The Impact of the 24k Magic Vocoder on Modern Pop Music

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The 24k Magic vocoder is a popular audio effect used in music production and live performances. It is named after the hit song "24k Magic" by Bruno Mars, which prominently features the vocoder effect. A vocoder is an electronic device or software plugin that combines the voice of a singer or performer with a synthesized sound source, creating a unique and robotic vocal effect. The 24k Magic vocoder is a specific setting or preset within a vocoder that aims to replicate the sound heard in the song "24k Magic." The vocoder effect works by analyzing the spectral content of the singer's voice and applying it to a carrier signal, usually a synthesizer or other instrument. This creates a blend of both the natural voice and the artificial sound, resulting in a distinct robotic tone.

Bruno Mars makes a grand entrance with "24k Magic," his funky return to music

Twinkly electro keys and a synthesized bassline make it a P-funk party.

By Danielle Cheesman / 10.07.2016

But broke his poker face shortly after:

He then shared the artwork for his upcoming album, also titled 24K Magic:

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But promised an even bigger gift, not just the track but its accompanying video:

After kicking off with a Vocoder-affected intro that recalls Roger & Zapp’s greatest tunes or even 2Pac’s “California Love,” some classic record-scratching segues “24K Magic” into its true identity: a P-funk party. Twinkly electro keys and a synthesized bassline drive the track that’s scattered with sirens, falsetto, and Mars’ most cocky lyrics:

“Wearing Cuban links / Designer minks / Inglewood’s finest shoes / Don’t look too hard / Might hurt ya’self / Known to give the color red the blues / Oh shit, I’m a dangerous man with some money in my pocket / So many pretty girls around me and they waking up the rocket / Why you mad? Fix ya face / Ain’t my fault y’all be jocking.”

And in the clip, Bruno and his crew have the time of their lives hitting Vegas via private jet to cruise down the Strip, dance on city sidewalks under bright lights, party with pretty girls, sip champagne, win big at the casino, wreak havoc in hotel hallways, and ride a jetski through the famous Fountains of Bellagio.

Naturally, the whole clip feels coated in gold.

’24K Magic’ is due November 18.

Why Bruno Mars’ ’24K Magic’ Is ‘Stranger Things’ in Single Form

Bruno Mars' new single "24K Magic" is probably going to be a smash hit, just a few months after another piece of superb nostalgia, 'Stranger Things,' dominated pop culture.

Jason Lipshutz

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Linked Gallery > Featured Image --> Bruno Mars Kai Z Feng

You’d heard Bruno Mars’ new single before “24K Magic” actually came out last night (Oct. 7). At least, you had digested every retro element of its production, and witnessed every drop of second-hand vocal braggadocio, before Bruno returned late on a Thursday to preview his first full-length in four years.



Bruno Mars

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The words “24K Magic” might not have been familiar, but everything gleaming inside of it — the glittery disco synths, the cheesed-up vocoder flourishes, the popped-collar call-and-responses — certainly was. That doesn’t make Mars’ grand return any less exciting, or “24K Magic” any less impressive: The reference points are just clearer now, more than they’ve ever been, and if a synthesis of some well-worn ideas can stand on its own, what’s to prevent the masses from pressing play?

Nothing, it turns out. “24K Magic” is probably going to be a smash hit, just a few months after another piece of superb nostalgia, Stranger Things, dominated pop culture. You know the familiar feeling you got when you first heard the Stranger Things theme music and watched those red letters slowly come together onscreen? Bruno Mars knows that feeling well, and has harnessed it into a killer groove.

Set in 1983 Indiana and telling the story of a group of kids uncovering a supernatural mystery, Stranger Things is not a remake of a past film or series, but a reboot of an era of sentimental sci-fi filmmaking that’s instantly recognizable and fiercely beloved all the same. Creators Matt and Ross Duffer have openly discussed the show as an homage to Steven Spielberg’s ’80s films, but fans of Poltergeist, The Goonies and Starman have also picked up on the nods in those films’ directions.

The plot travels down well-treaded paths, with action sequences and government nemeses and unlikely heroes; there are character archetypes presented and subsequently deconstructed, to draw us in and then keep us on edge. Stranger Things would seem schlocky if it relied too heavily on its pastiche of source material, but something this carefully designed and thoroughly entertaining never had a chance to fail.

Same goes for “24K Magic,” which corrals Grandmaster Flash, Zapp & Roger, Rick James and the whole of G-funk into three minutes and 46 seconds, while adding some modern ornaments (“Got to blame it on Jesus / Hashtag blessed!”) for good measure. Mars, who grew up impersonating Elvis Presley and started his career as a songwriter for other artists, has become a superstar thanks to a knack for channeling different pop eras through his warm, expressive persona. Yet only recently have his gestures to the past become so explicit that a new single can produce memories of several classics upon first listen.

On 2012’s Unorthodox Jukebox, “Locked Out of Heaven” harkened back to the Police, “Treasure” took cues from funk greats like Earth, Wind & Fire and Kool & The Gang, and “Moonshine” leans on the futuristic cruise of Bad-era MJ. There were clear-cut influences on each track, but they were hardly karaoke sessions. With “Uptown Funk!,” however, Mars moved towards the melting-pot approach, gathering the sounds of Prince, Chic, James Brown and The Gap Band and tossing in a few “hot damn!”’s on the way to his biggest hit to date. The homage was obvious enough that the members of the Gap Band got added to the songwriting credits after the release of “Uptown Funk!,” for the song’s similarities to their 1979 hit “Oops Upside Your Head.”

24K Magic

24k mAGIC Bruno Mars q = 108 Intro F‹7(„ˆˆ11) B¨‹7 b & b bb c V ™ V ? ? ? 5 F‹7(„ˆˆ11) V™ V ? ? ? B¨‹7 b & b bb ?

24K-Magic - Bruno Mars.pdf

24K Magic Transcribed by Andrew Rooney q = 107 Drum Set ° ™4 / ¢ ™4 Bruno Marz (Rubato Vocoder ad libs) ∑ ™™ ü †

24k Magic - Keyboard

24K Magic Keyboard Bruno Mars Arr. The Soul Establishment A B¨‹7 C‹7 D¨Œ„Š7 Slideglis E¨/B¨ q = 108 b 4 & b bb 4 ? ?

Digital Booklet - 24K Magic


Bruno Mars 24k Magic Notation

24K Magic From the album "24K Magic" by Bruno Mars (2016) - B. Mars - P. Lawerence - C. Brown ã 107 (free form intro)

Bruno Mars 24k Magic Bass Guitar

Bruno Mars - "24k Magic" (Full Bass Line) ? b b 4 œ ~~~ bb 4 ~~~ œ q = 107 A ~~~ ‰. ‰. ? bb b b œ ‰. 3 ~~~ 5 ~

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24K Magic Vocoder Intro

‰. r œ b œ œ œ b œ œ œ.

r b œ . œ ‰ . b œ œ œ œ- œ œ B b7

‰. r bœ œ œ œ . b œbœ œ œ C F m7

Bruno Mars Bassist: Jamareo Artis Transc: Pedro Zappa

r b œ . œ ‰ . b œ œ œ œ- œ œ

r b œ . œ ‰ . b œ œ œ œ- œ œ b œ œ ‰ . b œr œ œ b œ œ œ. -C F m7 B b7 Db

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This creates a blend of both the natural voice and the artificial sound, resulting in a distinct robotic tone. The 24k Magic vocoder setting is characterized by a tight and compressed vocoder sound with a crisp and clean quality. It is often used in contemporary pop and R&B music to add a modern and futuristic touch to vocals.

24k magic vocoder

To achieve the 24k Magic vocoder sound, producers and engineers may use a combination of hardware and software tools, including vocoder plugins, synthesizers, and digital audio workstations (DAWs). They adjust settings such as the carrier signal, EQ, and mix balance to customize the effect to their liking. In addition to its use in the song "24k Magic," the 24k Magic vocoder effect has gained popularity among musicians and producers looking to add a catchy and unique vocal texture to their music. It can be heard in various genres, from electronic and pop to hip-hop and funk. Overall, the 24k Magic vocoder is a versatile and widely used audio effect that adds a distinct and futuristic element to vocals. Its popularity can be attributed to its usage in the song of the same name, as well as its ability to create attention-grabbing and memorable vocal sounds..

Reviews for "The Art of Vocoder: How to Create Unique Vocal Effects with the 24k Magic Vocoder"

1. Sarah - 2/5 stars - I was really disappointed with "24k magic vocoder." The use of autotune and vocoder throughout the entire album felt lazy and unimaginative. It seemed like Bruno Mars was relying on technology to cover up his lack of vocal talent. I would have much preferred to hear his raw, natural voice without all the excessive manipulation.
2. John - 1/5 stars - I cannot understand the hype surrounding "24k magic vocoder." The vocoder effects were not only excessive, but they also drowned out Bruno Mars' actual singing. It felt like a gimmick to make up for weak vocal performances. I was expecting a lot more from Mars, but this album fell flat for me.
3. Emma - 2/5 stars - I'm a fan of Bruno Mars, but "24k magic vocoder" was a major letdown. The constant use of vocoder started to feel monotonous and repetitive after a few tracks. It seemed like Mars was trying too hard to fit into a specific sound, and it ended up sounding forced and inauthentic. I much prefer his earlier work where he showcased his true vocal abilities.
4. Mike - 2/5 stars - I found "24k magic vocoder" to be quite uninspiring. The heavy reliance on autotune and vocoder effects took away from the genuine emotion and connection I usually feel when listening to Bruno Mars' music. It felt like a departure from his usual style and seemed to cater more to mainstream trends than his own artistic vision. Overall, I was left feeling disappointed and wanting more substance from this album.

Exploring the Cultural Significance of the 24k Magic Vocoder

Unleashing the Potential of the 24k Magic Vocoder in Music Production