Ancient Depictions of the Wiccan Horned God in Art and Mythology

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The Wiccan horned god is a central figure in the religion and practice of Wicca. He represents the masculine energy and is often associated with fertility, the wilderness, and the cycles of life. The horned god is depicted with antlers or horns on his head, symbolizing his connection to nature and the animal kingdom. In Wiccan mythology, the horned god is often seen as a consort to the goddess, symbolizing the balance between male and female energies in the universe. He is celebrated during the sabbat of Beltane, which marks the beginning of summer and the vitality of the Earth. The horned god is often identified with ancient deities such as Pan, Cernunnos, or Herne the Hunter.

I am the dragon’s treasure in your breast –

Where Frazer saw modern folklore and folk customs as the echoes of forgotten agricultural rituals, authors such as Murray and other members of the Folklore Society saw an esoteric fertility cult, a secret tradition driven underground and suppressed by Christianity. He is a symbol not only of the giving of life, but the taking of life too, in what is seen as a great and eternal cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

Wiccan horned god

The horned god is often identified with ancient deities such as Pan, Cernunnos, or Herne the Hunter. These associations link him to nature, hunting, and the wild, emphasizing his role as a protector and provider. He is also seen as a guide and teacher, offering wisdom and strength to those who seek it.

The Horned God of the Witches (Paperback)

Explore the deep spiritual roots of the Horned God and discover rituals and activities designed to help you get closer to him.Throughout history, horned deities have been honored as gods of nature, sex, fertility, passion, sacrifice, death, and rebirth. The Horned God of the Witches reveals the origins and features of their most common guises--Pan, Cernunnos, Herne, Elen of the Ways, the Green Man, and even the Devil.

Whether you are interested in the Wiccan Horned God--a more contemporary composite of several deities--or in one of his many other forms, these rituals for meeting the powerful deity will help you achieve your magical goals. With hands-on techniques for divination, creating an altar, working magick, spiritual lovemaking, and receiving the gifts of the Witchfather, this book supports a transformative deepening of your relationship to the divine.

About the Author

Jason Mankey is a third-degree Gardnerian High Priest and helps run two Witchcraft covens in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, Ari. He is a popular speaker at Pagan and Witchcraft events across North America and Great Britain and has been recognized by his peers as an authority on the Horned God, Wiccan history, and occult influences in rock and roll. You can follow him on Instagram and Twitter @panmankey. Jason is the author of several books, including The Witch's Book of Spellcraft, The Horned God of the Witches, and Transformative Witchcraft.

  • Witchcraft (See Also Religion - Wicca)
  • Wicca (see also Body, Mind & Spirit - Witchcraft)
  • Comparative Religion
  • MP3 CD (June 8th, 2021): $39.99
  • Compact Disc (June 8th, 2021): $44.99
Wiccan horned god

The horned god is often invoked during rituals and ceremonies in Wiccan practice. He is revered for his ability to bring about transformation and growth, both in the natural world and in personal spiritual journeys. His energy is seen as dynamic and potent, symbolizing the power of life and creation. Wiccans may connect with the horned god through various rituals, spells, or meditation practices. By tapping into his energy, practitioners seek to align themselves with the cycles of nature and harness the strength and vitality of the horned god. Overall, the Wiccan horned god is a powerful and integral figure in the Wiccan religion and its celebration of nature, fertility, and the sacred masculine. His presence serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of honoring both the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves and the world around us..

Reviews for "The Horned God in Wiccan Esoteric Practices and Occultism"

- Sara - 1 star
I found the portrayal of the Wiccan horned god in this book to be offensive and inaccurate. The author seems to have misunderstood the concept and symbolism behind the horned god, and instead depicted him as a terrifying and evil figure. As a practicing Wiccan, I was disappointed by the lack of research and understanding put into this book. I would not recommend it to anyone looking for an accurate representation of the Wiccan faith.
- John - 2 stars
While the concept of exploring the Wiccan horned god in literature is intriguing, this book missed the mark for me. The writing felt disjointed and the storyline failed to captivate my interest. Additionally, I felt that the character development was lacking, leaving the readers with shallow and unrelatable protagonists. Overall, the book fell short of my expectations and I would not recommend it to others.
- Emily - 2.5 stars
Although I appreciate the effort to shed light on the Wiccan horned god, I found this book to be overly predictable and cliche. The plot was filled with tired tropes and lacked originality. The characters were one-dimensional and the dialogue felt forced. While it may be an enjoyable read for someone new to the genre, seasoned readers will be left wanting more depth and substance.

The Wiccan Horned God: A Guide to Working with His Energy

The Mythological Origins of the Wiccan Horned God