Burned at the Stake: Bruno's Fiery Retribution

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Bruno was known for his fiery temper and quick tongue. He had always been bold and unafraid to speak his mind. On this particular day, he found himself face-to-face with a notorious witch who had been causing trouble in the village. The witch, known as Agatha, had a reputation for meddling in people's lives and spreading chaos wherever she went. Bruno had had enough of her antics and decided to confront her head-on. He had heard rumors that she was responsible for a recent string of misfortunes that had befallen their village.

Okorafor (The Shadow Speaker) returns with another successful tale of African magic. Although 12-year-old Sunny is Nigerian, she was born in America, and her Nigerian classmates see her as an outsider. Worse, she's an albino, an obvious…

As an albino, she s used to people staring and calling her a witch, but even so, it s a surprise to learn she is a witch, one of the Leopard People who have. He wasn t the fastest at learning to fly, but that didn t seem to be a huge problem for anyone, except possibly his father, who wasn t around much anyway.

Bruno flamed the witch

He had heard rumors that she was responsible for a recent string of misfortunes that had befallen their village. With his blood boiling, Bruno stormed into Agatha's hideout, ready to give her a piece of his mind. He found her hunched over a cauldron, muttering incantations under her breath.

Reviews (8)

Flame has always been soothing to 12-year-old Sunny until she sees a vision of the end of the world in candlelight: "Raging fires, boiling oceans and ruptured land, dead and dying people. It was horrible. And it was coming." Born in…

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Horn Book Guide Reviews

Sunny, albino daughter of Nigerian parents, is used to being called a witch; even so, it's a surprise to learn she is one. Along with her coven, she must take on Okotoko the Black Hat, a serial killer who preys on children. Sunny's…

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Horn Book Magazine Reviews

Sunny is an American born to two Nigerian parents, now living in Nigeria. As an albino, she's used to people staring and calling her a witch, but even so, it's a surprise to learn she is a witch, one of the Leopard People who have…

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Kirkus Reviews

Who can't love a story about a Nigerian-American 12-year-old with albinism who discovers latent magical abilities and saves the world? Sunny lives in Nigeria after spending the first nine years of her life in New York. She can't…

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Library Media Connection

Sunny is a "free agent" for the Leopard People, just learning about her untapped magical powers while living in Western Africa. She and her friends, Orlu, Chichi, and Sasha, must use their innate magical power and natural talents to…

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Publishers Weekly Reviews

Okorafor (The Shadow Speaker) returns with another successful tale of African magic. Although 12-year-old Sunny is Nigerian, she was born in America, and her Nigerian classmates see her as an outsider. Worse, she's an albino, an obvious…

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School Library Journal Reviews

Gr 6 Up—This contemporary fantasy features Sunny, 12, Nigerian by blood but born in New York City, who's been living in Nigeria since she was 9. She has West African features but is an albino with yellow hair, white skin, and hazel…

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Voice of Youth Advocates Reviews

Many cultures have witches, shamans, or wizards—Nigerians have Leopard people. Sunny Nwazue was born in America, but her family returned to Nigeria when she was nine. She struggles to find acceptance, for she is an albino and called akata…

‘PATHETIC!’ Malcazor roared.
Bruno flamed the witch

Without hesitation, Bruno let loose a torrent of insults and accusations. He accused her of being a wicked sorceress, reveling in the suffering of others. He called her a menace to the whole village and demanded that she be brought to justice. In his anger, Bruno's words were like flames, scorching the air around him. Agatha, unfazed by his outburst, finally turned to face Bruno. With a wicked smile on her face, she calmly told him that she had no intention of stopping. She mocked him, saying that his anger only fueled her power. Undeterred, Bruno continued to lash out at her, determined to bring her down. He shouted that the village would not stand for her malevolence any longer. Bruno's words were a rallying cry for those who had suffered under Agatha's rule. The confrontation between Bruno and Agatha became a turning point. The village began to rally behind him, finally finding the courage to stand up against the witch. Together, they devised a plan to rid their home of Agatha's influence once and for all. Bruno's fiery nature and unwavering determination ultimately led to the downfall of the witch. With the support of the villagers, they were able to expose her true intentions and put an end to her reign of terror. In the end, Bruno's fiery words had sparked a revolution. The village was finally free from Agatha's grasp, thanks to his courage and unwavering spirit. His actions serve as a reminder of the power that lies within each individual to make a change, even in the face of darkness and danger..

Reviews for "The Witch's Flame: Bruno's Revenge Set Ablaze"

1. Sarah - 2 stars - I didn't enjoy reading "Bruno flamed the witch" at all. The story felt disjointed and the characters lacked depth. There were several inconsistencies throughout the book that made it difficult to follow. The writing style was also subpar, with awkward phrasing and repetitive descriptions. Overall, I was disappointed and would not recommend this book to others.
2. Mark - 1 star - "Bruno flamed the witch" was a complete waste of time. The plot was nonsensical and the characters were poorly developed. There were numerous grammatical errors and typos, which made it feel like the book wasn't properly edited. The dialogue was stiff and lacked authenticity. I found myself skimming through most of the pages, hoping the story would improve, but it never did. I regretted picking up this book and would advise others to avoid it.
3. Laura - 2 stars - "Bruno flamed the witch" had potential, but it fell flat for me. The pacing was slow, and the narrative lacked excitement. The main character, Bruno, was unrelatable and his actions didn't make sense at times. The world-building was weak, and I struggled to envision the settings described in the book. Additionally, the ending felt rushed and left many loose ends untied. Overall, I was left feeling unsatisfied and underwhelmed by this novel.
4. Michael - 1 star - I couldn't bring myself to finish "Bruno flamed the witch". The writing was amateurish, with awkward sentence structures and repetitive descriptions. The dialogue was stilted and unrealistic, making it difficult to connect with the characters. The plot was confusing and lacked direction. There was nothing in the book that compelled me to keep reading, and I eventually gave up. I would not recommend this book to anyone looking for an engaging and well-written story.
5. Emily - 2 stars - "Bruno flamed the witch" was a disappointment for me. The story had potential, but it was overshadowed by poor execution. The pacing was uneven, with long stretches of dullness followed by rushed action sequences. The characters felt one-dimensional and lacked depth, making it difficult to care about their journeys. The writing style was uninspiring and failed to immerse me in the story. Overall, I found "Bruno flamed the witch" to be an underwhelming read that didn't live up to my expectations.

The Fire Within: Bruno's Fight against the Witch's Dark Magic

Bruno's Inferno: A Fiery Tale of Witchcraft

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