Aunt Jet's Practical Magic: Spells for Career Success

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Aunt Jet is a character from the movie "Practical Magic" which was released in 1998. She is one of the main characters of the story, alongside her sister Aunt Frances and her nieces Sally and Gillian. Aunt Jet is portrayed as a wise and quirky woman with a strong belief in the power of magic. In the movie, Aunt Jet and Aunt Frances are known in their small town for their unconventional lifestyle and their reputation as witches. They live in a grand old Victorian house filled with potions, herbs, and all sorts of magical objects. The sisters possess special powers and use them to help the people who seek their advice.

Dianne Wiest: Aunt Jet

Sally Owens : And I don't want them dancing naked under the full moon! Aunt Jet Owens : No, of course. The nudity is entirely optional. As you well remember!

[making margaritas] Aunt Frances Owens : Eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog. Aunt Jet Owens : Adder's fork and blindworm's sting. Aunt Frances Owens : Barbados lime is just the thing. Aunt Jet Owens : Cragged salt like a sailor's stubble! Aunt Frances Owens : Flip the switch and let the cauldron bubble!

Aunt Jet Owens : There's a little witch in all of us.

[all drunk] Gillian Owens : You southern shrew! Aunt Jet Owens : Ingrate! Aunt Frances Owens : Goodie two shoes! Sally Owens : WITCH!

Aunt Jet Owens : And this is what comes from dabbling; I mean you can't practice witchcraft while you look down your nose at it.

Sally Owens : [after Michael's death; brings the spell book out] You brought him into my life and now I want you to bring him back. Bring him back! I have never asked you for anything. I've never asked you for spells but do this. I know you can bring him back. Aunt Jet Owens : No, dear. We won't do that. Aunt Frances Owens : We don't do that. Sally Owens : But you can. You can do this. I know you can. I remember. I found it here when mommy and daddy died. Aunt Frances Owens : Even if we did bring him back, it wouldn't be Michael. It would be something else. Something dark and unnatural. Sally Owens : [Starts crying] I don't care what he comes back as. As long he comes back. Please do this for me. Please? Please? Please? Please?

Aunt Frances Owens : [to young Sally and Gillian] That's how you came to live with us. We tucked you into our lives then. We've raised you the best way we know how. Aunt Jet Owens : In this house we have chocolate cake for breakfast. We never bother with silly things like bedtimes or brushing our teeth. Aunt Frances Owens : But with the sweets comes the sour. Aunt Jet Owens : So when you find yourself the center of attention. It's not that they hate you. It's that, well. We're different.

Aunt Jet Owens : Gillian, Sally. The only curse in this family is sitting there at the end of the table. Your Aunt Fanny.

Aunt Frances Owens : [about Jimmy] We have to banish him. Aunt Jet Owens : We have to force his spirit back into the grave. Aunt Frances Owens : We need a full coven. Aunt Jet Owens : Nine women. Twelve's better. Aunt Frances Owens : [to Sally] Do you have any friends? Sally Owens : [Cut to the Kitchen, Sally on the phone] Linda! Hi, it's Sally. I'm activating the phone tree. Look, uh, you know the - the stuff that everyone's always whispering about me. the hexes, the spells, the. Well, here's the thing. Uh. I'm witch!

Aunt Jet Owens : Be careful what you wish for.

Aunt Jet Owens : You see that couple here? Well, he's having an affair with the babysitter and she can eat a pound cake in under a minute.

Aunt Frances Owens : Oh come on, Jetty, even you have to admit that any man who gets involved with an Owens woman is bound to end up 6 feet under. Aunt Jet Owens : Spare me. Aunt Frances Owens : What about my poor Ethan? Aunt Jet Owens : It was an accident. Aunt Frances Owens : It was fate. Aunt Jet Owens : [More forcefully] It was an accident. Aunt Frances Owens : [Also more forceful] No, no, no, it was fate. Aunt Jet Owens : [yelling] Accident! Aunt Frances Owens : [also yelling] It was fate!

Aunt Jet Owens , Aunt Frances Owens : [singing] Someone left it on the porch

Aunt Jet Owens : Oh, dear. It seems we've not arrived in the nick of time. Aunt Frances Owens : Well. I see our instincts are getting a little rusty.

Young Sally Owens : What about my homework? Aunt Jet Owens : Oh, pish! Tosh! You're both going to learn things in this house that you will never learn in school.

Sally Owens : I want you both to watch what you say to those girls. I don't you filling their heads with any of your nonsense, okay? Aunt Jet Owens : We'd never tell them nonsense, dear.

Bridget Owens

Bridget "Jet" Owens is a witch and a member of the Owens family.

The sisters possess special powers and use them to help the people who seek their advice. Aunt Jet, in particular, is known for her ability to read tea leaves and predict the future. She often sits in her kitchen, surrounded by teacups, and offers guidance and insights to those who come to her seeking answers.

Early life [ ]

Bridget "Jet" Owens was born on December 5, 1944. In the early '70s, she was given a niece, Sally, who was also a witch. In 1973, she was given another niece, Gillian.

Bridget has been a witch her entire life, just like her older sister, Francis. Their mother Susanna was a witch who left her heritage behind in the hopes for a normal life.

In 1986, Gillian and Sally's parents were killed, first their father because he fell in love with an Owens' woman, then their mother died of a broken heart. Gilly and Sally were sent off to live with the aunts.

Jet, along with her older sister, taught Sally and Gilly magic and even told them about their witch heritage. Both of the girls grew to be very powerful witches, but as Sally grew up, she began to resent witchcraft.

Aunt jet practical magic

Her predictions are often spot on and the townspeople have great faith in her abilities. Despite her eccentricities, Aunt Jet is a warm and nurturing figure. She takes care of her nieces Sally and Gillian after their parents' death and becomes a mother figure to them. She teaches them about the power of love, family, and magic. Aunt Jet is also known for her love for plants and gardening. She has a beautiful garden filled with various herbs and flowers, which she uses for her magical concoctions. Throughout the movie, Aunt Jet, along with her sister and nieces, faces various challenges and obstacles, and together they use their magic to overcome them. Aunt Jet is depicted as a strong and independent woman who embraces her magical abilities and helps her family and community. In conclusion, Aunt Jet is a beloved character in the movie "Practical Magic". She is portrayed as a wise and quirky witch with a strong belief in the power of magic. Her abilities to read tea leaves and predict the future, as well as her nurturing nature, make her a central figure in the lives of her family and the townspeople..

Reviews for "Aunt Jet's Practical Magic: Spells for Confidence and Empowerment"

1. Sarah - 1/5 stars - I really did not enjoy "Aunt Jet Practical Magic." The plot was confusing and all over the place, with too many subplots that were never fully developed. The characters lacked depth and their actions often felt nonsensical. The writing itself was also lacking, with choppy dialogue and repetitive descriptions. Overall, I found the book to be a disappointment and struggle to finish.
2. Mark - 2/5 stars - While "Aunt Jet Practical Magic" had an interesting premise, I found the execution to be lacking. The pacing was slow, with long stretches of seemingly unnecessary descriptions and overly detailed scenes that did not add to the overall story. The character development was weak, particularly with the protagonist, who I found to be unrelatable and unlikable. I was hoping for a captivating and magical read, but unfortunately, this book fell short.
3. Emily - 2/5 stars - I had high hopes for "Aunt Jet Practical Magic," but it did not live up to my expectations. The storytelling felt disjointed, jumping between different time periods and perspectives without a clear link. The magical elements felt forced and underdeveloped, lacking the enchantment and wonder I was anticipating. Additionally, I struggled to connect with the characters, as their motivations and actions often felt contrived. Overall, the book left me feeling unsatisfied and wishing for a more cohesive and captivating story.

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