The Witchcraft of Honey: Unraveling its Mysteries

By admin

There have been reports of **magical honey** being found in the vicinity. People claim that this honey has incredible healing properties and can cure various ailments. Many have experienced miraculous recoveries after consuming this honey. It is said to boost the immune system, relieve pain, and promote overall well-being. The origins of this magical honey are still unknown. Some believe it comes from mystical bees that collect nectar from enchanted flowers in secluded regions.

Re: Evil Queen's Magic Mirror Replica. what's out there?

The scariest part was that we had just had a day of an expert pointing out all of the generational differences in our firms but yet the conclusions of this group sounded vaguely familiar. Whilst he is generally diabolical, manipulative, uncompromising, and antagonistic on various occasions, he is unintentionally sinister, as he is forced to obey The Evil Queen due to being her slave.

Evil queen magic mirror

Some believe it comes from mystical bees that collect nectar from enchanted flowers in secluded regions. Others think it is made by expert beekeepers using ancient techniques handed down through generations. Regardless of its source, the effects of this honey cannot be denied.

Evil Queen's Magic Mirror. making one for my gf

decided to make my own custom mirror with electronics. to give my gf as a custom personalized Magic Mirror. I guess I could document it here, should be something fun to give her for Christmas. check below for the latest update for photos and/or videos.

Last edited: Dec 14, 2011



Re: Evil Queen's Magic Mirror Replica. what's out there?


New Member

Re: Evil Queen's Magic Mirror Replica. what's out there?

A few years back the Disney Catalog, (back when they HAD a Catalog), released a Lifesize version of the Magic Mirror.

It looks like a normal mirror, however when you push the Secret Button, it lights up the inside of the mirror and the face of the Mirror appears!

It's a very cool piece and we bought it, but never found the right place to hang it up.


Sr Member

Re: Evil Queen's Magic Mirror Replica. what's out there?

I think I know which Mirror your talking about from the Disney Catalog, I actually saw someone listed it for sale at auction but missed it by a few weeks. that is a nice, hard to find, mirror.

I wondering if there's even any garage kits out there for this mirror. Like a DIY kit would be fun to paint up. The Disney replica i saw is really beautiful but difficult to find one.

magicmanfrank, is this the one mentioned? I didn't know it lit up, that is amazing!


New Member

Re: Evil Queen's Magic Mirror Replica. what's out there?

No, the one you have a photo posted of is NOT the one I am talking about.

I will try and get mine out and take photos of it to show you.



Re: Evil Queen's Magic Mirror Replica. what's out there?

I think I know which Mirror your talking about from the Disney Catalog, I actually saw someone listed it for sale at auction but missed it by a few weeks. that is a nice, hard to find, mirror.

I wondering if there's even any garage kits out there for this mirror. Like a DIY kit would be fun to paint up. The Disney replica i saw is really beautiful but difficult to find one.

magicmanfrank, is this the one mentioned? I didn't know it lit up, that is amazing!

I believe this is the replica that was made by Kevin Kidney and Jody Daily a few years ago. Great guys. Here's a shot of one on their Flickr page.


Sr Member

Re: Evil Queen's Magic Mirror Replica. what's out there?

thanks for the flickr link. that is one really nice mirror. I was able to find some store in the Philippines that have a magic mirror made in 2007 but for 600$ and their site isn't very legit looking. lol I'm thinking i might have to get her a mirror that looks like it could be a magic mirror lol.


Sr Member

Re: Evil Queen's Magic Mirror Replica. what's out there? (making my own)

found a great mirror to use for my project. Rather then have it be a replica, i thought it'd be unique to give my gf her own personal magic mirror.

Here is what I will use:

What i worked out on paper is having voice activated green EL wire under behind the mirror surrounding the frame.

what I haven't exactly settle on, is what method I want to use for the Mirrors voice. I'm currently thinking about either using a motion contorlled voice box with a single pre determined sound. I could set up a bluetooth speaker and manually control what the mirror says.

what do you guys suggest? Ideally, i want her to ask the mirror who is the fairest of them all and I want it to say her, but not repeat the same way every time.

In the Disney version of the tale, the Magic Mirror is even given a life of its own in the form of a sinister face called Spirit of the Magic Mirror, though, in reality, the Magic Mirror is more of an amoral force than a true servant of the Queen.
Magical honey in the vicinity

Word about the magical honey quickly spread, and now people from far and wide are flocking to obtain a taste. Many are skeptical at first, but after trying it, they become believers. The honey is golden in color, with a rich and sweet taste. It is unlike any other honey on the market and leaves a lingering sensation of warmth and healing. People who consume this magical honey have reported improvements in their health conditions. Chronic illnesses seem to subside, and energy levels increase. Some even claim that it has reversed the effects of aging and improved their overall appearance. However, the magical honey is not easily accessible. It is only available in limited quantities and can be quite expensive. Many have tried to replicate the recipe, but none have been successful in capturing the true essence of this honey's magic. It remains a mystery that only a select few can experience. In conclusion, the discovery of magical honey in the vicinity has sparked curiosity and wonder among those who seek alternative methods of healing. Whether it is the work of mystical bees or the result of ancient beekeeping techniques, the healing properties of this honey cannot be denied. Although its availability is limited and its price high, those fortunate enough to experience it claim that it is truly a magical elixir..

Reviews for "The Hidden Powers of Honey in the Vicinity"

1. John - 1/5 - I was really disappointed with "Magical Honey in the Vicinity". The storyline was confusing and lacked depth. The characters were one-dimensional and uninteresting, making it hard for me to connect with them. The pacing was also too slow, with unnecessary scenes that added nothing to the overall plot. Additionally, the dialogue felt forced and unnatural, making it difficult to believe in the world the author was trying to create. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone looking for a captivating and engaging read.
2. Emily - 2/5 - "Magical Honey in the Vicinity" had potential, but it fell flat for me. While the concept of a magical honey with mysterious powers seemed intriguing, the execution was lacking. The writing style felt rushed and inconsistent, with awkward transitions between scenes. The characters were underdeveloped and their actions often didn't make sense within the context of the story. I also found the world-building to be weak, as important elements were not properly explained or explored. It's a shame because there was potential for a captivating story, but unfortunately, it didn't live up to my expectations.
3. Sarah - 2/5 - I had high hopes for "Magical Honey in the Vicinity", but it failed to impress me. The plot was predictable and lacked originality, following clichéd tropes without adding anything new to the genre. The pacing was uneven, with slow moments dragging on and exciting moments getting rushed through. The writing style was average at best, with awkward phrasing and repetitive descriptions. I also found the dialogue to be corny and clichéd, often making me cringe instead of engaging me in the story. Overall, it was a forgettable read that didn't leave a lasting impression.

The Intriguing Association Between Honey and Magic

The Enchanted Elixir: Unlocking the Power of Local Honey