sister mary elephant youtube

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The Carnival Magic Deck refers to the layout and arrangement of the various areas and facilities found on the Carnival Magic cruise ship. As a large vessel that can accommodate thousands of passengers, the ship is designed with multiple decks, each serving a specific purpose. The Carnival Magic Deck is divided into various sections, including stateroom decks, dining decks, recreational decks, entertainment decks, and more. These decks are numbered from lower levels to higher levels, allowing guests to easily navigate and find their desired destinations. On the stateroom decks, passengers can find their cozy and comfortable cabins, equipped with all the necessary amenities for a relaxing stay. These decks often feature a variety of room categories, ranging from interior cabins to suites with balconies, catering to different preferences and budgets.

Pliable mascot outfit

These decks often feature a variety of room categories, ranging from interior cabins to suites with balconies, catering to different preferences and budgets. Moving up the Magic Deck, there are dining decks where guests can indulge in a wide range of culinary delights. From casual buffet-style eateries to elegant specialty restaurants, the ship offers a plethora of dining options to suit every taste.


1. These mascot heads are made of semi-rigid foam rubber sandwiched between two layers of natural latex rubber. This design gives the head a solid structure to maintain its shape while providing sufficient flexibility to prevent breakage should the head be accidentally dropped. To ensure years of continued enjoyment, proper care should be used. Lightly powder the inside of the mascot with talcom powder (unscented is best). This will keep moisture from damaging your mascot. Mascot Heads should be stored in their original plastic bags to prevent the latex from oxidizing.

2. To prevent cracking or chipping, a latex paint has been used to allow flexibility. Glossy areas of the mascot head are pliable but care should be taken not to stretch or rub these areas since this may cause them to peel. Avoid getting the flocking wet.

3. The donning and removing of your mascot head will be easier if you follow these tips: Put your legs into the costume, but before putting the sleeves on, slip the shoulder straps from the head under your arm (you need not place the head on yet). Complete dressing into the costume and zip it up (make sure that the straps come through the neck opening). You can now place the head on so that the bib is on the outside. If your costume includes latex feet, we recommend that you wear shoes while wearing them. However, do not try to put the feet on while wearing your shoes since this will put too much stress on the fur and may cause it to tear. Try taking off your shoe first, placing it into the latex foot, and then putting your foot into the shoe.

4. The hair or fur is made from fire retardant acrylic materials. You can style it any way you wish by using an ordinary hair spray and gently brushing it.

5. If your mascot should become dirty, we recommend that you use an upholstery or rug cleaner to clean the fur-covered areas only. Mascot costumes should be dry cleaned only to insure a lasting life.

4. The hair or fur is made from fire retardant acrylic materials. You can style it any way you wish by using an ordinary hair spray and gently brushing it.
Sister mary elephant youtube

Many of these decks also feature bars and lounges, perfect for socializing and enjoying a refreshing drink. Recreational decks on the Carnival Magic Deck are designed for fun and relaxation. Here, guests can find pools, water slides, hot tubs, and sun decks, providing the perfect setting for sunbathing and soaking up the sun. Additionally, there are sports courts, fitness centers, and spas where passengers can engage in various activities and pamper themselves. One of the highlights of the Carnival Magic Deck is the entertainment decks. These decks feature theaters, nightclubs, casinos, and other venues where guests can enjoy live shows, musical performances, comedy acts, and gaming. The ship offers a vibrant and lively atmosphere, ensuring there is never a dull moment on board. Other notable areas on the Carnival Magic Deck include shopping decks, where passengers can browse through duty-free shops and boutiques, as well as open-air decks where they can admire the breathtaking views of the ocean. Overall, the Carnival Magic Deck is a well-planned and meticulously organized layout that ensures passengers have access to a wide range of amenities and entertainment options. Whether it's relaxing by the pool, dining at a gourmet restaurant, or enjoying a thrilling show, there is something for everyone on the Carnival Magic cruise ship..

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