Spells and Rituals for Success during Witchu Full Moon

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Witchu Full Moon, also known as the Witch's Full Moon, is a term used within certain circles of paganism and witchcraft to refer to the full moon. In these traditions, the full moon is a powerful time for conducting rituals, spells, and workings. The term "Witchu" is a combination of the words "witch" and "chu," which may be derived from the word "church" or "circle." It is believed to represent the gathering or coming together of witches during the full moon to practice their craft. The full moon has long been associated with magic, mysticism, and the supernatural. It is believed to amplify the energy of rituals and spells, making it an ideal time for harnessing the moon's power.

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It is believed to amplify the energy of rituals and spells, making it an ideal time for harnessing the moon's power. Many witches and pagans believe that the full moon is a time of heightened psychic abilities, spiritual connection, and magickal potential. During the Witchu Full Moon, witches and pagans may gather in groups or practice alone to conduct rituals, spells, or other magickal workings.

Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Opening Song by YOASOBI Gets Music Video

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury premiered its first episode today, and the opening song “The Blessing” (“Shukufuku”) by YOASOBI has received a music video. The song is based on a short story “Cradle Star” by Ichiro Okouchi, which was also released today. “The Blessing” is directed and storyboarded by Nobutaka Yoda from 10GAUGE with Yutaro Kubota as the animation director. Sunrise and CALF were in charge of the production. Watch the music video:

Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Anime Opening Song by YOASOBI – Music Video

The main staff for the Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury anime consists of:

  • Studio: Sunrise
  • Director: Hiroshi Kobayashi
  • Series Composition & Script: Okouchi Ichiro
  • Original Concept: Hajime Yatate, Yoshiyuki Tomino
  • Original Character Design: Mogumo
  • Character Design: Tagashira Marie, Toida Juri, Takaya Hirotoshi

The cast for the anime includes Kana Ichinose as Suletta Mercury, Lynn as Miorine Rembran, Miyu Tomita as Chuatury Panlunch, Yume Miyamoto as Nika Nanaura, Yohei Azakami as Guel Jeturk, Natsuki Hanae as Elan Ceres, and Makoto Furukawa as Shaddiq Zenelli.

The anime is a standalone Gundam project, and there is a prologue episode 0 that tells the past of the protagonoist Suletta. Crunchyroll is streaming the anime (including episode 0), and they describe the story:
A.S. (Ad Stella) 122― An era when a multitude of corporations have entered space and built a huge economic system. A lone girl from the remote planet Mercury transfers to the Asticassia School of Technology, run by the Beneritt Group which dominates the mobile suit industry. Her name is Suletta Mercury. With a scarlet light burning in her pure heart, this girl walks step by step through a new world.

Source: Official Twitter & Website
© Sotsu / Sunrise / MBS

Suletta deeply loves her mother and relies on her to get through her greatest challenges. She often calls her to discuss her personal issues and ask for her guidance, viewing her as a "magician" that helps move her along [13] . However, she also pushes herself closer to her mother and away from others when her doubts escalate, and she is so reliant on her that she is willing to discard her own dreams and ideas, even if it means going against her closest friends [14] . She is also very closely connected with the Aerial, which she views as a close sibling [15] . She feels much calmer when piloting the Aerial, and she often talks directly to it while piloting and in her downtime [16] .
Witchu full moon

These practices may range from honoring the moon and nature to casting spells for specific intentions or desires. Some may also use this time for divination, meditation, or connecting with their spiritual guides and ancestors. Each full moon holds different energies and associations depending on the time of year and astrological influences. For example, the Wolf Moon in January is associated with protection and new beginnings, while the Harvest Moon in September is associated with abundance and gratitude. Witches and pagans often consider these factors when planning their rituals and workings during the Witchu Full Moon. In addition to the Witchu Full Moon, witches and pagans may also observe other moon phases, such as the new moon or waxing and waning phases, for different purposes and intentions. These lunar cycles are believed to have a profound effect on earthly and spiritual energies, influencing the practice of witchcraft and paganism. Overall, the Witchu Full Moon is a significant time for witches and pagans to connect with the moon's energy, engage in ritual practices, and work their magick. It is a time of spiritual growth, manifestation, and honoring the natural cycles of the moon and the earth..

Reviews for "Protecting Your Energetic Space during Witchu Full Moon"

1. Emily - 2 stars
I was really excited to watch "Witchu full moon" after hearing so many positive reviews, but I was left disappointed. The plot was confusing and hard to follow. The characters were one-dimensional and lacked depth. The dialogue felt forced and unnatural. Overall, I couldn't connect with the story or the characters, and it was a letdown.
2. David - 1 star
I can't understand why anyone would enjoy "Witchu full moon". The acting was terrible, with wooden performances and no emotion. The special effects were laughably bad - it was clear that they were low-budget and poorly executed. The story itself was cliché and unoriginal, with predictable plot twists. I found myself counting down the minutes until it was over.
3. Sarah - 2 stars
I had high hopes for "Witchu full moon", but unfortunately, it fell flat. The pacing was off, with boring scenes that dragged on for too long, and rushed moments that left me confused. The cinematography was uninspiring, and the lighting was often too dark to see what was happening. The music didn't fit the tone of the movie and felt out of place. It had potential, but overall, it was a disappointment.

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Manifesting Your Desires under the Witchu Full Moon

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