belief that they have powers and abilities beyond that of humans. They are revered and worshiped through rituals, prayers, and sacrifices, with the hope of gaining their favor and protection. In some cultures, belief in supernatural pagan gods has dwindled over time due to the spread of monotheistic religions, such as Christianity and Islam. However, there are still pockets of people who continue to worship and honor these gods, keeping their ancient traditions and beliefs alive. Overall, supernatural pagan gods play a significant role in the mythologies and spiritual practices of many ancient cultures. They are seen as powerful beings with the ability to influence and control various aspects of life, and are worshiped by their followers for their protection, guidance, and blessings..

Reviews for "Supernatural Pagan Gods: Protectors or Harbingers of Disasters?"

1. Emily - 2/5 stars - I was really excited to read "Supernatural Pagan Gods" because I love books about mythology, but I was ultimately disappointed by this one. The writing was lackluster and the characters were one-dimensional. The plot felt rushed and disjointed, with no clear direction. There were also numerous grammatical errors and typos throughout the book which made it difficult to enjoy. Overall, I found "Supernatural Pagan Gods" to be a forgettable read that didn't live up to its potential.
2. Mark - 2/5 stars - I couldn't get into "Supernatural Pagan Gods" at all. The concept seemed intriguing, but the execution fell flat. The world-building was lacking, and I felt like I was constantly trying to make sense of the mythology being presented. The pacing was also off, with long stretches of exposition followed by rushed action sequences. The dialogue was unnatural and the characters felt more like caricatures than real people. I give "Supernatural Pagan Gods" two stars for the effort put into the premise, but unfortunately, it didn't deliver in terms of storytelling.
3. Sarah - 1/5 stars - "Supernatural Pagan Gods" was a complete disappointment for me. The plot was convoluted and confusing, and I found it difficult to connect with any of the characters. The writing style was overly descriptive to the point of being tedious, and the pacing was painfully slow. The book also seemed to lack any originality, recycling tired tropes and clichés without adding anything new. I would not recommend "Supernatural Pagan Gods" to anyone looking for a captivating and well-written fantasy novel. It missed the mark on all fronts.

Supernatural Pagan Gods: Guardians of Earthly Realms

The Role of Supernatural Pagan Gods in Ancient Civilizations