Unraveling the signs of a kitchen witch: Is cooking your magic?

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If you find yourself fascinated by nature and its undeniable connection to the spiritual realm, you might be a witch. Witches often have an uncanny ability to connect with the natural world and perceive the underlying energy that flows through everything. You might have a strong intuition that guides your decisions and actions. Your gut feelings are often accurate, and you rely on them to navigate through life. This heightened intuition is a common trait among witches and is often seen as a sign of their magical abilities. If you find yourself drawn to ancient wisdom and traditions, you might be a witch.

Witches know the properties of the earth’s stones and charge them with — among other things — healing, love, abundance and protective benefits, and are often wearing their special stones in jewelry.

it s just something that happens when people come over to visit your home or office space that s not really necessary but somehow seems like it would be rude not to offer up such information anyway. Keep in mind though, if you have the last three frequently, you may want to look into your house possibly being haunted, you having an unwanted spiritual attachment or an entity REALLY needing your attention.

Signs youre a witch

If you find yourself drawn to ancient wisdom and traditions, you might be a witch. Witches often have a deep respect for the practices and beliefs of their ancestors. They seek knowledge from old texts, honor the cycles of the moon, and incorporate rituals and ceremonies into their daily lives.

17 Signs You Have A Calling To Witchcraft And Magick

Let me reiterate: this doesn’t mean you love every human on the planet (hence the almost). It simply means you have an appreciation for everything here and it’s role in making the world go round. Witches are commonly shown with gardens and animals (also called Familiars, depending on the context and who you ask) because they have a strong connection to nature and all that resides in nature.

While we’re on this topic…

2. You Have a Familiar

The ideas of Familiars have been around for about as long as witchcraft and witches themselves. Romans believed Familiars protected their family from harm, Shamans believe Familiars are “thought-form” entities rather than physical creatures, and modern witches and magick practitioners view their Familiars as aides in their magickal workings, companions and guardians (which is what Familiars originally started as). The idea of a demonic Familiar is thought to have begun in Medieval and early Modern periods when witch hunts were especially prevalent. So probably around the same time (if not the same time) the Malleus Maleficarum was published.

3. You Can Interact with the Dead and Other Entities

I know this sounds incredibly cliche, but it’s a major point. You probably can’t hold actual conversations with your dead Aunt Sally as if she were alive, but you can receive messages from the departed in the form of dreams, mental images, smells, feelings, sounds, etc. Receiving messages from the beyond isn’t nearly as dramatic as movies and shows make it seem, so don’t expect to be a pro at this right off the bat. It takes a lot of training your Third Eye, patience and dedication. That’s not to say you don’t have a fairly tuned Third Eye from the get go; you very well may.

4. You’re in Tune with the Moon Cycles

Many witches say their moods shift with the changing moon cycles; maybe that’s why people are said to get crazy during full moons? The moon is heavily symbolic of the Mother Goddess, who is symbolic of love, fertility, death, mystery, passion, and much more. Witches who are in tune with the moon say they feel an almost magnetic pull towards the moon; especially during the full moon and new moon.

5. You Have a Passion for Natural Living

Essential oils, homegrown foods, healing crystals, meditation, you love it all. You try your hardest to avoid all the processed shit floating around today’s supermarkets and restaurants. You also try to avoid getting involved in the soul-sucking embrace of social media and materialism.

6. You Feel at One with Nature

A creek, a meadow, some bouncing bunnies, and your Familiar are all you need to be at total peace with everything in the world. You can feel your soul singing whenever you get to experience the unending beauty of Mother Nature herself.

7. You’re an Empath

An Empath is someone who can feel and experience the emotions of others as if they were their own. If you want to know more about Empaths, check out my other article “9 Signs You’re an Empath” on Thought Catalog.

8. You Have a Passion Towards Helping and Healing

Many witches choose to put their gift to use by becoming natural healers, alternative medicine practitioners, and normal doctors. A witch’s greatest gift if their ability to help not only the people around them but the world as a whole.

9. You Feel Change with Each Season

Have you ever noticed how each season has a distinct feeling? A distinct smell? *Obviously* a distinct look? You can feel all the subtle and drastic changes each season brings, and you love them all (or at least appreciate them). Some witches even suffer from seasonal mood and personality changes.

10. Children and Animals are Drawn to You

A lot of people say children and animals are drawn to them, it doesn’t automatically make them a witch though. But what it does mean is there’s something special about them. Keep in mind, this doesn’t include children and animals you see on a regular basis that are drawn to you from familiarity. I mean random children or animals staring at you and/or approaching you for no reason whatsoever. You know, those kids and animals that make you stop and say “why the fudgenutters are they staring at me?!”. Children and animals are pure beings, they don’t have people constantly questioning their reality and everything else under the sun. This is most likely why they can see spirits and auras better than older kids and adults. Their spiritual side hasn’t been suppressed.

11. You Love the Dark (Or Are Terrified of It)

I know what you’re thinking: “how could both loving OR hating be a sign??” well, it comes down to how aware you are of your spiritual gifts, how well you can control them, and your beliefs in general. One of the great things about being a witch in many cases is forming your own beliefs about the world based on experience and the type of magick you practice. Some witches follow a path with established beliefs like Wicca, Shamanism, Heathenry (sometimes), Vodou, Druidism, and any other branch of Paganism or whatever else. Likewise, some follow their own path and forge their own beliefs (this is what I do, it’s called Eclectic Witchcraft). Naturally, this leads to many opinions on darkness and what it means. Some believe the darkness is nothing to be feared but rather embraced, others feel darkness represents negativity and evil. It all depends on your views.

Another thing that makes hating or fearing the darkness a sign you’re a witch (or at least spiritually sensitive) is being unaware you have spiritual gifts. Night is known for holding the Witching Hour (12am – 3:03am in my opinion. Some say it’s only from 12am – 1am, others 3am – 4am), which is basically when paranormal activity reaches its peak. For someone who is unaware of their gift, doesn’t know how to control it, or is scared of it… this can present some problems like nightmares, night terrors, sleep paralysis, feelings of being watched, moving objects, voices, etc. Keep in mind though, if you have the last three frequently, you may want to look into your house possibly being haunted, you having an unwanted spiritual attachment or an entity REALLY needing your attention. I don’t recommend interacting with anything until you’ve learned to understand your gifts and protect yourself though, so leave it be.

Note: You could also just have anxiety. Don’t confuse spirits and such with anxiety. Focus on your feelings, and you’ll know which is which.

12. You Feel Drawn to the Elements

Water, air, fire, earth, and spirit. You don’t have to love them all, in fact, you probably only have a true affinity for one or two of them; for me, that’s water. It’s hard to describe, but you’ll know which element you’re truly connected to. Coming into contact with it feels like electric jolts and warm fuzzy tingles of ecstasy all over your body. It makes you happy. It makes you feel safe. You feel a genuine connection and emotion radiating from it. You can see yourself in that element. For me, water is beautiful, but nothing to be trifled with. Many people love it, but many also hate it. It feels very feminine (don’t ask how, cause I don’t know) and motherly. It’s also extremely intense and emotional.

Just out of curiosity, I just looked up what the element water is associated with. Here are my findings, courtesy of Astrology.

“Water signs are intuitive and sensitive, and they feel more intensely than the rest. They are emotional and nurturing, and like a river, they run deep. How things feel is what matters to these folks, and they base their actions on sense, rather than on logic or intellect. Water is also about compassion and understanding, since the receptive talents of these individuals are remarkably high. Water sign people can take in the feelings of others, process them, and put forth a plan or solution that will be conscientious to all.

Those graced by Water love to take their sense of the world and translate it into the artistic. They desire aesthetic beauty — and for everyone to be happy as a result of that beauty. Much like still water can become stagnant, however, an inactive Water sign person is not at their best. Water signs feel most fulfilled when they are helping others, and they do so in an enchanting, considerate and even romantic way.

The flip side of this dreamy Water world is the tendency of these individuals to brood. Water signs are susceptible to mood swings, and at their worst, they could become self-indulgent, controlling and hostage to a fantasy world. This also brings up the ability of these folks to see things more clearly than others. Call it psychic, if you will.

Water is emotional, empathetic, receptive and feels things deeply. Alternately calm like the sea or possessing the force of torrential rain, the emotions brought forth by this element are plentiful, indeed.”

Wow. I couldn’t have explained that better. I am not a water sign, but I feel it still explains it perfectly anyway. Thank you, astrology.com.

13. You Can Be Superstitious

You know all too well karma and potentially sticky situations are nothing to mess around with. You may not be throwing salt over your shoulder every five minutes, but you have your moments where superstition plays a pretty big role in your life. Let’s hope it keeps you safe, happy and prosperous. *knocks on wood*

14. Mirrors Can Make You Uncomfortable

This is one I experience a lot. It’s fine if it’s daytime and I am walking through a store or something, or if I go to the bathroom during the day. But mirrors and night time just… nope. I want no part of that. In case you were wondering why this nocturnal mirror-phobia is a thing, it is because mirrors are said to be doorways or “portals” to other dimensions and/or planes of existence. So next time you look in a mirror at night, just know something may be looking back at you.

…I just gave myself major chills thinking of that.

15. You Experience Psychic Phenomenon

Dreams coming true, accurate premonitions, seemingly reading the thoughts of others, moving stuff with your mind… you’ve experienced it (okay, maybe not the last one. But if you have, I am damn jealous). But for real though, most people think psychic phenomenon only applies to talking to spirits; but it’s seriously much more than that. Everything from having a dream happen in real life, to predicting the next card drawn during a game of Uno is considered psychic ability. Me personally, I have gotten some very minor predictions right (and A LOT wrong) and have had multiple dreams happen in my waking life. It’s a helpful gift. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

16. You Are Obsessed with the Paranormal, Supernatural, Myths, Legends, etc.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Can I get a “Hell yeah!” for this one?! This one doesn’t need too much explaining, as it’s pretty self-explanatory.

17. You Feel Drawn to Specific Colors

Colors have different meanings. Black can mean negativity (depending on who you ask… for me, black is a happy color), red can mean passion or anger, pink can be love or shyness, you get the idea. Either way, if you find yourself particularly drawn to a specific color, it may have a meaning. It could be a peek into your aura color(s), or it could simply be a color that expresses your emotions and personality at the moment.

There are many things that could mean you have a calling a witch. I am sure each of you saw at least one of these qualities in yourselves, and if not, then I hope you enjoyed anyway! No matter how many lists and articles you read online, it is ultimately up to you to decide what you consider yourself to be. Being a witch isn’t about gaining attention, being “cool” or trying to impress people; it’s about following a spiritual path towards happiness, purpose, healing and helping yourself those around you. Being a witch is one of the greatest things in my life, it brings me so much empowerment and joy knowing I can truly bring forth the reality I want with a little witchy work. This doesn’t mean I or any other witch can drastically change anything, it’s about using your energy to bring what you want into your life. They say you attract what you put out, well, witches know this and they use this to the best of their abilities.

Just remember, the Rule of 3/karma is very real. This goes for everything in life, not just magick. If you do something bad, it will catch up to you. If you do something good, you will be rewarded. It may not happen until the day you die, but it will catch up. So please, do not use black magick or do anything to harm others. It’s not cool, it’s not fun, and even if it is deserved… karma doesn’t look at it that way. She will punish you for it. If you prefer the Rule of 3 (Rule of 3 states every good or bad thing comes back to you times 3… so 3x as good or bad), then that’s even better or worse depending on your choices.

Well, my little spookies! That brings us to the end of the list. How many of these signs do you see in yourself or someone you know? What’s your opinion on witches and witchcraft? Do you believe in the paranormal? Let me know in the comments below!

You do not run with big crowds; you are a bit more of a sensitive but powerful lone wolf; you need a lot of time to think, dream, recharge, and commune with Source — Nature/The Universe/The Goddess.
Signs youre a witch

Witches are often highly empathetic individuals. They can easily pick up on the emotions and energies of others, making them natural healers and nurturers. If you find yourself taking on the emotional burden of those around you and feeling a strong desire to help and heal, you might have the heart of a witch. A strong connection to the elements is another sign that you might be a witch. Witches often feel a deep affinity with the earth, water, air, and fire. They find solace and inspiration in nature and can harness the power of the elements for their magical practices. Dreams and symbols hold particular significance for witches. If you often have vivid dreams that feel like messages or foresee future events, you might be tapping into your innate mystical abilities. Witches often have a heightened ability to interpret signs and symbols, understanding their deeper meanings and messages. Witches also tend to have a penchant for energy work and magic. They find solace and power in rituals, spells, and incantations that allow them to shape and influence the world around them. If you have an affinity for working with candles, crystals, herbs, and other tools of magic, you might have the soul of a witch. Lastly, if you feel a deep calling within yourself, a knowing that there is something more to this world and your role in it, you might be a witch. Witches often have a sense of purpose and a desire to bring about positive change in the world. They feel a strong connection to the divine and strive to live in alignment with their higher selves. Being a witch is not about casting spells or flying on brooms. It is about embracing your own unique power, connecting with nature, and living in harmony with the world around you. If these signs resonate with you, it might be time to explore and embrace your own witchy nature..

Reviews for "Zodiac signs and witchy connections: Discover your magical traits"

- David - 1 star - I found "Signs You're a Witch" to be a complete waste of time. The content was incredibly basic and repetitive, and it felt like the author was just trying to fill pages with vague and generic information. There was nothing unique or insightful about the book, and it didn't offer any practical advice or guidance for those interested in exploring witchcraft. Overall, I was extremely disappointed with this book and would not recommend it to anyone looking for a comprehensive and informative guide on the topic.
- Sarah - 2 stars - I had high hopes for "Signs You're a Witch," but unfortunately, it didn't live up to my expectations. The writing style was dry and lacked any sort of engaging storytelling, making it difficult to stay interested in the book. Additionally, I found the information to be too elementary, as if it was aimed at someone who had never heard of witchcraft before. I was hoping for more depth and nuance, but instead, I was left feeling unsatisfied and underwhelmed.
- Michael - 1 star - I regret purchasing "Signs You're a Witch" as it turned out to be a poorly researched and superficial book. The author seemed more interested in capitalizing on the current trend of witchcraft rather than providing meaningful content. The information provided lacked substance and was often filled with inaccuracies. I would advise anyone interested in the subject to look elsewhere for a more comprehensive and well-written book on witchcraft. This one simply does not deliver on its promises.
- Emma - 2 stars - "Signs You're a Witch" felt like a missed opportunity. While the concept seemed promising, the execution fell flat. The book lacked clear organization and failed to explore the topic in depth. The author glossed over important aspects of witchcraft and instead focused on trivial and arbitrary signs. It left me feeling confused and disappointed, as I was hoping for a more informative and insightful read. Overall, I would not recommend this book to those looking for a genuine understanding of witchcraft.

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