The Accused: A Closer Look at the Trials of the Salem Witches

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The Salem witch trials were a dark and fascinating part of American history. In the late 1600s, a series of hearings and prosecutions took place in colonial Massachusetts, resulting in the execution of 20 people and the imprisonment of many others. This tragic event continues to capture the imaginations of people around the world and has been the subject of various books, movies, and documentaries. One popular documentary on the Salem witch trials is the History Channel's "Salem Witch Trials." This documentary provides an in-depth exploration of the events leading up to the trials, the trials themselves, and their aftermath. Through a combination of expert interviews, historical reenactments, and archival footage, viewers gain insight into the hysteria, fear, and religious fervor that drove the accusations and subsequent legal proceedings.

TV Guide

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Salem witch trials history channel documentary

Includes appearances by historians Stephen Nissenbaum (historian, co-author of Salem Possessed), Richard Godbeer (historian, author of The Devil's Dominion), Barbara Dailey (historian), Richard Trask (Danvers Archival Center, author of The Devil Hath Been Raised), David Hall (historian, author of Worlds of Wonder, Days of Judgment), Brian Levack (historian, editor of The Witchcraft Sourcebook), Elaine Breslaw (historian, author of Tituba, Reluctant Witch of Salem) , Will LaMoy (Peabody Essex Museum), Arthur Miller (author of The Crucible) and Elie Wiesel (author of Night).

Includes appearances by Emerson Baker (Salem State University, author of A Storm of Witchcraft: The Salem Trials and the American Experience), Richard Trask (Danvers Archival Center, author of The Devil Hath Been Raised), Marilynne K. Roach (author of The Salem Witch Trials: A Day-by-Day Chronicle of a Community Under Siege, and Katherine Howe (novelist, author of The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane).

Symposium for the 325th Anniversary of the Salem Witchcraft Trials: Emerson Baker (Salem State University, author of A Storm of Witchcraft: The Salem Trials and the American Experience)

Symposium for the 325th Anniversary of the Salem Witchcraft Trials: Margo Burns (Associate Editor of Records of the Salem Wich-Hunt)

Includes appearances by Katherine Howe (novelist, author of The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane), Benjamin Ray (historian, author of Satan and Salem: The Witch-Hunt Crisis of 1692), Emerson Baker (historian, author of A Storm of Witchcraft: The Salem Trials and the American Experience), Rev. Judy Proctor (minister, First Church of Danvers), Margo Burns (historian, Associate Editor of Records of the Salem Wich-Hunt), and Elizabeth Peterson, Director of the Salem Witch House. Released in England by the BBC with the title Salem Witch Conspiracy.

Includes appearances by Richard Trask (Danvers Archival Center, author of The Devil Hath Been Raised), Marilynne K. Roach (author of The Salem Witch Trials: A Day-by-Day Chronicle of a Community Under Siege, and Katherine Howe (novelist, author of The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane).

Includes appearances by Troy Taylor (author of Without a Trace), Michael Newton (author of The Encyclopedia of Unsolved Crimes), and Rick Beyer (author of The Greatest Stories Never Told)

Includes appearances by Mary Beth Norton (historian, author of In the Devil's Snare), Stephen Nissenbaum & Paul Boyer (historians, co-authors of Salem Possessed), Bernard Rosenthal (historian, author of Salem Story), Richard Trask (Danvers Archival Center, author of The Devil Hath Been Raised), Elizabeth Reis (historian, author of Damned Women), and Marc Sageman (historian).

Includes appearances by David Goss (Beverly Historical Society), Ronald Hutton (historian), Jane Ward (Peabody Essex Museum), Carol Karlsen (historian, author of Devil in the Shape of a Woman) and Jane Kamensky (historian, author of Governing the Tongue).

Includes appearances by Carole Fontaine (Professor of Old Testament, Andover Newton Theological School), Brian P. Levack (Professor of History, University of Texas, Austin), Elizabeth Say (Associate Professor of Religious Studies, California State University, Northridge), Joseph Klaits (Director of the Institute for Peace, Washington, D.C.), Barbara Amadea MacGraw (Lecturer and Religious Scholar, University of Southern California), Richard Godbeer (Associate Professor of History, University of California, Riverside), Marie Guerriero (High Priestess, Temple of Nine Wells), Janet Farrar (author, The Witches' Way).

Includes appearances by Linnda Corporeal (behavioral psychologist), Alison D'Amario (Salem Witch Museum), Maurice Moss (fungal toxiocologist), James Sharpe (witchcraft historian), Pramod Sexena (pharmacologist), Alan Howkins (agricultural historian), Mary Matossian (author of Poisons of the Past), Annette Damm (Moesgaard Museum), Gordon Hillman (paleobotanist), Peter Houghton (plant pharmacologist), Isabelle Payan (ergot poisoning survivor), Marthe Espic (Pont St. Esprit witness)

Written, Produced and Directed by Dennis Azzarella; Historical Consultant: James P. Shenton.

Hosted by Walter Cronkite

The Crucible, starring Daniel Day-Lewis & Winona Ryder (DVD), 123 minutes (1996)
American Playhouse: Three Sovereigns for Sarah, starring Vanessa Redgrave, PBS (DVD), 180 minutes (1985)
Salem Witch Trials, starring Kirstie Alley & Shirley MacLaine (DVD), 180 minutes (uncut version: 240 minutes) (2003)

Return to 17th c. Index Page.
This page was last updated by Margo Burns, .

Hit the Library for This Salem Witch Trials Documentary

In Search of History: Salem Witch Trials, from the History Channel, provides an overview of concerns about witchcraft, the accused girls' actions, and the trials themselves.

Find it at your local library. Or if your local library (college or community college library) subscribes to the Films on Demand database, you may be able to watch it online with your library card.

Lesson Identifier: 4S

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Through a combination of expert interviews, historical reenactments, and archival footage, viewers gain insight into the hysteria, fear, and religious fervor that drove the accusations and subsequent legal proceedings. The documentary begins by examining the social, political, and religious climate of colonial Salem. It delves into the underlying tensions between different factions within the community and the broader context of the Puritan belief system.

Grade Level: (MS), (HS), (College)

  • We put these in parentheses because there is no specified age group for the activity.
  • However, we think it would be excellent for Middle School (MS), High School (HS), and College Students.
Salem witch trials history channel documentary

The film explains how the idea of witches and witchcraft was deeply ingrained in Puritan theology and held a powerful grip on the imaginations of the people. As the proceedings unfold, the documentary explores the accusers, the accused, and the methods used in determining guilt or innocence. Viewers are introduced to key figures such as Reverend Samuel Parris, whose household was at the center of the initial accusations, and key witnesses like Tituba, an enslaved woman who played a pivotal role in the trials. The reenactments allow viewers to visualize the courtroom drama, as well as the emotional turmoil experienced by those caught up in the frenzy. Through expert analysis and historical context, the documentary highlights how the trials were not just about witchcraft but also about social power dynamics, political tensions, and the erosion of trust within the community. Moreover, the documentary investigates the aftermath of the trials, including the lasting impact on the town of Salem and the broader American consciousness. It examines the efforts made to reconcile and remember the victims, as well as the many theories and explanations that seek to make sense of this dark chapter in American history. Overall, the "Salem Witch Trials" documentary on the History Channel presents a comprehensive and thought-provoking exploration of one of the most infamous events in American history. It sheds light on the social, religious, and psychological factors that contributed to the hysteria and provides an illuminating look into the lives of those affected. By examining the trials through a multi-dimensional lens, viewers can gain a deeper understanding of this complex and haunting period in American history..

Reviews for "Salem's Darkest Hour: A Gripping History Channel Special"

- John - 2/5 stars - I was really disappointed with this documentary. It barely scratched the surface of the Salem witch trials and didn't provide any real depth or analysis. The reenactments were poorly done and seemed more like amateur theater. I was hoping to learn more about the social and cultural factors that contributed to the hysteria, but it didn't go beyond the basic facts. Overall, this documentary felt like a missed opportunity to explore a fascinating and complex historical event.
- Sarah - 1/5 stars - I cannot believe how poorly researched and inaccurate this documentary was. It seemed like the filmmakers just wanted to sensationalize the Salem witch trials without really understanding the historical context. The narration was corny and the use of ominous music only added to the cheap and cheesy atmosphere. I was hoping for a thoughtful and insightful analysis, but instead, I got a shallow and unconvincing portrayal of this important part of American history.
- David - 2/5 stars - This documentary was a disappointment, to say the least. It spent too much time on reenactments and not enough on providing a comprehensive and objective account of the Salem witch trials. The narrative was disjointed and hard to follow, jumping from one aspect to another without proper explanation. Additionally, the overuse of dramatic and intense visuals made it feel like a fictional horror film rather than a serious historical documentary. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone looking for an in-depth exploration of the Salem witch trials.
- Emily - 2/5 stars - I was really looking forward to learning more about the Salem witch trials, but this documentary fell short of my expectations. The pacing was slow and the information provided was insufficient. It seemed more focused on entertainment value than educational content. I would have liked to see more interviews with experts or analysis from historians rather than relying heavily on reenactments. Overall, it felt like a missed opportunity to delve deeper into a captivating event in history.

Inside the Witch Hunt: A Documentary on the Salem Witch Trials

Salem's Witchcraft Epidemic: A Documentary on the Infamous Trials