The Power of Magic: How the Ministry Shapes the World of Hogwarts Legacy

By admin

The Ministry of Magic is a prominent institution in the wizarding world and plays a significant role in the management and regulation of magical affairs. It serves as the governing body for witches and wizards in Britain and is responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of the magical community. Hogwarts Legacy is an upcoming action role-playing video game set in the Harry Potter universe, developed by Portkey Games and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The game is set in the late 1800s, around the time when the Ministry of Magic would have been established. In the game, players will have the unique opportunity to explore the magical world of Hogwarts and attend the famous School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Miniatry of majic hogwarts legacy

In the game, players will have the unique opportunity to explore the magical world of Hogwarts and attend the famous School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They will embark on a personal journey as a student at Hogwarts, where they will encounter a variety of magical creatures, solve intricate puzzles, and uncover dark secrets. The Ministry of Magic will undoubtedly have a significant presence in the game.

Hogwarts Legacy Wanted System introduces Azkaban and actual penalties for dark magic

Despite its massive success, generating over $1 billion in revenue across several platforms, fans of Hogwarts Legacy feel the game is “criminally empty”, and are looking to unreleased content and mods to keep things fresh and interesting.


One of the most sought-after features is a wanted-level and penalty system, which was supposedly featured in earlier builds of the game but was cut sometime during development. This essentially makes the game more like Rockstar Games’ Bully, adding actual repercussions to messing around and attacking other wizards.

Now, one modder, jedijosh920, has implemented this system, with a mod that’ll make you think twice about using Unforgivable Curses in the game. Once installed, the player will be punished whenever they use the killing curse - Avada Kedavra - on an NPC, becoming wanted by the Ministry of Magic, who will send Aurors to fight and detain the player.


You’ll also get a fun image of your character on a wanted poster that says “Have you seen this wizard?” until you either escape or are defeated. Speaking of defeat, if the Ministry of Magic gets the better of you, you’ll be sent to the prison of Azkaban, which essentially acts as a game-over, forcing you to reload your save file to the nearest checkpoint.

It definitely adds some greater depth to the combat, as the Unforgivable Curses essentially act as the game’s easy mode, since they can often be spammed to immediately dispatch whatever enemies are attacking. So, a penalty to discourage their use is greatly appreciated.

It’s also great from a role-playing perspective too, as the game does let you choose your light and dark alignment to an extent, but this doesn’t really change much during free-roam segments. Using some evil spells and trying to survive the Ministry of Magic for as long as possible would have been a great addition for players who wanted to be true dark wizards.


There’s still a lot to see and do in Hogwarts Legacy, and Nintendo fans are yet to explore the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry following yet another delay of the Nintendo Switch version of the game. Despite everything it has to offer, it does feel like a missed opportunity to not let players be as evil as they want to be while providing some challenging punishments to balance out the gameplay.

Several Ministers in recent times, from left to right: Cornelius Fudge (1990-1996), Rufus Scrimgeour (1996-1997), Pius Thicknesse (1997-1998) and Kingsley Shacklebolt (1998-c. 2019)
Miniatry of majic hogwarts legacy

Players can expect to interact with various Ministry officials, complete missions and quests assigned by them, and experience the intricate bureaucracy and politics that exist within the institution. Given the time period in which the game is set, it is likely that players will witness the early stages of the Ministry's development and the establishment of its core departments, such as the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, and the Department of Mysteries. The Ministry of Magic is known for its complex hierarchy and the wide range of responsibilities it undertakes. It regulates and enforces laws relating to the magical community, such as the Statute of Secrecy, which governs the concealment of the wizarding world from Muggles. In Hogwarts Legacy, players will likely encounter instances where they will have to navigate the Ministry's regulations and policies to resolve conflicts or deal with magical incidents. They may even be required to work alongside Ministry officials as part of their character's journey and face the consequences of their actions within the ministry. Overall, the inclusion of the Ministry of Magic in Hogwarts Legacy will add an extra layer of depth and realism to the game. It will provide an opportunity for players to further immerse themselves in the wizarding world and experience the challenges and intricacies of magical governance..

Reviews for "The Dark Arts and the Ministry: Hogwarts Legacy's Battle Against Dark Magic"

1. Joe - 1/5
I found the "Miniatry of majic hogwarts legacy" to be incredibly disappointing. The gameplay was repetitive and lacked depth, and the story felt predictable and unengaging. The graphics were also subpar, making it hard to fully immerse myself in the game. Overall, I expected much more from a game set in the magical world of Hogwarts. It ended up being a major letdown and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone looking for an exciting and immersive gaming experience.
2. Emily - 2/5
While the concept of "Miniatry of majic hogwarts legacy" intrigued me, the execution fell flat. The game had numerous bugs and technical issues that made it difficult to enjoy. The controls were clunky and unresponsive, making it frustrating to navigate through the game. Additionally, the character customization options were limited and lacked variety. The game felt rushed and unfinished, with a lackluster storyline that failed to capture my interest. Overall, I was disappointed with this release and hope that future updates can address these issues and improve the overall gameplay experience.
3. Sarah - 1/5
I regret purchasing "Miniatry of majic hogwarts legacy." The gameplay was repetitive and lacked innovation. The mini-games felt like mere distractions and added little value to the overall experience. The graphics were underwhelming, with poor textures and animations that detracted from the immersion. The game also suffered from frequent crashes and bugs, disrupting my progress. Overall, I found the game to be a major disappointment and a waste of my time and money. I would strongly advise against purchasing it.

Wielding Power: The Ministry of Magic in Hogwarts Legacy

Guardians of the Magical World: The Aurors of Hogwarts Legacy's Ministry of Magic