The Art of Casting Spells: A Practical Tutorial for Today's Witches

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Witchcraft is an ancient practice that is finding a resurgence in popularity in present times. With the rise of alternative spiritualities and a desire for connection to nature and the mystical, more and more people are drawn to exploring the world of witchcraft. This present-day tutorial to witchcraft aims to provide a basic introduction to those interested in learning more about this fascinating practice. **The first step in exploring witchcraft is to understand its history and roots.** Witchcraft has a rich and complex history that spans across cultures and centuries. From ancient pagan traditions to the witch trials of the Middle Ages, witchcraft has been both feared and celebrated.

Because using your left hand is far less common than using your right, people leapt to the idea that left-handed people must obviously be magical beings from another world. Being a leftie has been linked with witchcraft for centuries, and in more morbid circles is called ‘a mark of the Devil’. Surely left-handed scissors aren’t that bad. Superstitions have always followed the direction of ‘left’ – such as the left side of the bed being considered the wrong side to get out of, or passing a drink with your left hand being bad luck. Even the Latin word ‘sinistra’, which roughly translates to ‘sinister’ (nothing to do with Professor Sinistra, we hope), originally meant ‘left’, and eventually it became a common misconception that left-handed folk were, indeed, big bad witches.

A patriarchal society in early modern Europe didn t help, and many theorists believe women were targeted to create a negative female stereotype, with trials being held to assert men s masculinity. But at one point, if you were too close with the earth, if you were too wise, too powerful too much, and definitely too feminine you were cast out or slain for your largeness and wildness.

Clues that you may be a witch

From ancient pagan traditions to the witch trials of the Middle Ages, witchcraft has been both feared and celebrated. It is important to approach witchcraft with an open mind and a respect for its origins. **Next, it is essential to develop a strong foundation in basic magical practices.

Clues that you may be a witch

~ Image: Vintage, June Haver, 1940’s ~

People often ask me, “How do you know you’re a witch?” Most often, the question beneath the question is, “Am I a witch? Am I magic?” Often, they ask a little nervously because of the shadow that shames the word.

We owe that shadow to the patriarchy — the masculine societal rule that has pervaded the planet for over five thousand years. This is important — not male, not gender, but a perversion of masculine energy which brutalized, raped, suppressed the feminine.

The witch-hunts of Salem and Europe whipped up a hysterical mob mentality against women, against the feminine.

It rounded up and killed the wise women, the natural healers, any women with land they wanted or those outside of the societal status quo, who refused to conform to Christian and Patriarchal rule.

Basically, in fear of the power of the feminine, women, the earth, and its creatures, were slaughtered under false and hysterical pretenses.

It is crucial we reclaim ourselves and the beauty, power, heritage of the word Witch. A witch’s purpose is the very earth we need to save.

Witches love the earth, and worship nature. I repeat, Nature, not Satan. The latter is a myth — including that we are wart-on-nose Halloween-mask-scary ugly — that we owe to patriarchal Hollywood movies.

Truth is, witches are as beautiful as nature herself and do no harm. They live by the rule of three, a karmic understanding that everything they do comes back to them threefold. The more we kill the earth, the more we kill ourselves.

For as long as we can remember, we have been taught to fear ourselves as well as nature. Witches however, relish their wild nature and align themselves with the cycles of the earth and the phases of the Moon.

For many women, to reclaim the word Witch is to reclaim one’s self and her relationship to the Great Mother.

So, because I love to de-stigmatize, and re-honor the big beautiful juicy word Witch, the answer I give, when someone asks me if they are one, is Yes.

If you think you are a witch, you are a witch — meaning you are a Goddess, Priestess, Healer, Shaman, Wise Woman. Here is a round up of 13 moonlit and mystical signs you might be a witch:

1. Earth Powers. A witch is a woman of the earth. We inherit her natural powers of birth, transformation, healing, rebirth. These are the powers of woman, one in the same with the powers of the earth.

“Where there is woman, there is magic.” ~ Ntozake Shange

Do you find the answers to life through the patterns of Mother Nature? Is her wisdom your wisdom? Are you, your life and body, aligned with her seasons?

For instance, are you on fire — sexually and creatively in the Summer, letting go and cutting out what does not serve in the Fall, dying to the old in the dark silence of Winter, and reborn in the Spring?

2. Wisdom. Do you find yourself bubbling from an internal cauldron of ancient natural healing wisdom?

Are people drawn to you to sit by your fire and discuss life and all its fury, pain, love and wonder? Do you end up sending them off with hope in their hearts, and perhaps a tincture, a potion, an herbal remedy (you are familiar with the properties of plants), or even a ritual or two?

In other words, when shit hits the fan, is it you they come to?

3. Nature. Do you live by or in the woods, or by a body of water — and if not, do you long to?

Witches, being intricately intertwined with nature, embodying the powers of the Great Mother herself, long to be as close to her natural beauty and power as possible. Many do their rituals by the water or in the woods. You have most likely always felt at home in nature.

4. Storms. Are you not afraid of storms? In fact do you revel in the power of Mother Nature at her most visceral? And do you sometimes wonder if you yourself — your passion and energy — caused the storm?

5. Animal Nature. Are animals naturally attracted to you, and do you love them as well, so much that you cry empathetically with the creatures of this planet? Do you naturally know their totems, and find wisdom and insight in their visits/appearances in your life?

Do lost dogs follow you home, do birds fly into your windows, do horses rush towards you in the fields and place their long necks on your shoulders? Do you find you can speak to them? Heal them?

Witches and animals are so aligned with nature that they speak a similar energetic language and recognize each other.

6. The Moon. Are you drawn, pulled, and moved by the moon’s energy? Have you gazed at her, spoken to her, been flooded by her light since you were a little girl? Are you aligned with her phases?

For instance, do you start new projects and relationships when she waxes (grows full), do things peak and culminate — and tend to go a little crazy — around you while she is full, and are you drawn to let things go, or end relationships and patterns, as she wanes?

On the New Moon, in the darkest of nights, do you sit with the mystery, the emptiness and unknown, the potential and possibility of the dark? Do you dream up new plans in the dark of the new moon?

If you answered No, then the above are just a few ways you can attune with the moon’s phases.

7. Powerful. Do you have more than a sneaking suspicion that your wishes come true — good or bad, and are you perhaps a little cautious and in awe of your own power? Have you been called an old soul on the reg?

Witches are as old as time; your eyes — the windows to your soul — hold ancient stories and secrets, myths and mysteries, answers and possibilities.

You were probably speaking ancient truths and wisdom even — or especially — before you forgot your magic, as a little child.

8. Healing. Are you drawn to the healing arts? Do you tend to seek natural or energetic remedies for yourself, and do you offer them to others? Have you ever laid a hand on someone’s bad back, which was fixed the next day? People might also heal just by being around you.

Witches, being so attuned to the earth, are natural healers.

9. Past Life Memories. Do you have painful past life memories or images of being cast out, burned, or drowned — just for being wild, wise, and free you?

Most importantly, are you scarred from for being different, not conforming, for loving who you wanted to love, for speaking the truth/saying what you were called to say — in an old lifetime? This is karma you are awake to heal. It is time to not be afraid, and to be your you-est you.

This is how you will heal your karma, by being unafraid to live your fullest expression. It is your time.

10. Outsider-ness. Have you always felt a little bit of an outsider — nose pressed against the glass of life on earth, while knowing you were actually an insider of a magical tribe, with insider wisdom?

While you never fit in the norm, you knew there was something sacred, secret, special about you — a magic just a few other magical people could see.

You do not run with big crowds; you are a bit more of a sensitive but powerful lone wolf; you need a lot of time to think, dream, recharge, and commune with Source — Nature/The Universe/The Goddess.

11. Mystical Crystals/Accoutrements. You are drawn to beautiful rocks — pieces of earth energy — and you have kept stones like clear quartz, turquoise, rose quartz around you for as long as you can remember, even if you did not know their properties at the time.

They were either given to you, or you picked them up along the way and collected at least a few.

Witches know the properties of the earth’s stones and charge them with — among other things — healing, love, abundance and protective benefits, and are often wearing their special stones in jewelry.

You also love to keep candles around and lit — because candles are invitations to spirits and angels, and create a more magical, divine vibe. And you probably like a good, energy-clearing sage or incense.

12. Magic. Did you believe in magic as a child, see magic in the air and in life? Were you drawn to magical things, creatures, fables, stories, even as you grew older, despite everyone telling you “There Was No Such Thing?”

And despite the rest of the world not believing, did you save some room in your heart for tales of magic, love, and the mystical and mysterious, anyway?

Were you drawn to movies and books about witches, magic, the spooky, the mystical, the unknowable? Have you always thought there was no such thing as a coincidence, that we were not really alone, and this was not all there was?

Do you believe that no-thing means nothing — in other words, everything means something? Do you believe in signs and symbols?

13. More Magic and Divinations. Speaking of signs and symbols — you get premonitions, as if you have an internal crystal ball.

When you are talking about what you think will happen, people tend to perk up and listen. Sometimes you see or feel outcomes — flash-forwards — so far ahead that you find it frustrating when others have not caught up with you! You have dreams and visions, of past lives and the future.

And you can read other people and their energy and intentions fairly well. You have Sixth Sense. It is also a reason why you are drawn to Tarot, Runes, or other mist-parting divinations.

I hope this has helped. These are just 13 signs — you might recognize a few, or a whole lot of these witchy ways. A witch’s message is one of self-love, earth-love, and about the importance of aligning with the phases of the earth and moon. Pretty simple, really.

But at one point, if you were too close with the earth, if you were too wise, too powerful — too much, and definitely too feminine — you were cast out or slain for your largeness and wildness. It need not be so any longer.

It is time to heal your past karma, own your power, wisdom and beauty, and rise, dear ones — the earth needs you, and we, of course, need the earth.

But at one point, if you were too close with the earth, if you were too wise, too powerful — too much, and definitely too feminine — you were cast out or slain for your largeness and wildness. It need not be so any longer.
The present day tutorial to witchcraft

** This involves learning about energy work, spellcasting, divination, and ritual. Understanding how to work with intention, visualization, and symbolism is key to effective witchcraft. Many books, online resources, and local occult shops offer guidance and instruction on these topics. **In addition to practical skills, it is necessary to explore one's personal beliefs and spirituality.** Witchcraft is a highly individual practice, and each practitioner has their own unique approach. Some witches incorporate elements of paganism or Wicca, while others draw from various spiritual traditions. It is important to take the time to reflect on one's values, beliefs, and intentions in order to align with the path of witchcraft that feels most authentic. **One key aspect of witchcraft is cultivating a deep connection to nature and the natural world.** This involves spending time outdoors, observing the cycles of the seasons, and working with natural materials in magical rituals. Many witches incorporate elements such as herbs, crystals, and animal symbolism into their practice as well. By tapping into the energy and wisdom of nature, witches can enhance their magical abilities and deepen their spiritual connection. **Lastly, community and support are vital in the practice of witchcraft.** Connecting with like-minded individuals, whether through local meetups, online forums, or social media groups, can provide valuable guidance and inspiration. Sharing experiences and learning from others can help to foster growth and development on the witchcraft path. In conclusion, this present-day tutorial to witchcraft aims to provide a basic overview and introduction to the practice of witchcraft. By understanding its history, developing practical skills, exploring personal beliefs, connecting with nature, and seeking community, individuals can embark on a fulfilling and magical journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth..

Reviews for "Embracing the Divine Feminine: A Feminist Perspective on Modern Witchcraft"

1. John - 2/5 - I was really excited to learn about witchcraft from "The Present Day Tutorial to Witchcraft", but I found it to be very disappointing. The book was filled with clichés and generalizations, and it did not provide any practical advice or guidance for beginners like me. The author seemed more focused on promoting their own beliefs and personal experiences rather than providing useful information. Overall, I was left feeling confused and unsatisfied with this book.
2. Sarah - 1/5 - I was hoping to find a comprehensive guide to witchcraft, but "The Present Day Tutorial to Witchcraft" fell short of my expectations. The book was poorly organized and lacked cohesiveness, making it difficult to follow and understand. The author also made sweeping statements without providing any evidence or sources to support their claims. I was left feeling frustrated and underwhelmed by the lack of substance in this book.
3. Michael - 2/5 - I found "The Present Day Tutorial to Witchcraft" to be overly simplistic and superficial. The author focused too much on the basics and failed to explore more advanced topics or concepts. I was hoping for a more in-depth exploration of witchcraft, but instead, I found myself reading a book that felt more like a watered-down introduction. The lack of depth and substance left me feeling unsatisfied and wanting more. I would not recommend this book to anyone looking for a comprehensive guide to witchcraft.

Unveiling the Secrets of the Craft: Understanding the Basics of Modern Witchcraft

The Path Less Traveled: Exploring Alternative Witchcraft Traditions in the Present Day