Creating Personalized Rituals with My Own Magic Book

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In the world of fantasy and enchantment, everyone wishes they could possess a magical book that could grant their every desire. Well, in my imagination, I have created my own magic book. A book filled with infinite possibilities and wonders that can transport me to any place, at any time. The first page of my magic book holds the power of transportation. With a simple touch, I can imagine myself in the bustling streets of Tokyo, exploring the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu, or even diving into the depths of the Great Barrier Reef. The power to travel instantly to any corner of the world is truly exhilarating.

Anna's memoir is proof that travel can transform you, inspire you, and even save you. Perfect for fans of Eat Pray Love.

Anna can usually be found writing and sipping champagne on a cafe terrace, rain or shine, and she is always on the hunt for a warm baguette, a cheap flight, a vintage dress, or a beautiful moment to snap a shot of. Anna can usually be found writing and sipping champagne on a cafe terrace, rain or shine, and she is always on the hunt for a warm baguette, a cheap flight, a vintage dress, or a beautiful moment to snap a shot of.

My own magoc book

The power to travel instantly to any corner of the world is truly exhilarating. As I flip through the pages of my magical book, I discover the power of transformation. With a wave of my hand or a whispered incantation, I can shape-shift into any creature I desire.

My Own Magic : A Reappearing Act

For every woman searching for her voice, Anna Kloots shares her story of starting over by trusting the magic that was always within.

Despite what appeared to be a glamorous existence full of globetrotting adventures, behind the scenes, Anna felt invisible in her own life. Consumed by a marriage that left no space for her own desires and creativity, she chose to reframe the failure of her marriage as an opportunity to begin again.

It was Anna's innate sense of adventure and love for the unknown that led her to move abroad; travel around the world, visiting 80 countries; start her own business; and marry a magician--all before her mid-twenties. From the outside, her jet-setting lifestyle alongside her husband looked perfect. But though she appeared to have all the freedom in the world, in reality she was trapped in a slow-motion disappearing act.

When her marriage collapsed, she decided to use her unhappy ending as a chance for a new beginning--a reappearance into her own life and sense of exploration and discovery, letting each destination challenge, change, and shape her.

Following Anna's extensive travels from the bustling streets of Jaipur to the canals of Venice to the desert of Dubai, My Own Magic is a powerful memoir--a true, coming-of-age story about a woman rediscovering the magic that she always had.

Anna's memoir is proof that travel can transform you, inspire you, and even save you. Perfect for fans of Eat Pray Love.

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My Own Magic: A Reappearing Act
Anna Kloots
Ограниченный просмотр - 2023

Об авторе (2023)

Anna Kloots is a New York Times bestselling author who always dreamed of being a Disney princess. Her writing candidly reflects on her travels, relationships, failures, and fantasies, and it may inspire you to move to Paris, like she did. Anna can usually be found writing and sipping champagne on a cafe terrace, rain or shine, and she is always on the hunt for a warm baguette, a cheap flight, a vintage dress, or a beautiful moment to snap a shot of. She is currently working on adapting Live Your Life, the memoir she wrote with her sister, into a screenplay. You can keep up with all her latest adventures on, check out her photography at, or visit her website

Библиографические данные

Название My Own Magic: A Reappearing Act
Автор Anna Kloots
Издатель HarperCollins Focus, 2023
ISBN 0785255656, 9780785255659
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 288
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan
My own magoc book

One moment, I am soaring through the sky as a majestic eagle, and the next I am diving into the ocean as a playful dolphin. The ability to transform allows me to experience life from a completely different perspective. Further into the book, I stumble upon a page filled with spells of healing. My magic book grants me the gift of healing touch, allowing me to cure illnesses and mend broken bones. It brings me immense joy to witness the smiles on people's faces as their pain disappears and their wounds miraculously heal. With this power, I can bring comfort and relief to those in need. Another page reveals the secrets of telekinesis. With a flick of my wrist, I can move objects with my mind. This power not only makes mundane tasks easier but also allows me to defend myself against any threat that may come my way. The satisfaction of seeing objects levitate or arrange themselves at my command is truly empowering. Towards the end of the book, I stumble upon a page that is completely blank. This page represents the power of creation. With a simple stroke of my pen, I can bring to life anything I imagine. I summon landscapes, creatures, and even whole worlds into existence. The feeling of being a creator, of breathing life into my own creations, is indescribable. But as I reach the final page, I realize that the true magic of my book lies not in its powers, but in the lessons it teaches me. The magic imbued within its pages teaches me responsibility, kindness, and gratitude. It reminds me that with great power comes great responsibility, and that magic should only be used for the greater good. As I close my eyes and let my imagination run wild, my magic book becomes a part of me, intertwining reality and fantasy. It is a constant reminder of the infinite possibilities that exist within my mind and the power I hold to create my own magic in the world..

Reviews for "Manifesting Desires with My Own Magic Book"

1. Sarah - 2 stars - I was really excited to read "My Own Magic Book," but unfortunately, it fell flat for me. The characters were underdeveloped, and I found it hard to connect with them. The plot felt rushed and disjointed, with several elements introduced but never fully explored. Additionally, the writing style was a bit clunky, making it difficult to immerse myself in the story. Overall, I was disappointed with this book and wouldn't recommend it.
2. Mark - 1 star - I have to say that "My Own Magic Book" was a major letdown. The premise seemed promising, but the execution was poor. The dialogue felt forced and unnatural, making it hard to believe in the characters' interactions. The pacing was all over the place, with some parts dragging on and others feeling rushed. Moreover, the plot lacked depth and originality, relying on cliches and predictable twists. I struggled to finish this book and wouldn't recommend it to anyone looking for a captivating read.
3. Emily - 2 stars - I had high hopes for "My Own Magic Book," but it failed to captivate me. The world-building was weak, leaving me with many unanswered questions and a lack of understanding of the magical elements. The protagonist was unrelatable and made questionable decisions throughout the story, which made it hard for me to root for them. Additionally, the writing lacked finesse, with awkward sentence structures and repetitive phrases. Overall, I found this book to be a disappointment and wouldn't recommend it to fellow fantasy fans.
4. Jason - 3 stars - While "My Own Magic Book" had an interesting premise, it didn't fully deliver. The pacing was uneven, with some parts moving too slow while others felt rushed. The characters lacked depth and development, making it hard for me to invest in their journey. The world-building was limited, leaving me wanting more details and explanations. Despite these flaws, the book had its moments of charm, but overall, it fell short of my expectations. I would recommend it to readers who enjoy light, quick reads, but not to those seeking a more immersive fantasy experience.
5. Megan - 2 stars - I had high hopes for "My Own Magic Book," but it didn't live up to its potential. The plot was predictable and formulaic, following the typical tropes of the fantasy genre without adding anything new or exciting. The characters lacked depth and complexity, and their actions often felt contrived. The writing style was average, failing to capture my attention or evoke any strong emotions. Overall, this book was forgettable and didn't leave a lasting impression. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone looking for a unique or engaging fantasy read.

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