Discovering the Captivating Charm of Joanie Bartels' Simply Magic

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Joanie Bartels is a singer and performer known for her album "Simply Magic." Released in 1983, this album became a hit among children and adults alike. The songs on this album are catchy, fun, and filled with positive messages. The title track "Simply Magic" sets the tone for the whole album with its upbeat melody and lyrics about finding joy in the simple things in life. Other notable songs on the album include "Happy Birthday to You," a lively rendition of the classic birthday song, and "Teddy Bear's Picnic," a whimsical tune about stuffed animals coming to life for a picnic. One of the standout features of "Simply Magic" is Joanie Bartels' voice.

When "Happy Feet" rolls into the script, the family room is turned into a 1920s-style vaudeville house with Bartels, mugging for the adoring camera, in an orange boa, and two backup dancers in morning coats and bowlers tap-tap-tapping away.

The old rock chestnut, Splish Splash I Was Takin a Bath , finds the Greys bathroom turned into Busby Berkeley-like pools with everyone in the water, including Ginger. Add to that good production values, some reasonable writing, a nifty cast of kids, a terrific set of musical numbers, an Airedale with no brains at all and you ve got one heck of a video.

Joanie bartels simply mgic

One of the standout features of "Simply Magic" is Joanie Bartels' voice. Her warm and soothing vocals make each song a pleasure to listen to. Whether she is singing about friendship, imagination, or the wonders of nature, her voice brings the lyrics to life and captures the imagination of listeners of all ages.


And after being dragged in front of the VCR tube to view "Joanie Bartels' Simply Magic Series: The Rainy Day Adventure" (BMG Kidz/Discovery Music, 1993, live-action color, 45 minutes, closed captioned, $14.98), the nippers may have a point.


"Rainy Day" bowled me over. It's not exactly magic, but it's as fine an entertainment sing-along-interaction video as you're likely to find for your kids if they're 4 or older.

Bartels has the face, figure and pipes of the supporting actress in one of those loony Ruby Keeler-Dick Powell comedies of the '30s and early '40s. The camera loves her and, truth be told, vice versa. Add to that good production values, some reasonable writing, a nifty cast of kids, a terrific set of musical numbers, an Airedale with no brains at all and you've got one heck of a video.


The "Rainy Days" premise is simple enough: On a dreadfully stormy afternoon, Mrs. Grey pops off for the mall, the beauty parlor and the supermarket. Her three children, Rebecca, the eldest, Jason and Allison are left alone as the storm worsens. A note taped to the newel post advises them of Mom's journey, and the fact that Ginger, the family dog, is locked in the garage.

Parents with identity crises beware: The Mom in this video is a ninny; all the brains in the outfit belong to the kids.

When Mom decides she's running late, she phones the local baby-sitting service and asks for a sitter to be sent over.

Meanwhile, the dog gets loose from the garage and a lightning strike shuts down the electricity and the phone. Jason goes to find a flashlight. There's a terrific crash. And it isn't thunder.

"What was that crash?" asks Rebecca, who because of her age and self-assuredness takes charge.

"Crash? What crash?" asks Jason.

"The crash when you went to get the flashlight."

"Oh, that crash. I think I kinda knocked over the TV set."


"You," Rebecca says with the most pregnant of pauses, "are dead meat."

Well, in the midst of the storm, which is terrifying, the baby-sitter arrives. It's Joanie Bartels, who enters through the front door carrying Ginger, the world's dumbest terrier. She clicks her toes and the lights go on. (Later, she will mysteriously fix the phone and repair the TV.)

"Are you sure you're not magic?" one of the kids asks.

"Well, maybe a little," Bartels replies coyly.

Well, maybe a lot. For the rest of this charming video, Bartels leads the kids through a series of adventures worthy of Mary Poppins: rooms appear within rooms, as in the number "We're Barefoot." The group journeys to the Caribbean for a limbo song, and back to the house and into the kitchen for "Animal Crackers in My Soup."

When "Happy Feet" rolls into the script, the family room is turned into a 1920s-style vaudeville house with Bartels, mugging for the adoring camera, in an orange boa, and two backup dancers in morning coats and bowlers tap-tap-tapping away.


The old rock chestnut, "Splish Splash (I Was Takin' a Bath)," finds the Greys' bathroom turned into Busby Berkeley-like pools with everyone in the water, including Ginger. There are even some road songs with Bartels, and Ginger, driving the star's red VW convertible.

Bartels has been around long enough, unbeknownst to this codger, to cut a previous series of videos-the "Magic Series"-and garner a bunch of the awards. If the past is, indeed, prologue, it's a safe bet Bartels stuff is terrific.

- The same cannot be said of "The Sea Wolf" (Turner Home Entertainment, 1993, live-action color, 93 minutes, closed captioned, $89.98), the latest incarnation of Jack London's classic sea yarn about an educated but cruel skipper and his boatload of blood.

Aimed at teens and families, it stars Charles Bronson as Capt. Wolf Larsen and Christopher Reeve as the wimpy San Francisco socialite newspaper columnist who, by chance, winds up aboard Larsen's ship. Bronson's a snore and Reeve is no Superman in this one. This "Sea Wolf" is a dog. Not even the figurehead-like Catherine Mary Stewart as the femme fatale can save this lemon.

The old rock chestnut, "Splish Splash (I Was Takin' a Bath)," finds the Greys' bathroom turned into Busby Berkeley-like pools with everyone in the water, including Ginger. There are even some road songs with Bartels, and Ginger, driving the star's red VW convertible.
Joanie bartels simply mgic

Another great aspect of this album is the high-quality production. The instrumentals are well-crafted and complement Bartels' vocals perfectly. Each song is expertly arranged to create a captivating listening experience that encourages singing along and even dancing. Overall, "Simply Magic" by Joanie Bartels is a beloved album that has stood the test of time. Its timeless appeal and positive messages make it a fantastic choice for children and families looking to enjoy quality music together. Whether it's for a birthday party, a family road trip, or just a fun sing-along at home, this album is sure to bring smiles and create lasting memories..

Reviews for "Joanie Bartels: The Enchanting Storyteller Behind Simply Magic"

1. Sarah - 1 star
I was really disappointed with "Joanie Bartels Simply Magic". I found the songs to be repetitive and lacking creativity. The lyrics were cheesy and the melodies were forgettable. I was expecting more from a children's album, something that would captivate my little one's attention and engage their imagination. Unfortunately, this album fell flat for me.
2. Mike - 2 stars
"Joanie Bartels Simply Magic" didn't live up to the hype for me. The songs were okay, but nothing special. I didn't find them particularly catchy or enjoyable to listen to. Additionally, the production quality felt outdated and lackluster. I was hoping for a more modern and vibrant sound. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this album to others looking for entertaining and engaging children's music.
3. Lisa - 2 stars
I was expecting more from "Joanie Bartels Simply Magic" based on the positive reviews I had read. However, I found the album to be quite underwhelming. The songs lacked originality and sounded generic. There was no stand-out track that captured my attention. As an adult, I struggled to appreciate the simplistic and repetitive nature of the music. I believe there are better children's albums out there that offer more depth and creativity.

The Magic of Joanie Bartels' Music: What Makes It Timeless?

The Endearing Legacy of Joanie Bartels' Simply Magic: Why We Still Love Her Songs Today