The Haunted History of the Shadow Curse

By admin

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled deep within a thick forest, there lived a young boy named Ethan. Ethan was an adventurous and curious child, always eager to unravel the mysteries that surrounded him. One day, while exploring the outskirts of the village, he stumbled upon an old, dusty book hidden beneath a pile of fallen leaves. Intrigued, he picked it up and began to read. The book was titled "The Curse of the Shadow," and it told the tale of a powerful wizard who had cast a dark spell upon the village centuries ago. According to the legend, anyone who dared to venture into the shadowy realm would be forever cursed, doomed to a lifetime of misfortune and despair.

Was intended to be a start of a film series, but it apparently fell through.
Shame. If the storyline was done properly then it would have been a decent franchise.

She then meets a religious knight whose prophetess just so happens to be the only person who can cure her so she follows him on his mission to stop a group of cultists from ressurecting a dark god. Despite clear budgetary limitations, the makeup is convincing, the costumes feel lived-in, the fight choreography and stunt work are rousing, some of the special effects are cool.

Story curse of the shadow

According to the legend, anyone who dared to venture into the shadowy realm would be forever cursed, doomed to a lifetime of misfortune and despair. As Ethan read further, he became consumed by the story and couldn't help but feel a deep desire to uncover the truth behind the curse. Driven by a sense of purpose, Ethan embarked on a journey to find the hidden entrance to the shadowy realm.

Story curse of the shadow

I enjoyed Crown of Bones, the first book in AK Wilder’s Amassia series, but I think Curse of Shadows (Amassia #2) is an even stronger story.

The author writes as both AK Wilder and Kim Falconer. Some readers here may be familiar with Kim Falconer from the Supernatural Underground, where we both post. So I’m signaling upfront that we are friends-in-writing and fellow bloggers, “for the record.”

What The Amassia Series Is All About

In Crown of Bones (Crown), Ash and her comrades traveled far from home and discovered that all life on their world of Amassia was threatened by the return of a binary star. Now, finding and learning how to use the crown of bones is vital in order to have any hope of survival, but because of its power, a large number of players are competing to find and control it. They include nation states and mages (called savants), but also the mysterious, ocean-dwelling Mar, with both magical and military forces being deployed to find and seize the crown.

The personal journeys of Ash and her savant companions are set against this backdrop of world-threatening events. Savants gain their power from raising “phantoms” that are usually animistic in form and reflect an aspect of the savant’s being, which is key to their power. Ash has been raised a non-savant and trained as a cleric, but at the end of Crown, readers learned that she is, in fact, a savant, with a very powerful phantom. One that has been deliberately suppressed by her guardian and mentor.

When the story resumes in Curse of Shadows (Curse), both Ash’s phantom and her memory of its rise have been magically suppressed for a second time. The cracks, though, are showing. Marcus, Ash’s childhood friend, also has struggles of his own. He has been disinherited and exiled, yet must continue to lead their company’s quest for the crown of bones. As if that’s not enough, Marcus struggles to manage his phantom, which is also extraordinarily powerful.

Similarly, the mysterious Kaylin, who saved and befriended Ash in Crown, is also striving to comprehend, and either fulfill or circumvent, orders that conflict with their friendship.

Although there are other characters in their company, as well as allies like the powerful, but also changeable, Mar called Salila, the storylines (or “arcs”) of Ash, Marcus, and Kaylin drive the Curse narrative.

The world of Amassia

What I Liked in Curse of Shadows

“Almost everything” is the short answer. Despite the problems they confront, returning to Ash, Marcus, and their company—both savants and phantoms—felt like re-encountering old friends. Although important in Crown, Kaylin has a larger part to play and more point-of-view time in this book, as does Salila. Both are interesting and engaging characters, but their larger roles also deepen the story and the reader’s understanding of the world.

The story, too, is a really fascinating one, with its interweaving of magical, ecological, and SF-nal elements, and Curse—unsurprisingly—enlarges on the foundations established in Crown. In doing so, the author expands the worldbuilding, which was an element I particularly liked. The ecology and landscapes are really different from Western European fantasy norms, and the societies and cultures reflect a similar diversity.

Where much of Crown was a pursuit, and accordingly raced along at breakneck speed, the pace of Curse reflects the company’s mission to build alliances as well as having to hunt out the crown’s component bones. I like the deepening of both world and characters that Curse’s storytelling focus allows.

What I Didn’t Like

Well, “nothing, really.” 😀 The only point I remain unsure of is why Ash’s guardian and mentor is so determined to suppress her phantom — which may be because I’ve missed a crucial detail, or because all is yet to be finally revealed in Book 3. Needless to say, when that happy day arrives I shall be eager to read on and find out more.


If you enjoyed Crown of Bones, or books such as Kate Elliott’s Cold Magic, Brent Weeks’ The Black Prism , or Leigh Bardugo’s Shadow and Bone, then Curse of Shadows may also be in your reading wheelhouse.

I read the hardcover edition, 403 pp, published by Entangled Teen in December 2022, which was a gift from Kim (the author.) My only regret is that I haven’t managed to read it and post here a whole lot sooner, because I feel the book merits the attention.

Helen, this is a wonderful review, and all the more meaningful to me because, friendship aside, I know you never say what you don’t mean. What I love the most is your sentiment that returning to the series is like reuniting with old friends. There is never a higher compliment in my mind. It means the story and its tellers have become ‘real’. I had to smile when you wondered WHY Ash’s phantom is/was suppressed. That’s one answer, at least, that’s coming soon in book #3 (2024 release). Soon being relative. Thank you again for featuring Curse of Shadows. I’m just delighted! 🙂 Kim

Hey Kim, it’s always a weighty responsibility writing a review for a friend’s book that is equally true to book, friend, and readers — fortunately, with CURSE, walking that line was not at all difficult. 😀 It’s not often a sequel feels even stronger than an already-enjoyable first installment, but CURSE raises that bar. So much to look forward to with Book 3, including lifting the veil on Brogal’s motivation — but no pressure! Take your time, because we all want #3 to rock. May the Muses be with you — & many hugs.:)

Thank you, my friend! I so appreciate your support. It’s a gift, having writers to commune with. Hugs back! 🙂

Thank you, my friend! I so appreciate your support. It’s a gift, having writers to commune with. Hugs back! 🙂
Story curse of the shadow

With the book as his only guide, he navigated through treacherous terrain and faced countless obstacles along the way. But his determination never wavered, and he pressed on, fueled by the hope of breaking the curse that had plagued his village for so long. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Ethan discovered the entrance to the shadowy realm. With each step he took into the darkness, he could feel the weight of the curse upon his shoulders, but he refused to be deterred. As he ventured deeper into the shadowy abyss, he discovered the source of the curse – an ancient relic hidden within a long-forgotten temple. Summoning every ounce of strength and courage, Ethan approached the relic and made a bold decision. He would take it upon himself to confront the curse head-on, knowing full well the risks that awaited him. As he touched the relic, a blinding light enveloped him, and he felt an immense surge of power coursing through his veins. In that moment, Ethan realized that the curse was not just a punishment but a test of character. He understood that the true power to lift the curse lay within himself, and it was up to him to break the cycle of misfortune and despair. With newfound confidence, Ethan returned to the village, armed with the knowledge and wisdom he had gained from his journey. He shared the story of the curse and explained that it had been broken, not by magic or external forces, but by his own courage and resilience. The villagers were in awe of his bravery and forever grateful for his selflessness. From that day forward, the village thrived, and Ethan became a hero in the eyes of his fellow villagers. The Curse of the Shadow had been banished, replaced by a newfound sense of hope and optimism. As time passed, the story of Ethan and the Curse of the Shadow spread far and wide, becoming a symbol of the power of the human spirit. It served as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, one's inner strength and determination can overcome any obstacle and bring about great change. Ethan's tale continues to inspire generations to this day, reminding us all of the importance of facing our fears, confronting our own inner shadows, and embracing the power within ourselves..

Reviews for "The Enigma of the Shadow Curse: Tales from around the World"

1. Sarah - 1/5 stars - I was really disappointed with "Story curse of the shadow". The plot was confusing and poorly executed, and the acting was subpar at best. The special effects were also lacking, making it hard to become fully immersed in the film. Overall, I would not recommend this movie to anyone looking for a thrilling or well-made film.
2. David - 2/5 stars - "Story curse of the shadow" had potential, but it fell short in several areas. The storyline was interesting, but it felt rushed and poorly developed. The acting was mediocre, and the dialogue felt forced. The lack of character development made it hard to connect with any of the characters, and the pacing was off. While there were a few exciting moments, overall, this film felt like a missed opportunity.
3. Emily - 2/5 stars - I had high hopes for "Story curse of the shadow", but unfortunately, it didn't live up to my expectations. The plot was convoluted and difficult to follow, and the twists and turns felt forced and predictable. The cinematography was average, with nothing visually stunning or memorable. I also found the dialogue to be cheesy and cliché at times, which took away from the overall experience. Overall, I found this movie to be forgettable and would not recommend it to others.
4. Michael - 1/5 stars - "Story curse of the shadow" was a complete disappointment. The plot was nonsensical, and the subpar acting didn't help matters. The special effects were laughably bad, and the fight scenes lacked any real excitement or choreography. The pacing was also all over the place, leaving me confused and uninterested in what was happening on screen. Save your time and skip this one.
5. Samantha - 2/5 stars - Despite having an interesting concept, "Story curse of the shadow" failed to deliver. The execution felt sloppy, with choppy editing and unclear storytelling. The dialogue was weak, and the performances left much to be desired. It had the potential to be a unique and thrilling film, but it ultimately fell flat. I wouldn't recommend it unless you're a die-hard fan of the genre.

The Shadow Curse: Exploring the Paranormal Phenomenon

Shadow Curse Unleashed: Tales of Fear and Dread