Discovering the Alchemical Secrets in Solomon’s Occult Texts

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The occult text of Solomon is a collection of writings attributed to the biblical figure King Solomon. These texts are said to contain secret knowledge and magical practices that were passed down through generations. The most famous of these texts is the "Key of Solomon," which is a grimoire containing instructions for summoning and commanding spirits. The main idea behind the occult text of Solomon is the belief that King Solomon was not only a wise ruler but also a powerful magician who had control over supernatural forces. It is said that he obtained this knowledge from a book called the "Clavicula Salomonis," or the Key of Solomon. This ancient text is divided into two books.


This remarkable book, fully illustrated with archival images, shows Solomon the mythical man, the mystical man, the personal and cultural man at ease in a world he co-created with his Creator. He wed the daughter of the Pharaoh and brought her to David s city while he completed building his palace and the Temple of the Lord first, and then the wall he erected to surround Jerusalem.

Occult text of Solomon

This ancient text is divided into two books. The first book, known as the "Ars Goetia," describes the summoning and control of spirits or demons. It provides detailed instructions and rituals for evoking these spirits, acquiring their assistance, and even commanding them to do one's bidding.

King Solomon the Magus: Master of the Djinns and Occult Traditions of East and West

Looking at the Solomonic magical tradition and Solomon’s profound influence on esoteric traditions around the world, Claude Lecouteux reveals King Solomon not only as one of the great kings of prehistory but also as the ancient world’s foremost magician and magus. Examining the primary sources on Solomon, such as the Bible, the Koran, and the writings of Flavius Josephus, the author explores Solomon’s judgments, his explorations, his literary and scientific works (including an herbal), and his constructions beyond the eponymous temple, such as the copper city in Andalus built by the djinns and the baths of Sulayman. He also looks at Solomon’s magical possessions, such as his famous ring and the Philosopher’s Stone. The author examines the supernatural powers granted to Solomon by his ring, which he received from the angel Gabriel, including command over animals, weather, and demons, and explores in detail Solomon’s power over genies and djinns.

Following the esoteric threads hidden within the primary sources on Solomon, Lecouteux reveals the work of Solomon the Magician, exploring his amulets, remedies, exorcisms, charms, and his influence on Arab and Western magic. Providing illustrations of sigils, talismans, and other magic symbols related to Solomon, the author examines the schools of Solomonic Folkloremagic and works such as The Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon the King and The Hygromancy of Solomon . He then looks at the extensive presence of Solomon in folklore worldwide, including in Armenia, Israel, Malaysia, Eastern Europe, Russia, Morocco, India, Mongolia, and among the Abyssinians of Ethiopia and the Copts in Egypt. He also looks at Solomon’s role within the Bulgarian tradition from which the Cathars derived.

Painting an in-depth portrait of Solomon the Magician-King, Lecouteux reveals how this legendary magus left a deep impression upon the occult, magical traditions, and philosophies of the ancient world that can still be felt to this day.

288 pages, Hardcover

Published September 27, 2022

Occult text of solomon

The second book, known as the "Ars Theurgia Goetia," explains the use of celestial and angelic powers in magical practices. The occult text of Solomon has been influential in the development of various magical traditions, including ceremonial magic and witchcraft. It has been referred to and incorporated by many occultists, mystics, and magicians throughout history. However, it has also been subject to controversy and debate, with some claiming it to be a work of fiction or a fabrication. Despite the controversies surrounding its authenticity, the occult text of Solomon continues to be a significant source of inspiration for those interested in the occult and magical practices. It represents a window into ancient beliefs and practices, as well as the ongoing curiosity of humankind to harness supernatural powers for personal gain or spiritual enlightenment..

Reviews for "The Demonology of Solomon’s Occult Texts"

1. Rachel - 2 stars - I was really disappointed with the "Occult Text of Solomon". The book promised to provide insightful and thought-provoking information about the occult, but instead, it gave vague and superficial explanations. The author seemed to jump from one topic to another without providing enough depth or coherence. I was looking for a comprehensive guide, but this book only scratched the surface.
2. Mark - 1 star - I cannot recommend the "Occult Text of Solomon" to anyone interested in the occult. The book is filled with inaccuracies and misleading information. The author's lack of understanding and knowledge of the subject matter is evident throughout. It felt more like a poorly researched fantasy novel than a serious study on the occult. Save your money and look for a better book on the topic.
3. Sarah - 2 stars - As someone who has studied the occult for many years, I found the "Occult Text of Solomon" to be extremely disappointing. The book lacked originality and relied heavily on well-known and overused occult concepts. The author failed to bring anything new or interesting to the table. It felt like reading a compilation of other authors' work rather than a unique and insightful perspective. I would recommend looking elsewhere for a more enlightening read on the subject.
4. Jonathan - 3 stars - While the "Occult Text of Solomon" did contain some interesting information about the occult, it fell short in terms of organization and readability. The book was poorly formatted, making it difficult to follow the author's train of thought. Additionally, there were numerous grammatical and typographical errors throughout, indicating a lack of editing. With some improvements in structure and editing, this book has the potential to be much better.

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Solomon’s Occult Texts: A Window into Ancient Mysteries