Navigating the Spirit Realm: An Introduction to Roma Ne Cast Witchcraft

By admin

In the realm of witchcraft, the term "roma ne cast" holds a significant meaning. It refers to the act of casting spells or performing magical rituals. This practice is intertwined with various traditions and belief systems across different cultures. Witchcraft, often associated with the supernatural, involves the manipulation of energy and forces of nature to bring about desired outcomes. Spells are a common tool employed by witches to harness this energy and direct it towards a specific goal. Roma ne cast encompasses the entire process of spellcasting, from choosing the right ingredients and tools, to reciting incantations and performing rituals.

They will offer a performative answer to the question: If this oppressive past had never existed how would Roma communities have evolved?

We have examples of witches such as Mihaela Mincă and her daughters Casandra, Anda and Ana, that use the power of the Internet to send spells and digitally undo curses for their clients overseas. To those who think that we are not able to use the new technologies or those who think that we are cut off from science, we inform them that we have always been the ones who invented the crafts that made our life easier.

Witch roma ne cast

Roma ne cast encompasses the entire process of spellcasting, from choosing the right ingredients and tools, to reciting incantations and performing rituals. The ingredients used in spells vary greatly depending on the intention and tradition. Some common elements include herbs, candles, crystals, oils, and symbols.

Witch roma ne cast

by Mihaela Drăgan

This manifesto initially appeared in print issue 2 of CUTRA feminist magazine (november 2019) and on

The concept of Roma Futurism is developed by actress and playwright Mihaela Drăgan in 2018, during her residence at Para Site art center in Hong Kong. That is where she sets the tone for a new artistic movement - Roma Futurism. "Roma Futurism reclaims the figure of the Roma witch, so stereotyped in our collective imaginary, and witchcraft becomes our political response to the social inequalities and the injustices of the world we live in." (Mihaela Drăgan)

Roma Futurism @CEU Budapesta Roma Futurism @RCI Londra Roma Futurism @RCI Londra Roma Futurism @Veneția

(a spell that is said out loud during all phases of the moon and in every art favorable day)

Roma Futurism (1) is an artistic movement that creates the interaction between Roma culture and technology and witchcraft. It combines science fiction elements, the history of Roma people, fantasy, Roma subjectivity (2) , magical realism, creative technology with magical practices and healing rituals.

Roma Futurism intends on reevaluating the history of the Roma from a perspective that incorporates the healing of pain and transgenerational suffering genetically transferred to the Roma by their ancestors, victims of slavery and the Holocaust.

Roma Futurism is radical practice that creates performative healing rituals with the purpose of reaching the next level, the level in which we are able to imagine a future where we stop the historical cycle of oppression against us.

Roma Futurism examines the unsureness of the future for Roma in a racist Europe — unsureness which contains the constant pressure of reminding ourselves of unknown and unrecognized history.

The oppressive past and the present that perpetuates racism define a big part of our Roma identity but now it is the time to talk about the ultra-technologic future and the place of the Roma in it.

We feel limited as artists by the pain of the past and the unfavorable present which puts pressure on us to make art about the discrimination against the Roma.

In time I have found that very few gadje (3) are willing to understand the message of anti racist art. Art is not activism, and who thinks art can save us from racism is either naive or an impostor.

In Roma Futurism the history of oppression reaches an apocalyptic moment and a new era settles in, defined by techno-witchcraft (4) , The Romacen (5) .

Roma Futurism foretells the Era of the Romacene where the Roma witches control technology and own the future of humanity.

Foto: Volker Vornehm

Roma Futurism is an artistic approach that ironically addresses the need for ,,integrating the Roma in Europe,, and ,,align them to the the present.

To those who trap us in the ,,past century,, and see us as,,traditional,, or ,,primitive,, , we want to let them know that the future belongs to the Roma witches who have already started the war against racism and capitalism.

To those who think that we are not able to use the new technologies or those who think that we are cut off from science, we inform them that we have always been the ones who invented the crafts that made our life easier. We were blacksmiths, kettle makers and cobblers; we knew how to process gold and we called ourselves goldsmiths, we trained bears and we were bear leaders. We made spoons and pots that lasted for generations and no one quite knew how to make them like we did. But then IKEA and other big corporations came to make them, offering low quality imitations of our craft, stealing our craft and leaving our people jobless. This is the reason why witches will always despise capitalism.

We would have made a new Roma craft out of technology if the Gadjes hadn’t blocked our access, leaving us in precarity.

As we were the only ones who owned the secret to all crafts, in Roma Futurism it is only us who are able to use the technowitchcraft — the science through which we create advanced technology by the rules of witchcraft.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic — said Sir Arthur C. Clarke, scientist and science fiction writer— I have to cite him because if a Roma woman were to say the same thing, she wouldn’t be taken seriously. Our Roma witches whose magical practices are ridiculed and demonized and their work is dismissed are never taken into serious. But when white feminists identify themselves as witches from a position of privilege, making art about witchcraft, they do it without the voice of the real practitioners, putting them in an even more marginal position.

Roma futurism will not forget about the history of witch hunters and how the Church burned the witches alive. In Caliban and the Witch, Silvia Federici shows us how capitalism evolved from the oppression of the working class and the subjugation of women. The burnings of witches was intended to terrify women and make them accept a new patriarchal order in which their bodies, work, sexual and reproductive rights were now owned and controlled by the state and were therefore transformed into economic resources.

In Roma futurism, we are the witches born from the ashes of our burnt sisters.

The Roma witch represents a current figure in the Eastern Europe — a place where, even though there haven't been witch hunters, their demonization always existed.

We call on supernatural forces because this world has left us without any other protection. We are not afraid to use black magic, because it is the only shield we have in a society that encourages hatred against us. To those who criticise our "radical ways", which are nothing more than a common-sense response to the violence we live, we say you do not have the right to give us advice until you experience the same aggression we are subjected to!

The Roma witch represents a current figure in the Eastern Europe — a place where, even though there haven't been witch hunters, their demonization always existed.

The Roma witch is portrayed in a stereotypical way as a woman lacking an education, stuck in a past that is incompatible with a present dominated by science, someone who doesn’t know how to use technology and does not wish to understand technology.

The label "witch" is one of the main stigmatizing stereotypes of Roma women and it is Roma Futurisms mission to destigmatize Roma witches and vindicate their image.

Foto: Volker Vornehm

In contrast to the stereotypical vision, Roma futurism vindicates the figure of the Roma woman and proposes a new perspective in which witches are the symbol of a progressive, ultra-technological future.

We have examples of witches such as Mihaela Mincă and her daughters Casandra, Anda and Ana, that use the power of the Internet to send spells and digitally undo curses for their clients overseas. At the same time, they are not afraid to take control of Europe's political problems and perform rituals and curses against politicians that threaten our future. They are the guardians and protectors of our future, and Roma Futurism recognizes their power and knowledge.

Roma Futurism salutes and admires witches capacity to incorporate their magical practices in a radical anticapitalist and feminist perspective, as they demonstrated at the „Roma Futurism: The Age of the Witch” conference, that I co-organized in Bucharest at CINETic - International Center for Research and Education in Innovative Creative Technologies.

As the Super robot is the symbol of the Afrofuturism and the A.I represents Sinofuturism, in Roma Futurism, the Techno witch or Cyber witch is the main figure.

Roma Futurism creates characters like the Cyber witches, who fight against Roma oppression and also hold the super power to transcend time and to intervene in the oppressive past of their own Roma community with the goal to change it. They are placed in specific moments in the past with the purpose of creating alternative histories.

They will offer a performative answer to the question: If this oppressive past had never existed how would Roma communities have evolved?

Roma Futurism begins in the village of Macondo, the setting of Garcia Marquez’s magical realism novel, One hundred years of solitude where we find the Roma character, Melquiades and his caravan, who brings new inventions and progress in the village.

Roma Futurism creates a sequel to the production of scientific knowledge held by Melquiades and the thousands of other nomadic caravans, picturing an utopic future in which a group of Roma women who are alchemists and witches control technology and have the power to go back in time to change certain historical events, like slavery and the Holocaust.

In Roma Futurism, the Roma caravan works like a time machine which transports the future inventions and ,,sells,, progress to the society. It accelerates globally but it is alert to the dangers of speed: ecological damages or the economic exploitation of large corporations, whose use of communication, transport and information processing technologies has accelerated the climate crisis on the planet.

In Roma futurism, technology blends with magic and is used by Cyber Witches in order to create an egalitarian and democratic world.

Techno witchcraft is a modern form of witchcraft that applies the use of technology. It is a term under the umbrella of different practices and beliefs in witchcraft regarding technology. It focuses on the magical side of technology, considering that ultra-advanced technology can be invented and developed using witchcraft and alchemy. It may include the belief that technological items are inhabited by spirits.

One of the beliefs constitutes that even the internet itself is a strong and independent spirit.

Technology is reflected in the use of modern devices in magic rituals or the replacement of technology with traditional magic instruments — the use of a phone camera to purify someone of evil or destroy one’s health by sending computer viruses.

As we were the only ones who owned the secret to all crafts, in Roma Futurism it is only us who are able to use the technowitchcraft — the science through which we create advanced technology by the rules of witchcraft.
Witch roma ne cast

These items are carefully selected for their energetic properties and symbolic meanings. By combining these elements, witches aim to create a powerful and focused energy to manifest their intentions. Incantations, or spoken words, play a crucial role in spellcasting. The words used are believed to hold innate power and the ability to manifest the desired outcome. These incantations are often recited in a rhythmic or chant-like manner to enhance their efficacy. The words chosen are carefully crafted to align with the intention of the spell and the desired outcome. In addition to words, rituals and gestures are also vital components of spellcasting. These acts serve to focus the witch's intention and amplify the energy being directed. Rituals may involve the use of sacred circles, invocation of deities or spirits, and specific movements or gestures. These actions not only aid in the manifestation of the spell but also deepen the practitioner's connection to their magical practice. Witchcraft, and by extension roma ne cast, is a highly individual and personal practice. Each witch may have their own unique methods, tools, and traditions. However, they all share a belief in the power of energy manipulation and the ability to bring about change in the world through their magical workings. In conclusion, roma ne cast is the act of casting spells and performing magical rituals in witchcraft. It involves the careful selection of ingredients, the recitation of incantations, and the performance of rituals. With its roots in ancient traditions and belief systems, witchcraft is a deeply respected and diverse practice that continues to captivate and inspire practitioners today..

Reviews for "The Strength of Ancestors: Ancestral Magick in Roma Ne Cast Witchcraft"

1. Sarah - 2 out of 5 stars
I was really disappointed with "Witch roma ne cast". The story felt disjointed and lacked a clear direction. The characters were one-dimensional and their actions felt forced. The writing style was also very repetitive and became tiresome to read after a while. Overall, I found the book to be unengaging and lacking in substance.
2. Mark - 1 out of 5 stars
I can't even begin to express how much I disliked "Witch roma ne cast". The plot was incredibly predictable and the twists felt forced and contrived. The dialogue was cheesy and the characters were completely unrelatable. It was a struggle to finish this book and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
3. Emily - 2 out of 5 stars
"Witch roma ne cast" was a major disappointment for me. The writing style was confusing and hard to follow, making it difficult to immerse myself in the story. The pacing was also off, with some parts dragging on while others felt rushed. Additionally, the character development was lacking, leaving me feeling indifferent towards the protagonists. Overall, I found this book to be underwhelming and not worth the time.

Unraveling the Mysteries of Tarot: Insights from Witch Roma Ne Cast

Transcending Boundaries: Witch Roma Ne Cast and the Global Witchcraft Community