Embracing Darkness: Naruto's Transformation with the Curse Mark

By admin

In the world of Naruto fanfiction, there are countless stories exploring different scenarios and interactions between the characters. One popular theme found in many fanfictions is Orochimaru giving Naruto the cursed mark, a plot point that adds a new layer of complexity to the already intricate story. The cursed mark, also known as the curse mark or the cursed seal, is a dark and powerful technique often associated with Orochimaru, one of the main antagonists in the Naruto series. The seal, in its basic form, is designed to enhance a person's abilities, granting them immense strength, speed, and chakra. However, it comes at a great cost. Those who possess the cursed mark become susceptible to Orochimaru's control and manipulation.

The bijuu sealed with Naruto was held in place by linking Naruto's internal chi energy with that of the bijuu. As Naruto grew older he was able to utilize that link to his benefit, tapping the power of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. Being a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, Naruto inherited incredible stamina and vitality, which is further augmented by the Nine-Tails. According to Kakashi, Naruto's normal chakra level is at least four times of his own.

Orochimaru would appear and tamper with the nine tailed seal naruto would use bansho ten in and propels himself with a shadow clone and punches orochimaru. And a few days passed and the chunin exams 2nd part began he would announce hinata vs neji hinata would activate byakugan and charge towards neji he would be alerted and use rotation.

Orochimsru gives naruto thw curse mark fanfictioh

Those who possess the cursed mark become susceptible to Orochimaru's control and manipulation. In this particular fanfiction scenario, Orochimaru decides to give Naruto the cursed mark for his own nefarious purposes. The exact reasons behind this decision can vary depending on the author's vision, but generally, Orochimaru sees potential in Naruto's raw talent and wishes to exploit it.

Orochimsru gives naruto thw curse mark fanfictioh

this is a fanfic me and my freind made

,In the academy Naruto and Sasuke fight but even with the rinnegan Naruto doesn't know how to use it and Sasuke would still win. Few years later naruto would gain a little control over his rinnegan but is still playing pranks.After iruka catches him they do the transformation test, naruto unexpectedly passed with the help of the rinnegan,iruka is proud of him.mizuki tells naruto about the scroll naruto reads the scroll and learns shadow clone jutsu.Naruto is found by iruka and mizuki but mizuki betrays iruka and tries to steal the scroll naruto stops him by using shadow clone jutsu naruto gets his ninja headband and is almost a ninja. Cell 7 (team 7) meet kakashi and do a challenge the next day.The challenge was cell 7 had to steal two bells from kakashi or else no lunch.With Naruto being as stubborn as he is he attacks kakashi but kakashi dodges but naruto uncontrollably uses the bansho ten’in against kakashi to pull him back and steals the bell.Naruto and the others enjoy lunch as kakashi congratulates cell 7 on passing.Cell 7 got there first mission, to retrieve a cat, naruto wanted harder missions and he got mad so 3rd hokage gave cell 7 a harder mission where the met tazuna.Cell 7 on there mission the would run into the demon brothers. but instead naruto sensed them and threw a kunai killing one. Kakashi would kill the other like in the anime. Naruto would then yell duck as zabuza's sword would come flying. Naruto would approach zabuza with confidence. Naruto would let kurama take control as kurama would use animal path. He would leave the animal path to deal with zabuza sensing haku. He’d ask sasuke to follow as then soon find haku. Haku would trap them in ice mirrors. But sense kurama has knowledge of the rinnegan he would use bansho ten’in pulling haku as kurama would put haku in mindscape.[genjutsu] he would then pass out from kurama's control as sasuke unlocks 1 tomoe sharingan.sasuke would then grab naruto and return with naruto awake, kakashi in water prison, and sakura in front of zabuza. Naruto would whisper to sasuke to throw a demon shuriken at zabuza. Sasuke would as naruto would vanish behind zabuza and throw shuriken. Zabuza would have no choice but to dodge and release kakashi. Sasuke would shoot a fireball at the sky so kakashi could form a chidori despite low chakra. Cell7 would walk to Tazuna's home where they meetInari and Tsunami. Inari would grow mad because more heroes have come to die like others. Naruto explains in a loud tone how they defeated them. They would return to their rooms to sleep and Naruto would sneak out the window to train. He would sit under a tree as kurama would take him into his mindscape. Naruto is in shock as he walks to kurama's cage.kurama would teach him how to use amenotejikara and how to sense chakra flow. Kakashi senses naruto chakra and approaches him. Kakashi tells him only about the chunin exams. The next day the left tazuna and arrived at the village kakashi takes them to the area of the chunin exams where they meet rock lee instead of sasuke losing he doesn't accept due to naruto telling. Since sasuke declined he decides to challenge naruto. Naruto accepts and notices he doesn't have chakra. The battle begins as naruto uses bansho ten’in punches rock lee making him give up. Akio would take them to the test room and naruto uses his rinnegan to sense chakra and cheat. He passed with the rest of cell 7 and they went to the forest of death. Cell 7 would enter and make a code then they would split up. A fake naruto would come and get the code wrong because naruto said he would forget purposely. Naruto would appear when the second orochimaru bites sasuke. Sasuke would lose control when the run into sound ninja breaking one of their arms. Sakura would cut her hair to defeat the other. Naruto would leave cell 7 to track orochimaru. Orochimaru would appear and tamper with the nine tailed seal naruto would use bansho ten’in and propels himself with a shadow clone and punches orochimaru. Orochimaru would retreat from already giving sasuke the mark. They reached Iruka and went to the arena. The first match was shino vs kankuro. Shino ended up winning. The next match was naruto vs kiba ‘fang over fang’ kiba says without a regret naruto says ‘bansho ten’in’ as he jumps slamming kiba. Naruto would then run underneath kiba using gale surge knocking kiba 5 feat giving naruto the win. Sasuke vs choji so you'll have time to train.kakashi would take sasuke to seal his curse mark for the exams. Kakashi introduces naruto to jiraiya jiraiya would push naruto off the cliff after teaching him how to summon naruto would summon him instantly forcing gamabunta to take him back up naruto would then ridegamabunta to find jiraiya.naruto would find jiraiya and jiraiya would take him back for the chunin exams. sasuke would dash toward choji. ‘HUMAN BOLDER’ sasuke would jump over hitting choji with a fireball going in with chidori ending the battle. Ino vs sakura. [In this fanfiction sakura has storm release]. ‘Ha ino pig thanks to naruto i've mastered my storm kekkei genkai’ sage art lighting fang sakura says stunning ino. Sage art demon dragon, smoke would appear as ino would be ko and sakura would be announced winner. The 3rd hokage announced that the rest of the chunin exams will be in a week. Naruto would head into training learning how to use wind sword[hikui tenkuu assaku] and uncontrollably using a weaker but effective and a smaller version amenomihasira. And a few days passed and the chunin exams 2nd part began he would announce hinata vs neji hinata would activate byakugan and charge towards neji he would be alerted and use rotation. And neji would win, announcing gaara v rock lee. Rock Lee would charge at gaara but gaara would block with his sand and use a counter attack against lee knocking him out and winning the fight. Then announcing tenten vs temari. Tenten would summon a few weapons but Temari would use her fan to launch the weapons back at tenten winning the fight. Moving on to the final stage of the chunin exams kurama would summon naruto to his mindscape to teach him Fūjinheki (the swift wind wall.the final stage would start as neji goes against naruto. Naruto would use the Banshō Ten'in then use a Amenomihashira(multiple rasengans) neji would lose temari and shikamaru was next shikamaru would use shadow Kagezukami no Jutsu(shadow clutch jutsu to grab temari's fan.temari being unarmed shikamaru would use the Kage Nui no Jutsu (shadow sewing) making temari forfeit. Next was gaara and sasuke gaara would attack but sasuke would dodge and go for a chidori. It hit knocking gaara out but the fight got interrupted .orochimaru kidnapped the 3rd hokage and summons the 1st and 2nd hokage the hokage fight 2v1 sarutobi summons enma hiruzen then performs the dead demon consuming seal while sasuke chased after gaara gaara transformed into half tailed beast form, as sasuke got folded sakura would appear behind gaara and throw kunai and gaara would react by trapping with piercing sand to a tree. naruto appeared as he used amenomihasira (multi rasengan)attacking gaara, gaara will block and attackback naruto would use his new move the swift wind wall then did a multiple rasengan [amenoihasira] then a multi shadow clone x 150 to distract gaara hitting with a thousand years of death but with a explosion kunai gaara would then make a full transformation and naruto would summon gamabunta gamabunta would state he cannot hold on to him so naruto transforms gamabunta to kurama naruto would feel this little bit of power so gets cocky and headbutts gaara knocking gaara out winning the fight

This is just what we have right now we hope we will be able to finish it but maybe not

Orochimsru gives naruto thw curse mark fanfictioh

He may see Naruto as a vessel worthy of containing his power, or he might be intrigued by the potential chaos and destruction Naruto could cause with the cursed mark. After receiving the cursed mark, Naruto's life takes a dark turn. As his body and mind undergo significant changes, he struggles to control the newfound power surging within him. The seal acts as a double-edged sword, allowing Naruto to tap into incredible strength while also pushing him towards the brink of madness. It becomes a constant battle for Naruto to resist Orochimaru's control and maintain his own identity. Naruto's friends and allies, such as Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke, are understandably concerned about the changes they see in him. They witness Naruto's increasing aggression and detachment from his former self, forcing them to confront their friend's transformation. With their support, they attempt to help Naruto overcome the cursed mark's influence and reclaim his true self. The cursed mark fanfiction often explores themes of power, identity, and the struggle between good and evil. It delves into the internal conflicts Naruto faces as he wrestles with the dark forces trying to consume him. The story can take several different directions, presenting various outcomes for Naruto's journey with the cursed mark. Ultimately, it becomes a test of his resolve and willpower to overcome the darkness within him. In conclusion, the fanfiction scenario of Orochimaru giving Naruto the cursed mark adds depth and complexity to the Naruto universe. It introduces a new layer of conflict and challenges for Naruto to overcome, testing his strength and character. Through this narrative, readers can explore the moral and emotional complexities of Naruto's journey as he fights against the curse mark's influence and strives to find redemption..

Reviews for "Eternal Battle: Naruto's Curse Mark vs. his Willpower"

1. John - 1/5 stars - This fanfiction was an absolute disaster. The plot made no sense and the writing was extremely poor. The characters were completely out of character and the author didn't even seem to have a basic understanding of their personalities. The curse mark storyline was completely butchered and ruined any potential the fanfiction may have had. Overall, this was a painful read and I would not recommend it to anyone.
2. Sarah - 2/5 stars - I had high hopes for this fanfiction considering the interesting concept of Orochimaru giving Naruto the curse mark. However, the execution fell flat. The grammar and spelling mistakes were distracting, and it made it difficult to follow the story. The pacing was also all over the place, with rushed scenes and confusing jumps in time. The character development was lacking, and the actions and decisions of the characters felt forced and unbelievable. Despite the potential, this fanfiction failed to deliver an enjoyable read.
3. Lisa - 1/5 stars - I regret wasting my time on this fanfiction. The author clearly had no idea what they were doing. The dialogue was cringeworthy and the writing style was annoying. The curse mark storyline was completely unnecessary and added nothing to the overall plot. The characters were poorly developed, with no depth or growth throughout the story. It felt like a lazy attempt at fanfiction, and I would not recommend it to anyone who is a fan of Naruto.

The Mark of Destiny: Naruto's Journey with Orochimaru's Curse Mark

A Forbidden Bond: Orochimaru and Naruto's Curse Mark Connection