Unveiling the Mysteries of the Nexus Occult

By admin

The concept of Nexus Occult refers to the interconnectedness of the occult, esoteric, and spiritual realms. It suggests that there is a web of connections between various mystical practices, belief systems, and the supernatural. This idea posits that different aspects of the occult are not separate and isolated entities but rather are intertwined and influence each other. Within the context of Nexus Occult, it is believed that various occult practices and traditions share common threads and underlying principles. These connections can be seen in the similarities between different divination methods, magical systems, and spiritual ideologies. For instance, both Tarot card readings and astrology share the belief that celestial bodies influence human lives and that patterns can be interpreted to gain insights into the future.

Satanism, the Occult and other shit that would look good on a T-shirt

If, for some psychotic reason, you followed along with Jak’s VERY well detailed deep dive into the world of conspiracy theories (you know, the one where he was actually drugged and went into a week-long drug fuelled psychosis) then we’re certain you’re probably concerned seeing that he’s once again back at it again. But he makes it more religion based this time around.

2022 saw the revival and high of the Satanist uprising. Want to know why? Stranger Things is your call. Eddie Munson came swooping in and stole our hearts–or our weird finger horns if you’re educated. But with that came the normalising of what some consider the fringes of society, that mainstream recognition of what’s usually quite macabre–are we as people finally healing?

Here’s something I’ve been hiding from everyone this entire year. I’ve been hanging out with a group of Satanists to discuss traditional Satanism and Theistic Satanism. Under the guise of a ‘small interview’, I bid farewell to everyone on my journey to chat shit with seemingly strangers in the hopes of a small conversation. Here’s the thing, I’ve been going to speak with them all for months in the hopes of uncovering a certain fringe of society. Also to see what their thoughts are on Eddie Munson–a reminder of their origins and how the media decides to represent them.

Before uncovering the underbelly of Satanism in Aotearoa, I first need to delve into the world of Satanic Panic–what came to be to make those who are…are? In 2018, we sat down with Frankie Vegas of TST (The Satanic Temple) which resulted in a conversation about self-identity and what it meant to be a Satanist in NZ in 2018.

Frankie Vegas: For myself, it’s the taking of personal responsibility. Knowing being ‘other’ is more than fine. The life lessons that saved me when I needed them when I was younger. And the example John Milton’s Lucifer sets: that you should fight the good fight, be the adversary, you need to be even if you know you won’t win, you’ll know you’ve done the right thing. To always question unjust and arbitrary authority. And now, the community. It’s a community of fun and love.

Going into this investigation, I had only a few quotes to go off and some clips from film or excerpts from a cannibal corpse video. These couldn’t have prepared me for some of the heartiest conversations or most intense deep-dives of my life. I want to preface this piece (the fact this is just the intro should’ve been your first indication that it was time to leave now) by saying that this is a turn from grace. A lot of the pieces I write are about conspiracy theory–wait that’s too close. They’re about my fall from religi–again I’m sensing a trend. What I’m TRYING to say is that all of what I’m documenting in this piece is my observations, conversations and general musings as I get myself wrapped up in yet another trial worthy of wasting my precious brain cells away. Was I drugged again? Guess we’ll find out.

Editor’s Note: One thing before my preface. This entire piece was meant to be about Satanism and modern Satanists but it turned into an exploration into the occult within Aotearoa. I apologise to the community if you believe I’m lumping you all together, it’s not because I meant too but I just couldn’t stop before I became engulfed.

Editor’s Note 2 [the important one]: This piece is going to be built through my journal entries and interviews. Please note all the names have been changed upon request of the individuals as some of the subject matter is delicate and concerning. The story telling isn’t linear, I’m sorry, but it all comes to an ending that makes less sense. I tried.

I don’t know about you but I’m concerned that I’m missing a beat when it comes to religion. Don’t mishear me, I understand the premise of it but I feel, at times, that everyone else is in on something I’m not. Meaning that I’ll listen to kōrero about God, or interpretations about God, but all I can do is sit there and pretend like I understand–knowing I’ve only been in a church a handful of times in my life.

So I decided to click through Google. Looking at pages and pages of the different religions–my eye settled on something that I’ve seen but never thought about till now. Satanism . Even looking at the clickable red link had my eyes flickering. There was something sinister about it but… welcoming? Sounds crazy but I couldn’t help but click onto something.

Hours and hours of scrolling found me looking at imagery, listening to music and observing some of the most intense subject matter–challenging my already lack of faith. A tentative light switch and sit up in bed should’ve helped as I closed tabs upon tabs until I saw a facebook page. Satanic New Zealand. I’d come across it in the past–probably in our old Nexus article and decided to give it a look.

Me: I’m sitting here with Chris who’s going to chat about… well what do you call it?

Chris: (laughter) I consider myself a Satanist. There’s other names but that’s the most common and the one I want to be called.

Me: Cool, cool. I don’t really know how to start. Like do I ask how you got into it? Or why?

There’s a brief beat as I can see him thinking. Gives me a chance to look around the room at the wall decorations. I can promise I’ve never seen a bigger Mercyful Fate poster/tapestry in my life. I guess I’ve never seen a Mercyful Fate poster/tapestry in my life.

Chris: The typical start. I had a rough childhood aye. It wasn’t the easiest growing up poor in rural (removed) during the 70’s. I was abused quite heavily and I turned to music as a way of escaping. Not to be too predictable but bands like Metallica, Black Sabbath, and Scorpions influenced me. I grew my hair out, started wearing leather. I was your average rocker kid.

A glance told me he’d not changed all that much. Sporting a probably original Sabbath shirt under a ripped flannel with tight black jeans and a dangling chain. I was at home.

Chris: The world of Satanism came later for me. But to say I follow it as a religion probably isn’t right. It’s more like a lifestyle to me. Like Buddhism? How it’s both a religion and a philosophy–a way of being. I tried anarchy, that fuck the patriarchy and down with the system. Very punk rock. But I was so angry back then. Fighting, spitting, and just being a reckless cunt. It wasn’t what I wanted. From there I stumbled upon Satanism. Actually one of my mates told me about it.

Me: What about it interested you? Were you immediately sold?

Chris: It was a sense of belonging, like I had an understanding of who I was. The 80’s were a different time. And the 90’s came around and it was a thriving network of people who thought the same as me. But I guess a lot of things changed with Satanic Panic and [Peter] Ellis.

Peter Ellis’ was convicted for child sex abuse crimes in 1993. This, at the time, sent conservative Christchurch into a panic. Ellis was convicted on 16 counts of sexual abuse against seven children in his care at the Christchurch Civic Creche in June 1993. The case has been highly controversial, largely thanks to the belief the children’s accounts were “contaminated” and that Ellis did not receive a fair trial as a young gay man in a more conservative time. He spent seven years in jail because of his convictions but maintained his innocence up until his death from bladder cancer in 2019.

I want to revisit that term for a second, Satanic Panic, and what that looked like for Aotearoa–as we were late adopters. Satanic Panic was basically a bunch of conservative parents in the 1980s, responding to a simple video game as a means of combating their flailing relationship with God. The tabletop game, Dungeons and Dragons, was linked with an occult conspiracy, made up by pastors in the Midwest, and naive mothers trying to come up with a reason for the children dressing and Satanic symbols and playing with toys resembling that of the hot underworld. TV pundits, politicians, and religious leaders really thought the game was an entry point to Satanic worship and an imagined vast conspiracy of Satanic cults that supposedly permeated the United States and the entire world.

There were dozens of cases thrown out from court on the grounds of lack of substantial evidence. In Aotearoa, Peter Ellis is the most documented and known case of Satanic Panic, the grounds of his conviction starting with a misquote. “I don’t like Peter’s Black Penis” as said by a child to their mother, sparking the numerous allegations and subsequent trial to ensue.

Me: Tell me more about the spirituality of Satanism–what do you take from it?

Chris: Interestingly, the religion of Satanism comes from Atheism. That lack of belief in God. What you need to understand is that I’m not out here creating symbols and sacrificing goats. Satan isn’t some omnipotent being of supernatural force. It’s all about knowledge, freedom, power, and even pleasure. There’s no mindless worship of some unseen deity. For me. That’s not to say it’s not existed historically, but I can’t comment on it. All I need to know and understand is that I can have balance over myself and who I am simply because I can.

I wanted to know more about what he was talking about. The thoughts into what Satanism is and what it isn’t. “There’s no belief or spirituality in Satanism. We’re carnal, we’re sceptical, we’re proudly faithless people.Satanism understands that we are creatures of conceptual consciousness and our concepts are put together in such a way as to make symbols.” words from Peter H Gilmore High Priest of the International Church of Satan. (1)

Me: You seem to be quite in touch with your spiritual side. As someone a bit lost in the world, how would I go about delving into that side of me? How do I become more in touch with myself?

Chris: Porn, I guess?

Obviously he saw my grimace because a gentle punch on the arm and his laughter broke the silence.

Chris: There’s no sure-fire way of solving those feelings mate. Trust in yourself and be kind to yourself.

Jan 20-something

A text lights my room in the early hours.

Chris: I think u shld stop drinkng if u wnt to explore ur spiritual side. Jst a suggestion bro.

It’s interesting isn’t it, how much you can take from a simple text. I’m not a massive drinker anyway but I took this personally. Perhaps he’s right? Maybe it’s time to slow it down and focus on my own self over that. Doth Satan require it?

Jan 20-Something

Last night I was invited to dinner with Chris and his long-term partner. It was a pretty normal meal. I don’t know what I was expecting? Maybe some sort of weird meat or a phallic vege? Either way it was a BBQ and I had a terrific time.

There’s something sort of humbling about looking through the memories of a couple–especially one who shares the same interests and does all the same things. They’re loving, kind, and open with each other. Perhaps it’s my naivete coming through, but shouldn’t they sit in darkness with some candles lit, staring through thinly veiled eyes as a chant can be heard in a guttural kind of way. But this was anything but. Sure they had their fair share of weird trinkets and shit all over the house but nothing was off.

Me: Did you meet through Satanism or was it just something you fell upon together?

Chris: Funnily enough we met in school. Run with the same people, you can’t escape the bogans aye. The rest is history.

Liz: He was a bit of a blow-ass. Drove this laser? Or was it a Famillia? Fuck knows, but it was different colours and constantly had a flat tyre. It was a piece of shit.

Chris: I’ve always been a ladies man, mate.

Liz: Spirituality has always been a big part of our relationship, we’re just in touch with ourselves and the world around us. I guess Satanism is a part of that now. We’re just happy being us.

Chris: Plus black is an easy colour to match our outfits too.

February 1-something

I’ve been on a major rabbit-hole, looking at cults within Aotearoa. Not because I assume all Satanists then pull themselves into a cult–that’s shitcunt thinking and I’ll have none of that. More because I was wondering if there were any crossovers and whether I could get more information into the world of the occult. If there was direct correlation between cult-occult-satanism.

Unlucky for me, it just became an absolute confusing delve into Centrepoint and the horrors or communal living. There’s fuck all information in Aotearoa, leading me to believe that we’re either no talking about the ritualistic behaviours of Satanists in the past or that we’re just lucky that our community exist in peace without having to commit heinous crimes or engaging in ritualistic ceremonies.

When is something Satanic, occult, or ritualistic? If a crime is committed with certain connotations to religious iconography, then it’s immediately associated with Satan or occult. Kenneth V. Lanning delves deeper into the issue, saying “Some would answer that it is the presence of certain symbols in the possession or home of the perpetrator. What does it mean then to find a crucifix, Bible, or rosary in the possession of a bank robber, embezzler, child-molester. or murderer? If different criminals possess the same symbols, are they necessarily part of one big conspiracy?”

February 22? Maybe?

While I think learning from those in the religion is the best way of discovering more about the thing you’re wanting to learn about, there’s a plethora of information out there. Misconceptions are probably the main and most frequent issue with Satanism.

Church of Satan reverend, Ashley S Palmer, explains that, ‘We Satanists are atheists who adopt ‘Satan’ as a symbol of passion, pride, liberty, and heroic rebellion in the tradition of the proto-Satanic themed poetry and writing of Giosuè Carducci, Lord Byron, John Milton, Benjamin DeCasseres, Mark Twain, and others that predate the founding of the Church of Satan.’

These thoughts mirror what I’ve heard, though perhaps said a little more eloquently by Palmer. You can look as much as you want into the world and find nothing but dead ends. If the papers upon papers I’ve printed and plastered through my room are a direct tell–I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared by the prospect of just disappearing into this.

Giving up drinking has helped me clear my head. There wasn’t a major need for it, I just thought it made sense if I was exploring more of my spiritual side. I remember reading something somewhere about that. From a science perspective as well, it makes sense right? Any chemical or drug you put in–you’re likely blurring the lines. Though some argue the health benefits of microdosing. In my eternal search, I found results from an experiment conducted in 2018 that saw reasonable improvements from the subjects involved. The conductors reported:

Most were microdosing with psilocybin (55%) or LSD/1P-LSD (48%). Principal components analysis generated three factors examining perceived short-term benefits of microdosing: improved mood and anxiety, enhanced connection to others and environment, and cognitive enhancement—Most participants (78%) reported at least one harm reduction practice they routinely performed while microdosing.” I’m not going to microdose. Not today anyway.

But what of the modern uses in Satanism? I think I speak for all when I mention that there’s something interesting about the reduced use of alcohol as a means of looking into oneself when traditional applications saw the drinking of blood. Like actual blood. Karl Spracklen, Professor of Sociology of Leisure and Culture at Leeds Beckett University, speaks of the modern applications of drugs and their correlation with Satan.

Psychoactive substances such as cannabis and alcohol have been used by humans for thousands of years as a way of altering the mind, bonding and having some pleasurable moments of leisurely respite. These substances have been – and continue to be – problematic for religious leaders and secular lawmakers. If the pre-modern use of such substances suggests some ritualistic function, in historical times the legal and moral status of using these substances has been carefully constrained, if the substances have not been banned altogether”

There’s something interesting about moral conundrums and how they relate to our current application of law and the idea of flipping the system through anarchy and the absence of law. Satanism is bad-ass but is it going to become easily digestible if I give into my worldly desires?

Some of the films I watched

If you’re curious, films are a great look into the media representations of what Satanism can and can’t be. It’s an important look into how we’ve come to understand and evolve into thinking. Roping my flatmates in, we settled in for the weekend–taking notes from friends and the internet of the right films to watch. In the middle of my writings, I wanted to share our thoughts on some of the best and worst representations (from non-satanists but film buffs).

School of the Holy Beast – 1974. Dir. Norifumi Suzuki

Nothing short of stunning, this movie focuses on the hypocrisies of organised religion, as a convent of repressed nuns hold on to their secrets and desires while projecting their internal struggles through perverse and brutal witch hunts. So it’s less about Satanism and more about the occult. But it’s all the same, anti-religion or the absence of religion. This pushes the envelope the way exploitation is known for, but with an especially artistic grace.

Black Candles – 1982. Dir. José Ramón Larraz

“What the fuck cunt” I think my flatmate summed it up appropriately. It’s basically a torture porn, Satanic horror-gore fuckfest. I have nothing else to say other than it’s definitely a sick look at something that perhaps is missing the point. It’s not the best representation of Satanism but it’s definitely worth a watch if you’re into it.

The Killing of Satan – 1983. Dir. Efren C. Piñon

I uh- yeah this was a non-finish. Not because it was too gross or because it wasn’t accurate. It was just fucking weird. It had some sort of mind-control element that could only be described as oddball-slapstick. The acting was weird and the special effects weren’t the most desirable. It’s 95 minutes but I got to the 24 minute mark and pulled the plug. I couldn’t tell you how it was going to end but it was enough to make me uncomfortable for the rest of the night.

The Wicker Man – 1973. Dir. Robin Hardy

If you’ve not seen The Wicker Man, stop reading and go take a look at it. This movie is NOTHING short of fantastic and I can’t help but laugh all the way through as I remember Sir Chistopher Lee said this was his “greatest achievement in acting”. I’m gobsmacked, as the horror-musical amazes me with its valiant attempt to shock. Time-appropriate, I can see why the audiences would’ve been sick and struggling to watch, but compared to some of the less savoury titles in this list, this shit was a field day. I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re wanting something thought-provoking but if you’re wanting titties and songs about barley then strap-in for the ride of your life.

I finally got around to watching the final episode of season 2 of Stranger Things, prompting a phone call and subsequent visit with Chris. Which then meant meeting his good friend Jason. The reason being, I wanted to discuss more about the character and his representation. There’s no doubt that Chris dresses vastly the same–sporting his band tees and leather more often than not.

Me: Did you guys see the Eddie Character in Stranger Things?

Silence. I think I should’ve better prepared myself for this. Fumbling my phone from my pocket, I pulled up a clip of him on youtube. Narrowly avoiding the TikTok edits of those strange fangirls in an attempt to keep myself professional.

Jason: Yeah my daughter showed me this, “look Dad it’s you”. (Laughter) Not untrue is it?

Chris: He looks like me in High School, but what was up with the horns?

Jason: I find him interesting. Do cunts fuck with him in the show? Do they like him?

Me: He’s accused of murder because he was into DnD.

There’s a few glances between the gents, I can already hear their thoughts. I wasn’t setting this kōrero up for success, it’s definitely more of a ‘I fucked it’ kōrero.

Chris: So he’s a Satanist? Or an anarchist?

Me: A bit of both I think?

Chris: That’s the problem isn’t it, they’re finally putting us on TV but as accused murderers. Is he found guilty in the end?

Me: Well yeah but also he dies.

You can’t talk about learning Satanism without asking the darker questions. I’ve spoken to the men so many times by this point–kōrero I’ve not included but there’s something that’s been weighing heavy on me.

Me: I know it’s sort of going against what we’ve already talked about, kind of steering so far off course from the usual but I want to know. Have you ever been involved in ritualistic things?

There was a heaviness to the air, but I don’t think it was inherently negative but reflective. Chris turned to me and sort of cocked his head.

Chris: There’s sort of this unspoken thing between me and my mates. We don’t talk about how we got to this point but we got here nonetheless. I spent some time in Aussie, you know this, and I met some weird sects while there. There’s people in the world Jak, and I want you to understand this moving forward, who’s ideals don’t align with anything I know or you know or what you’ll come to find. The use of Magick used with Satanism is where things like traditional rituals start rearing their ugly heads.

Magick (countable and uncountable, plural magicks) noun.

  • Obsolete spelling of magic
  • Actual magic or sorcery in fiction or in e.g. Wicca, neopaganism or modern witchcraft, as opposed to illusion or stage magic.

Chris: So to answer your question, yes I’ve been involved in some weird practices. Part of the reason why I agreed to work with you was because I wanted to somehow be part of stopping the spread of misinformation around Satanism and what the world looks like for me.

Jason: Yeah same bro. I remember being a young 20 something and finding myself literally eating the beating heart of a cow. It’s not some shit I would ever fucking do again but when you’re desperate to be a part of something, you do some weird shit.

Chris: There’s darker parts of any and all cultures bro–you’re Māori so you know. There’s tapu stuff that we don’t talk about because it’s nothing to do with us. I can say I’ve done some shit in search of finding myself but I’ve never hurt another human. I stand by that.

Jason: I unfortunately can’t say the same.

I learnt more about Hexennacht–Occasion honouring those who fell victim to superstition and pseudoscience, whether by witch hunt, Satanic panic, or other injustices. Basically this is a holiday that’s the antithesis of Christianity, looking at how we can honour the dead who were persecuted by the church in history. Here’s what I find interesting about my findings.

The Church has almost always taken charge of crime and punishment, accusing and dealing as they see fit. Understand that this is due to the monarch being in charge for so long–a heavily religious sect that has taken control of the people. We won’t delve too much into my feelings behind the monarch and their illustrious history with crime. But there’s this constant argument against their actions, with the Witch Trials coming to mind. I know the automatic thought is to look to Salem for advice but you go back 100 years to 1563 in the UK for the beginning of theirs. Now, witch trials aren’t pertinent but the capital punishment given to those falsely accused of performing witchcraft shows the abuse of power over the minority.

The reason I make this point is we now move forward to the 80’s, looking once again at Satanic Panic and what that meant for the fans of a simple game or heavy music. Predominantly Christian accusers saw the punishment be dealt, making the decisions and casting their weighted votes accordingly.

But Hexennacht, what a concept dude. It’s a celebration while also being a massive FUCK YOU to the monarch and traditional church societies.

Today was the last time I went out to speak with Jason, Liz, and Chris. I wasn’t nervous to talk to them but almost sad that it was the last time. I was also coming from an evening of frustration and arguments with workmates. There wasn’t meant to be any anger though I have a tendency to be quite hot-headed. I’m working on it. Driving always helps me clear my head but something was different about this time. The air was heavy and my heart was beating so fucking fast. Was it something to do with the final kōrero with these men I’ve spent months working with on a story or was it the red bull I shotgunned in the hopes of gaining some liquid courage. Either way, I had shaky hands, white-knuckling my steering wheel.

Chris: What’s the main thing you’ve taken from the experience? You learnt shit?

Me: I guess I’ve become more receptive to what space I occupy. There’s a lot more to this than I once thought. I couldn’t prepare myself for learning more about the mental struggle of learning more about the works of Satanists.

Jason: We’re interested to see what you took and where you go with this. It’s been a fucking hoot talking with you and I think good for us to look back. Something you can’t see the changes without first turning around. I just came up with that shit.

Me: I didn’t think that I’d ever get some philosophical answer from this journey. And in my own defence, I still haven’t. I hope no one is offended. Like I’m sorry if I wasted your time in any way.

What was I thinking, of course they didn’t care. It’s been a good journey for us all.

Chris: You’re always welcome here mate, it’s been good just chatting to the younger generation. The goal isn’t to convert you but make you conscious of your decisions.

The entire process wasn’t just cathartic for me but for all the people involved. Due to the nature of the topic there were a lot of moving parts, important players in my game, that aren’t mentioned. I’ve kept this journey a secret from so many people because I wanted to learn all I could before I wrote it. Even as I write, I’m not sure what’s going to happen and who’s going to read this. I’m probably screaming into a void but I feel lighter.

Liz: Yeah, just be more careful about the way you treat people. Don’t be a cunt really. And good things will happen.

Selfish, I know but I promise there’s a stronger force at play here.

Me: One thing I’m still unsure about though, what’s the deal with the Devil? You don’t recognise or worship one right? Why the connotations?

Liz: It’s not that deep, just looks dope on a T-shirt.

Final idea for the shirt

SCP Foundation

I've gone ahead and written up the rough draft for HyperLine. We've still got until April before Iris comes back, so if we can just get the project to Engineering before the end of the week, we should have more than enough time to begin construction. All I'm asking is that you go through the file attached below and see if there are any major issues you can notice.

And, for the love of god, please put effort into this. If there's ever been an important project, it's this one. The last thing I need right now is failing a project meant to get her off our ass for a few years.

Don't fuck it up.

🔗 One (1) file attached: 'Nexus HyperLine' (N7S2M/ER9C3/X56ID)

Status Renting
Demand High
Value N/A 1
Availability Worldwide
Identifier Nexus HyperLine
Description A set of pod vehicles traversing an infrastructure connecting all Nexuses and Free Ports worldwide. Utilized by thaumaturgically-fueled hypervehicles, N7S2M/ER9C3/X56ID will act as a solution to the transportation problem plaguing the paranormal 2 world since the collapse of the Veil in 2021. Utilizing technology scrambled from the failed Prometheus-MC&D collaboration project back in 1998, Marshall, Carter and Dark will create a vast web of pod transportation that will finally connect all anomalous 3 enclaves together, allowing for quick, easy, and — most importantly — profitable transport between Nexuses and Free Ports for all of its top-paying customers.
Marshall, Carter and Dark, Ltd.

Internal MC&D Report
Author Robert Carter (Project Lead) Date December 26, 2022
Interest High Identifier Nexus HyperLine
When the real world was revealed to the public back in 2021, the thing most frequently on people's lips were Nexuses. From the storybook world of Sloth's Pit to the cyberpunk hellhole of Eurtec, the people wanted one thing above all else: to visit those living and breathing monuments that acted as testaments to a world they were barred from seeing for so long.

The issue of how to get them there arose almost immediately. Portals are unstable, dangerous, and require an active thaumaturge to open them every time someone wants to go through, and with the GOC's newly-established arcanist license, that's no easy task. The same can be said about Ways, Doors, and other secret passages. The question therefore still stood: how do you get people in and out of the highest-interest objects in the world, efficiently and en-masse?

The Nexus HyperLine stands to answer that problem, for the select few that will be able to afford the luxury it offers. Tapping into the incredibly promising market of inter-Nexus transportation, N7S2M/ER9C3/X56ID will offer a rare, sought-after, and exclusive service that will not only be a permanent source of income, but will also be a stable one. With no other competing projects on the market of this nature, our own HyperLine will prove itself to be a consistent and safe way to establish MC&D's importance among the wealthy elite in the new, Veil-less world.

Project Timeline
Date Event
26/12/2022 HyperLine draft is finished by Skitter Marshall and Robert Carter, and is forwarded to appropriate MC&D Departments. Relevant 3D presentations are shown to all potential investors. Legal paperwork is being prepared, as are the finalized blueprints for the tunnels which the HyperLine will traverse.
29/12/2022 All necessary users of Dark Real Estate land are evicted, and MC&D's Engineering Department immediately begins work. The foundations of the N7S2M/ER9C3/X56ID highway are constructed within 24 hours via utilization of thaumaturgy, geomancy, and reality-bending.
30/12/2022 In order to ensure that Iris Dark's vacation is not interrupted by N7S2M/ER9C3/X56ID work and news, she is blacklisted from viewing the file within the Company database and being emailed about the project. Skitter Marshall and Robert Carter are declared the only Project Leads. Work continues uninterrupted.
02/01/2023 As news about the evictions and the general HyperLine project hit the news, protests emerge in most affected areas. The International Court for the Paranormal takes interest in the case; however, as appropriate legal contracts are cited, the Company's actions are deemed to be fully legal. As the only protesting are individuals that are not members of MC&D's wealthy clientele, security takes care of the protesters, and construction continues without further problems.
05/01/2023 Parts of the arcane community continue their protests. Citizens of numerous Nexuses and Free Ports — including Arcadia, Esterberg, and Three Portlands — officially condemn the HyperLine project, declaring MC&D's actions as immoral. Despite this, following the removal of protesters via the usual methods, construction continues.
09/01/2023 A series of thaumic charges are detonated at several construction sites. The only damage suffered as a result of the explosions is to HyperLine components. No casualties are noted. Investigation into the offending parties is launched. Construction continues, albeit at a slowed-down rate, now focused on repairing the damage done and protecting the construction sites from further incidents.
12/01/2023 Once HyperLine construction begins in the waters of the oceans, numerous Finfolk groups begin to join the protests. Throughout the almost-finalized tunnels, further acts of vandalism occur, which effectively result in the tunnels being flooded. A search for responsible parties is ongoing. Re-construction is immediately undertaken. Construction continues, but is significantly slower.
17/01/2023 The first HyperLine highway — connecting Germany's Eurtec and Sudan's Silverspire — is officially opened. Two hours before the first train can be sent along it, however, it is conceptually removed from reality. Later the same day, a rogue ontokinetic ecoterrorist group comes forward, claiming responsibility for the action. All of its members are quickly arrested. Full re-creation of the destroyed line is required.
25/01/2023 Legal troubles in International Court for the Paranormal continue as a new party becomes active. Goldbaker-Reinz, the insurer of a large portion of those affected by the initial evictions, pays the money the occasion necessitates, allowing the now-unified victims to file a group lawsuit. The group claims it possesses evidence that points to MC&D's actions breaking several aspects of the Court's law. Construction is halted.
Marshall, Carter and Dark, Ltd.

To: robertcarterprivate@mcd_internal.int
From: skittermarshallprivate@mcd_internal.int
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Nexus HyperLine


Sorry for the phrasing, but, uh, the public is literally exploding. I can pay off Void, the news, and most governments well enough, but I have several issues I was not cleared about beforehand sitting on my desk, among which the most noteworthy are:

  • a very angry letter sent from a "Shark Punching Centre" (?) regarding our expansion into the oceans;
  • an equally strongly worded email from citizens of La Rue basically telling us to fuck off with our connection;
  • some bureaucratic asshole from the GOC threatening us with military intervention because of our actions;

What am I supposed to do.

🔗 One (1) file attached: hyperline-legal-papers.pdf

Misters Marshall and Carter,

As per basic legal representation promised by my contracts with several users of Dark Real Estate, I have examined the legal ramifications of the evictions your subsidiary forced upon its clients in January of 2023.

Following several hours of consultations with numerous other paralaw specialists, I have determined that while the action may appear legal on the Dark-Real-Estate-terms-of-service-surface, the action is in clear violation of several clauses of the Global Paralaw Charter, specifically sections 12-6-21. Due to this, I am forced to continue this line of legal ongoings in the International Court For the Paranormal.

Attached is the paperwork regarding the planned trial before the Court, as well as all of the details pertaining to the case.

Lydia Spencer, Esq.

To: skittermarshallprivate@mcd_internal.int
From: robertcarterprivate@mcd_internal.int
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Nexus HyperLine





To: skittermarshallprivate@mcd_internal.int
From: robertcarterprivate@mcd_internal.int
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Nexus HyperLine

I'd like to apologize for my previous email. It was not only entirely unprofessional, but also unbecoming of someone in my position and borderline abusive.

That being said, we really do need to write up those checks.

Look, I can handle the legal nonsense just fine — Katz is more than eager to get put out of the freezer — but I am not touching the PR disaster with a ten-meter pole. If you want to lead the PR Department, then pay up. I hope that I don't need to tell you what to do, but just in case you miss something so obvious (again!), I'm attaching a very brief list of things people talk about us from today. And that's just today. I genuinely don't care what Mr. John Smith from the Hand or whoever the fuck posts about us, but I do not expect officials and important people you were meant to pay off to do the same.

All of that being said, I hope I also don't need to tell you not to cut your funding. We are this close to being done, and I'm not going to stop our work just because some GOC cretin tells me it's against the law. Have faith, brother — those billions are in good hands. We'll get out of this mess before you can even blink, and when we do, it's just a matter of a few months before we are done.

By the way: I'm off to Esterberg later this week to discuss some things with the Critic: you think we could grab some lunch together? Would do us some good to finally catch up, I think.

🔗 One (1) file attached: whatthefuck.png

Marie Surratt

#hyperline #capitalismbreedsinnovation girl you know things are bad when companies start actually building public transport and nobody fucking wants it

  • ECHOES 10,284
  • HUMS 96,127

00:13 AM · Nov 25, 2021

To: robertcarterprivate@mcd_internal.int
From: skittermarshallprivate@mcd_internal.int
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Nexus HyperLine

I've good news and bad news.

The good news is that Iris still doesn't know about anything (turns out they don't actually have the internet in Alagadda)! The other good news is that I've persuaded a few folks from unVeiled, Aviatica, and Wandsmen to inform the public what good the project will bring to the general population, which should be enough at least for now. I've also made sure to tell a few of our friends over at Void to be on the lookout for a the few hashtags you've mentioned. And the lovely folks over at Esterberg's Council of Three will make very sure not to listen to their people.

The bad news is that every single Nexus is currently rioting.

From Backdoor SoHo to Middle Normandy — don't even get me fucking started on these guys — their people seemed to have formed some sort of… union? I don't fucking know man, haven't we taken away their rights to do that ages ago? Like, my people tell me the rioters have destroyed most stations that actually connect the cities to the HyperLine. So, uh, we are just left with the tubes now, I guess?

What do you want me to do

Skitter Marshall in Critical Condition Following Stair Accident

By Alice Sharp (⁂ASharp)
Published 03/02/2023, 18:37

Skitter Marshall, photographed seconds before being escorted out of the Esterbergian House of Marshall by World Parahealth Organization personnel.

To: robertcarterprivate@mcd_internal.int
From: [email protected]
Subject: Legal troubles

I can take on Spencer just fine, but — and I don't want to do your job here — are you sure this is the right way to handle this? You fucked up good, boyo, and I'm not sure if just taking the blame and facing the public isn't the better option here. Like, Skitter is a fucking idiot — don't tell him I said that — so he'd never greenlight this, but while he's momentarily out (good riddance, by the way), here's what I think you should do: walk into that goddamn UN hall and tell those rich bureaucrats you fucked up. Take whatever nonsense fee they'll make you pay and run with it. I'm sure you can afford it.

I'm not saying it would be the best option from a legal standpoint — again, if you don't want to do this, I'll get you whatever verdict you want no questions asked — but you know shit ain't good out there when you lose support in high spheres. Like, this is the opinions of people that actually matter you're fighting here for, pal, and this isn't just the belief of some lowlife Joe Schmoe you can throw in the trash. The fact that Aviatica (bravo Skitter, by the way) is making a documentary or whatever the fuck isn't great, either.

Look, I'm just saying that the best way out of this may not be the best way out of this, but let me know what you think.

To: [email protected]
From: robertcarterprivate@mcd_internal.int
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Nexus HyperLine

While I appreciate your concerns and advice, you have to understand there is no reality in which this project does not get finished. I will not let some UN bureaucrat stop me from claiming the most promising market in years.

We'll have later to worry about some too eager journo trying to make us their career. They aren't a problem. I'm already working on ways to mitigate this whole nonsense — turns out reminding certain presidents and councils what positions they owe us works wonders.

As per the terms of our agreement, the trial will remain as is.

Transcript redacted for brevity.

THE COURT: All rise.

THE COURT: Following internal debate, this Court has decided that it does not find the actions of Dark Real Estate as breaching the Charter. As Mr. Katz has previously outlined, their clients have been well-informed of the terms of the agreements they have signed well before the Charter operated globally —

MS. SPENCER: Your honor, objection!

THE COURT: — and if we're not life-sentencing all of Vanguard for the Third Diaspora, we are not sentencing Dark Real estate, either.

THE COURT: All of that being said, however, the continued operation of the HyperLine Project under MC&D oversight is a blatant breach that cannot be ignored and falls under continued post-Veil exploitation of human assets. Therefore, this court dictates that Marshall, Carter and Dark and all of its subsidiaries are to abandon this venture effective immediately.

THE COURT: Additionally, Dark Real Estate is to pay a fine amounting to seven hundred thousand United States Dollars to every single client that has fallen victim to their actions within the next month for their suffering and losses. They are also to provide every single one of those individuals with appropriate housing until they can continue operating normally.

MR. KATZ: Your honor, this is ridiculous. You cannot possibly say you aren't going to sentence someone but then —

THE COURT: Sit down, Mr. Katz. I am not done speaking.

THE COURT: However — as I was saying, prior to Mr. Katz's interruption — the fact of the matter is that the HyperLine project's construction is already close to being finished. It would be entirely impossible to restore the affected areas — including the houses of the victims — to their pre-HyperLine states.

THE COURT: Dismantling the entire infrastructure would also not only take months, but would actively be harmful to paranormal communities worldwide. All of the protests aimed at Dark Real Estate's actions aside, this court sees the real need that exists behind this project, no matter its actual intentions, and recognizes them as legitimate.

THE COURT: Therefore, this Court concludes that the HyperLine project will be allowed to continue under Global Occult Coalition oversight and control until said otherwise.

MR. KATZ: Objection!

MS. SPENCER: Your honor —

MR. CARTER: What do you think

MR. MARSHALL: Hrmhh, hgm!

THE COURT: This decision is final.

Portal nexus

A portal nexus is a room that can be built in a player-owned house. Only one portal nexus room can be built in a player-owned house. It requires level 72 Construction and costs 200,000 coins . Within a portal nexus room, players can build a portal nexus that can teleport the player to multiple locations around Gielinor. The cost of adding each teleport to the nexus is 1,000 times the rune cost of that spell.

The lowest level a player can be to build this room is 67 Construction with an orange spicy stew (+5 boost), as the +3 boost of the crystal saw only applies to furniture built with a saw and hammer. Level 69 construction with a (+3 boost), from a servant made tea with a gilded cup can also make the portal nexus room

There are 4 hotspots available:

For instance, both Tarot card readings and astrology share the belief that celestial bodies influence human lives and that patterns can be interpreted to gain insights into the future. Additionally, Nexus Occult suggests that practitioners of different occult disciplines can learn from and collaborate with each other. By recognizing and exploring the interconnectedness of these practices, individuals may deepen their own understanding and skill set.


Nexus occult

For instance, a practitioner of herbalism may draw upon the principles of astrology to determine the best time to harvest plants or concoct herbal remedies. This interconnectedness also extends to the spiritual realm. Nexus Occult proposes that various deities, spirits, and energy forces are not limited to individual belief systems or cultural backgrounds. Instead, they interact with each other and may be invoked or communicated with across different traditions. This idea allows for cross-cultural exchange and the exploration of diverse spiritual experiences. Nexus Occult encourages individuals to approach the occult with an open mind and seek connections between seemingly disparate practices. By recognizing these connections, practitioners may find new insights, deepen their understanding, and broaden their spiritual horizons. It emphasizes the unity of all mystical and supernatural aspects, promoting a holistic approach to the occult. In this way, Nexus Occult aims to foster a greater sense of unity and interconnectedness in the esoteric and spiritual world..

Reviews for "The Nexus Occult: A Gateway to Enlightenment"

- John - 2/5 - Nexus occult is a disappointing read. The plot is convoluted and hard to follow, with too many characters and storylines that never quite come together. The writing style is also very dense and pretentious, making it difficult to connect with the characters or care about what happens to them. Overall, I found the book to be a tedious and frustrating experience.
- Sarah - 1/5 - I couldn't finish Nexus occult. The pacing is incredibly slow, and it feels like nothing really happens for the majority of the book. The characters are one-dimensional and uninteresting, and the dialogue is stilted and unnatural. I was expecting a thrilling and engaging read based on the synopsis, but unfortunately, it fell flat for me. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone looking for an exciting occult thriller.
- Michael - 2/5 - Nexus occult was a letdown. The writing is overly verbose and tries too hard to be profound, which only succeeds in making it feel pretentious. The author has clearly done their research on occultism, but it feels like they are more interested in showcasing their knowledge than telling a compelling story. The pacing is uneven, with long stretches of exposition and little action. Overall, I found it to be a tedious and uninspiring read.

The Nexus Occult: A Portal to Other Realms?

The Nexus Occult and the Existence of Supernatural Beings