Unveiling the Mysteries: The Power of Carnal Sorcery Divination Cards

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Carnal sorcery divination cards are a unique and powerful tool used in the practice of divination and magic. These cards are designed to tap into the primal and sensual energy of the universe, allowing users to gain insight and guidance into their lives and the world around them. The main idea behind carnal sorcery divination cards is to embrace and harness the raw and animalistic forces that exist within us all, using them to unlock deeper understanding and insight. Unlike traditional tarot or oracle cards which focus more on symbolism and archetypes, carnal sorcery divination cards delve into the depths of the human psyche and tap into our most basic and instinctual desires. They encourage users to explore their own primal nature, embracing their passions and desires, and channeling that energy into their divination practice. These cards often feature evocative and provocative imagery that is intended to stir the senses and awaken the primal energy within.

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Carnal sorcery divination cards

These cards often feature evocative and provocative imagery that is intended to stir the senses and awaken the primal energy within. Each card is imbued with its own unique meaning and message, and users can interpret these cards in a way that resonates with their own intuition and desires. One of the key aspects of carnal sorcery divination is the idea of embracing our own dark and hidden desires.

A Review of the Forty Servants Deck

I must have stumbled into a time machine and traveled back to 2017, because it looks like I’m posting weekly again. (Don’t worry. It won’t last long. I’m teaching intro philosophy at a local community college this fall in addition to trying to write a dissertation, so as soon as the semester starts, I’ll be drowning in work once more.)

It’s been a long time since I posted a deck review, in part because I’ve been reading almost exclusively with the Thoth deck for the past year or so. Recently, however, I stumbled across the Forty Servants oracle deck, and I instantly knew I had to have it. The deck is published by Tommie Kelly, and is available through The Game Crafter; it consists of (you guessed it!) forty stunning images dealing with major divinatory themes and forces in human life. Some of these themes are personalities, like the Thinker or the Opposer; others are abstract ideas or forces of nature, like the Media, the Sun, and the Eye.

The companion book, including the sigils of all 40 servants.

As is consistently the case with decks published through The Game Crafter, the quality of the packaging materials is… Adequate. The box is flimsy cardboard and won’t stand the test of time, so I’d recommend getting a cloth bag to keep this deck in. The LWB (or rather, LBB, as it’s black in color) is 8 pages long, with extremely brief descriptions of each card and the magical sigils associated with cards in the deck; but frankly, the cards themselves are evocative enough that a companion book isn’t all that necessary.

The Thinker, the Lovers, and the Explorer.

And holy cow, these cards. The reason I bought this deck is quite simple: The cards are stunning. Each one tells a story unto itself, and has a personality all its own, and the artwork is just beautiful.

Part of the purpose of this deck is that in addition to being used for divination, it’s supposed to serve as a magical system. Each card in the deck is a magical servitor (a term from chaos magick: Essentially a discarnate spirit that has been created to serve a particular purpose at a magician’s direction). Every card features a sigil drawn at the top (and recopied in the companion book), which can be used in magical operations to draw on the power of that card’s spirit. Now, personally, I’m not a chaos magician, and I don’t use servitors in my practice, so this aspect of the deck is something that I won’t get a lot out of. What really drew me to the deck was the idea of an oracle deck comprised of 40 unique, complex personalities. It’s like a deck made up only of Court Cards, and I’m in love with the concept.

The Desperate, the Dead, and the Opposer.

One thing that people commonly complain about with oracle decks is that they can be too fluffy and pleasant; a deck where every card is a message of love and positivity doesn’t necessarily reflect the reality of living in a world that is often messy, difficult, and dark. That’s not a problem in this deck. Without veering into nihilism or wannabe-edgy emo territory, it presents characters who embody many of the harsher aspects of human life. This is probably the most balanced non-Tarot deck I’ve ever come across.

The Sun, the Media, and the Idea.

I wish I could show you each and every card in this deck. It really is so beautiful. And it reads like a dream. There were two readings that I instantly knew I wanted to do with this deck. For the first (the image below), I drew one card for each of a series of rites of passage I’ve undergone in the past few years. Who did rite X turn me into? Who did rite Y turn me into? Who did rite Z turn me into?

The Devil, the Opposer, and the Depleted.

I confess, my ego took a bit of a beating with this reading. I had been hoping for cards like the Saint, the Master, or the Contemplator; instead I got the Devil, the Opposer, and the Depleted. (You see what I mean about this deck not being merely love and light?) The reading was, however, a welcome reminder that a) I am not, in fact, a transcendent enlightened being, despite what my ego may want to believe, and b) all three rites of passage taught me hard lessons. I’m better for all of them, and I wouldn’t do anything differently if I had the chance, but the inner work that has accompanied my pursuit of spiritual growth has been seriously fucking harrowing.

The Seer, the Carnal, the Dead, the Road Opener, the Protector, and the Idea.

My second reading with this deck was to draw one card each for myself and the people in my circle of close friends. Who am I? Who is friend A? Who is friend B? This was a really lovely exercise, and it brought to the fore some aspects of my friends’ personalities that aren’t always visible on the surface, but that are deeply relevant to the things they’re each dealing with in their respective lives.

The Four Devils.

I purchased the Deluxe edition of the deck, which comes with additional cards called the Four Devils. This is a separate system of magical servitors (once again, not really my thing, but great for those who practice this kind of magic). Their names are Jerdehl, Harven, Vharmon, and Kranvoc, and they are connected to wealth, health, wisdom, and happiness, respectively. My deck came with two different Kranvoc cards, and I don’t know quite why this is. Personally, I’m not terribly interested in these Four Devils—I’m much more drawn to the cards in the main deck—but they’re a nice addition to have.

All in all, I’m thrilled with this deck. I couldn’t be happier with my purchase, and this strikes me as an excellent deck to pull out whenever I have a divinatory question that focuses specifically on the human element of a situation. To my eye, as someone who intends to use this deck only for divination and not for its other intended use, the great advantage of this deck is that it can show who the people are in any given situation, and what forces are at play.

As is consistently the case with decks published through The Game Crafter, the quality of the packaging materials is… Adequate. The box is flimsy cardboard and won’t stand the test of time, so I’d recommend getting a cloth bag to keep this deck in. The LWB (or rather, LBB, as it’s black in color) is 8 pages long, with extremely brief descriptions of each card and the magical sigils associated with cards in the deck; but frankly, the cards themselves are evocative enough that a companion book isn’t all that necessary.
Carnal sorcery divination cards

These cards encourage users to explore their shadow selves and confront any hidden fears or desires that may be holding them back. By facing these inner demons and integrating them into our lives, we can unlock a deeper sense of personal power and fulfillment. When using carnal sorcery divination cards, it is important to approach them with an open mind and a willingness to embrace our own primal nature. These cards can provide powerful insight and guidance, but they require a certain level of honesty and vulnerability to truly tap into their power. Overall, carnal sorcery divination cards offer a unique and potent approach to divination and magic. They invite us to explore our own primal desires and embrace our inner wildness in order to gain deeper insight and understanding. By using these cards, we can tap into the raw and sensual energy of the universe and unlock a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us..

Reviews for "The Allure of Carnal Sorcery Divination Cards: Unlocking their Power"

-Emily - 2 stars - I was really disappointed with the "Carnal sorcery divination cards". The images were just not appealing to me and the overall design felt cheap. Additionally, the interpretations of the cards were quite confusing and didn't provide any real insight or guidance. I've used many other divination cards before and these were definitely not up to par. I wouldn't recommend them.
-Jason - 1 star - I had high hopes for the "Carnal sorcery divination cards" but they were a complete letdown. The artwork was really dark and unsettling, making it difficult to connect with the cards on a spiritual level. The guidebook that came with it was poorly written and lacked any substantial explanations or interpretations of the cards. Overall, I found these cards to be a waste of money and I regret purchasing them.

The Ancient Art of Carnal Sorcery Divination Cards: A Beginner's Guide

Demystifying Carnal Sorcery Divination Cards: A Comprehensive Guide