orochimaru bite mark

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Once upon a time, in a land far away, there existed an immense flying witch with a broom. This witch was unlike any other; she had a broom so powerful that it allowed her to soar through the skies with ease. The mere sight of her broom struck fear into the hearts of those who saw it, for they knew that she possessed great power. The immense flying witch, known as Morgana, was feared and revered by all. Her broom was said to be enchanted by ancient magic, enabling her to control the winds and perform incredible feats of flight. She would whisk through the air, leaving a trail of awe and amazement in her wake.

When used with potions that create a variable number of doses, the amulet will only trigger if the input potion is less than 4 doses. These potions include stamina potion, forgotten brew, extended antifire, extended super antifire, anti-venom, and all of the divine potions. When used with 3-dose potions, the amulet will extend 60 doses into 61 doses, providing an average 1.66% increase in yield and take 33% longer to make. For 2 dose potions, the amulet will extend 40 doses into 41 doses, providing an average 2.5% increase in yield and take 100% longer to make. For single dose potions, the amulet will extend 20 doses into 21 doses, providing an average 5% increase in yield and take 300% longer to make. This takes much more time, but can be useful extending supplies when acquiring ingredients takes a significant amount of time (such as on Ironmen accounts, or maximising profit from crystal dust).

Potion Level Single dose One dose of 4 a GE Price Profit GE Price Profit Attack potion 3 1 199 1 199 Antipoison 5 62 138 55 145 Relicym s balm 8 285 85 393 193 Strength potion 12 32 168 42. While the amulet is equipped, there is a 5 chance that you will create a 4-dose potion rather than a 3-dose potion when brewing potions but with no extra experience , which consumes one charge.

Amylet of chemiatry

She would whisk through the air, leaving a trail of awe and amazement in her wake. Many stories were told about Morgana and her flying abilities. Some said that she could reach the highest peaks of mountains in an instant, while others claimed she could fly faster than the speed of light.

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Orochimaru bite mark

It was even said that she could travel between different dimensions using her broom. The immense flying witch was not only known for her flying prowess, but also for her powerful spells. She could cast spells that could turn people into frogs or brew potions that granted eternal youth. Her magic was so potent that even the greatest sorcerers in the land could not rival her. Despite her immense power, Morgana was not an evil witch. She used her abilities to protect the innocent and ensure the balance between good and evil. She would often swoop down from the skies to save villages from marauding monsters or grant wishes to those in need. People would gather in awe whenever Morgana would fly overhead. They would watch in wonder as she performed daring acrobatics in the air, defying gravity and defying expectations. Her broom would leave a trail of magic behind, sparkling and shimmering in the sunlight. The immense flying witch with a broom became a legend passed down through generations. Her name was spoken with reverence, and her exploits were celebrated in tales and songs. She became a symbol of hope and inspiration, reminding people that even the impossible could be made possible with a little bit of magic. So, if you ever find yourself gazing at the night sky and see a streak of light soaring through the darkness, know that it is the immense flying witch with a broom. She continues to watch over the world, spreading joy and wonder wherever she goes. And perhaps, if you make a wish and believe in magic, she may just grant it, riding on her enchanted broom through the heavens above..

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orochimaru bite mark

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