A Magickal Quest: Exploring the Occult Literature in Your Area

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Occult literature is a genre of books that explores mystical, supernatural, and magical practices. It encompasses a wide range of topics like astrology, divination, witchcraft, and alchemy. The term "occult" is derived from the Latin word "occultus," which means "hidden" or "secret." These books provide an insight into secret knowledge and esoteric traditions that have been passed down through generations. The popularity of occult literature has seen a resurgence in recent years, with an increasing number of people seeking to explore alternative spiritual paths and delve into the mystical realm. Many individuals are drawn to the hidden wisdom and ancient rituals that these books offer.

Students will have the option to take modules on dragons in western literature and art, the legend of King Arthur, palaeography, Islamic thought, archaeological theory and practice, the depiction of women in the middle ages, the book in medieval and early modern Europe, gender, society and culture in early modern Europe and the philosophy of psychedelics.

If you re interested in learning how psilocybin can help with treatment-resistant depression, Exeter has another UK-first postgraduate course in psychedelic studies. If you re interested in learning how psilocybin can help with treatment-resistant depression, Exeter has another UK-first postgraduate course in psychedelic studies.

Occult literature nearby

Many individuals are drawn to the hidden wisdom and ancient rituals that these books offer. The availability of occult literature has also been facilitated by the rise of online platforms and e-books. Nowadays, you can easily find occult books in both physical and digital formats, making them more accessible to a wider audience.

British university offers master’s degree in magic and the occult

If you’ve been getting into crystals, manifesting your dream board or exploring feminist readings of witchcraft, you can now take your hobby to the next level – with the UK’s first postgraduate degree in magic and the occult.

The University of Exeter is seeking to harness growing interest in the subjects with a course that will explore the history and impact of witchcraft and magic around the world on society and science.

The multidisciplinary degree, which starts in September 2024, will draw on history, literature, philosophy, archaeology, sociology, psychology, drama and religion to show the role of magic on the west and the east.

Prof Emily Selove, who leads the course, said: “A recent surge in interest in magic and the occult inside and outside academia lies at the heart of the most urgent questions of our society. Decolonisation, the exploration of alternative epistemologies, feminism, and anti-racism are at the core of this programme.”

She said this reversed a tendency in recent decades to “dismiss the study of magic and the occult”, with the idea that it is “no longer of importance to ‘modern people’”.

Citing rituals such as wearing jewellery considered to be lucky or representing a point of contact with a distant person or thing, touching wood, or not shaving to avoid jinxing the team on match day, Selove said “a superficial glance at our own beliefs and the beliefs of the people around shows us [that] magic is a part of our everyday life. Responsible scholars would do well to take this seriously”.

This is confirmed by the growth in the popularity of folklore, witchcraft, tarot and crystals, which has been understood as a reaction to the decline of organised religion. The 2022 census found a rise in the number of people identifying as pagans and wiccans in the UK, while shamanism was the fastest-growing religion.

Selove said the MA in magic and occult science would reexamine “the assumption that the west is the place of rationalism and science, while the rest of the world is a place of magic and superstition”, including how it underpins western culture, and how its relationship with the natural world can bring new perspectives to climate breakdown.

She said there was a “growing acknowledgment” in academia that texts dealing with magic or occult subjects have been “systematically neglected by scholarship” in medieval and early modern history, literature, and religion, as well as the history of science and philosophy.

Selove said there had been a lot of interest in the course since its launch, with the university receiving more than 100 inquiries.

The course will combine traditional western academic methodologies and more alternative approaches, with students able to complete their dissertation through a performance work.

It says it will equip students with skills including creative thinking, analytical thinking, curiosity and lifelong learning.

Students will have the option to take modules on dragons in western literature and art, the legend of King Arthur, palaeography, Islamic thought, archaeological theory and practice, the depiction of women in the middle ages, the book in medieval and early modern Europe, gender, society and culture in early modern Europe and the philosophy of psychedelics.

Occult literature nearby

One of the main advantages of occult literature is that it encourages individuals to question conventional beliefs and explore alternative perspectives. It provides a platform for individuals to expand their knowledge and explore different spiritual practices. The wide range of topics covered in occult literature allows readers to find the path or practice that resonates with them the most. However, it is important to approach occult literature with an open mind and a critical lens. Not all books in this genre provide accurate information or reliable guidance. It is crucial to discern between authentic and poorly researched material, as misinformation can lead to misguided beliefs and potentially harmful practices. Additionally, while occult literature can provide valuable insights and guidance, personal experience and intuition are equally important. It is essential to blend the knowledge gained from books with one's own inner wisdom and discernment. In conclusion, occult literature offers a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom for those seeking to explore the mystical and supernatural realm. It provides a platform to delve into ancient traditions, rituals, and esoteric practices. However, it is important to approach this genre with an open mind, critical thinking, and a discerning eye to separate authentic information from misguidance..

Reviews for "Stepping into the Unknown: Discover Occult Literature in Your Local Libraries"

1. John - 1/5 stars - I was extremely disappointed with the selection of "occult literature" at this bookstore. It was basically just a few dusty old books about witchcraft and tarot cards. I was hoping to find a wide range of books on various occult practices, but this store fell short. The staff also seemed disinterested and uninformed about the subject matter. Overall, a total letdown.
2. Sarah - 2/5 stars - While the bookstore had a section dedicated to occult literature, I found the collection to be quite limited. There were only a handful of titles available, and most of them were quite outdated. I was hoping to find more modern and comprehensive books on the subject, but was sorely disappointed. The store also lacked a cozy and welcoming atmosphere, which is essential for such a niche genre. I wouldn't recommend this bookstore to anyone looking for a diverse and up-to-date selection of occult literature.
3. David - 2/5 stars - I visited this bookstore with high hopes of finding some interesting occult literature, but I left feeling unsatisfied. The books available were mostly focused on witchcraft and tarot, which didn't cater to my specific interests in other aspects of the occult. The store also seemed cluttered and disorganized, making it difficult to navigate and find what I was looking for. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this bookstore to serious occult enthusiasts.

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