The Witch's Toolbox: A Guide to Witchcraft Stores Near You

By admin

If you are interested in exploring the world of witchcraft, it can be helpful to find a witchcraft store near you. These stores cater to individuals looking for supplies, tools, and resources related to witchcraft and the occult. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a beginner, these stores can offer a wide range of products to support your spiritual journey. Witchcraft stores typically stock a variety of items, including herbs, candles, crystals, tarot cards, spell books, and ritual tools. These supplies can be used for various purposes such as spellcasting, divination, protection, healing, and manifestation. At these stores, you can also find items associated with specific traditions or paths within witchcraft, such as Wicca, Hoodoo, or Paganism.

Are Online Witchcraft Classes Legitimate?

Patti Wigington is a pagan author, educator, and licensed clergy. She is the author of Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch, Wicca Practical Magic and The Daily Spell Journal.

Updated on May 02, 2019

A reader says, I was thinking about taking an online class with a witchcraft school that will ordain me as a high priestess. Is it worth the money?

Another reader asks, There’s an online witchcraft school that has classes I could take, and I don’t know if the people running it are legit. What can I do?

This is a question we get a lot here at About Paganism/Wicca, and I’m going to break it down into a few parts so the answer is more manageable, because it’s not quite as cut and dried as “yes they’re legit” or “no you shouldn’t.” Also, everyone has a slightly different definition of what’s “legitimate” and what’s not, so there are multiple things you need to consider.

First of all, what information is being offered? We use to offer a free online Intro to Wicca class here at About, which is now available as a self-study guide, and I make no secret about the fact that the information that’s provided is all stuff that’s public knowledge. There are no esoteric, oathbound secrets being revealed. It’s all available elsewhere. This is why our class is free. You’re not getting anything from me that you couldn’t find on your own, but what you are getting is all of the information put into a coherent collection of things that you should know as you get started, in an easy-to-understand format.

The lesson plans in our study guide series, just like all the e-classes we've offered here, are based on articles I've written, which in turn are based on (a) commonly available information and (b) my personal experience, and (c) packaged into a easy-to-follow outline so that beginners know where to go next. If I were teaching these classes in person, I'd certainly expect to be compensated for my time, but it's an online class with an auto-send mailing feature. No reason to make anyone pay for entering their email address into a bar.

If someone is charging you for a class, that's fine, but you need to ask yourself what they are providing that you can't get elsewhere. If, for example, it's oathbound information that applies to their tradition, and their tradition only, certainly that's not something you could get somewhere else… but is it something you NEED? If you're expected to pay for someone to explain to you how to cast a circle and what goes on the altar, then you're spending money for no reason. That information is all out there, in a million different places, for free.

Also important - are they honest business people? Are they just going to take your money, shoot you an email with a list of books to read, and be done with you? What exactly do you get, in the form of instruction?

Second, if they’re offering you a certification of some sort, how will that benefit you? If you pay to earn a piece of paper that indicates you're a Third Degree Whatever of the Sacred Online Coven, what can you use it for? In many groups and covens, someone with a certification from another group – online or not – still starts at the beginning of the ladder.

If you're hoping that getting certification as a priestess will allow you to do certain things, such as perform handfastings and so on, that's going to vary a lot depending on which state you live in - a lot of states consider online ordinations to be worth no more than the paper that they're printed on. Which means, if you paid for this certification, it could be a very expensive piece of paper that has no real value to you at all.

In addition, one huge thing you miss out on with an online class is hands-on experience. You can stare at a screen all day long and answer questions on the tests they've emailed you, but until you've experienced magical energy yourself, you're not all the way, one hundred percent there. And having someone in person to guide you and offer suggestions and help goes a long way, but you don't always get that with online instruction.

All that being said, there's no reason you can't learn from a legitimate online class. There are some great people out there who have decades of knowledge to share in their particular traditions - you just have to decide (a) if they're teaching what you want to learn, and (b) if they're charging for it, are you really getting something worth paying for? I can’t recommend a specific class or teacher to you, because I personally don't take online classes - and it's not because I'm opposed to them, it's because I simply don't have the time. However, I can tell you that if you ask around for recommendations from people you trust, eventually you’ll start hearing the same names over and over.

Also keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with someone charging a fee for an online class - if they've taken the time to put together information for a useful curriculum, then certainly, there's no reason they shouldn't be compensated. What you have to decide is whether the return on your investment has any value to you or not.

So here's what I would suggest. First, try out a few online classes that are free. See what you get. Figure out if they're worth the time you're spending on them, or if it's just the same old information being recycled over and over again. After you’ve tried the free ones, start asking people in the Pagan community about their own experiences with different online courses that cost them money. You’ll get a wide variety of answers, for sure, but that should help you weed out the ones you want to avoid.

Second, do some exploring on your own. There are a million pages about Paganism and witchcraft on the Internet, and we all have information presented in different ways. I tend to take a more casual and less formal approach, while some people are very ceremonial and structured. That doesn’t make one of us more or less legitimate than others, it just means we do things differently. Figure out what works best for your learning style.

Finally, if you've got a metaphysical or Pagan shop near you, see if they offer beginner classes, or even just open fellowship type events. Even if you have to pay for them you'll get a lot more out of an in-person experience than you will from clicking the buttons on your mouse. By combining self-education with online learning and in person experience, you'll get the best of everything.

Learning to Walk the Witch's Web - Weekly Online Free Seeker's Class

Join us on our Youtube Page @AquarianTabernacleChurch live every Monday at 5PM PST, with Lady Belladonna LaVeau APs & Lady Lola Stardust HPs!

"Walking the Witch's Web - Seeker Class" is an engaging and informative online live YouTube show tailored for seekers interested in exploring the path of witchcraft. Led by knowledgeable and experienced practitioners, this free interactive show aims to provide guidance, education, and community support for those beginning their journey into witchcraft.

Through a series of live episodes, "Walking the Witch's Web" covers various fundamental topics essential to seekers. The show delves into foundational concepts such as understanding witchcraft traditions, exploring different magical practices, developing intuitive abilities, and cultivating a personal spiritual practice.

Each episode offers a rich blend of discussions, practical exercises, and Q&A sessions, allowing viewers to actively participate and gain valuable insights. Seekers are encouraged to interact with the hosts and fellow viewers, fostering a sense of community and connection within the witchcraft community.

"Walking the Witch's Web - Seeker Class" provides a safe and inclusive space for seekers to learn, share experiences, and receive guidance from experienced practitioners. By offering this free online platform, the show aims to empower seekers on their path, demystify witchcraft, and nurture a strong foundation for their spiritual growth.

Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to deepen your knowledge and embark on a transformative journey into witchcraft. Tune in to "Walking the Witch's Web - Seeker Class" on YouTube and join the vibrant community of seekers as you explore the magical realms of witchcraft.

Our Courses

Welcome to Magicka School. Our courses are written to provide magical training you can trust, based on thirty years of experience and an academic level of research written in an accessible and friendly style.

As a registered student, you will receive the following courses, each lesson released monthly during your studies:

  • Wicca Revealed – 12 month course
  • Wicca Advanced – 12 month course
  • Alchemy Workshop – 6 week course
  • Spellcrafting – 6 month course
  • Beginner’s Tarot – 12 month course
  • Advanced Tarot – 12 month course
  • Magickal Herbal Compleat – 12 month course [see our free Herbal Studies reading list here]
  • Mystery Schools 101 – 4 month course
  • Ancient Egyptian Magick – 4 month course [See our free Ancient Egyptian Magick Reading list here]
  • Dragon Magic Course by Steph Engert – 6 week course NEW!
  • Nature Magic – COMING 2020/21
  • Introduction to Kabbalah – Currently being revised

Each of our in-depth lessons is between 7-11,000 words long and is released to you online every month for every course in which you enrol.

Before taking the next lesson you sit an online test to measure your progress. If you average at least 65%-75% (depending on the course) over the whole course you will qualify for our Magicka School Certificates which we provide absolutely free of charge.

On successful completion of the courses you will have the knowledge and skills of most First-Second Degree witches and general tarot readers.

You will have access to the first lesson of EVERY course as soon as you join, so you can quickly see the depth of materials in every course ahead of you.

Wicca Revealed Course Outline

A detailed discussion about Wiccan beliefs and practices in general, including: What is a witch? What is Wicca?
Wiccan beliefs, a history of modern Pagan Witchcraft, a breakdown of Wiccan traditions available today. A research project on traditions to independently complete. An introduction to meditations, the importance of grounding energy, how to invoke and banish a pentagram, meditating on the pentagram. An introduction to the use of a Book of Shadows. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

A detailed discussion of Wiccan attitudes to deity including: The Goddess and God of the Witches, the Wheel of the Year, the Vangelo Delle Streghe, an analysis of the Wiccan creation myth, female deity, male deity, various goddesses and gods. A research project on goddesses and gods to independently complete. Stress release meditation, the importance of cleansing space for magical working, the structure of a spell, a first spell. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

Ceremonial basics, including: Setting up sacred space, casting a circle, opening and closing ceremonies, Angelology, Drawing down the Moon, the Witches’ Rune, cakes and ale. Ceremonies for solitaries and covens or families. A research project on opening ceremonies to independently complete. The importance of exercise, diet and health to magical work. Initial exercises to develop the will based on concentration and the five physical senses. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

Wiccan tools of the trade, including: A detailed breakdown of witches’ tools and their uses, ritual garb, how to make your own tools and ceremonial clothing. A research project on magical tools to independently complete. Candle magic and projecting consciousness. Fostering the light within, an introduction to consciousness projection and tools. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

An introduction to Magic, including: What is magic? Magic in history, High and Low Magic, a discussion of magical theory, the goals of magic, basic techniques, ways to make magic, the three fold law of return. A ten point magical key. A research project on setting magical goals to independently complete. The energy of life, other ways to see reality, using the senses in visualisation work. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

Esbat preparation, including: Definition of an Esbat, ritual and structure. Suggestions for covens or family Esbats, some Wiccan games. The cycle of the Moon, the Moon in history and religion, Luna deities, working magic in tune with the Moon’s phases, the Moon in High and Low magic, the Moon and Astrology and how to use this knowledge in magic. A research project to independently complete. The Aura, how to sense it and manipulate it. The Aura and healing work. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

The Lesser Sabbats, Part One, the Solstices, including: The Midsummer and Midwinter Solstice, a discussion of their importance and history, related goddesses and gods, suggested ceremonies for solitaries, covens and families. A special section on how to make the solstice seasons special. A research project on solstice celebrations to independently complete. How to make herbal charms. Areas of life and associated herbs, colours and their properties. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

The Lesser Sabbats, Part Two, the Equinoxes, including: The Spring and Autumn Equinox, a discussion of their importance and history, related goddesses and gods, suggested ceremonies for solitaries, ideas for covens and family rituals. A research project on local equinox celebrations and events to independently complete. Developing intuition. An introduction to Psychometry. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

The Greater Sabbats, Part One, including: Imbolg, a discussion of its importance and history, related goddesses and gods, a suggested ceremony. Beltane, a discussion of its importance and history, related goddesses and gods, a suggested ceremony. A research project to independently complete. An introduction to ritual bathing and the uses of herbs and essential oils. An introduction to the chakras and using colour visualisation to create physical, mental and spiritual balance. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

The Greater Sabbats, Part Two, including: Lughnasadh and Celtic beliefs, the first harvest, the figures of Lugh and John Barleycorn, a suggested ceremony. Samhain and Celtic beliefs, honouring the dead, Celtic divination, a suggested ceremony. Choosing a Craft name. New meditations and magical exercises to try. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

An introduction to the Theory of Levels, including: Theories based on the Kabbalah, a discussion of the views of Jung and Assagioli, nineteenth century thought and the theories of Dion Fortune, the scientific perspective, entities on the higher planes, steps to travelling on the higher planes, a detailed breakdown of terminology. A research project to independently complete. New meditations and magical exercises to try. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

Self-dedication, initiation and some final thoughts, including: choices to be made, dedication and initiation, preparation, dedication and initiation ceremonies, controversial issues around initiation. A research project to independently complete. New meditations and magical exercises to try. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

Advanced Wicca Course Outline

Divination. A detailed discussion of what it is and how it works. Methods of divination explained: the Tarot, Palmistry, skrying, runes, pendulums, the I Ching etc. A research project on divination to independently complete. Further grounding work. Invocations and spells to use before divination. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

Celebrating the cycle of life. A detailed discussion of birth, marriage and funeral rites as well as suggested ceremonies for Wiccaning, Handfasting and funerals. A discussion about reincarnation and the Afterlife. A research project on rites and celebrations to independently complete. Past Life recollection exercises. Spellwork for happiness and success. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

Herbal healing and magic. Herbs and Astrology, planets and associated plants, herbs and Star Signs, parts of the body and herbal, planetary and Star Sign correspondences. Different herbal preparations explained. Detailed guide to herbs and their magical and healing properties. A research project on creating a herbal and a herb garden to independently complete. Using herbs in ritual baths, herbs for incense and spell work. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

Furthering magical practice. Including: more magical theory, the powers of the Sphinx, sex magic, construction and use of talsimans and amulets, poppets and wax images, evocation of spirits and magic of contagion. Consecration of items used in magical work A research project to independently complete on the timing of magical work. Invoking and banishing a variety of pentagrams, how these can be used in various types of magic. An opportunitty to review magical practice A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

The Kabbalah and Wicca. The importance of the Kabbalah in working effective magic. The Sephiroth and the Paths. How the Kabbalah can be used by witches to provide a structure to their magical practice and improve upon their skills. How to build up correspondences. How to use the Tree in meditation. Correspondence research leads. Designing your own Tree. Key magical texts to re-examine in light of the Kabbalah. An end blessing.

How to travel on the planes of existence. Discussion of methodologies and practical exercises. Using the Kabbalah as a guide, issues of protection, knowledge of spirit guides and the Holy Guardian Angel, Kabbalistic meditation work. Creating a Simulacrum, exploring the Astral Plane in a Simulacrum. The planes of existence and the spectrum of consciousness. A research project on Astral travel to independently complete. New relaxation meditations and magical exercises to carry out. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

Astrology: Houses, Planets and Star Signs. The history of Astrology, the basic astrological framework, combining planets, Signs and Houses. The seven major Aspects. Preliminary calculations to create a natal chart. A research project based on the Signs and planets to independently complete. Planets and the goddesses and gods, an introduction to Planetary Spirits. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

Astrology Two: Completing the calculations for a natal chart. Working out Aspects and their definitions. How to interpret a natal chart. A research project on creating a birth chart to independently complete. The construction of Planetary Squares and sigils, using planetary squares to construct talismans. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

Crystal craft. How it aids magical work, crystals and healing, scientific view points. A research project to independently complete. New meditations and magical exercises to carry out. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

Setting up and running a coven; a detailed guide. Including: choosing individuals, giving the coven a structure, practical hints and tips on the day to day running. A research project to independently complete. New meditations and magical exercises to carry out. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

Further rites and rituals, designing your own rituals, handy hints and tips. A research project to independently complete. New meditations and magical exercises to carry out. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

Healing skills and various therapeutic techniques. Circulating energy, using the chakras and the aura to balance energies in others. The third eye and its uses in healing. A research project to independently complete. An introduction to meditations and magical exercises to try. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

Second Degree self-initiation. Second Degree responsibilities. Serving the community. A research project to independently complete. New meditations and magical exercises to carry out. A reading list to further your studies. An end blessing.

Beginner’s Tarot Course Outline

Detailed advice about choosing a Tarot. A comprehensive breakdown of the imagery and meaning of The Fool and The Magician cards. A research project to independently complete. Two Tarot based meditations to try. A reading list to further your studies.

An introductory history of the Tarot. A comprehensive breakdown of the imagery and meaning of The High Priestess and Empress cards. A research project to independently complete. Two new Tarot based meditations to try. A reading list to further your studies.

An introduction to the Kabbalah and the Tarot. A comprehensive breakdown of the imagery and meaning of The Emperor and The Hierophant cards. A research project to independently complete. Two new Tarot based meditations to try. A reading list to further your studies.

An introduction to astrology and the Tarot. A comprehensive breakdown of the imagery and meaning of The Lovers and The Chariot cards. A research project to independently complete. Two new Tarot based meditations to try. A reading list to further your studies.

An introduction to psychology and the Tarot. A comprehensive breakdown of the imagery and meaning of the Strength and Hermit cards. A research project to independently complete. Two new Tarot based meditations to try. A reading list to further your studies.

An introduction to High Magic and the Tarot. A comprehensive breakdown of the imagery and meaning of The Wheel of Fortune and Justice cards. A research project to independently complete. Two new Tarot based meditations to try. A reading list to further your studies.

A lesson on examining symbols in the Tarot. A comprehensive breakdown of the imagery and meaning of The Hanged Man and Death cards. A research project to independently complete. Two new Tarot based meditations to try. A reading list to further your studies.

An introduction to divination and the Tarot. A comprehensive breakdown of the imagery and meaning of the Temperance and Devil cards. A research project to independently complete. Two new Tarot based meditations to try. A reading list to further your studies.

A variety of useful tables. A comprehensive breakdown of the imagery and meaning of The Tower and The Star cards. A research project to independently complete. Two new Tarot based meditations to try. A reading list to further your studies.

Course conclusion. A comprehensive breakdown of the imagery and meaning of The Moon, The Sun, Judgement and The World cards. A research project to independently complete. Two new Tarot based meditations to try. A reading list to further your studies.

Advanced Tarot Course Outline

A detailed advanced history of the Tarot from its origins to the present day. A research project to independently complete. Two Tarot based meditations and exercises to try. A reading list to help further your studies.

The History of the Kabbalah, its importance in occult philosophy and how it came to be incorporated in the Tarot of the Golden Dawn and other Golden Dawn influenced packs. How the Kabbalah relates to the Major Arcana. A research project to independently complete. Two Tarot based meditations and exercises to try. A reading list to help further your studies.

The Sephiroth, the holy formula of Tetragrammaton, the four Kabbalistic Worlds and the Minor Arcana, Kabbalistic colour schemes and the Tarot. A research project to independently complete. Two Tarot based meditations and exercises to try. A reading list to help further your studies.

A detailed discussion of Kabbalistic symbolism in Golden Dawn influenced Tarots looking in particular at the Rider Waite (Waite/Smith) and Crowley Thoth decks. A research project to independently complete. Two Tarot based meditations and exercises to try. A reading list to help further your studies.

Astrology and the Major Arcana. Planets, signs and houses, quadriplicities and triplicities, the card attributions, symbolic clues. The ordering of the Major Arcana and surrounding controversies. A research project to independently complete. Two Tarot based meditations and exercises to try. A reading list to help further your studies.

Astrology and the Minor Arcana, the titles of the court and small cards, how to work them out using astrological information. Relating the cards to astrology and the Kabbalah. Controversy over the court card names. A research project to independently complete. Two Tarot based meditations and exercises to try. A reading list to help further your studies.

Divination, advanced Tarot spreads, developing a Tarot practice, how divination works. A research project to independently complete. Two Tarot based meditations and exercises to try. A reading list to help further your studies.

Alchemy and the Tarot. Comparing alchemical and Tarot art work. Alchemical interpretation of the cards. A research project to independently complete. Two Tarot based meditations and exercises to try. A reading list to help further your studies.

General advanced symbolism in the Tarot. A research project to independently complete. Two Tarot based meditations and exercises to try. A reading list to help further your studies.

Some advanced technical considerations, useful tables and diagrams. A research project to independently complete. Two Tarot based meditations and exercises to try. A reading list to help further your studies.

At these stores, you can also find items associated with specific traditions or paths within witchcraft, such as Wicca, Hoodoo, or Paganism. Furthermore, many witchcraft stores provide a sense of community by hosting workshops, classes, and events. These gatherings offer opportunities to learn from experienced practitioners, explore different aspects of witchcraft, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Witch craft stores nead me

Whether you are interested in learning about herbalism, tarot reading, energy healing, or spellcasting, these stores often have knowledgeable staff who can guide you on your path. To find a witchcraft store near you, you can search online directories or use social media platforms to connect with local communities. Many cities and towns have at least one store dedicated to witchcraft and occult practices, while others may have multiple options to choose from. It is beneficial to visit these stores in person as they often have unique and specialized products that may not be easily available elsewhere. While exploring witchcraft stores, it is essential to approach your journey with an open mind and respect for different traditions and practices. Witchcraft is a diverse and multifaceted path, so take the time to learn about different traditions and find what resonates with you. Additionally, it is important to remember that witchcraft stores are not only for practitioners but also for those curious about the craft and eager to learn. In conclusion, finding a witchcraft store near you can provide a range of resources, tools, and community for individuals interested in exploring witchcraft and the occult. These stores offer an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, learn from experienced practitioners, and access specialized supplies. Remember to approach your journey with respect and an open mind, allowing yourself to explore and discover what resonates with you..

Reviews for "Crystals, Tarot, and More: Exploring Nearby Witchcraft Stores"

1. Susan - 2 stars - I was really excited to visit a witchcraft store near me, but this one was a huge disappointment. The store was incredibly disorganized and chaotic, making it difficult to find anything I was looking for. The staff seemed uninterested and unfriendly, which only added to my frustration. The variety of products they had was limited and seemed overpriced. Overall, not a pleasant experience and I won't be returning.
2. Mark - 1 star - I was hoping to find a genuine witchcraft store near me, but this place was a joke. The atmosphere was tacky and felt more like a tourist trap than a legitimate store. The products they had were cheaply made and of poor quality. I had to wait a long time for assistance because the staff seemed overwhelmed and understaffed. I left empty-handed and highly disappointed.
3. Emily - 2 stars - As someone who has been practicing witchcraft for years, I was excited to find a witchcraft store near me. However, this store left much to be desired. The selection of items was lacking, with many essential tools missing or out of stock. The staff didn't seem knowledgeable or passionate about witchcraft, which was a letdown. The prices were also quite high for the quality of products they offered. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this store to serious practitioners of witchcraft.
4. Brian - 1 star - This witchcraft store near me was a complete waste of time. The selection was extremely limited, and it felt like they were catering more to the "witchy" trend rather than providing authentic and useful products. The staff seemed clueless about the items they were selling, and their customer service was non-existent. I walked out of the store feeling frustrated and with a sense of regret for even stepping foot in there. Don't bother visiting this place if you're serious about witchcraft.

Witchcraft Shopping Made Easy: Navigating Your Local Options

Tap into the Mystical: Locating Witchcraft Stores in Your Area