How to cleanse and recharge your witch balls.

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Witch balls have been used for centuries as protective charms and tools for warding off evil spirits. These beautiful glass spheres are traditionally hung in windows or doorways to keep negative energy from entering a space. While they may have originated as a superstitious belief, they have become popular decorative items in modern homes. To craft your own witch ball, you will need a few supplies. Firstly, you will need a glass ornament or a clear glass ball. These can often be found at craft stores or online.

Green, Silver or Gold Glitter

They follow the same principle as jar spells and witch bottles but they get dressed up to look prettier for the holidays and often focus on something positive for your home or the person you are giving them to, like prosperity, protection, fertility, etc. They follow the same principle as jar spells and witch bottles but they get dressed up to look prettier for the holidays and often focus on something positive for your home or the person you are giving them to, like prosperity, protection, fertility, etc.

Craft your own witch balls

These can often be found at craft stores or online. You will also need some craft wire or string to hang the ball, as well as an assortment of small items to put inside the ball to create visual interest. The first step is to carefully remove the top of the glass ball.

Witch Balls Look Like Fancy Christmas Ornaments—but They’re Magic

Your favorite glass ornament has a magickal origin story. Witch balls (aka yule balls or faerie balls) are an ancient pagan custom brought over to the U.S. from England in the 17th century. A witch ball is a pretty bauble designed to ensnare evil spirits and energies and protect the space they’re hung in. They look just like a fancy glass Christmas ornaments, with glass or thread fibers inside—and in fact, some say that Christmas ornaments developed out of this tradition.

Witch balls, though, aren’t tied to a holiday. They’re hung year-round, often in an eastern window, to fend off evil spirits, witches, illness, bad fortune, and curses—y’know, all that bad stuff. Ball me up, bb, because 2020 isn’t over yet!

Witch balls are highly decorative and sometimes contain different ingredients for extra magickal oomph. Their sparkly patterns and bright colors were believed to attract and mesmerize evil spirits. The bad guys would be drawn to the ball like moths to a flame, and when they touched it, their energy would be absorbed and trapped inside forever. Think of them like witchy Venus fly traps.

Even now, people still hang witch balls outside of their front doors, on their porches, at their windows, or throughout their homes to trap negative energy. And why not? They look cute too!

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Craft your own witch balls

Be sure to wear gloves and use caution, as the glass may be sharp. Once the top is removed, you can begin adding your chosen items inside the ball. These items can be anything that is aesthetically pleasing to you - dried flowers, herbs, crystals, or even small trinkets. The idea is to create a visually appealing and meaningful representation of protection and positive energy. Once you have filled the ball with your chosen items, you can reattach the top using the craft wire or string. Make sure it is securely fastened so that nothing falls out. After the top is in place, you can add any additional decorative elements, such as ribbons or beads, to enhance the overall look of your witch ball. When your witch ball is complete, you can hang it in a window or doorway of your home. As sunlight passes through the glass, it is believed to capture and trap any negative energy or evil spirits, protecting your space and promoting positive energy. Crafting your own witch ball is a creative and engaging project that allows you to infuse your personal style and intentions into a decorative piece. Whether you believe in the superstitions behind witch balls, or simply enjoy them for their beauty, they add a unique touch to any home. So go ahead, gather your supplies and get creative - craft your own witch ball today!.

Reviews for "Exploring different shapes and sizes of witch balls."

1. Hannah - 2/5 stars - I was really excited to try Craft your own witch balls, but I found it to be quite disappointing. The kit came with very limited materials and the instructions were not clear at all. It was also much more difficult than I anticipated, which made the experience frustrating rather than enjoyable. Overall, I was not satisfied with the end result and I do not think it was worth the money.
2. David - 1/5 stars - I cannot express how much I disliked Craft your own witch balls. The quality of the materials was very poor, and everything just felt cheap. The instructions were confusing and incomplete, making it difficult to complete the project. Even when I managed to finish it, the final product looked nothing like what was advertised. I regret buying this kit and would not recommend it to anyone.
3. Rebecca - 2/5 stars - Craft your own witch balls was a letdown for me. The materials provided were not enough to successfully complete the project, and I had to purchase additional supplies. The instructions lacked detail, so I had to look up additional guides online. Despite my efforts, the end result was not

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