Celebrate the Divine Feminine with the Pagan Calendar in 2022

By admin

The Pagan calendar for 2022 is a representation of the traditional holidays and festivals observed by Pagan communities. Paganism is a diverse religious and spiritual tradition that encompasses various belief systems, practices, and rituals. Each year, Pagans celebrate different events that are closely tied to the cycles of nature, such as solstices, equinoxes, and harvests. The Pagan calendar for 2022 reflects these significant dates and provides Pagans with a framework to honor and connect with nature and the spiritual realm. The main idea of the Pagan calendar for 2022 is to provide a guide for Pagans to celebrate and connect with nature and the spiritual realm through various holidays and festivals..

Wyldernys Pagan Lunisolar Calendar 2022 (digital download - PDF)

The beautiful Wyldernys Pagan Lunisolar Calendar makes sure you know the exact dates of the Pagan holidays all year round. The digital art print of the reconstructed Wheel of the Year in PDF format contains the following:

  • One circle with the names and dates of the eight Germanic/Nordic Heathen festivals as calculated by means of the solstices and full moons of 2022.
  • One circle with the eight Pagan festivals of the popular Contemporary Pagan Wheel of the Year.
  • One circle depicting the twelve zodiac signs so you know what celestial energies are at play during a certain period.
  • One circle of the division of the seasons.
  • And of course one circle with the months for easy reference.

After your purchase, you’ll receive a secure link via email so you can download the Wyldernys Pagan Lunisolar Calendar. Feel free to print it if you wish to place it on your altar or hang it on your living room wall. In addition to being visually pleasing to the eye, the artfully created calendar is your guide to celebrate the eternal natural cycles of the Pagan year in 2022: inspired by the wisdom of our pagan ancestors and perfectly fit for the contemporary Pagan and Heathen.

More about how the dates of these festivals have been calculated based on historical sources and reconstruction for the Wyldernys Pagan Lunisolar Calendar can be read in the article The Heathen Holidays of the Pagan Lunisolar Calendar.

2022 Pagan Celebration Days, Full Moon & Zodiac Calendar

Our 2022 calendar includes traditional pagan celebration dates, full and new moon dates, noteworthy astrological events, zodiac periods, Asatru, Celtic Tree months, and a few other references. This 2022 calendar is shown in Mountain Standard Time (USA).

Quadrantids Meteor Shower


2nd New Moon (11:35 AM, MST)

3rd/4th Quadrantids Meteor Shower (considered to be one of the best annual meteor showers with about 40 per hour) – this will be a very dark night so viewing will be excellent since its close to a new moon. The peak viewing time will be 2:40 PM, MST

14th Mercury becomes retrograde (4:41 AM, MST)

17th Full Wolf Moon (4:51 PM, MST) Traditionally, this full Moon was called the Wolf Moon because it appeared in the night sky when the wolves howled outside the villages in hunger.

19th Zodiac Period of Capricorn ends

20th Celtic Tree Month of Birch ends

20th Zodiac Period of Aquarius begins

21st Celtic Tree Month of Rowan begins

29th Venus becomes progressive (1:45 AM, MST)

31st Disting/Disablot
Also called “Charming of the Plough/Plow” after the Anglo-Saxon spell and ceremony

31st New Moon (10:49 PM, MST)


1st Chinese New Year (Year of the Yang Water Tiger)

3rd Mercury becomes progressive (9:12 PM, MST)

15th Roman Holiday of Lupercalia

16th Full Snow Moon (9:59 AM, MST) This moon was named due to the month of February always heavy snowfall.

17th Celtic Tree Month of Rowan ends

18th Celtic Tree Month of Ash begins

18th Zodiac Period of Aquarius ends

19th Zodiac Period of Pisces begins


2nd Mercury-Saturn Conjunction – Even without a telescope you’ll see not only the conjunction low above the horizon, but you’ll also see Venus and Mars higher up to the right.

2nd New Moon (10:38 AM, MST)

17th Celtic Tree Month of Ash ends

18th Celtic Tree Month of Alder begin

18th Full Worm Moon (1:20 AM, MST) Traditionally this moon name comes from the earthworms being seen in the warming spring soil.

20th Spring Equinox

20th Zodiac Period of Pisces ends

21st Zodiac Period of Aries begins


1st Roman Holiday of Veneralia

1st New Moon (12:27 AM, MST)

14th Celtic Tree Month of Alder ends

15th Celtic Tree Month of Willow begins

16th Full Pink Moon (12:57 PM, MST) The April full moon ushered in the wild ground phlox; one of the earliest spring wildflowers.

19th Zodiac Period of Aries ends

20th Zodiac Period of Taurus begins

22nd Yggdrasil Day

22nd/23rd Lyrids Meteor Shower The Lyrids is one of the oldest known meteor showers, being observed for more than 2,700 years. The peak volume is about 20 per hour, but these meteors are known for their luminosity and speed, so it’s a great show.

29th Pluto becomes retrograde (11:50 AM, MST)

30th New Moon (2:30 PM, MST)

30th Partial Solar Eclipse (2:42 PM, MST maximum eclipse)


6th/7th Eta Aquarid Meteors will peak at 2:00 AM, MST and with a crescent moon, star watchers may see up to 45 meteors per hour.

10th Mercury becomes retrograde (5:46 AM, MST)

12th Celtic Tree Month of Willow ends

13th Celtic Tree Month of Hawthorn begins

15th Full Blood (Flower) Moon (10:15 PM, MST) Traditionally the flower moon was because of the abundance of wildflowers everywhere, but because it will be a total lunar eclipse, the moon will look a bloody red color.

15th Total Lunar Eclipse (11:28 PM, MST maximum eclipse)

20th Zodiac Period of Taurus ends

21st Zodiac Period of Gemini begins

30th New Moon (5:32 AM, MST)


3rd Mercury becomes progressive (1:59 AM, MST)

4th Saturn becomes retrograde (3:46 PM, MST)

9th Celtic Tree Month of Hawthorn ends

10th Annual Solar Eclipse

10th Celtic Tree Month of Oak begins

14th Full Strawberry Moon (5:52 AM, MST) This is the time to gather wild ripened strawberries and other berries across the northern part of the country.

20th Zodiac Period of Gemini ends

21st Summer Solstice (Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at 3:14 A.M. MST )

21st Zodiac Period of Cancer begins

28th Neptune becomes retrograde (1:54 AM, MST)

28th New Moon (8:53 PM, MST)


7th Kupala Night

7th Celtic Tree Month of Oak ends

8th Celtic Tree Month of Holly begins

13th Full Buck Moon (12:38 PM, MST) The month when a buck’s antlers were in full bloom.

22nd Zodiac Period of Cancer end

23rd Zodiac Period of Leo begins

28th New Moon (11:55 AM, MST)

28th Jupiter becomes retrograde (2:37 PM, MST)

28th/29th Delta Aquariids Meteor shower is usually tougher to see, but this year’s shower may be more special than usual as the new moon occurs on the same night; the dark skies promise optimal viewing conditions.


4th Celtic Tree Month of Holly ends

5th Celtic Tree Month of Hazel begins

11th Full Sturgeon Moon (7:36 PM, MST) It was said that sturgeon fish in some of the big waters could be most readily caught this month.

13th Perseids Meteor shower – this show is not to be missed; one of the top celestial events of the year.

22nd Zodiac Period of Leo ends

23rd Zodiac Period of Virgo begins

24th Uranus becomes retrograde (7:54 AM, MST)

27th New Moon (2:16 AM, MST)


1st Celtic Tree Month of Hazel ends

2nd Celtic Tree Month of Vine begins

9th Mercury becomes retrograde (9:38 PM, MST)

10th Full Harvest Moon (3:58 AM, MST) This full moon is directly tied to the harvest of crops.

22nd Zodiac Period of Virgo ends

22nd Autumn Equinox

23rd Zodiac Period of Libra begins

25th New Moon (3:54 PM, MST)

27th Mercury becomes Retrograde

29th Celtic Tree Month of Vine ends

30th Celtic Tree Month of Ivy begins


2nd Mercury becomes progressive (3:07 AM, MST)

8th Pluto becomes progressive (3:47 PM, MST)

8th/9th Draconid Meteor Shower

9th Full Hunter’s Moon (2:54 PM, MST) Hunters would take to the forests to hunt for fattened game to store before winter came.

11th Saturn Retrograde ends

18th Mercury Retrograde ends

18th Jupiter Retrograde ends

22nd Saturn becomes Progressive (10:07 PM, MST)

22nd Zodiac Period of Libra ends

23rd Zodiac Period of Scorpio begins

25th New Moon (4:48 AM, MST)

25th Partial Solar Eclipse (5:00 AM, MST maximum eclipse)

27th Celtic Tree Month of Ivy ends

28th Celtic Tree Month of Reed begins

30th Mars becomes retrograde (7:24 AM, MST)


8th Full Blood (Beaver) Moon (4:02 AM, MST) Beaver’s would finish their lodges and retreat inside for the remainder of the winter during November.

8th Total Lunar Eclipse (3:59 AM, MST maximum eclipse)

17th/18th The Leonids Meteor shower is known for fireballs, which have more flair than your average meteor.

21st Zodiac Period of Scorpio ends

22nd Zodiac Period of Sagittarius begins

23rd New Moon (3:57 PM, MST)

23rd Jupiter becomes progressive (4:02 PM)

23rd Celtic Tree Month of Reed ends

24th Celtic Tree Month of Elder begins


3rd Neptune becomes progressive (5:18 PM, MST)

7th Full Cold Moon (9:09 PM, MST) Temperatures are dropping, reminding people that winter is here to stay for a few more months.

12th The Geminids Meteor Shower of 2022 may produce up to 150 meteors per hour at peak. They will be at their maximum on December 12 at 7:00 AM, MST, but the entire day and night of December 12 should make for excellent viewing.

17th Roman Holiday of Saturnalia

19th Venus Retrograde begins

21st Winter Solstice

21st Zodiac Period of Sagittarius ends

22nd Zodiac Period of Capricorn begins

23rd Celtic Tree Month of Elder ends

23rd New Moon (3:17 AM, MST)

24th Celtic Tree Month of Birch begins

29th Mercury becomes retrograde (2:31 AM, MST)

Календарь на 2022 год - Художественный календарь - Мистический календарь - Языческий - Богиня - Викканская

Календарь включает в себя фазы луны, праздники и 12 изображений моих оригинальных картин.

Размер закрытого календаря: 21x21cm

Размер открытого календаря: 42x21cm

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Pagan calendar 2022


Reviews for "Unlock the Mysteries of Time with the Pagan Calendar for 2022"

1. John - 2/5 - I was disappointed with the "Pagan Calendar 2022". The illustrations and artwork were quite subpar compared to other calendars I've seen. The pages were thin and flimsy, so it felt like the calendar wouldn't hold up throughout the year. Additionally, I was expecting a more informative calendar with detailed explanations of the pagan holidays and traditions, but it lacked in that aspect as well. Overall, I found this calendar to be lacking in quality and substance.
2. Mary - 3/5 - While the "Pagan Calendar 2022" had some interesting information about pagan holidays and moon phases, I was let down by the aesthetics. The design felt uninspired and dated, and the fonts used were difficult to read. I was hoping for a more visually appealing calendar that would enhance my daily planning, but instead I found it to be rather dull and mundane. Although it served its purpose as a basic calendar with the necessary dates, I wouldn't recommend it to someone looking for a visually engaging pagan calendar experience.
3. David - 2/5 - I was excited to receive the "Pagan Calendar 2022", but unfortunately, it fell short of my expectations. The size of the calendar was smaller than I anticipated, making it difficult to read the text and see the illustrations clearly. The paper quality was also disappointing as it felt cheap and easily tore. Moreover, some of the dates and holidays were not accurately listed, which was frustrating. Overall, I found this calendar to be a letdown and I won't be purchasing it again in the future.

Explore the Deities of the Pagan Calendar for 2022

Create Sacred Spaces with the Pagan Calendar in 2022