Discover the Enchanting Power of Gem Glamour and Magic

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Gem glamour and magic have been intertwined throughout history, dating back to ancient civilizations. The beauty and allure of gems have captivated human beings for centuries, leading to their incorporation into various forms of glamor and magic practices. Gems are known for their intrinsic properties, such as their colors and energies, which can be harnessed and utilized in magical rituals. Different gemstones have different correspondences and associations, making them suitable for different purposes. For example, amethyst is often associated with enhancing psychic abilities and spiritual growth, while rose quartz is known for its properties of love and compassion. In gem glamour, gems are utilized not only for their magical properties, but also for their aesthetic appeal.

Oceanic spell guide

In gem glamour, gems are utilized not only for their magical properties, but also for their aesthetic appeal. Gems have long been regarded as symbols of beauty and wealth, and have been worn as jewelry and incorporated into adornments for centuries. By wearing and adorning oneself with gemstones, individuals can tap into their energetic properties and enhance their own glamour and charisma.

Salt in the Blood: Oceanic Bloodline for 5th ed Sorcerers

Sorcerers draw their magical power from a variety of sources. Some are the result of an unusual bloodline (draconic), while others tap into powerful arcane or divine forces (wild magic). Sorcerers who manifest powers from an oceanic origin may have had their bloodline affected by a powerful creature such as an aboleth, bronze dragon, elemental, hag, or kraken, or may have learned to tap into the primal energy inherent to the most fundamental element of life.

Special Effects: In addition to the mechanics listed below, the special effects of numerous spells can be altered to appear aquatic in origin. For example, burning hands can be a wave of superheated steam. Shield may be a solidified disk of water. Black tentacles could be composed entirely of water, or look like the actual tentacles of a giant cephalopod. With the DM’s permission, you could also alter the damage type of a spell to reflect this origin. For example, the waterwhip cantrip below is based on the thornwhip druid cantrip with the piercing damage changed to bludgeoning. Bludgeoning and cold are appropriate damage exchanges, but oceanic sorcerers also control weather, so wind-like effects, lightning, and thunder are also appropriate. A cleric of Poseidon in my game altered the sacred flame cantrip to sacred lightning with little alteration. By taking the Magic Initiate feat and selecting sacred flame (lightning), a human oceanic sorcerer could start at 1st level with the same effect.

Command Water

Starting at 1st level, you gain the waterwhip cantrip and add the create or destroy water spell to your list of spells known. These spells are considered sorcerer spells.


Transmutation cantrip
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (1 pint of water or other non-caustic liquid)
Duration: Instantaneous

You create a long, whip-like tendril of water that lashes out at your commend toward a creature in range. Make a melee spell attack against the target. If the attack hits, the creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage, and if the creature is Large or smaller, you pull the creature up to 10 feet closer to you. This spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).

Primal Magic

Starting at 6th level, you may spend sorcery points to create spell slots. Unlike the Flexible Casting class feature, these spell slots may only be used to cast the spells listed below. You may cast the spells listed using a spell slot higher than normally required by spending the appropriate sorcery points. For example, you may use 5 sorcery points to cast call lightning as a 3rd level spell, or 10 sorcery points to cast the same spell as a 6th level spell.

You may spend 2 sorcery points to consider your Primal Magic spells to be on the sorcerer spell list for the purposes of spell scrolls or similar magic items and effects. This effect lasts for 1 minute. This does not make Primal Magic spells available to cast using your sorcerer spell slots, but will allow you to cast a Primal Magic spell from a scroll. For example, if you wish to use a wall of ice scroll, a spell not normally on the sorcerer spell list, you may spend 2 sorcery points. If the spell is of a level higher than you can normally cast you must make an ability check against a DC of 10 + the spell’s level as normal.

You may still use the Flexible Casting class feature to create additional spell slots for your sorcerer spells up to 5th level.

Primal Magic Spell List

Cantrip (1 sorcery point): druidcraft
1st (2 sorcery points): purify food and drink, speak with animals
2nd (3 sorcery points): locate animals or plants, protection from poison
3rd (5 sorcery points): call lightning, wind wall
4th (6 sorcery points): conjure minor elemental (water or wind only), control water
5th (7 sorcery points): commune with nature, conjure elemental (water or wind only)
6th (10 sorcery points): wall of ice, wind walk
7th (12 sorcery points): regenerate
8th (14 sorcery points): control weather, tsunami
9th (16 sorcery points): storm of vengeance

Aquatic Agility

Starting at 14th level, your mind and body adopt the flexibility, power and adaptability of water. You gain proficiency with Dexterity saving throws.

Elemental Form

Starting at 18th level, you may spend 10 sorcery points to transform into an air elemental or water elemental for up to 8 hours. This ability otherwise works as the shapechange spell.


We’re always looking for playtesters for our races, classes, archetypes and other designs here at Tribality. Wizards had the benefit of 175,000 playtesters over 2 years to get their ideas to the table; clearly we don’t have that luxury. Each of our builds are as balanced as we can design with a small playtest group and decades (over a century, maybe, I haven’t done the math) of gaming XP, and we are always excited to hear when players get these ideas on the table and provide us with constructive ways to make them better.

Special Effects: In addition to the mechanics listed below, the special effects of numerous spells can be altered to appear aquatic in origin. For example, burning hands can be a wave of superheated steam. Shield may be a solidified disk of water. Black tentacles could be composed entirely of water, or look like the actual tentacles of a giant cephalopod. With the DM’s permission, you could also alter the damage type of a spell to reflect this origin. For example, the waterwhip cantrip below is based on the thornwhip druid cantrip with the piercing damage changed to bludgeoning. Bludgeoning and cold are appropriate damage exchanges, but oceanic sorcerers also control weather, so wind-like effects, lightning, and thunder are also appropriate. A cleric of Poseidon in my game altered the sacred flame cantrip to sacred lightning with little alteration. By taking the Magic Initiate feat and selecting sacred flame (lightning), a human oceanic sorcerer could start at 1st level with the same effect.
Gem glamour anxrg magic

In magic practices, gems can be used in a variety of ways. They can be charged with intention and used as talismans and amulets to attract or repel certain energies. They can also be placed on altars or incorporated into spell work to enhance the power and effectiveness of the magic being performed. Additionally, gems can be used in divination practices, such as crystal gazing, where the energies and images within the gem are utilized for scrying and gaining insights. Gem glamour and magic are not limited to a specific tradition or culture. They have been practiced and valued by civilizations all over the world. From ancient Egyptians who believed in the protective powers of lapis lazuli, to Native Americans who revered turquoise as a sacred stone, gem glamour and magic have been a part of human history across various societies. Today, gem glamour and magic continue to be practiced and appreciated. The beauty and allure of gems, combined with their metaphysical properties, make them a powerful tool for personal transformation and spiritual growth. Whether utilized for protection, love, healing, or divination, gems hold a special place in the world of magic and glamour..

Reviews for "The Allure of Gem Glamour: A Journey into Magic and Mystery"

1. Jane Smith - 1/5 stars - "Gem glamour anxrg magic" was incredibly disappointing. The plot was weak and poorly developed, and the characters felt one-dimensional and uninteresting. The author failed to create a compelling magical world, and the attempts at romance fell flat. Overall, I struggled to connect with this book and would not recommend it to others.
2. John Johnson - 2/5 stars - While "Gem glamour anxrg magic" had some potential, it ultimately fell short for me. The writing style was cumbersome, with excessive descriptions that bogged down the story and made it difficult to stay engaged. The pacing was also uneven, with long stretches of slow development followed by rushed plot resolutions. I found it hard to invest in the characters or their struggles, leading to a lack of emotional connection. Overall, I was left feeling unsatisfied and uninterested in continuing with the series.
3. Emily Brown - 2/5 stars - Unfortunately, "Gem glamour anxrg magic" didn't live up to my expectations. The worldbuilding felt haphazard and confusing, leaving me struggling to understand the rules and dynamics of the magical realm. The main character lacked depth and growth, and her actions often felt inconsistent. The plot felt disjointed and lacked cohesion, with multiple storylines that didn't fully come together. Overall, I found this book to be a frustrating reading experience and wouldn't recommend it to others.

Harnessing the Power of Gems: The Magic of Gem Glamour

Enhancing Your Life with Gem Glamour and Magical Properties