The Male Perspective: Exploring Hitachi Magic Wand Attachments for Men

By admin

The Hitachi Magic Wand is a popular and powerful vibrator that has been marketed primarily towards women. However, it is not limited to just women, and there are attachments available specifically for men to enhance their pleasure and sexual experiences as well. These attachments can be used to stimulate various sensitive areas of the male body, including the penis, perineum, and prostate. One of the most popular attachments for men is the G-Spot Pleaser. This attachment is designed to stimulate the prostate, which is often referred to as the male G-spot. The G-Spot Pleaser is inserted into the anus and works by delivering intense vibrations directly to the prostate gland.

Throwing/Maelstrom, Whirlwind/Physical Barbarian, [War Cry Barbarian], Malice Necromancer, Seer/Cold Druid**. Poison Sorceress

Additional ratings will be given in the build specific descriptions, that aren t included in the overall rating Solo self found SSF and Scosglen farming. Necromancer Separated Crossbow to Crossbow Fire and Crossbow Physical, with previous ratings translating to Crossbow Physical Summoner, solo self found 3 1, Scosglen 3 2 Melee, farming 3 2, Scosglen 4 3 Crossbow Physical, farming 2 1, leveling 3 2 Malice, solo self found 2 4.

Holy war 3 mwgic tier lilst

The G-Spot Pleaser is inserted into the anus and works by delivering intense vibrations directly to the prostate gland. This can result in incredibly pleasurable sensations and even lead to powerful orgasms. Many men find that the use of this attachment can greatly enhance their sexual experiences and provide a level of pleasure that is difficult to achieve through other means.

Holy war 3 mwgic tier lilst

Season 35 starter tier list (patch 2.7)

To carry on the torch for Seekers' 1.8 starter tier list (found here), I'm making my own. Mine will differ from his, because pre-2.0 it was fine to consider 120 as roughly the relevant endgame. I will be extending that a little by making the initial ratings for Fauztinville, but also giving a Scosglen viability rating with a little bit more investment to the build you're playing.

The TL;DR version that gives no explanation behind every build can be found here. Do note that these overall ratings do not match the tiers below 1:1, as I spread them out with more leveling emphasis than the overall rating depicts.

The overall tiers are made by considering a few different criteria:
- Farming up to 125 rifts with below 200tg investment into the build overall
- Bossing (singletarget damage) with below 200tg investment into the build overall
- Survivability with below 200tg investment into the build overall
- Leveling with the gear you find along the way

Additional ratings will be given in the build specific descriptions, that aren't included in the overall rating: Solo self found (SSF) and Scosglen farming. Scosglen considers an okay farm speed to be around 25 minutes with 300-500tg investment. Link to these ratings under

TIER 1 builds are fast and comfortable, perfect starters. They can possibly run even Fauztinville with just TU/early RW
TIER 2 builds are good starters that need a bit more investment to get closer to the tier 1 builds
TIER 3 builds are the average builds, that might need full set or at least one sacred unique to properly function
TIER 4 builds are below average, generally needing much more than previous tier
TIER 5 builds are hopeless, can only salvage them with relics or UMOs

First 2 tiers should be able to content up to 125 without needing a full set or a specific sacred unique. Getting those might help immensely, but generally skills/passives give enough damage and survivability to make it that far.

Firstly, these ratings are highly subjective and the context for them varies within very specific criteria. They are peer-reviewed ratings from more experienced players and are given the "starter" treatment, which means less investment than your typical experienced player puts into them.

Secondly, some builds are left out. By default, only relevant trees and oskills with guides/showcases are mentioned here. Also possible they are just outside of the criteria, i.e. might need a rare runeword or sacred unique to function.

Thirdly, your mileage may vary. As with most guides, it is assumed you are somewhat familiar with Diablo 2 or other ARPGs. Previous Median experience is not required. If you plan to avoid trading with other players, I highly suggest you look at the SSF-rating in the in-depth section before making a decision.

Quick Tier List
Order is random within tiers. Build wrapped in [] (square brackets) dictates oskill builds that might not be able to level as that skill. * means nuance where the build becomes significantly better with an oskill later on, for example when you can shrinecraft an item with the oskill. ** means harder oskill access, either through 1 specific unique, set item or enchanted runeword. . means this build gets the free set from Mirror Temple.

Bow/Physical Amazon, Blood/Fire Amazon*, Blood/Magic Missiles Amazon, Storm/Hammer Amazon, Storm/Caster Amazon, Claw Assassin**, Psionic Assassin, Earthquake Barbarian, Warmonger/Elemental Barbarian, Warmonger/Physical Barbarian, Werewolf Druid, Poison Druid, Summoner Necromancer, Unholy Melee Paladin. Melee Sorceress, Lightning Sorceress

Javelin Amazon, Spear Amazon, Naginata Assassin, Throwing/Scorpion Blade Assassin, Trap Assassin, Elementalist Barb. Warmonger/Poison Barbarian, Whirlwind/Poison Barbarian, Summon Barbarian, Seer/Fire Druid. Werebear/Physical Druid, Werebear/Fire Druid, Wereowl Druid, Bow Druid, Crossbow/Fire Necromancer, Crossbow/Physical Necromancer, Melee Necromancer. Totem Necromancer, Holy Caster Paladin, Holy Melee Paladin**, Neutral Paladin, Unholy Caster Paladin*, [Rising Dawn Paladin], Arcane Sorceress, Cold Sorceress, Fire Sorceress.

Throwing/Maelstrom, Whirlwind/Physical Barbarian, [War Cry Barbarian], Malice Necromancer, Seer/Cold Druid**. Poison Sorceress

[Orb of Annihilation Necromancer]

The ratings have been given for a few different categories and can be viewed here. Do note that the overall rating does not match the tier 1:1, as the above tiers were given with more emphasis on the leveling. Sheet only calculates the overall rating based on the first 4 ratings given equally.

Blood/Fire : Eldritch storm good farming skill, lava pit serviceable bossing skill. Can use fire oskills to get better singletarget. Regen, PR, tanky minions. Winner of 2.4 reworks. Guide
Bow/Physical : Even better farmer than 2.4, since damage was increased and enemy resistances lowered. Got a new bow base to play around with. Guide
Storm/Hammer : Probably the best amazon leveling build to 120-125. You get a lot of damage from your passives and don't need that much gear to break into some midgame ubers because of that. Guide needed.
Storm/Caster : Absolutely bonkers singletarget, with good farming once you get okay gear. Very glasscannony and popular, so might be expensive to play after midgame. Miniguide
Javelin : Medium investment jack of all trades, master of none. Very tanky and okay defenses for harder content, but not AFK tanky like unholy melee. Competes for expensive gear with other builds. Guide
Blood/Magic Missiles : Jack of all trades, master of none. Good farmer, but damage is autohoming and delayed, which isn't always optimal. Guide needed.
Spear : Medium-to-high investment character than can farm at good speeds. Very tanky, but sometimes mechanically clunky for singletarget. Guide needed.

Claw : Fastest assassin leveling build. You can go up to 130 with fairly basic gear. You have the best of all defenses that assassin gets, although they might not be enough to AFK in the middle of mobs. Guide
Psionic : A great starter. Mind Ripple has a conversion mechanic that some might not enjoy, but they do work like reanimates that tank for you. Psionic storm also a variant of the build that has an interesting scaling: only skill levels and amount of total energy matter, nothing else. Guide
Naginata : The build that's known as piano sin. It's not so much playing a piano nowadays, but some playstyles requires maintaining your innate to do damage. Very good leveler and one of the best endgame builds. Guide
Throwing/Scorpion Blade : One of the best all-arounders. Lategame you can invest into vitality, and with assassin defense layers, you are very tanky but also deal good damage. Showcase.
Trap : Tankiness lowered a little, big damage buff to storm trap. Means we don't need catalyst anymore to clear but our singletarget is much better off with it still. Guide
Throwing/Maelstrom : I only say one skill here but it's actually 2. You sometimes need to use Wychwind for stationary targets and Maelstrom for everything else. Guide needed.

Earthquake : Best barbarian leveling build. Slap on TU Balanced Axe + Gilded Shield and go ham until 110, if not more. Falls off at Fauztinville. Guide
Warmonger/Elemental : Elemental variant of the reworked throwbarb. Guide needed
Warmonger/Physical : Physical variant of the reworked throwbarb. Guide
Warmonger/Poison : Poison variant of the reworked throwbarb. Guide needed
Whirlwind/Poison : A very good starter since you don't need much to do fast farming. Bossing is a weakness of this build, like most other poison builds, but Demhe RW can help with that in 2.4. Guide
Elementalist : Tanky melee that stacks stats and does rainbow elemental damage. Farming can be janky since Primordial Strike damage depends on positioning. Good bosser. Earlygame Guide Lategame Guide
Summon : Second best barbarian leveling. Doesn't need much to get going and can get to hell with low investment, even do some early ubers. Loves farming Teganze. Guide
Whirlwind/Physical : Gale Force was buffed big time, but doesn't fix all of the issues (mainly singletarget). Guide
War Cry : Oskill build that shouts to kill enemies. Probably turn off sound if you're going to play this for long periods of time. One of the best budget farmers that can get 500mf without compromising on damage/survivability too much. Loves the shrine reroll in 2.4. Guide

Werewolf : Still a solid starter with the flat value increase on skills AND 600% EWD from hunter tree. Guide
Poison : Poison caster druid. A new farming skill and infected roots now singletarget. New set, should be great. Likely a good starter, but struggles with poison mechanics and survivability, since poison doesn't instantly kill enemies and you're kinda squishy. Guide needed.
Bow : Heartseeker fixed! Bear cooldown reduced! Guide
Werebear/Physical : Strong starter since it's really tanky and good bosser, but farming is not that great in dense areas and there is no salvaging that. Feral IAS mechanic was removed in 2.1 (attack speed on weapon more important than anything) and it now mostly plays like any other attack build. Guide doesn't reflect this change, so be wary. Guide
Werebear/Fire : Can use Armageddon from Seer-tree and melee devotion. Super tanky, good clear and nice singletarget. Guide needed.
Wereowl : Medium-to-high investment with average output. Somewhat tanky too, has a better farming toolkit than bear. Guide
Seer/Cold : Cold caster druid, hunting banshee for singletarget, avalanche for clear. Pay attention to what Avalanche requires. Showcase
Seer/Fire : Ember Spirit not abusable with Banish anymore, but it's better off against singletarget without it. Guide needed.

Summoner : Free set from Mirror Temple! Satanic Mantra for farming, Archbishop Lazarus set for bossing. Double Veil Kings really good bossing. Guide
Totem : No more meat shields. Good farmer still, one of the best. Playstyle can be boring, since all you do is blink around and stuff dies around you. Guide
Crossbow/Fire : Only thing missing is movespeed. Guide needed.
Crossbow/Physical : Necromancer's version of Jack of All Trades, Master of None. Guide needed.
Melee : Good singletarget, below average farming toolkit. You can get some good oskills to farm, mostly through relics. Very tanky. Guide
Malice : Okay bosser but farming toolkit is below average. A solid starter for new season. Guide
Orb of Annihilation : A fun oskill that shoots an orb that autotargets piercing light at everything. High mana cost, scales only from +skill levels pretty much. Guide

Nephalem : The lazy farming option. Just run past everything, throw your noodle at them if they don't die. Guide
Ritualist : One of the best SSF starters. Can go either Blood Thorns or Lemures. They act a bit different, but gear is mostly the same. For more specifics, look up the respective guides. Blood Thorns Lemures Both
Incarnation : Big buff to Dragon Jaws and Annhilation scaling, which means early and migame are a lot more comfortable. Guide
Templar : Holy melee, a solid starter, good singletarget, decent clear. Not high gear requirement and somewhat tanky. Guide
Warlock : Unholy caster, a really solid build and has a great oskill option for farming, if Mind Flay doesn't cut it (Chaotic Spark oskill). A bit glasscannony, but damage is there with proper gear. Guide
Rising Dawn : One of the oskill staples in Sigma. Paladin has good support for this type of play. Guide

Lightning : Good farmer, as close to 0 cooldown teleport as you can get in Median. Okay bossing and good farming toolkit. Guide
Melee : Slight nerfs to a very strong character. Guide
Arcane : Damage cap increased! Arcane torrent buffed! Guide
Cold : Battlemage playstyle, where you can use melee devotion and still use your spells (but not ice elementals). Not the tankiest, but solid starter. Guide
Fire : Very good farmer with Habacalva's or Holy Wars (SU/SSU Eagle Orb). Good boss damage, and access to good fire oskills for better farming and singletarget. Showcase
Poison : Good farming and okay-ish bossing capabilities. Sorceress runewords really strong for this build. Guide


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Patch 2.7
Tier changes
Storm/Hammer Amazon from tier 2 to tier 1
Storm/Caster Amazon from tier 2 to tier 1
Crossbow/Fire Necromancer from tier 1 to tier 2
Seer/Fire Druid from tier 4 to tier 2
Warmonger/Physical Barbarian from tier 3 to tier 1

Storm/Caster SSF 4 → 2
Blood/Magic Missiles SSF 1 → 4
Blood/Fire Amazon SSF 1 → 3, Bossing 1 → 2

Warmonger/Physical Farming 3 → 1, Bossing 3 → 2, Leveling 4 → 2, SSF 4 → 2, Scosglen 4 → 2
Guard Tower Barbarian Removed

Separated Werebear to Physical and Fire. Current ratings went to physical, gave initial ratings to Fire
Seer/Cold SSF 3 → 2
Seer/Fire Farming 3 → 2, Solo Self Found 4 → 2
Seer/Hurricane Removed

Crossbow/Physical Farming 1 → 2, Leveling 2 → 3
Crossbow/Fire Farming 1 → 2, Leveling 2 → 3

Templar Leveling 3 → 2
Ritualist/Blood Thorns Farming 3 → 2, Bossing 3 → 2, Scosglen 4 → 2
Ritualist/Lemures Farming 3 → 2, Bossing 2 → 1, Scosglen 4 → 2

Arcane Leveling 1 → 2

Patch 2.6
Tier changes
Javelin Amazon from tier 1 to tier 2
Bow/Physical Amazon from tier 1 to tier 2
Spear Amazon from tier 4 to tier 2
Naginata Assassin from tier 1 to tier 2
Throwing/Storm Crows Assassin renamed to Throwing/Maelstrom Assassin and moved from tier 4 to tier 3
Elementalist Barbarian moved from tier 3 to tier 2
Warmonger/Elemental Barbarian introduced in tier 1
Warmonger/Poison Barbarian introduced in tier 2
Warmonger Barbarian now Warmonger/Physical Barbarian and moved from tier 4 to tier 3
Melee Necromancer from tier 3 to tier 2
Crossbow/Fire Necromancer introduced in tier 1
Crossbow Necromancer now Crossbow/Physical Necromancer and moved from tier 3 to tier 2
Neutral Paladin from tier 2 to tier 1
Arcane Sorceress from tier 4 to tier 2
Cold Sorceress from tier 1 to tier 2
Lightning Sorceress from tier 2 to tier 1

Spear, bossing 3 → 2, Scosglen 4 → 2
Storm/Hammer, farming 3 → 2, bossing 4 → 2, survivability 2 → 1, Scosglen 5 → 3
Javelin, solo self found 1 → 3
Blood/MM, solo self found 3 → 1
Blood/Fire, solo self found 2 → 1

Throwing/Scorpion Blade, farming
Throwing/Maelstrom, farming 3 → 2, bossing 3 → 2, solo self found 4 → 2, Scosglen 4 → 3
Claw, farming 3 → 2
Naginata, solo self found 1 → 2

Separated Warmonger into Elemental, Poison, Physical and gave initial ratings for all
Elementalist, farming 3 → 2, Scosglen 3 → 2

Werebear, bossing 1 → 2
Bow/Elemental, farming 3 → 2

Separated Crossbow to Crossbow/Fire and Crossbow/Physical, with previous ratings translating to Crossbow/Physical
Summoner, solo self found 3 → 1, Scosglen 3 → 2
Melee, farming 3 → 2, Scosglen 4 → 3
Crossbow/Physical, farming 2 → 1, leveling 3 → 2
Malice, solo self found 2 → 4

Neutral, solo self found 3 → 1

Melee/Physical farming 1 → 2, bossing 1 → 2
Melee/Elemental, farming 1 → 2, bossing 1 → 2
Arcane, leveling 2 → 1, Scosglen 4 → 3

Patch 2.5:
Tier changes
Bow - Physical Amazon from tier 4 to tier 1
Javelin Amazon from tier 2 to tier 1
Psionic Assassin from tier 2 to tier 1
Trap Assassin from tier 4 to tier 2
Whirlwind - Physical Barbarian from tier 4 to tier 3
Guard Tower Barbarian from tier 3 to tier 4
Bow Physical Druid from tier 4 to tier 2
Werebear Druid from tier 3 to tier 2
Crossbow Necromancer from tier 4 to tier 3
Melee Necromancer from tier 4 to tier 3
Holy Caster Paladin from tier 5 to tier 2
Melee Sorceress from tier 2 to tier 1

Sheet changes
Bow, Physical Amazon: Bossing 3 → 2, Leveling 3 → 1, Scosglen 3 → 1
Javelin Amazon: SSF 3 → 1
Naginata Assassin: SSF 2 → 1
Trap Assassin: Farming 3 → 2, Bossing 3 → 2, SSF 4 → 2, Scosglen 4 → 3
Psionic Assassin: Bossing 2 → 1
Earthquake Barbarian: Scosglen 5 → 4
Whirlwind, Physical Barbarian: Farming 3 → 2
Summon Barbarian: SSF 3 → 1
Guard Tower Barbarian: Farming 2 → 3, Survivability 1 → 2, Scosglen 2 → 4
Werebear Druid: SSF 4 → 1, Scosglen 5 → 3
Werewolf Druid: Bossing 1 → 2, Scosglen 4 → 2
Wereowl Druid: Leveling 3 → 2, SSF 4 → 2
Bow Physical Druid: Farming 2 → 1, SSF 3 → 2, Scosglen 3 → 2
Summoner Necromancer: Bossing 3 → 2
Melee Necromancer: Leveling 3 → 1
Crossbow Necromancer: SSF 4 → 2
Malice Necromancer: SSF 4 → 2
Templar Paladin: SSF 2 → 1
Incarnation Paladin: Farming 4 → 2, Bossing 5 → 1, Leveling 3 → 1, SSF 4 → 3, Scosglen 4 → 2
Neutral Paladin: Scosglen 3 → 2
Warlock Paladin: Survivability 3 → 2
Melee Physical Sorceress: Farming 3 → 1, Bossing 2 → 1, SSF 4 → 3, Scosglen 4 → 3
Melee Elemental Sorceress: Farming 2 → 1, Leveling 3 → 2

Minor changes
Added Mirror Temple set recipient indicator to Google Sheet and quick tier list

Seekers for help with formatting and NotCube for coming up with it.
midknight, Lynderika, NotCube, Ben- for helping with the tier list.
Guide creators for making builds easier for people.
Median XL developers for amazing patches every season.

Hitachi magic wand attachment specifically for men

Another popular attachment for men is the Hummingbird attachment. This attachment features a textured sleeve that can be placed over the head of the Hitachi Magic Wand. The textured sleeve is designed to provide additional stimulation to the penis. When the Magic Wand is turned on, the vibrations pass through the sleeve, creating a pleasurable and intense sensation that can lead to heightened arousal and more intense orgasms. Overall, the Hitachi Magic Wand and its attachments offer a versatile and powerful tool for both men and women to explore their sexual pleasure. While it may be marketed primarily towards women, men can also benefit from the use of the Magic Wand and its various attachments. Whether it's stimulating the prostate or adding extra sensation to the penis, these attachments can greatly enhance the sexual experiences of men and provide them with a new level of pleasure and satisfaction..

Reviews for "Breaking the Mold: Hitachi Magic Wand Attachments Designed Specifically for Men"

1. John - 1/5 - I was really disappointed with the Hitachi magic wand attachment specifically for men. I was expecting something that would provide intense pleasure and stimulate all the right places, but unfortunately, this attachment fell short. The texture was uncomfortable and the vibrations were extremely weak. It didn't do anything for me and I ended up just using the wand on its own, which was much more satisfying. I would not recommend this attachment to anyone looking for a pleasurable experience.
2. Sarah - 2/5 - The Hitachi magic wand attachment specifically for men was a letdown for me. I had high hopes after reading positive reviews, but it just didn't live up to the hype. The material felt cheap and uncomfortable against my skin, and the design did not fit my body well at all. The vibrations were lackluster and did not provide the desired level of intensity. Overall, I found it to be a waste of money and would not purchase it again.
3. Michael - 2/5 - I had mixed feelings about the Hitachi magic wand attachment specifically for men. While it did provide some stimulation, I was not impressed with the overall experience. The attachment felt flimsy and cheaply made, and it was challenging to keep it securely attached to the wand. The vibrations were decent, but not as powerful as I had expected. I think there are better options available in the market for men seeking a satisfactory experience.

Expanding Pleasure Horizons: Hitachi Magic Wand Attachments Designed for Men

Taking Pleasure to the Next Level: Exploring Hitachi Magic Wand Attachments for Men