Shield of Light: Full Moon Spells for Protection and Guidance

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During a full moon, the moon appears fully illuminated from Earth. This lunar phase has been revered and celebrated by various cultures throughout history. Besides its aesthetic beauty, the full moon is believed to possess powerful energies that can be harnessed for various purposes, including protection. Full moon protection spells are rituals or ceremonies performed during the full moon to invoke spiritual energies for protection. These spells can be traced back to ancient times when people sought the moon's assistance in safeguarding themselves, their homes, and loved ones from harm. One of the most common full moon protection spells involves creating a protective circle.

Full Moons 101: An Intro To Their Energy & How To Make It Work For You

Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.

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Moon-curious? You've come to the right place. Here's everything you need to know about full moons and how to harness their powerful energy from down here on solid ground.

Why do full moons happen again?

Full moons happen once a month when the sun's rays fully illuminate the surface of the moon. The moon has no light of its own, and when the moon is shining at its brightest and fullest, we're receiving maximum light and vitality as the sun's rays bounce off of the lunar surface.

While the energy of a full moon lasts for about three days before and after the lunation, the moon is technically only full for a moment—when the sun and the moon are directly opposite each other in the sky (and on the zodiac wheel!).

How does the full moon affect us?

Humans have been living by lunar cycles for centuries, and in our modern world, connecting to these energies can give us a sense of grounding and synergy with the earth and cosmos.

While the new moon is a time to set intentions for the future and launch new projects, the full moon is a time of culmination and fruition. Starting with the "dark" phase of the new moon, the lunar surface gathers light over a two-week period, then manifests as a full moon. When the moon is completely full, it's a spiritual and energetic pinnacle of whatever you started when the sun and the moon united at the new moon.

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As the moon waxes (increases toward full light), our energy builds and we collect information. The waxing moon means a forward-moving energy and momentum that's great for building things, working toward a goal, or bringing the first phases of a project to fruition.

Once the full moon arrives, the waning (decreasing) moon phase begins. As the moon wanes and the light starts to dwindle, we can begin to release what's no longer working for us. It's a great time to reflect on what you've built during the waxing phase while shedding anything that doesn't feel right. As the moon wanes, we can tie up any loose ends and say goodbye to what's not serving our own highest mission.

Four to six times a year, the new and full moons are also eclipses. Eclipses are agents of change and growth, often prompting sudden turning points in our lives. Where have we been procrastinating or avoiding a decision? The eclipses will reveal that and can force our hands.

In fact, their energies can play out for several months! Solar eclipses happen at the new moon when, from our vantage point, the moon appears to cover the sun, either partially or fully.

Lunar eclipses fall at the full moon when the earth stands directly between the moon and the sun, casting a palette of red, brown, and black shadows on the moon! In essence, eclipses are intensified new and full moons that force us to level up our game!

What to do during the full moon:


Full moon meditations are a powerful way to tap the luminous lunar energy and harness the energetic power of the moon's light. You can do a full moon meditation before any of your rituals to set up the right mindset and align yourself with what you want to accomplish:

  1. Sit comfortably in a space where the moonlight is visible.
  2. Close your eyes and feel the moon's beams fill the room and your body.
  3. Focus on your breath and the intention you've set.
  4. Imagine the moonlight enveloping and purifying your body, mind, and spirit.
  5. Slowly bring your attention back to the room and open your eyes.
  6. Repeat as many times as you'd like in the three to five hours before or after the full moon.


Words are powerful, and the full moon is a potent time for letting go of what's no longer serving you. Write down a list of everything you want to release from your life, and read them aloud with intention, either in a full moon circle or solo. Say, "I release you!" or "Thank you for your service—you are free to move on!"

Hold a moon circle

Moon circles can help you harness the energy of the full moon and celebrate with a group of friends and like-minded seekers. At a full moon circle, you'll want to set intentions, listen actively to each other's desires, and decide what to collectively release. You can get as creative as you want with these–candles, incense, chanting, dancing, even a playlist tailored to the full moon's astrological sign

Do a manifestation ritual

A simple manifestation ritual can solidify your full moon intentions and help you bring things to fruition. Start by creating a little altar or sacred space in your home where you can perform this ritual. Gather some inspirational objects (photos, notes, books, crystals, or anything that contains the energy of what you want to manifest). Next, meditate and relax your mind for a few moments as you get clear on what you're calling in. Let go of any judgment and close your eyes as you visualize yourself attracting exactly what you want. You can use the objects as points of focus.

Take a moon bath

The full moon's light can rejuvenate our psyches. Connect with lunar energy by submerging yourself in water. Draw a healing bath around the time of the full moon, and gather your favorite salts, crystals, and candles.

You can say your full moon intentions aloud while you're relaxing in the tub as you imagine the full moon restoring every cell of your body. Or, take a dip in a lake, ocean, or pool (if weather and circumstances permit) or bottle up your own moon water.

What NOT to do during the full moon:

Start something new

Full moons are times of intense culmination. If possible, start your new projects around the new moon and use the three days surrounding the full moon to rest, reflect, and release.

Overwork or overstress

The full moon is meant to be a celebratory time, but with all the energy it stirs up, it's easy to overdo it. Avoid getting stressed or overworking yourself. And don't worry about doing all of the full moon rituals perfectly! The intention behind your actions is what matters most.

Make life-changing decisions

Emotions are heightened during the full moon, which can prompt knee-jerk reactions. If you're not grounded, avoid making any sudden decisions.

How to shake up your full moon ritual throughout the year

Traditional full moon meanings:

The full moon will carry a different energy depending on when in the year that it falls. Here's an introduction to what each month's moon signifies:

  • Wolf Moon (January): Hang out with your own wolf pack and let out a collective howl!
  • Snow Moon (February): The snowiest moon. Don't hate—hibernate!
  • Worm Moon (March): On the final full moon of winter, the ground is getting softer and the snow begins to thaw. Decide what you want to leave behind as you prepare for spring.
  • Pink Moon (April): Named for the first pink flowers of spring, use this moon to charge your magical tools outside while connecting with nature.
  • Flower Moon (May): Everything's in bloom! Incorporate flowers and flower essences into your moon rituals.
  • Strawberry Moon (June): The first moon of summer and a lovely time to use warm tones, fruits, and sweetness in your rituals.
  • Buck Moon (July): Harness the energy of growth and strength. Think deer antlers.
  • Sturgeon Moon (August): On this moon, reflect on times in your life when you've surprised yourself with your strength.
  • Corn Moon (September): Celebrate agricultural fertility and feminine energy on this moon, also known as the Harvest Moon.
  • Hunter's Moon (October): Reflect on the summer months and set autumnal intentions.
  • Beaver Moon (November): Get in touch with your senses and ground in nature.
  • Cold Moon (December): As the final moon of the year, the cold moon is a time to rest, reset, and practice self-care as you reflect on the past 12 months.

Astrology sign-by-sign full moon meanings:

A full moon always falls in one specific astrological sign. Every sign carries different energies and themes, and we can use this information to connect us with the cosmos. Here are some keywords associated with each sign to help you get started on your lunar journeying:

  • Aries: Aries is all about fierce individuality. Celebrate what you love about yourself, and release any negative vibes around your self-image!
  • Taurus: Taurus is the most sensual of the earth signs and is ruled by Venus, planet of love. Take time to appreciate nature and engage your senses. Think walking outside barefoot and inhaling the spring air.
  • Gemini: Gemini, a mutable air sign, is curious and flirty. Chat with your friends and activate your throat chakra.
  • Cancer: Cancer is the moon's home and represents the waters of the womb. Take a bubble bath, honor the women in your life, and most importantly: Nurture yourself.
  • Leo: Leo loves to see and be seen. Connect with your inner lion(ness) and bust out the bling; wear clothes that make you feel regal and glamorous; and dance, dance, dance.
  • Virgo: Virgo likes to make order out of chaos. This is a stellar time to organize your physical and energetic space. Decide what's working for you and what's got to go.
  • Libra: Libra is represented by the scales of justice. How are you creating beauty, harmony, and balance in your life? What's holding you back from these Libran ideals?
  • Scorpio: The Scorpio energy is subterranean: the deepest, darkest, most magical waters. Activate your inner witch on this full moon.
  • Sagittarius: Sag is the eternal adventurer, and the full moon here wants you to broaden your horizons. Embrace the unknown and try something new.
  • Capricorn: Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, planet of discipline and structures. How can you create abundance and growth through embracing structure. Ditch whatever structures aren't working for you.
  • Aquarius: Aquarius is an air sign represented by the water bearer (confusing, we know). This water is meant to wash away the past and make room for newness. Say goodbye to what needs to get washed away, and make space for new opportunity.
  • Pisces: As the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces represents mystical oceanic waters. If you live near the ocean or a large body of water, take a dip or listen to waves via audio recording.

The takeaway

More advanced astrology fans can refer to their own natal chart to see where the next full moon will fall for them. For example, if the next the full moon in Aries falls in your 10th house, it will be all about releasing something in your career and public life, which are 10th-house topics.

You can use this cosmic info to help guide your areas of focus for the next few weeks.

There are countless ways to engage with full moon energy. Remember, full moons are meant to be times of celebration, victory, and release. Make the energy work for you, and try not to stress about it.

This article was originally published January 26, 2013, and it has been updated with new information.

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4 Powerful Full Moon Spells For Every Occasion

The full moon is arguably the most powerful time of the lunar cycle. It’s certainly a sight to behold as it hangs in the sky and shines down on you like a big spotlight.

The full moon can give witches an “all-purpose” kind of energy you can use to boost the effectiveness of any spell you wish to perform. To take advantage of this energy, you don’t have to throw a huge full moon ceremony with a group of other witches whenever the full moon comes around. You can create your own personal way of tapping into this special energy.

These spells are designed to work with full moon energy, but you can also use the concepts presented here to use full moon energy in your other, more general spells.

If you’re looking for several more unique ways to get started using the full moon in your witchcraft, here are four full moon spells to try.

Pentacle Prosperity Spell

Use this spell to manifest a growing income and long-term wealth. This spell is designed to bring more money into your life and to use that money to make wise investments. This is a fantastic spell to do when you’re saving for the down payment on a house, making a plan to provide for your family or partner, selling a home, or starting a new business. This spell is for protecting and blessing those BIG milestone investments we make throughout our lives.

What You’ll Need:

  • Ten of Pentacles tarot card – this card holds the energy of abundance that flows through multiple generations. This card isn’t necessarily about quick cash; this card can be used to call in long-term prosperity so you can leave behind a legacy.
  • A coin
  • Blanket (optional)

On the night of the full moon lay down on your back on the ground. You can spread the blanket out underneath you if that makes you more comfortable. It’s best to do this outside under the moon, but as long as you’re clear with your intention, you can perform this spell anywhere.

Place the Ten of Pentacles tarot card on the place in your body where you “sense” that you make financial decisions from. This could be anywhere on your body—your head, your heart, your stomach (gut), or even your pelvis.

If you’re not sure, spend a minute or two pondering your next big financial decision and notice where you feel any kind of sensation. This could feel like a fluttering in your stomach, a wrinkled forehead, or a tingle of energy in your chest. Wherever you feel that, position the tarot card there so that the front of the card (with the pentacles) is facing up towards the moon. Set the coin on top of the card.

Spread your legs on the ground and extend your arms out like you’re about to make a snow angel. You’re essentially making your body into the points of a pentagram—your head at the top, and your two hands and feet as the other four points.

If you’re new to witchcraft, some witches associate the pentagram with protection and power. That power and protection will be used in this spell to bring you the power to call in wealth and protect your investments.

To activate your spell, think or speak your intention aloud, energetically sending it up to the moon. The full moon appears to you as a perfect circle. The moon’s circle and your body’s pentagram shape create the shape of a pentacle.

“I call on the power of the prosperous full moon to merge with the energy of the protective pentagram. Tonight, our shapes merge to create a pentacle. Together, the moon and I manifest a lifetime of golden coins.”

The card and the coin are symbolic of your intention to co-create with the moon’s energy. Your energy is underneath the card and coin, while the moon’s energy shines down from above. The two energies will meet and mix where the card and coin are. The card and the coin represent long-term wealth, which is the desired result of your spell.

Gaze up at the moon as you visualize what your life will look like once your spell has manifested. Notice any sensations or feelings you experience, particularly where you’ve placed the card and coin.

You may end the spell whenever feels natural. You can put your tarot card back in the deck and keep the coin in your pocket as a “money magnet” of sorts.

Reveal What Is Hidden Cherry Spell

The full moon is a perfect time for practicing divination because the light of the full moon is known to reveal information that has been hidden from you. Some witches believe cherries and cherry juice hold divination power. I like to pair cherry magic with a full moon because both are round and both are “hiding” something—the moon hides its “dark side” and a cherry hides its pit.

What You’ll Need:

  • A bowl of cherries with the pits

Sit outside or by a window with your bowl of cherries. Speak this incantation with the intention to receive secret information using the energy of the full moon.

“If there is something I can’t see,

Moon, send your wisdom down to me.

Inside the fruit, there hides a pit,

The darkest truths will now be lit.”

Eat your cherries and keep your mind open to any thoughts or feelings that come to you as you do this. Drop each pit back into the bowl. When you’ve eaten all the cherries, hold the bowl of cherry pits in your right hand and use your index finger in your left hand to give the cherry pits a stir.

Pour the cherry pits out of the bowl and discard them. Gaze into the bowl and read the remaining cherry juice as you would tea leaves in a teacup. Look for shapes, images, or symbols and journal about any thoughts or messages you receive.

When you’re finished, thank the moon for sharing its wisdom.

Losing Lottery Ticket Banishing Spell

My mom and I have a tradition where we buy a couple scratch-off lottery tickets when we go on vacation together. We love to fantasize about all the luxurious things we’ll buy when we will the jackpot. We’ve never won more than a hundred dollars at once in all the years we’ve been doing this, but it’s not a total loss. More recently, I’ve discovered how to get some energetic value out of a losing lottery ticket through my witchcraft.

If you feel you’ve had a run of bad luck, either by chance or because of a curse, this simple full moon spell is designed to restore your good fortune.

What You’ll Need:

  • A losing lottery ticket
  • Smoky quartz crystal
  • A fireproof container
  • Lighter or matches

Go outside under the moon and set your lottery ticket on the ground. Hold the smoky quartz crystal in both hands. This crystal is known to banish any unwanted energy, which makes it perfect for this spell.

State your intention (aloud or in your head). “My good fortune is renewed in the cleansing light of the full moon.”

Step both of your feet on the lottery ticket and allow the energy of the full moon to shine down on you. Visualize the cleansing light of the full moon moving through you, chasing any curses or bad luck out of your energy field.

Visualize the energy being absorbed into the lottery ticket like a powerful vacuum. When you feel like the spell has run its course, step off the lottery ticket and either throw it out in a public trash can or burn it in a fireproof container. Keep the smoky quartz crystal with you as you do this to ensure the unwanted energy stays in the lottery ticket and doesn’t find it’s way back to you.

Spotlight Moon Spell

This is a spell to do if you feel like you’re being taken for granted (or you’d just like more attention) in your personal or professional life.

What You’ll Need:

  • A mirror
  • A wet erase marker (or any marker you’ll be able to wipe off your mirror afterward)
  • Tape or sticky tac
  • A picture of yourself
  • A handful of flower petals (fresh or dried)

Position a mirror so it is reflecting the full moon. Adhere your picture to the center of the mirror. Write your intention on the mirror with the marker. Write the sentence so that the words are going in a circle around your picture. For example: “I write a blog post that goes viral and I receive lots of positive feedback.” or “My partner thanks me for all the work I do around the house.”

Sit near the mirror and close your eyes. Visualize your intention manifesting, focusing on the positive emotions that come up. Think of the bright light of the full moon as a spotlight shining right on you. That’s the moon acknowledging how special and valued you are.

When you feel full of pleasant emotions, gather the flower petals in your hands and throw them up in the air. Let them rain down on you and the mirror, like confetti. You are celebrating yourself, and soon others will celebrate you, too! Leave the mirror out overnight so the moon can continue to shine on your picture.

Full Moon Magic

The full moon brings lots of creative energy along with it, so take advantage of that by creating your own versions of these spells. For example, the cherry divination spell can be made into a love spell if you ask the full moon to deliver messages about your future lover.

If you get good results performing these spells on yourself, you can try performing them with others in mind (if you’re comfortable doing that). For example, the spotlight spell can be used to bring nationwide attention to a special cause or send appreciation to a loved one such as your mom on mother’s day. Personalize these spells to better fit your needs. Happy full moon, witches!

Full Moon Rituals & Spells: 8 Easy Ways to Harness the Magic & Use it to Your Benefit

The full moon is always an incredibly potent time for magic, divination and spiritual practices of all kinds. Take advantage of Luna’s culminating energy by performing any of these easy full moon spells and rituals. You don’t need expensive tools or accessories in order to make your ritual a powerful one. In fact, it’s often the simplest rituals that invite the most love and abundance into your life.

Every month, we are influenced by all eight phases of the moon. While new moons are a time to set anintention and embrace a new beginning, full moons mark a time of endings, release and renewal. Taking place around every 28–30 days, a full moon always arrives in the sign sitting opposite from the sun sign (ex: during Pisces season we have a Virgo full moon). When a full moon arrives, we can expect to feel the sensation of spiritual “shedding” or rather, the clearing-out process that allows you to release old friends, thought patterns, habits, responsibilities, clutter and more. Because full moons are the most illuminated phase of the moon, its celestial glow literally “sheds light” on whatever (or whoever) is no longer aligned with your future, giving you the opportunity to see things more clearly.

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Because full moons represent a time of endings, your rituals are best suited to amplify this energy and encourage a sense of surrender, release and letting go with grace. It can sometimes be uncomfortable to sit with the pause that happens on a full moon; as humans we naturally want to fill empty spaces, so it’s best that you use a full moon to get comfortable in the void space by reflecting on all that you have accomplished and moved through over the last lunar cycle. Harness the magic that full moons bring by engaging in the following full moon rituals:

8 Easy Full Moon Rituals


One of the most common full moon protection spells involves creating a protective circle. This is done by drawing or visualizing a circle around yourself or the area you wish to protect. In this sacred space, individuals can focus their intentions on keeping negative energies or entities at bay.

Take a full moon bath

Under the full moon, you’ll want to first prepare by cleansing the mind. It’s also believed that epsom salt soaks in the tub can clear your energy field or aura, so this is a great ritual to add into your day. While you are soaking in the tub, put on binaural beats, frequency sounds, a guided meditation or any audio that helps you to relax. You can also add to your experience by lighting candles or incense and adding some of your favorite essential oils or dried flower petals into the tub!

Full moon protection spells

The full moon's energy is believed to intensify the power of this invisible barrier and provide additional protection. Another full moon protection spell involves using herbs and crystals to amplify the protective energies. Certain herbs such as sage, rosemary, and lavender are believed to have cleansing and protective properties. These herbs can be burned as incense or used in a ritual bath to enhance the effectiveness of the spell. Similarly, crystals like clear quartz, amethyst, and black tourmaline are thought to possess protective energies. Placing these crystals in or around the protected area during the full moon can help maximize the spell's effects. Meditation is often incorporated into full moon protection spells. By quieting the mind and focusing on the desired outcome, individuals can strengthen their intentions and connect with the moon's energies more effectively. Visualizations may also be utilized during meditation to create a mental image of the protected space enveloped in a shield of positive energy. An essential aspect of full moon protection spells is belief and intention. It is important to believe in the power of the spell and set a clear intention for the desired protection. Positive affirmations or prayers can be recited during the ritual to strengthen this intention and express gratitude for the moon's assistance. Full moon protection spells can be personalized and adapted to individual preferences and beliefs. They can be performed alone or with a group of like-minded individuals. Some may choose to incorporate additional elements such as candles, symbols, or talismans for added symbolism and spiritual connection. It is important to note that full moon protection spells should not be seen as a substitute for practical precautions or professional assistance when needed. They are intended to complement existing safety measures and provide an additional layer of spiritual support. In conclusion, full moon protection spells are rituals performed during the full moon phase to invoke spiritual energies for protection. These spells can involve creating a protective circle, using herbs and crystals, practicing meditation, and setting clear intentions. Ultimately, the effectiveness of these spells relies on belief, intention, and personal connection to the moon's energies..

Reviews for "Full Moon Rituals for Shielding Your Energy from External Influences"

1) Emily - 1 star - I was really disappointed with the Full Moon Protection Spells. I followed all the instructions and performed the spell exactly as stated, but I didn't notice any difference whatsoever. I still felt anxious and unprotected during the full moon, and it seemed like a complete waste of time and effort. I was hoping for some sort of relief or even just a placebo effect, but sadly, nothing changed for me. I would not recommend these spells to anyone seeking real protection during the full moon.
2) Jason - 2 stars - I had high hopes for the Full Moon Protection Spells, but they didn't live up to my expectations. The spells were easy to perform, but I didn't feel any tangible results or increased sense of protection during the full moon. I understand that magic is subjective and not guaranteed to work for everyone, but I was hoping for at least some improvement. Perhaps it just wasn't the right fit for me, but I believe there are better options out there for those seeking genuine full moon protection.
3) Sarah - 1 star - I regret wasting my time and money on the Full Moon Protection Spells. Despite following all the instructions and having a strong belief in the power of magic, I felt absolutely no change in my sense of security during the full moon. It was frustrating and disappointing to invest so much hope in these spells only to be left feeling vulnerable and unprotected. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone looking for reliable full moon protection, as they simply didn't work for me.
4) Alex - 2 stars - The Full Moon Protection Spells fell short for me. I followed the steps diligently and had faith in their effectiveness, but I didn't notice any significant difference in my emotional state or sense of protection during the full moon. It's possible that I didn't connect with the spells or that I didn't perform them properly, but I was ultimately left disappointed. I would advise exploring other alternatives for full moon protection.
5) Michelle - 1 star - I had high expectations for the Full Moon Protection Spells, but unfortunately, they didn't deliver any noticeable results for me. I performed the rituals as instructed, but I still felt anxious and exposed during the full moon. It was a letdown, especially considering the promising claims made about these spells. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone seeking genuine full moon protection, as they simply didn't provide the desired effects.

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