Connecting with Pagan Energies: Sending Love and Light on the Summer Solstice

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Sending love and light on this summer solstice to all pagans. On this day of the summer solstice, I want to send love and light to all pagans around the world. The summer solstice is a significant event in many pagan traditions, symbolizing the height of the sun's power and the longest day of the year. It is a time of celebration and honoring the abundance of nature. **To all my pagan friends**, may this day be filled with joy and gratitude as you connect with the earth and celebrate the cycles of nature. May you feel the warmth of the sun's rays and be energized by its life-giving power.


We do have enough to know that the Solstice did mean something to the ancient Celtic people and that Druids would have likely led ceremonies to celebrate this time of the year. So although it s a day for celebration of Life and Light, Summer Solstice truly marks the end of growth and the yearly movement towards hibernation and rest.

Sending love and light on this summer solstice to all pagans

May you feel the warmth of the sun's rays and be energized by its life-giving power. Embrace the beauty and magic that surrounds us and let it ignite your spirit. **As the sun reaches its peak**, may you feel a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration in your pagan practice.

Salt City Pagan: How Pagans Celebrate the Summer Solstice

We are nearing the Summer Solstice and I am ready to get my celebration started. In this article I want to explore how the Summer Solstice is celebrated by three different Pagan groups. There will be historical commentary, items that might stand out as unique to each practice, and links to helpful websites. At the end of this article I am also sharing two recipes (yes, two!) that will brighten your celebrations this year.

Before we jump into the Heathen, Druid, and Wiccan practices around the Solstice; I want to take a moment to share some feelers. If you haven’t read my article My Paganism and My Politics, please take a moment to do so. In it, I go over some major events that have happened in June, and why this month is worthy of celebration. June is a great time to learn more about the LGBTQ+ community, our struggles, our defiance against hate, and our survival. An estimated 32.7 million people have died from AIDS related illnesses since the start of the epidemic. This largely targets people of color and the LGTBQ+ community. Please take a moment to learn more about how the LGBTQ+ community is working to combat deaths and transform one of our largest struggles into another triumph. I am deeply proud to be a gay man and part of a community that doesn’t just survive, we thrive! Remember that June is not just a month that celebrates the Solstice, it celebrates life in all of her colors. Now, let’s get back to our topic at hand. Photo by the author.

Heathen – Sólmánuðr /Midsumor

Heathenry is an area that I am not familiar with. Beyond reaching out to a local Heathen kindred, it was relatively difficult to find a reliable website. However, Heathenry is fortunate enough to have practices that were semi-documented and absorbed into modern Scandinavian culture. To this day there are celebrations around Midsumor. Midsumor served as a time where various tribes could come together and begin discussions around territory, harvest, and expansion. The holiday would typically continue into the night and include bonfires and feasts. Today in Sweden it is called St. John’s Day and the celebration includes folk dancing around a pole that has been adorned with vines. Modern tradition is full of magic and romantic celebration. Maidens’ heads are adorned with wreaths from seven different flowers (sometimes nine depending on the region). The flowers are then placed under their pillows and it is said they will dream about a future spouse. Want to try celebrating as the Swedes do? I hope you enjoy boiled potatoes, pickled herring, and strawberries. These are some of the traditional foods that are served during Midsumor alongside beer and schnapps. It is clear that Heathens know how to have a good time and when to kick their feet up before the summer’s heat sets it. The holiday appears to focus on merriment, community, and has undertones of fertility everywhere. Here is a link to the Longship , a Heathenry website dedicated to providing resources Here is a link that describes modern Swedish Midsummer celebrations Public domain photo via Creative Commons.

Druid – Alban Hefin

I feel like a record player that got bumped and repeats the same thing over and over again when it comes to Druidry. We do not have enough archeological evidence at this time to really say what ancient Druids or Celtic people did to celebrate the Solstice. We do have enough to know that the Solstice did mean something to the ancient Celtic people and that Druids would have likely led ceremonies to celebrate this time of the year. Oddly enough, we do know that Neolithic people in Ireland and the U.K. found the equinoxes and solstices extremely significant. Neolithic sites around the United Kingdom and Ireland are dotted with stone sites that we believe to be central in these celebrations. These include Callanish stone circle, the Ring of Brodgar, and Stonehenge. It is believed that Neolithic practices were absorbed into Celtic cultures and this is how we have come to see celebrations such as Alban Hefin. Modern Druidry has great reverence for liminal times and this holiday is no exception. Alban Hefin is when the light of summer is brightest and longest. The light of day will no longer grow and the encroaching darkness will soon set in. The world is balanced and the sun’s strength gives us energy for the remainder of the year. One thing that I love about Modern Druidry is the embrace of various Celtic cultures. Alban Hefin is one example within one system of practice within Modern Druidry. The name Alban Hefin comes from Scottish Gaelic and is widely used by members of OBOD. However, if we look to our Welsh friends, we see the holiday called Heuldro’r Haf. Hopping across the Irish Sea, the holiday is called Grianstad an tSamhraidh (Samhradh to keep it simple). Each Celtic culture has their chosen deities and unique expressions of practice for this holiday. Photo by the author. Looking for common threads of practice in today’s Druidry is extremely fun. Several Druid practices see the day as one of three days where the veil between the spirit world and ours is thinnest. We are able to utilize the warmth of the sun to banish unwanted spirits and bring luck for the coming harvest. Bonfires are also a must have for any Druid celebration. At night a bonfire helps to bless the crops and you can jump the flames for good luck (please don’t try this without common sense and safety). Feasting and dancing are additional ways that Modern Druids take time to celebrate this liminal space in the calendar. Not able to see how harvests and crops is applicable to your modern city life? Aside from the obvious impact to farmers who supply our grocery stores, you can apply the abundance to any area that brings bounty into your life. Additionally, most of the Western half of the United States is facing major droughts. Find ways to conserve, expand on recycling efforts, and help spread awareness in preventing wildfires. These are just some of the ways we can work with nature to help her bounty so that she continues to help us. Here is a link to OBOD’s Solo Alban Hefin Ritual Here is a link to general information around Modern Druid celebrations

Wicca – Litha

The Wiccan celebration of Litha holds a very special place in my heart. This holiday is when I was first initiated into a group, as a teenager. Each year I find time to celebrate this holiday with my friends and do my best to create a feast. Though I do not mark the event with a formal circle or religious tone, it still manages to be steeped in hidden meaning. Historically speaking, the Wiccan celebration of Midsummer seems to have roots in Anglo-Saxon practices. Even the name Litha is said to be an Anglo-Saxon term for ‘gentle’. These Anglo-Saxon roots are saturated with beliefs that combine Germanic practices with sprinkles of Celtic influence. On one hand there are celebrations around the fair folk and on the other hand the Lord and Lady’s union produces fertility. Photo by the author. If a single word could be used to describe this holiday it would be color. In the Northern Hemisphere we are surrounded by wildflowers, flowing rivers, green forests, and the snow has finally melted from the surrounding mountains (unless you’re in Cottonwood Canyon….). We can see the land is fertile and that on the longest day of the year we are indeed in a liminal space. So how do we celebrate these abundant combinations? Weather permitting, I always recommend taking the celebration outdoors. Feel the warmth of the sun, use it to charge tools, safely gather with friends, and have a feast. As the sun begins to set, take a moment to acknowledge the liminal space, feast with friends, and burn wishes in a bonfire (or cauldron). This holiday truly is about the light, the warmth, and liminal time. The liminal space gives our soul a moment to breathe before we continue our lives. The holiday may not be grandiose in the literary sense and that seems the point, to me. Whichever way you choose to celebrate, you’re bound to enjoy the simple luxury of Midsummer. Be it with the fairies, a simple meal, or surrounded by your tools and bathed in the summer’s light. Midsummer really is a time to take things easy and create traditions that bring joy. Here is a link to a Midsummer Ritual by Jason Mankey Here is a link to general information around Litha

2021 Summer Solstice

This year is going to feel different than most years that I have celebrated the Summer Solstice. The pandemic isn’t quite finished and not everyone is safely vaccinated. I don’t think any of us wanted to live during this kind of historical landmark but here we are. Instead of lamenting about what I am unable to do, I want to attempt to map out ways I can celebrate the holiday. Here, in Utah, I am surrounded by mountains that have gorgeous trails. I would like to spend the early day amongst nature, walking one of our beautiful trails. Later on, I will pack up the husband, some food, and head to a park. I’m thinking a picnic and some yard games will make the day special. To top it all off, I am bringing my Solstice berry salad and Solstice lemonade. We will cheers to the fey, the land spirits, and to our health as we watch the sun set behind the Oquirrh Mountains. I also send a cheers out to all of you and hope that you stay safe this holiday. Happy Summer Solstice! Photo by the author.

Summer Solstice Food & Drink

  • 5 cups baby spinach
  • 1 cup of sliced strawberry
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • ½ cup raspberries
  • 1/3 cup sliced pickled red onion (trust me, so good)
  • ¼ cup pecans – coarsely chopped
  • Goat cheese of choice – feta is a great option
  • Balsamic vinaigrette (homemade is the best but store brands are just as good)


  • Combine: spinach, berries, onion, and pecans. Mix so that everything is evenly dispersed
  • Don’t add the cheese or vinaigrette until it is time to eat (otherwise, things get soggy and you don’t need that on a joyous day)
  • Crumble about ½ cup (or more) of goat cheese and evenly mix into salad
  • Add vinaigrette to taste

Solstice Cherry Lemonade (21+) – Serves 6


  • 1 ½ cups pitted cherries
  • 7 ½ cups of water
  • ½ cup sugar (add more if needed)
  • ½ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Zest of 2 lemons
  • 60 ounce pitcher
  • Bottle of your favorite bourbon (vodka works too but bourbon is oh so good here)


  • In a pot add: sugar and cherries – (do this and the next step before placing it on a heating element)
  • Using a potato masher or wooden spoon, smash the cherries, and then add your water
  • Bring water to a boil, immediately take the pot off the heat, and stir mixture thoroughly
  • Pour the sweet cherry liquid into your pitcher and allow it to cool to room temperature
  • Add lemon juice and lemon zest to the pitcher and stir the contents thoroughly (she’s going to be messy but she’s oh so good)
  • Place the pitcher in the fridge until it is time to party
  • Take out 6 Collins glasses (or rock glasses if you’re wanting seconds) – add ice to glasses
  • Pour 1 ½ shots of bourbon in each glass (I like to do individual glasses versus adding to the pitcher. This gives everyone an even dose of the Summerland’s sweet nectar)
  • Stir the lemonade again and pour into each glass, add an eco-friendly straw, and enjoy!
Sending love and light on this summer solstice to all pagans

Use this time to set intentions, release what no longer serves you, and welcome new beginnings. **Let the energy of the summer solstice** fill your heart with positivity and creativity as you move forward on your spiritual journey. **Remember to take a moment** to honor and give thanks for the bountiful gifts that nature provides. Whether you are spending the day outdoors, practicing rituals, or simply reflecting on the meaning of this day, allow yourself to be fully present and embrace the magic of the summer solstice. **Wishing you a blessed summer solstice**, filled with love, light, and a deep connection to the natural world. May this day bring you peace, happiness, and spiritual growth in all aspects of your pagan life. Stay true to your beliefs and continue to shine brightly in this world. Sending love and light to all pagans on this sacred day. Blessed be..

Reviews for "Celebrating the Sun's Triumph: Spreading Love and Light on the Summer Solstice"

1. John - 1/5: I found "Sending love and light on this summer solstice to all pagans" to be extremely preachy and exclusive. As someone who doesn't identify as a pagan, I felt left out and even judged by the author's words. Instead of promoting inclusivity and understanding, this post seemed to be pushing a specific agenda onto its audience. I believe that spiritual and religious messages should be universally welcoming, not divisive.
2. Sarah - 2/5: While the sentiment behind "Sending love and light on this summer solstice to all pagans" is well-intentioned, I couldn't help but feel that it lacked depth. The message came across as superficial, without providing any substantial insight into the significance of the summer solstice or the practices of pagans. It would have been more impactful if the author had provided a brief overview or explanation to educate those less familiar with paganism. Without that, it felt like a generic seasonal greeting that missed an educational opportunity.
3. David - 2/5: As an atheist, I found "Sending love and light on this summer solstice to all pagans" to be a bit peculiar and disconnected from my own beliefs. While I respect everyone's right to celebrate their spirituality, this post didn't resonate with me in any way. Moreover, it seemed to assume that all pagans celebrate the summer solstice, which may not be the case. It would have been better to acknowledge and respect the diversity within the pagan community and provide a more inclusive message that welcomes people of all beliefs.
4. Amanda - 2/5: I appreciate the sentiment behind "Sending love and light on this summer solstice to all pagans," but I wish the author had taken a more sensitive approach. Personally, I am not a pagan, and this post made me feel somewhat excluded and overlooked. There was no mention of other celebrations or acknowledgments for those who may not align with pagan beliefs, which left me feeling disconnected from the message. It would have been nice to see a more inclusive and diverse perspective.
5. Mark - 1/5: "Sending love and light on this summer solstice to all pagans" struck me as an unnecessary and forced attempt to impose religious views on a broader audience. As someone who doesn't identify with paganism or any other spiritual practice, this post felt like an intrusion rather than a genuine expression of understanding and love. I believe it is important for people to respect religious diversity without imposing their beliefs on others, and this post failed to achieve that.

Celebrating the Longest Day: Spreading Love and Light with Pagans on the Summer Solstice

Embracing the Magic of Midsummer: A Message of Love and Light for Pagan Practitioners

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