The Occult righteye flounder: A Creature Beyond Imagination

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The occult righteye flounder, scientific name Bothus occultus, is a species of flatfish that belongs to the family Bothidae. This unique flatfish is a master of camouflage, blending seamlessly into its surroundings with its intricate skin patterns and coloration. As its name suggests, the occult righteye flounder has both eyes on the right side of its body, a characteristic shared by all flounders. This species can be found in the Pacific Ocean, specifically around the coasts of California and Baja California. It prefers sandy or muddy bottoms, where it can bury itself partially to hide from potential predators and prey. The occult righteye flounder feeds primarily on small invertebrates, such as worms and crustaceans, which it ambushes using its incredibly quick lunging and gulping movements.

Blood magic spells 5e

Druidic blood spells use the life force of a sacrificed animal to create new life or heal and is one of the ways I have been thinking of to make druid magic different from clerics and magic users. It could be compared with Dark Sun defiling but druids wouldn't do that, even evil ones. The reason is simple- druids draw their power from nature and can be seen as those who worship it and those who use it. Even those who use the power to their own ends see that destruction of nature will only bring themselves to ruin.

So, druid blood magic is a method of transfering life energy from one place to another. If all life energy is the same, from that of humans to that of dragons and beholder, then monster hunting will become an important part of druidic life. Monsters that disrupt the natural world can be used as a resource to restore the flow. If you are planning on using this version, I suggest adding Sleep as a second or third level spell and a Greater Sleep spell at 6th (it affects five times as many creatures as the basic spell) to the druid list. It could also be used to create life from clay. Sculpt the desired creature and then use living blood to turn it into flesh or vegetation. Or use it to animate golems or other constructs. In this case I would use B/X type golems, those without the immunity to most spells. Constructs made of stone, wood, soil, water, sunlight, moonlight and ice are the most common but anything from the natural world is possible.

If life energy differs, then druids may avoid slaying monsters in the wilds unless it is unavoidable. They may capture them and contain the energy in stones or bodies of water and hope that the energy never escapes. The container will change over time, becoming more and more corrupted with the energy and physically change. It may even be a handy body for a golem, using monstrous energy against monsters. Druid magic should not only include Sleep and variants but Domination spells. The latter allow the casters to ensure the monsters obey them and make it easy to get said monsters to the container's location. If the energy can not be contained, then the druids may redirect monsters into wastelands or, rarely, cities so that their energies taint as little of the growing world as possible.

And then there is the druids that use natural death as a source of energy. Many gain the most power in fall as plants die back and the frosts kill off some animals. Others live in cities, at least for a time, and those who die from disease, old age and violence give the druid what they want. If it is at all possible, the storage of this energy would be in amulets druids wear at all times. If the energy can not be stored, the druid will have to find places where the dying congregate.

There are several spells that I would use with bloog magic beyond those in the article. Create Treant is like Changestaff but creates a permanent, intelligent creature. Destroy Undead I-IV (levels 4-7) use the life energy not only to kill increasingly powerful undead, but also to turn corporeal undead bodies into vegetation and incorporeal undead into healing energy and in both cases, remove the taint, if any, they caused. End Curse is a much more powerful version of Remove Curse as it is meant for locations rather than people and objects. It allows the Evil Forest to return to its precursed state. I wonder why druids didn't get Remove Curse in 1e?

Some questions that the GM will have to answer before using any version of blood magic: do plants have any significant amounts of life energy? do levels and hit points matter or is it based on size, constitution, species and/or intelligence? does including a sacrifice increase the power of existing spells? if so which spells can be affected and how*? can life energy be used to create new life? can it be used to alter existing life? and can it be used to revive the dead?

*Personally I would include Plant Growth, Animal Growth, Entangle and similar spells. Use of blood magic may even be helpful in Summon Insects and Insect Plague as the magic causes the insects to go through a form of mitosis (splitting into multiple adults, thus increasing the size of the swarm).

Blood Magic

Blood Magic is an arcane domain that crosses lines with necromancy, but is far more insidious in its effect on the world. It is sometimes referred to as "defiling magic" as it pulls from life itself, consuming it with the casting of spells. This life may be pulled from living beings, and works best when pulled from sentient creatures. However, in lieu of this, it may pull from the land itself, destroying large swaths of flora (and fauna) in a region, depending upon how powerful a spell is cast. Blood magic was popularized by The Sanguine Order of blood mages who were instrumental in the cataclysmic war known as The Sundering. As a result of The Sundering, blood magic is illegal in Hariel Majour. There, the order known as Hex Chain is primarily tasked with policing magic and routing out blood mages in hiding. In Hariel Minuta, where the colleges of magic thrive, blood magic is still frowned upon (and not formally taught in any school), but its practitioners are not fully outlawed. It is assumed that the city of Sage harbors a number of blood mages, not the least of which being The Boorka (who, to be fair, have never been proven to use blood magic). The only land where blood magic is common in on the western coast of Golthien, in the lands of Lentokk. So great is the Lentokki commitment to defiling magic that the lands, even those far beyond their territories, have withered and suffered (often making the earth unsuitable for vegetation). The ultimate defilers are, of course, The Lentokki God Kings. It is even speculated that the rampant volcanic activity of the eastern continent is largely due to the practice of blood magic. It certainly is a major tool used in the creation of the Deepening Pits that pock the lands of Lentokk.


Defiling magic is always used to create situations, agency or manifestations against the natural order. In game terms, this involves the enhancement of certain spells (mostly necromancy, but often summoning) past their written effects. The power levels are variable, depending upon the "fullness" of life sacrificed for a spell's usage.

Side/Secondary Effects

The decimation of life, on scales either large or small, depending on the spell.

Blood magic spells 5e

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Sangromancy (Blood Magic) warlock patron feature

Considering this ability for a homebrew warlock patron, and want to know if the wording works, on a technical level as well as a readability level, and if the overall effect is balanced. Obviously, this is only one feature of the patron, so a comparison against other 6th-level features of warlock patrons will have to do.


Starting at 6th level, spells from your invocations can be cast at will, without expending spell slots. However, if you would otherwise need a spell slot or rest to cast it, you can only cast it using blood magic. When you cast a spell with blood magic, you must spend a number of Hit Dice equal to half the spell’s level, rounded up, rolling them and taking that much damage. (You do not add any bonus to this roll.) For example, after casting animate dead from the undying servitude invocation, you may cast it again before completing a long rest by spending 2 HD and taking damage equal to the amount rolled on them.

  • Mage armor from armor of shadows would never need blood magic, because it never requires rest or a spell slot.
  • One could cast the compulsion spell of bewitching whispers without any spell slot, and could do so more than once per long rest, by spending 2 HD and taking the damage rolled on them.
Follow asked Jul 7, 2022 at 23:17 KRyan KRyan 348k 58 58 gold badges 903 903 silver badges 1435 1435 bronze badges \$\endgroup\$

\$\begingroup\$ by "spend a number of Hit Dice", do you mean that they are actually consumed and can't be used for healing during short rests any more? \$\endgroup\$

Jul 8, 2022 at 0:08

\$\begingroup\$ also, how does this interact with multiclassed characters? For example, can a Barbarian/Wizard/Warlock multiclass character pick if they want to cast using one of their d6, d8 or d12 hit dice, or is it randomly decided? Or can you only spend warlock hit dice in the first place? \$\endgroup\$

Jul 8, 2022 at 0:21

\$\begingroup\$ @PixelMaster Correct, the intent is that they are spent just as you might spend them after a short rest. And you can use any HD you want, though clearly you’d prefer to use smaller HD. \$\endgroup\$

Jul 8, 2022 at 1:53

The occult righteye flounder feeds primarily on small invertebrates, such as worms and crustaceans, which it ambushes using its incredibly quick lunging and gulping movements. One of the most fascinating aspects of the occult righteye flounder is its ability to change its skin color and pattern. This camouflage adaptation allows the fish to blend in with its environment, making it nearly invisible to both predators and prey.

1 Answer 1

Sorted by: Reset to default \$\begingroup\$

It is hard to judge in a vacuum, since the other pact boons might make it better or worse.

Compared to the 6th level pact powers, it seems costly and conditional.

Misty Escape, Dark One's Own Luck, and Entropic Ward can be used once per short or long rest, without any other cost. They do not require you to take any specific invocations.

Radiant Soul and Elemental Gift both give the warlock a resistance. Radiant Soul also increases damage for certain spells, and elemental gift gives you flight 2-6 times per long rest; it's not as good as the fly spell, but doesn't require concentration.

Guardian Coil lets the warlock reduce damage with a reaction, while they have a tentacle active and the character taking damage is within ten feet. It is a bit more difficult to judge. But Fathomless also grants oceanic soul at level 6, which also gives a resistance, and effectively grants tongues while submerged.

Accursed Soul is similar to the lower level conjure spells, except it is cast by killing an enemy, doesn't take concentration, and is once per long rest. Again, somewhat more difficult to compare.

Sangromancy does damage to the warlock, and reduces their Hit Dice pool. This is a double hit, the warlock both takes damage and reduces their ability to recover during a short rest. It is the only pact boon at level six with an additional cost, outside of guardian coil requiring a tentacle be summoned. And the tentacle can also attack, so arguably it is less of a cost than self injury.

In addition, sangromancy only works if the warlock takes an invocation that allows them to cast a spell using a warlock spell slot. And there are only 8 of them (between the PHB, TCoE and XGtE the books I have on hand), versus 15 that are already 'cast without a spell slot'. And that is ignoring the other sorts of invocations (EB invocations, skill invocations, passive invocations, etc.).

The main advantage is that all of those invocations can only be cast once between long rests, and sangromancy allows them to be used multiple times. However most of the spells/invocations in this category are concentration spells, which also makes this ability less effective (undying servitude is the only one I see that isn't concentration). If the warlock is concentrating, they (generally) can't use another one of these spells. And if they lose concentration due to taking damage, the loss of HP to recast the spell becomes more dangerous and untenable. And since warlock spells slots are recovered after a short rest, unless you specifically need to cast the same invocation spell multiple times between a long rest, it might be better to just use the slot and use a different invocation.

Also, what about trickster's escape and gift of the depths, which do not require a spell slot, but are also once per long rest? I assumed they were not effected and counted them in the no slot category, but an argument could be made either way.

If the patron and other benefits lend themselves to a more casting oriented warlock, with reasons to take those sorts of incantations, then sangromancy might be closer to being balanced. But as it stands, it doesn't feel balanced compared to other level 6 patron boons.

My suggestion would be to make the cost a flat 2 HP per spell level and 1 HD. And consider a second, minor sixth level boon. Perhaps advantage on all saves versus frightened?

Occult righteye flounder

By adjusting its skin pigmentation, the occult righteye flounder can match the colors and textures of the sand or muddy bottom, effectively disappearing into its surroundings. In terms of appearance, the occult righteye flounder has an elongated and laterally compressed body, ideal for maneuvering along the ocean floor. It has a small, upward-facing mouth and eyes positioned on the right side of its body. The dorsal fin is continuous, starting from the head and extending to the tail. While the coloration and patterns can vary, they often include shades of brown, gray, and sometimes even green, helping the fish blend in with the seafloor. While the occult righteye flounder may not be a commonly known species, it plays a crucial role in the marine ecosystem. As an integral part of the food chain, it serves as both predator and prey, contributing to the overall balance and biodiversity of the ocean. Its remarkable ability to camouflage itself is a testament to the incredible adaptations found in nature. In conclusion, the occult righteye flounder is a fascinating flatfish species found in the Pacific Ocean. With its unique camouflage abilities and habitat preferences, it has developed a successful strategy for survival in its environment. As an understudied species, there is still much to learn about this intriguing fish and its contributions to the marine ecosystem..

Reviews for "The Occult righteye flounder: A Symbol of the Occult"

1. Jessica - 2/5 - I was really disappointed with "Occult righteye flounder". The storyline was confusing and hard to follow, and the characters were completely unrelatable. I felt like the author was trying too hard to be mysterious and edgy, and it just fell flat for me. I couldn't connect with any of the characters or feel invested in their journey. Overall, I found the book to be confusing and underwhelming.
2. Mike - 1/5 - I highly regret picking up "Occult righteye flounder". The writing was pretentious and the plot was nonsensical. It seemed like the author was more interested in showing off their vocabulary rather than telling a coherent story. I struggled to even get through a few chapters before giving up. I found myself constantly asking, "What is the point of this book?" It was a waste of time and I would not recommend it to anyone.
3. Sarah - 2/5 - "Occult righteye flounder" was a complete letdown. The pacing was all over the place and the dialogue felt forced and unnatural. The characters lacked depth and I couldn't find any reason to care about their fates. The plot was convoluted and confusing, with too many random elements thrown in for shock value. Overall, the book felt like an experiment gone wrong, and I wouldn't recommend it to fans of the genre.

The Occult righteye flounder: An Intriguing Deep-Sea Fish

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