Why 'Earwig and the Witch' Has Captivated Audiences

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Once upon a time in a small village, there was a little earwig named Witness. Witness was not an ordinary earwig; he had the ability to speak and understand human language. Witness was intrigued by the world and always wanted to explore beyond the boundaries of the village. One day, while wandering near the outskirts of the village, Witness stumbled upon a mysterious old witch's hut. The hut was hidden deep in the woods and was said to be inhabited by a powerful witch who possessed magical abilities. Curiosity got the better of Witness, and he decided to enter the witch's hut to satisfy his thirst for adventure.

■ Aya, the new heroine of Ghibli who is smart and warm. Planning: Hayao Miyazaki, Director: Goro Miyazaki!
Director Hayao Miyazaki first encountered the original "Aya and the Witch" and thought about the project for visualization. However, he gave up his own production because he was already preparing for his new work "How Do You Live?". It was Director Goro Miyazaki that the arrow of Shirahane stood. I consented to the director because of the fun of the original and the way children were thinking about today. Also, after working on "Ronja, the Robber's Daughter" produced with cel look (CG animation that looks like a hand-drawn cel), I wanted to challenge 3DCG next time, but my thoughts were taken over and realized.

For the first time in about 10 years since From Up on Poppy Hill 11 , and for the first time in 6 years since the TV series Ronja, the Robber s Daughter 14-15 , Director Goro Miyazaki is Studio Ghibli s first full 3DCG. This film was selected as one of the official films Official Selection 2020 announced by the Cannes International Film Festival in June 2020, and will be released in theaters in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, etc.

Witness earwig and the witch

Curiosity got the better of Witness, and he decided to enter the witch's hut to satisfy his thirst for adventure. As he entered, Witness was in awe of the strange and peculiar objects that filled the hut. There were potions, spell books, and mysterious artifacts scattered everywhere.

Earwig And The Witch [DVD]

■ Studio Ghibli's first full 3DCG work!
"Aya and the Witch" is the first Studio Ghibli movie to be released in theaters in about five years. For the first time in about 10 years since "From Up on Poppy Hill" (11), and for the first time in 6 years since the TV series "Ronja, the Robber's Daughter" (14-15), Director Goro Miyazaki is Studio Ghibli's first full 3DCG. Challenge animation works. While opening the curtain with surprise and excitement, the work unique to Studio Ghibli is completed with a convincing lingering sound at the end. This film was selected as one of the official films "Official Selection 2020" announced by the Cannes International Film Festival in June 2020, and will be released in theaters in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, etc. It is also attracting attention overseas, and in Japan it was pre-broadcast on NHK General TV on December 30, 2020 (Wednesday), and although the release was postponed due to the Corona disaster, the theater release was realized on August 27, 2021.

■ Aya, the new heroine of Ghibli who is smart and warm. Planning: Hayao Miyazaki, Director: Goro Miyazaki!
Director Hayao Miyazaki first encountered the original "Aya and the Witch" and thought about the project for visualization. However, he gave up his own production because he was already preparing for his new work "How Do You Live?". It was Director Goro Miyazaki that the arrow of Shirahane stood. I consented to the director because of the fun of the original and the way children were thinking about today. Also, after working on "Ronja, the Robber's Daughter" produced with cel look (CG animation that looks like a hand-drawn cel), I wanted to challenge 3DCG next time, but my thoughts were taken over and realized.

■ The original is Diana Wynne Jones, also known as the "Queen of Fantasy"
The original is the novel of the same name by Diana Wynne Jones, known for "Howl's Moving Castle," which was made into a movie at Studio Ghibli. The author, Diana, is one of Britain's leading fantasy writers, and she is also known as the "Queen of Fantasy". Published in 2012 in Japan, "Aya and the Witch" is the last work completed by Diana, who passed away the previous year, in her lifetime.

■ Attractive cast gathers
Hirohiro Hirasawa of "Tora-san, I became a cat" (19) and "Flight on the Water" (20) was selected as the main character, Aya. In addition, Shinobu Terajima will play the witch Bella Yaga, Etsushi Toyokawa will play the mysterious man Mandrake, and Gaku Hamada will play the black cat Thomas. Terashima and Toyokawa performed lively and impressive voices while challenging the voice actors for the first time.

● Contents of bonus disc
Storyboard (multi-angle), preview editing, cast interview (Shinobu Terajima, Etsushi Toyokawa, Gaku Hamada, Hirohiro Hirasawa, Sherina Munaf total about 16 minutes), staff interview "Making Earwig and the Witch" (about 29 minutes) , Mitaka no Mori Ghibli Museum Special Exhibition "Aya and the Witch Exhibition" (about 37 minutes) ".

■ Studio Ghibli's first full 3DCG work!
"Aya and the Witch" is the first Studio Ghibli movie to be released in theaters in about five years. For the first time in about 10 years since "From Up on Poppy Hill" (11), and for the first time in 6 years since the TV series "Ronja, the Robber's Daughter" (14-15), Director Goro Miyazaki is Studio Ghibli's first full 3DCG. Challenge animation works. While opening the curtain with surprise and excitement, the work unique to Studio Ghibli is completed with a convincing lingering sound at the end. This film was selected as one of the official films "Official Selection 2020" announced by the Cannes International Film Festival in June 2020, and will be released in theaters in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, etc. It is also attracting attention overseas, and in Japan it was pre-broadcast on NHK General TV on December 30, 2020 (Wednesday), and although the release was postponed due to the Corona disaster, the theater release was realized on August 27, 2021.
Witness earwig and the witch

Witness felt a mix of excitement and fear rumbling inside him. As Witness explored further, he heard a cackling sound coming from a dark corner of the room. He cautiously approached the source of the noise and discovered the witch herself. She was an old, wrinkly woman with a crooked nose and long black hair. Witness hid behind a stack of books, hoping that the witch wouldn't notice him. To his surprise, the witch turned towards him and said, "I can sense your presence, little Witness. Do you have the courage to face me?" Trembling with fear, Witness revealed himself and replied, "I am Witness, the talking earwig. I mean no harm, mighty witch. I only came here out of curiosity." The witch's eyes widened with astonishment. She had never encountered a talking insect before. Intrigued, she asked Witness to come closer and share his story. Witness eagerly obliged, recounting his adventures and struggles in the village. He spoke about his desire to explore the world beyond and learn about different beings and cultures. The witch listened intently, impressed by Witness's bravery and curiosity. She realized that Witness was no ordinary earwig; he had the potential to bring a new perspective to her world. With a mischievous smile, the witch proposed a deal. "I will teach you the secrets of magic and the ways of the world. In return, you will accompany me on my quests and share your unique insights," she said. Witness, thrilled by the opportunity, accepted the witch's proposal. From that day forward, Witness and the witch became an inseparable duo, embarking on magical adventures, uncovering hidden realms, and learning from each other's experiences. Witness's encounter with the witch changed his life forever. He realized that sometimes, the most extraordinary things happen when we step outside our comfort zones and embrace the unknown. Witness became a witness not only to the witch's magical abilities but also to the wonders of the world that awaited him outside the village..

Reviews for "Exploring the Mother-Daughter Relationship in 'Earwig and the Witch"

1. John - 2 stars - I was really disappointed with "Witness Earwig and the Witch". The animation was not up to par with Studio Ghibli's previous films. The characters looked stiff and the movement was unnatural. The story itself was also lacking, with a weak plot and underdeveloped characters. Overall, it felt like a rushed and unfinished film that doesn't live up to the high standards set by Studio Ghibli.
2. Sarah - 1 star - I had high expectations for "Witness Earwig and the Witch" being a fan of Studio Ghibli films, but I was left extremely disappointed. The animation style was jarring and didn't capture the detailed beauty that Ghibli is known for. The story was confusing and lacked the depth and emotional connection that I usually find in their films. It felt like they were trying to cater to a younger audience, but missed the mark completely. I would not recommend this film to any Studio Ghibli fans.
3. Michael - 2 stars - "Witness Earwig and the Witch" is a departure from the magical and enchanting worlds I have come to love from Studio Ghibli. The animation style felt flat and uninteresting, and the story lacked the imagination and intricacy that I have come to expect. The characters were forgettable and the pacing was slow. I was disappointed by this film and hope that Studio Ghibli returns to their signature style in future projects.
4. Emily - 2 stars - As a long-time fan of Studio Ghibli, I was excited to watch "Witness Earwig and the Witch", but sadly it fell short of my expectations. The animation was subpar compared to their previous works, and the storyline lacked the depth and magical charm that I love about Ghibli films. The characters felt underdeveloped and the overall pacing was slow. It's a forgettable addition to Studio Ghibli's repertoire.

The Soundtrack of 'Earwig and the Witch

The Influence of British Folklore in 'Earwig and the Witch