The Mysterious Curse of Isax Tower: A Comprehensive Investigation

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Após vários testes, conclui que não é recomendado utilizar o parâmetro TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=APPEND, devido às restrições de integridade que são impostas pela regra de negócio do cliente. Para este parâmetro trabalhar corretamente, observei que é preciso checar as dependências das tabelas envolvidas, caso contrário, vai ocorrer o erro ORA-0001: unique constraint violated.

APPLICANTS LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, APPLICATION_DATE, JOB_DESIRED, SALARY_DESIRED values Brown , Jackson , to_date 01-01-2005 12 00 00 , dd-mm-yyyy hh24 mi ss , IT_CNTR2 , 70113. APPLICANTS LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, APPLICATION_DATE, JOB_DESIRED, SALARY_DESIRED values Carrington , Joan , to_date 01-01-2005 12 00 00 , dd-mm-yyyy hh24 mi ss , IT_CNTR2 , 91919.

Currze of the t9wer isax


O parâmetro TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION do impdp: Como usá-lo para importar e atualizar tabelas no banco de dados ARTIGO EXCLUSIVO

No artigo de hoje vou falar sobre o parâmetro TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION do impdp, também vou criar um exemplo prático para que vocês entendam melhor o conceito.

Este parâmetro deve ser usado em conjunto com o parâmetro TABLES, que especifica as tabelas que serão importadas. Este parâmetro define qual ação tomará o Data Pump quando encontrar uma tabela que já existe no banco de dados.

O parâmetro pode ter os seguintes valores:

  • SKIP – nenhuma ação é tomada, ignora a(s) tabela(s) existente(s).
  • APPEND – novas linhas serão acrescentadas a tabela existente.
  • TRUNCATE – apaga as linhas da(s) tabela(s), em seguida, efetua a carga dos dados.
  • REPLACE – substitui a(s) tabela(s) existente(s); implicitamente, é executado os comandos DROP TABLE e CREATE TABLE, depois é feito a carga dos dados.


Passo 1 – Criando o HREX, importando tabelas do HR para o HREX:

CREATE USER HREX IDENTIFIED BY HREX DEFAULT TABLESPACE USERS TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP; Processando o tipo de objeto DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/TABLE/TABLE_DATA . . importou "HREX"."COUNTRIES" 6.367 KB 25 linhas . . importou "HREX"."DEPARTMENTS" 7.007 KB 27 linhas . . importou "HREX"."EMPLOYEES" 16.81 KB 107 linhas . . importou "HREX"."JOB_HISTORY" 7.054 KB 10 linhas . . importou "HREX"."JOBS" 6.992 KB 19 linhas . . importou "HREX"."LOCATIONS" 8.273 KB 23 linhas . . importou "HREX"."REGIONS" 5.476 KB 4 linhas Processando o tipo de objeto DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/ TABLE/GRANT/OWNER_GRANT/OBJECT_GRANT Processando o tipo de objeto DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/ TABLE/COMMENT

Passo 2 – Inserindo novas linhas nas tabelas do HR:

----- -- Listing 3.2: Add new Jobs, Departments, and Employees ----- INSERT INTO hr.departments (department_id, department_name, manager_id, location_id) VALUES (280, 'Science Fiction Writers', 108, 1500); INSERT INTO (job_id, job_title, min_salary, max_salary) VALUES ('EDITOR', 'Science Fiction Editor', 100000, 199999); INSERT INTO (job_id, job_title, min_salary, max_salary) VALUES ('WRITER-1', 'Science Fiction Writer 1', 5000, 29999); COMMIT; INSERT INTO hr.employees ( employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, phone_number, hire_date, job_id, salary, commission_pct, manager_id, department_id ) VALUES ( 901, 'John', 'Campbell', '[email protected]', '212-555-1212', TO_DATE('02/08/1943', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'EDITOR', 110000, NULL, 100, 280 ); INSERT INTO hr.employees ( employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, phone_number, hire_date, job_id, salary, commission_pct, manager_id, department_id ) VALUES ( 902, 'Isaac', 'Asimov', '[email protected]', '212-555-1313', TO_DATE('01/01/1949', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'WRITER-1', 5000, NULL, 901, 280 ); COMMIT; ----- -- Listing 3.3: Sample transactions: -- 1.) Update salaries and department IDs for selected employees ----- UPDATE hr.employees SET salary = salary * 1.05 WHERE employee_id >= 902; COMMIT;

Passo 3 – Criando tabela HR.APPLICANTS:

----- -- Listing 3.6: Create a new table (HR.APPLICANTS) ----- DROP TABLE hr.applicants CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; create table HR.APPLICANTS ( applicant_id NUMBER(5) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR2(24) NOT NULL, first_name VARCHAR2(24) NOT NULL, middle_initial VARCHAR2(1), gender VARCHAR2(1), application_date DATE NOT NULL, job_desired VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, salary_desired NUMBER(10,2) NOT NULL, added_on DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE NOT NULL, added_by VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL, changed_on DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE NOT NULL, changed_by VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL ) TABLESPACE EXAMPLE PCTFREE 10 PCTUSED 40 INITRANS 1 STORAGE ( INITIAL 64K MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED ); -- Comments COMMENT ON TABLE hr.applicants IS 'Controls domain of Applicants, i.e. persons who have applied for an employment opportunity'; COMMENT ON COLUMN hr.applicants.applicant_id IS 'Unique identifier for an Applicant'; COMMENT ON COLUMN hr.applicants.last_name IS 'Applicant Last Name'; COMMENT ON COLUMN hr.applicants.first_name IS 'Applicant First Name'; COMMENT ON COLUMN hr.applicants.middle_initial IS 'Applicant Middle Initial'; COMMENT ON COLUMN hr.applicants.gender IS 'Applicant Gender'; COMMENT ON COLUMN hr.applicants.application_date IS 'Application Date'; COMMENT ON COLUMN hr.applicants.job_desired IS 'Job Applied For'; COMMENT ON COLUMN hr.applicants.salary_desired IS 'Desired Salary'; COMMENT ON COLUMN hr.applicants.added_on IS 'Added On'; COMMENT ON COLUMN hr.applicants.added_by IS 'Added By'; COMMENT ON COLUMN hr.applicants.changed_on IS 'Last Updated On'; COMMENT ON COLUMN hr.applicants.changed_by IS 'Last Updated By'; -- Create indexes and constraints CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hr.applicants_pk_idx ON hr.applicants(applicant_id) TABLESPACE EXAMPLE PCTFREE 10 INITRANS 2 MAXTRANS 255 STORAGE ( INITIAL 64K MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED ); ALTER TABLE hr.applicants ADD CONSTRAINT applicants_pk PRIMARY KEY (applicant_id); CREATE INDEX hr.applicants_last_name_idx ON hr.applicants(last_name) TABLESPACE EXAMPLE PCTFREE 10 INITRANS 2 MAXTRANS 255 STORAGE ( INITIAL 64K MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED ); -- Create/Recreate check constraints ALTER TABLE hr.applicants ADD CONSTRAINT applicant_gender_ck CHECK ((gender IN('M', 'F') or gender IS NULL)); -- Create sequence DROP SEQUENCE hr.seq_applicants; CREATE SEQUENCE hr.seq_applicants MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 999999999999999999999999999 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 CACHE 3; -- Create INSERT/UPDATE row-level trigger CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER hr.tr_briu_applicants BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON hr.applicants FOR EACH ROW DECLARE entry_id NUMBER := 0; BEGIN IF INSERTING THEN BEGIN SELECT hr.seq_applicants.NEXTVAL INTO entry_id FROM DUAL; :new.applicant_id := entry_id; :new.added_on := SYSDATE; :new.added_by := DBMS_STANDARD.LOGIN_USER; :new.changed_on := SYSDATE; :new.changed_by := DBMS_STANDARD.LOGIN_USER; END; ELSIF UPDATING THEN BEGIN :new.changed_on := SYSDATE; :new.changed_by := DBMS_STANDARD.LOGIN_USER; END; END IF; END TR_BRIU_APPLICANTS; / -- Create a first set of applicants insert into HR.APPLICANTS (LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, APPLICATION_DATE, JOB_DESIRED, SALARY_DESIRED) values ('Aniston', 'Seth', to_date('01-01-2005 12:00:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), 'IT_CNTR2', 88017.94); insert into HR.APPLICANTS (LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, APPLICATION_DATE, JOB_DESIRED, SALARY_DESIRED) values ('Niven', 'Ray', to_date('01-01-2005 12:00:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), 'IT_CNTR1', 82553.39); insert into HR.APPLICANTS (LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, APPLICATION_DATE, JOB_DESIRED, SALARY_DESIRED) values ('Brown', 'Jackson', to_date('01-01-2005 12:00:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), 'IT_CNTR2', 70113.04); insert into HR.APPLICANTS (LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, APPLICATION_DATE, JOB_DESIRED, SALARY_DESIRED) values ('Murdock', 'Charlton', to_date('01-01-2005 12:00:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), 'IT_CNTR2', 70389.16); COMMIT; ----- -- Listing 3.7: Create a second set of applicants ----- insert into HR.APPLICANTS (LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, APPLICATION_DATE, JOB_DESIRED, SALARY_DESIRED) values ('Sandler', 'Joanna', to_date('01-01-2005 12:00:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), 'IT_CNTR1', 56205.25); insert into HR.APPLICANTS (LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, APPLICATION_DATE, JOB_DESIRED, SALARY_DESIRED) values ('Callow', 'Ramsey', to_date('01-01-2005 12:00:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), 'IT_CNTR1', 90966.42); insert into HR.APPLICANTS (LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, APPLICATION_DATE, JOB_DESIRED, SALARY_DESIRED) values ('Skerritt', 'Rade', to_date('01-01-2005 12:00:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), 'IT_CNTR2', 44394.27); insert into HR.APPLICANTS (LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, APPLICATION_DATE, JOB_DESIRED, SALARY_DESIRED) values ('MacLachlan', 'Walter', to_date('01-01-2005 12:00:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), 'IT_CNTR3', 97292.06); COMMIT; ----- -- Listing 3.11: Create a third set of applicants ----- insert into HR.APPLICANTS (LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, APPLICATION_DATE, JOB_DESIRED, SALARY_DESIRED) values ('Winwood', 'Chloe', to_date('01-01-2005 12:00:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), 'IT_CNTR3', 57301.55); insert into HR.APPLICANTS (LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, APPLICATION_DATE, JOB_DESIRED, SALARY_DESIRED) values ('King', 'Clint', to_date('01-01-2005 12:00:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), 'IT_CNTR2', 50291.11); insert into HR.APPLICANTS (LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, APPLICATION_DATE, JOB_DESIRED, SALARY_DESIRED) values ('Carrington', 'Joan', to_date('01-01-2005 12:00:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), 'IT_CNTR2', 91919.56); insert into HR.APPLICANTS (LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, APPLICATION_DATE, JOB_DESIRED, SALARY_DESIRED) values ('Tyson', 'Hex', to_date('01-01-2005 12:00:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), 'IT_CNTR1', 56582.30); COMMIT;

Passo 4 – Importando tabela DEPARTMENTS:

Comparando a tabela dos esquemas HR e HREX, nota-se a ausência do departamento 280 na tabela HREX.DEPARTMENTS.

Para que as tabelas fiquem iguais, vamos substituir a tabela do esquema HREX pela tabela do HR.

Passo 5 – Importando tabela APPLICANTS:

Neste passo, vamos importar a tabela APPLICANTS do esquema HR para o HREX, através do “comando” TRUNCATE. Quando utilizamos esta opção, o Data Pump apaga todas as linhas da tabela e “popula” ela com os dados do ambiente de origem.

Passo 6 – Importando tabelas EMPLOYEES, APPLICANTS, APPLICANTS2:

Vamos importar as tabelas EMPLOYEES, APPLICANTS e APPLICANTS2 do esquema HR para o esquema HREX. As tabelas que já existem no esquema HREX não serão importadas, as outras tabelas sim. Para exemplificar, criei a tabela HR.APPLICANTS2.


Após vários testes, conclui que não é recomendado utilizar o parâmetro TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=APPEND, devido às restrições de integridade que são impostas pela regra de negócio do cliente. Para este parâmetro trabalhar corretamente, observei que é preciso checar as dependências das tabelas envolvidas, caso contrário, vai ocorrer o erro ORA-0001: unique constraint violated.


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Passo 1 – Criando o HREX, importando tabelas do HR para o HREX:
Currze of the t9wer isax


Reviews for "The Forgotten Curse: Exploring Isax Tower's Dark History"

- John - 1/5
I found "Currze of the t9wer isax" to be incredibly disappointing. The story was lacking any depth or originality, and the characters felt one-dimensional. The writing was also quite poor, with numerous spelling and grammar mistakes throughout. Overall, I would not recommend this book to anyone looking for a compelling and well-crafted story.
- Mary - 2/5
I wasn't a fan of "Currze of the t9wer isax" for a few reasons. Firstly, the pacing was incredibly slow, making it difficult to stay engaged with the plot. Secondly, the dialogue felt forced and unrealistic. I couldn't connect with any of the characters because their interactions just didn't feel authentic. While the concept had potential, the execution fell flat, making it a forgettable read for me.
- David - 1/5
I struggled to finish "Currze of the t9wer isax" and ultimately found it to be a waste of time. The plot was convoluted and confusing, with many unresolved plotlines and unclear character motivations. The author also seemed to rely heavily on clichés and predictable twists, making the story predictable and unoriginal. I was thoroughly disappointed and would not recommend this book to anyone.

A Glimpse into the Past: The Enigmatic Curse of Isax Tower

From Pride to Ruin: The Curse That Brought Down Isax Tower