Linguistic Enchantment: Examining the Magic in the Language Series

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The magical language series is a collection of books that explore the fascinating world of languages and their unique characteristics. These books are filled with captivating stories, curious facts, and interesting examples, making them a delight for language enthusiasts of all ages. In these books, readers will embark on a magical journey through different languages, discovering the beauty and intricacies of each one. From the romance of French to the rhythm of Spanish, from the precision of German to the complexity of Mandarin, each language has its own special charm and allure. One of the main highlights of the magical language series is the exploration of the history and origins of various languages. Readers will learn about the ancient roots of languages, how they have evolved over time, and how they are interconnected with one another.

"A poignant transgenerational story of trauma and recovery in South Korea, Japan, and America." - Library Journal

Her mother writes letters, in Korean, over the years seeking forgiveness and love letters Eun Ji cannot fully understand until she finds them years later hidden in a box. He also is the author of nine books including the award-winning A Biographical Guide To The Great Jazz And Pop Singers , Sinatra The Song Is You , Stardust Melodies , Tony Bennett The Good Life , Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies , and Jazz Singing.

The magical language series

Readers will learn about the ancient roots of languages, how they have evolved over time, and how they are interconnected with one another. Another key aspect of these books is the focus on language peculiarities and unique features. For example, readers will discover the intricate grammatical system of Finnish, the tonal aspect of Thai, and the countless idioms and expressions that make up the English language.

The magical language series

Drawing by Karl Stevens for the New York Review of Books

The Magical Language of Others is a powerful and aching memoir, a tale of deep bonds to family, place, and language.

After living in America for over a decade, Eun Ji Koh’s parents return to South Korea for work, leaving fifteen-year-old Eun Ji and her brother behind in California. Overnight, Eun Ji finds herself abandoned and adrift in a world made strange by her mother’s absence. Her mother writes letters, in Korean, over the years seeking forgiveness and love―letters Eun Ji cannot fully understand until she finds them years later hidden in a box.

In this incandescent memoir, E. J. Koh fearlessly grapples with forgiveness, reconciliation, legacy, and intergenerational trauma. Join us for an in-depth conversation with E. J. Koh about her memoir, poetry, and translation.

“Koh’s book is a tremendous gift. We’re so fortunate to have this literary reckoning from a tremendously talented writer. The Magical Language of Others is a wonder.”
—The San Francisco Chronicle

“A haunting, gorgeous narrative…lushly told. Brilliant.”
—The Star Tribune

Due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), this program will be conducted virtually. This live session will be provided free of charge at the specified date and time. A limited number of viewing links will be provided to the people who sign up through the form below. Those unable to view the live session will have the opportunity to watch the recorded video or listen to the podcast soon after.

The Magical Language of Others with E.J. Koh

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 | 6 PM (EST)

The Korea Society
350 Madison Avenue, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10017


E. J. Koh is the author of the memoir The Magical Language of Others and the poetry collection A Lesser Love. She is the winner of the Pleiades Press Editors Prize, and her poems, translations, and stories have appeared in Boston Review, Los Angeles Review of Books, and World Literature Today, among others. She earned her MFA in Literary Translation and Creative Writing from Columbia University, and is completing the PhD program at the University of Washington in Seattle. She is a recipient of The MacDowell Colony and Kundiman fellowships.

About the Speaker:

Tamar Herman is a New York City-based journalist specializing in international music and media with a focus on the Asian pop culture market and its trends. In addition to her role as pop correspondent at Billboard, she has written for outlets including NBC News, Forbes, and Entertainment Weekly, and appears in the "K-Pop" episode of Vox's Explained docu series on Netflix. She serves as the managing editor of K-Pop blot KultScene and is a co-host of the Nice Jewish Fangirls podcast.

Will Friedwald writes about music and popular culture for The Wall Street Journal, Vanity Fair, Playboy magazine and other publications (and reviews current shows for Citiview). He also is the author of nine books including the award-winning A Biographical Guide To The Great Jazz And Pop Singers, Sinatra: The Song Is You, Stardust Melodies, Tony Bennett: The Good Life, Looney Tunes & Merrie Melodies, and Jazz Singing. He has written over 600 liner notes for compact discs, received ten Grammy nominations, and appears frequently on television and other documentaries. He is also a consultant and curator for Apple Music. current books : The Great Jazz And Pop Vocal Albums (Pantheon Books / Random House, November 2017), Sinatra: The Song Is You! - New Revised Edition (Chicago Review Press, May 2018) and Straighten Up and Fly Right: The Life and Music of Nat King Cole (Oxford University Press, May 2020).

I didn’t know anything about E.J. Koh before this, and this memoir was an interesting read, full of surprises I didn’t expect. There are some trigger warnings that would’ve been nice (CW: eating disorders are mentioned, as well as her grandmother essentially killed herself. There’s also details about her grandmother slitting her wrists and multiple different attempts at suicide. That I was not prepared for at all), but it thankfully didn't impact me too much.
The magical language series

Throughout the series, readers will also have the opportunity to learn some basic phrases and words in different languages. This not only adds a practical aspect to the books but also encourages readers to appreciate the diversity of languages and cultures. Moreover, the series pays special attention to the impact of languages on societies and individuals. It explores how language shapes our thoughts, influences our perceptions, and even affects our behavior. From the role of language in literature and art to its connection to our cultural identity, these books provide a thought-provoking exploration of the power of language. In conclusion, the magical language series is a captivating collection of books that brings the world of languages to life. It celebrates the diversity and richness of languages, while also highlighting the universal aspects that connect us all. So whether you are a language enthusiast, a traveler, or simply curious about the world around you, these books are a must-read. They will inspire you to embrace new languages, to appreciate different cultures, and to discover the magic that lies within each word..

Reviews for "The Secret Language: Exploring the Subtleties of the Magical Language Series"

- John - 1/5 stars - I have to say, I was extremely disappointed with "The magical language series". The characters were poorly developed and the plot was meandering and confusing. I couldn't connect with any of the protagonists and found myself constantly questioning their motivations. Overall, I found the whole series to be a complete waste of time and struggled to even finish it.
- Sarah - 2/5 stars - I had high hopes for "The magical language series" but it fell short of my expectations. The writing style was too simplistic and lacked depth. The world-building felt incomplete and the magic system wasn't well explained. I wanted to be intrigued and enchanted by the story, but instead, I was left feeling bored and unsatisfied. I don't think I will be picking up any more books from this series.
- Michael - 2/5 stars - I found "The magical language series" to be underwhelming. The pacing was inconsistent, with dull stretches followed by rushed and confusing action scenes. The dialogue was stilted and unnatural, making it difficult to become emotionally invested in the story. The potential for an interesting magical language was squandered with lackluster execution. Overall, I was disappointed and won't be recommending this series to others.
- Emily - 3/5 stars - While "The magical language series" had an intriguing premise, it failed to fully deliver. The world-building was interesting, but the plot lacked depth and cohesion. The characters felt one-dimensional and their development was inconsistent. Additionally, the writing style was overdescriptive at times, slowing down the pacing and making it difficult to stay engaged. It was an okay read, but I can't say I was captivated by it.

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