Maximizing Damage with Zap Witch Attacks in Town Hall 12

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The Zap Witch is a popular strategy used in Town Hall 12 (TH12) in the game Clash of Clans. It involves utilizing the Zap Spell and the Witch troop to create a powerful attack strategy. The Zap Spell is a lightning spell that deals damage to enemy buildings and troops. The Witch is a dark elixir troop that summons skeletons to attack enemy units. Combining these two elements, players can create a formidable attack strategy. In the Zap Witch strategy, players first use the Zap Spell to take out any powerful defenses or high hitpoint buildings.


How to Get ready to learn the zapwitch attack in a fully accurate and condensed guide we ll be going over how to read a base for this attack the steps from beginning to end the army compositions. Now going from beginning to end with this attack is simple; you re gonna start with your zap quake, this is requiring four lightning and one earthquake to remove a singular inferno tower, the trick is to use them around the inferno, where you re damaging the inferno and other structures maybe even possibly taking them out which can really give you some great and early value.

Zap witch th12

In the Zap Witch strategy, players first use the Zap Spell to take out any powerful defenses or high hitpoint buildings. This allows the Witch and her skeletons to move through the base more easily and without much resistance. Once the Zap Spell has cleared the way, players deploy their Witches alongside other supporting troops like Bowlers or Giants.

Zap witch th12








How to: Get ready to learn the zapwitch attack in a fully accurate and condensed guide we'll be going over how to read a base for this attack the steps from beginning to end the army compositions. Let's get into it! So reading a base for zap attack is incredibly easy, you always want to look at it is look for a base that has two to three multi-target infernos then you also want to look at where the town hall is placed, the third inferno and the eagle, typically they should be in around a line to where you can easily remove them with the heroes and the log launcher now keep in mind that because this is a spam attack you will be using your lightning to remove two of those infernos which will then leave you with the log launcher to easily move through, typically you want to go through the middle of the base since it makes it easier on your witches on the flanks if you are attacking from one side of the base then you might want to consider bringing in super wall breakers or regular wall breakers to open up compartments that weren't opened up by your log launcher so if you open the wall it gives more free reign for the witches and the skeletons to distract and deal quite a bit of damage to defenses outside of their range now zap witches can pretty much work on most base types and anti-2s and anti-3s are no exception so let's start with anti-3s. You always want to remove two infernos that are on opposite sides of each other this then gives you an easy access to go through a middle section of the base but just remember that you always want to try and remove the third inferno the eagle artillery and the town hall so try to get something within a line of the log launchers deployment. Now anti-2s are a little bit different but they are still extremely easy, you always want to bring in super wall breakers or regular wall breakers for these type of attacks since you will need to break open the corners as witches work incredibly well against open bases if you keep them on the outside. They're not really going to get much since you're going through the middle of the base and usually a lot of those key buildings like the inferno and the eagle and the town hall are all in the core, typically that is the best spot, the best part, about it is you can attack anywhere and you can still get roughly some good value. Now going from beginning to end with this attack is simple; you're gonna start with your zap quake, this is requiring four lightning and one earthquake to remove a singular inferno tower, the trick is to use them around the inferno, where you're damaging the inferno and other structures maybe even possibly taking them out which can really give you some great and early value. You're gonna be using a total of eight lightning and two earthquake normal now, there are some variations to this which can make your life so much easier if both infernos are in range of one earthquake keep in mind that you can use eight lightning spells still but you are now using one less earthquake spell which can allow you to free up an extra spell slot for a freeze or something else and of course one of the best ways and it's though, it's quite rare, is getting the ego artillery with two infernos, it gets a really good value, since all you would really need to do is use eight lightning and one earthquake to remove not only the eagle but the two inferno towers depending on how close they are you could pretty much bring less lightning spells otherwise you can get some insane value with the lightning next is pretty simple you want to send in your golems, ice golems or whatever tank you're using, alongside send your log launcher in so it can get damaged and also break open the wall then send in your witches followed by your heroes. It's a pretty simple way to send in your attack you want to make sure that your heroes are entering into the base and make sure that what you're able to do is create a little bit of a funnel an easy trick of doing this is using one of your tanks alongside three to four witches on the corners and then of course you still want to use your grand warren ability early, you want to save your log launcher from any damage from rogue defenses because if that thing pops early you get way less value and you really can't do much now really after this point there's not really much that goes on you should use your king and queen ability when they're needed so if they're getting low on hp you might want to do that, of course you got rage for your cc troops to move to the core and preferably removing the town hall. All of these are going to allow you to get a simple three stars at the end.

Zap witch th12

The Witches will summon their skeletons, who will distract and attack enemy defenses while the other troops deal damage. It is important to note that the Zap Witch strategy requires careful planning and timing. Players must select the right targets for their Zap Spell and deploy their troops strategically to maximize their effectiveness. Additionally, players need to be aware of the placement of their Witches. They should avoid placing them near splash damage defenses like Inferno Towers or Wizard Towers, as these can quickly eliminate the skeletons and disrupt the attack. Overall, the Zap Witch TH12 strategy can be highly effective when executed properly. It allows players to clear a path for their troops and overwhelm the enemy base with a horde of skeletons. However, it requires careful planning and skill to be successful..

Reviews for "Analyzing Zap Witch Attack Videos from Top Players"

1. John - 1/5 - I was really disappointed with "Zap witch th12". The graphics were outdated and the gameplay was repetitive and dull. I didn't find any excitement or challenge in this game. It felt like a waste of my time and money. I would not recommend it to anyone looking for a fun gaming experience.
2. Sarah - 2/5 - "Zap witch th12" had potential, but it fell short in many areas. The controls were clunky and unresponsive, making it frustrating to play. The levels lacked innovation and variety, making the game quickly become tedious. Additionally, the in-app purchases were excessive and pushed too aggressively, which made me lose interest in the game even more. Overall, I was not impressed with this game and would not play it again.
3. Michael - 2.5/5 - I found "Zap witch th12" to be a decent game, but it didn't live up to the hype for me. The initial levels were engaging, but as I progressed, the difficulty spiked dramatically and became unbalanced. It felt like the game was trying to force me to make in-app purchases to progress further. The game had potential, but the flaws in its design and monetization strategy left me feeling unsatisfied.
4. Emily - 1/5 - I regretted downloading "Zap witch th12" almost immediately. The game was filled with annoying ads and pop-ups that disrupted the gameplay. It felt like every action required a payment or an ad watch. The overall experience was frustrating and left me feeling like the game was solely focused on making money rather than entertaining its players. I would not recommend this game to anyone who values a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience.
5. David - 2/5 - "Zap witch th12" had an interesting concept, but the execution was lacking. The game was overly simplistic and lacked depth. The levels were too short, and there was not enough challenge to keep me engaged. The repetitive gameplay and lack of variety made it quickly lose its appeal. I was hoping for a more immersive and exciting experience, but unfortunately, this game fell short of my expectations.

Building and Upgrading Zap Witch Troops in Clash of Clans

Utilizing Spells with Zap Witch in TH12: Tips and Tricks